Unit 6 Planning for the weekend 全单元教学设计(新城)(译林牛津版七年级英语教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-4-4 编辑:互联网 手机版

教学内容 Unit6 Planning for the weekend

教学目标 1.Pupils can read , write and dictate the new phrases: have a picnic , go on an outing , see a play , see a Beijing opera( show), give a puppet show , give a concert , take part in a/the singing contest , take part in the sports meeting , warm and sunny, have (no)school , talk about , at one thirty , in front of , by the way ,play the violin/piano, come with , a class outing , a class project , at the bus stop , a new zebra , from Africa

2.Pupils can grasp the sentences such as:

Is that Gao Shan? Yes, speaking.

Would you like to join us? Yes, I'd love to.

What are you going to do? We are going to ….

Shall we meet at one thirty in front of the garden ?

3. Pupils are interested in singing the English song. ‘Will you join me?’.

4. Pupils can talk about their plans on the phone in proper English

重点难点 1. Pupils can master the four skilled words and expressions mentioned above.

2.Drill the sentence patterns skillfully: Is that ……? Yes, speaking. Would you like to join us? Yes, I'd love to. What are you going to do? We are going to …. Shall we meet at one thirty in front of the garden?

3. Grammar: be going to do… /will (shall) do…

4. Pupils can talk about their plans fluently.

教学资源 《同步探究》

教学准备 单词卡片、录音机、磁带

课时安排 7课时

教 学 过 程

第 1 课时教学内容: Part B Look, read and learn

Part C Look and say

教学目标 1. Pupils can read, write and dictate the new words: have a picnic, go on an outing, see a play , see a Beijing opera (show), give a puppet show, take part in a singing contest , take part in a sports meeting .

2. Pupils get the general idea of the "be going to…"

3. Pupils can make sentences with ‘ What are you going to do this weekend? I am going to …

教师教学活动 学生学习活动

Step1 Free talk

What’s the weather like today?

What’s the weather like in spring/


What do people usually do in…?

What do you usually do on Saturdays?

What do you usually do Sundays?

What do you usually do at the weekends?

Step2 Look, read and learn

1. (导人) Spring is coming . It’s getting warm and warm. If it’s fine this Sunday. I’m going to Suzhou Amusement Garden with my son. How about you? What are you going to do this weekend if you’re free?

2. Ask the question to the students, get them to answer it according to real situations

What are you going to do this weekend?

I am going to…

3. Get the students to ask and answer in pairs freely



学生听教师的叙述,了解意思,知道教师在谈论自己本周末的计划。学生能感受到教师在说I’m going to…和What are you going to do…强调的语气。


What are you going to do this weekend?

I’m going to …

教师教学活动 学生学习活动

4. Check up oral wok:

What are you going to do this weekend?

I’m going to …

5. Show pictures, get the students to learn to say the new expressions

If we have enough free time, we can do a lot of things we like, such as have a picnic, go on an outing, see a play, etc. Let’s look at the pictures and learn to say the new expressions

Step3 Consolidation

1. Play the recorder, get the pupils to listen and repeat.

2. Get the students to read individually.

3. Write each new word and their Chinese meaning in the book

4. Supply two new phrases: give a concert, see a Beijing opera show 学生两两起来问答,be going to do 这个短语可能用得不顺。


学生认真看图,听老师朗读单词,模仿跟读:have a picnic, go on an outing, see a play, see a Beijing opera, take part in a singing contest, take part in a sports meeting



作业安排 1. 听音、朗读B Look, read and learn,spell the words correctly and dictate them.

2. Preview Part A.

板书设计 Unit6 Planning for the weekend

What are you going to do this weekend?

I am going to …

教 学 过 程

第 2课时教学内容: Part A、B、C

教学目标 1. Review the words in Part B and help pupils say the new

sentences about activities correctly.

2. Pupils can grasp the sentences such as:

What are you going to do? We are going to …

3. Pupils can understand and read the dialogue correctly

教师教学活动 学生学习活动

Step1 Free talk

What do you usually do at the weekends

? What are you going to do …? Are you going to …?

Will you … this weekend?

Step2 Revision

Show pictures get the students to look and speak out the new expressions

Step3 Look and say

Show pictures of Part C get the pupils to ask and answer in pairs

What are we going to do …?

We’re going to…

Step4 Listen, read and say

1. Make a call with some students to talk about their plans.

2. Get the students to call teacher and ask about Miss Tao’s plan.

3. Show the picture of Part A, get the pupils to talk about the picture.

4. Listen to the tape and understand the general idea of the dialogue.

5. Show the questions, get the students to read and answer

学生和教师围绕上一课的新句型进行口语交际。学生初步感知be going to 和will 都是表示“将要”的意思。


学生能看懂图意并用What are we going to do …?We’re going to…这个句型进行问答。在添加时间时,个别学生可能会遇到困难,教师给与适当提醒。



教师教学活动 学生学习活动

Q1: Who are they?

Q2: What day is it today?

Q3: What are they talking?

Q4: What are they going to do today?

Q5: Where are they going to meet?

Q6: What are they going to do tomorrow?

4. Learn to say the new words and expressions

5. Listen and learn to say the dialogue

6 Practice

1.)Ss fill in the blanks in Part A.

2.)T check the answers and Ss correct them.


have school , talk about , at one thirty , in front of , by the way , at the concert, play the violin, come with

New sentences:

Is that Gao Shan? Yes, speaking.

Would you like to join us? Yes, I'd love to. What are you going to do? We are going to ….

Shall we meet at one thirty in front of the garden ?

作业安排 1. 听音、朗读课文,模仿录音中的语音、语调。

2. 根据提供的中文在课文中找出相应的短语和句子。

3. 表演对话并改编对话。

板书设计 Unit 6 Planning for the weekend

Is that Gao Shan? Yes, speaking.

Would you like to join us? Yes, I'd love to.

What are you going to do? We are going to ….

Shall we meet …… in front of ……?

教 学 过 程

第 3 课时教学内容: Part A、D、F

教学目标 1. Review the words in Part A and help pupils make

new sentences with them correctly.

2. Practise the dialogue of Part A.

3. Listen and write about Part D

教师教学活动 学生学习活动

Step1 Free talk

As usual

Step2 Play a game

1.Show some pieces of paper, ask the children to choose one of them, then ask and answer

What are you going to do at …tomorrow…?

I’m going to …

2. Review the ways to say the time

Step3 Revision

1. Show pictures of Part A, get the pupils to look and say something about it.

2. Read the dialogue with the tape, divide it into two parts, then ask pupils to act it according to their ability.

3. Act the new dialogue with the class and invite some pairs to come to front to act it.

4. Review the main words and expressions






教师教学活动 学生学习活动

Step 4 Listen and write

1.Listen to the tape and get Ss to write down the missing words.

2.T check the answer.

3.Pay attention to the structures:

do sth with sb.

be going to do sth with sb


作业安排 1. 听音、跟读D部分,背诵D部分短文。

2. 默写本单元四会词句。

3. 完成《同步探究》第六单元A卷。

板书设计 Unit6 Planning for the weekend

What are you going to do at …tomorrow…?

I’m going to …

He is going to …with his friends

教 学 过 程

第 4 课时教学内容: Part A、E、G、H

教学目标 1. Review the dialogue in Part A, get the pupils to make similar dialogues and act .

2. Understand the dialogue in Part E, then number the pictures in this section.

3. Learn to say the pronunciation by ‘ow’ and sing a song.

教师教学活动 学生学习活动

Step1 Free talk

As usual

Step2 Revision

1. Make a dialogue with a top student and after that get the students to answer questions according to the short play.

Where’s Miss Tao? What is she going to do this weekend? Would S1 like to join her? Where and what time are they going to meet?

2. Show a picture of Part A, get the students to act the dialogue or their own dialogue

Step3 Read and number

Now David is telling his mum about his class outing. Read their conversation and number the pictures.

1. Get the students to read the conversation by themselves, meanwhile underline the new words or phrases they don’t understand.

2. Get the students to number the pictures

3. Check up the answers and get the students to learn to say the point words and expressions






教师教学活动 学生学习活动

1) a class outing

2) a class project

3) at the bus stop

4) monkeys and elephants

5) a new zebra

6) Africa- African

4. Get the pupils to learn to say the conversation and act it out.

Step 4 Listen and repeat

1. Get the students to read the words and sentence by themselves

2. Get the students to learn to say the vowel.

Step5 Sing a song

1. Ask the pupils to listen to the song

2. Ask the pupils to learn to sing it.





作业安排 4. 听音、跟读D部分,背诵D部分短文。

5. 默写本单元四会词句。

板书设计 Unit6 Planning for the weekend

a class outing monkey zebra

a class project elephant Africa - African

教 学 过 程

第 5课时教学内容: Revision

教学目标 1. 讲评《同步探究》第六单元错得多的题目。

2. 完成3号本综合练习。



六、根据要求写单词: fat的比较级, have的第三人称单数, them的主格, meat的同音字


八、选择填空第3、4、6 小题










( )1. plan plane Africa piano

( )2. sweater heavy theatre weather

( )3. part car farther warm

( )4. sports work word world

( )5. front concert love come

( )6. bowl window row down


1.参加 2. 顺便说说 3. 举行音乐会 4. 开运动会 5. 在音乐会上 6. 去野餐

7.没有课 8. 去年 9. 在星期三上午 10. 看京剧表演 11. 举行一场木偶表演

12. 在…前面 13.明天上午 14. 当然 15. their plans for the weekend

16. a zebra from Africa

教 学 过 程


1. It is fine day. Let’s go_____(row) in the park!

2. It’s often ____ (snow) and very cold in winter in Harbin.

3. This is the ____(good) film of this year.

4. Which is_____, the sun or the moon?(big)

5. September is the______ month of a year.(nine)

6. Tomorrow will be my ______ birthday.( twelve)

7. Tomorrow will be a ____ day. (sun)

8. He is good at ______ and he is a good ______ . (swim)

9. We’re free tomorrow. What about ______ shopping. (go)

10. I go to my grandparents’ home _____ a week. (one)

教 学 过 程

第 6课时教学内容: Test Unit 6

教学目标 学生进行第六单元测试

教 学 过 程

第 7课时教学内容: 讲评单元测试卷并订正