



  莫道红楼乃一梦,淀山建有大观园 。大观园

  占地面积1,300多亩,已建成的 大观楼 , 潇湘馆 、 怡红院 稻香村 等,或华丽、或朴拙、或清幽、或淡雅,处处体现了曹雪芹在《红楼梦》中所描绘的风韵和意境。

  走不多远,则见崇阁巍峨,层楼高起,四面琳宫合抱,迢迢复道萦行。青松指檐,玉兰绕砌;金辉兽面。彩焕螭头 。眼前的大观楼,恰是如此,这里是元妃省亲时族人朝觐之所,正殿主楼的东西两面,有含芳阁和缀锦阁,三座建筑以游廊相连,并与前庭的两庑相接。

  旁边,则是戏台,是元妃游幸时观戏的地方。整个建筑群飞光流彩,金碧辉煌。一派帝王邸宅的气势。大观楼东南,便是林黛玉居住的 潇湘馆 ,从月洞门入,沿曲折游廊,经六角亭,便可看见黛玉所挂的鹦鹉架,跨过溪水上的水桥,可来到 有风来仪 主厅。而薛宝钗的 蘅芜院 ,另是一番情致,院内不相干一株花儿,迎面太湖石玲珑好听娇,鱼儿在池中安逸地喷水。真可谓 蘅芜满净苑,萝藤助芬芳 了。

  大观园内的 怡红院 一组建筑。跨进镌有 怡红快绿 匾额的院门,只见深宅重院,富贵典雅。绎芸轩前,植着芭蕉和海棠。西屋为袭人、晴雯等丫头的住所,东屋则是贾宝玉的卧房,花嵌砖绿,雕床描金,堂皇中又有点脂粉气。中间过厅,东西两屋,以碧妙橱和博古架相隔。今天,这里不仅发秀美旖旎的景色令人陶醉,还将以鲜美的鱼虾蔬果奉献给游人。在淀山湖风景区东面的关王庙,已开辟了一个游泳场。岸边芦苇摇动,远处水天一色,不等下水已令人到浑身舒畅。


  "Youth is a dream of Red Mansion, built in the Haidian Hill herald." Wonderland Park covers 1, 300 mu of land has been completed, "Grand View Pavilion," "fear" and "Garden" "Daoxiang village", or beautiful, or Simplicity, or beautiful or elegant. Cao Xueqin everywhere embodied in the "Dream of Red Mansions" as depicted by the scene and mood. "... Do not go much farther, you will see the towering worship, stories, four Lambeth Palace encirclement Minute Road imbued with the West Bank. Ching Chung refers canopies, Magnolia around the block; Jinhui Face. Choi Hwan hornless dragon head. " Immediate Grand View Pavilion, and this is the case, here is when people visit one's parents Comments pilgrimage, which is the main hall of the main building of both the east and west. Fong Kok with a sergeant and Kam Court, three buildings linked by corridors, and the vestibule with a series of phase two. Next is the tempo is Comments You misfortune concept of local theater. Fly the entire complex optical flow Choi, resplendent. One imperial mansion finale. Grand View Pavilion southeast, Lin Daiyu living is the "fear" and on into the portal, along tortuous corridors, the six-corner pavilion. Glory can be seen as linked to the parrot-crossed the stream water on the bridge, to "wind instrument" Main Office. And Xue Baochai "Hengwu hospital," another was just fantastic, a hospital irrelevant flowers, the translucent face Taihustone fine-kiu, fish in the pool to ease water. Really be called a "Hengwu - Nunnery, Broten help fragrance." Wonderland Park, "sees" a set of construction.

  Engrave it into the "Green Yihong Express" sign of the house, I saw deep house re-center, rich and elegant. Sounds Yun Hsuan ago, planted with banana and Begonia. Westinghouse to the nostrils, and Qingwen other servant girl's home, East housing is Jia Baoyu's bedroom and spent the Green brick inlay, carved bed trace a design in gold. also somewhat glamorous powder gas. Office over the middle, two things estates to Pitt wonderful wardrobe and Bocoum planes separated. Here today, not only the beautiful landscape scenery intoxicated way, but also in the shrimp cooked vegetables for the sake of visitors. Dianshan Lake scenic area in the east of the guanwangmiao has opened a swimming pool. Reed rocking the shore, the distant sky, the water has been a range of the audience at ease.




  “……走不多远,则见崇阁巍峨,层楼高起,四面琳宫合抱,迢迢复道萦行。青松指檐,玉兰绕砌;金辉兽面。彩焕螭头”。眼前的大观楼,恰是如此,这里是元妃省亲时族人朝觐之所,正殿主楼的东西两 面,有含芳阁和缀锦阁,三座建筑以游廊相连,并与前庭的两庑相接。

  旁边,则是戏台,是元妃游幸时观戏的地方。整个建筑群飞光流 彩,金碧辉煌。一派帝王邸宅的气势。大观楼东南,便是林黛玉居住的“潇湘馆”,从月洞门入,沿曲折游廊,经六角亭,便可看见黛玉所挂的鹦鹉架,跨过溪水上的水桥,可来到“有风来仪”主厅。而薛宝钗的“蘅芜院”,另是一番情致,院内不相干一株花儿,迎面太湖石玲珑好听娇,鱼儿在池中安逸地喷水。真可谓“蘅芜满净苑,萝藤助芬芳”了。


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