
发布时间:2016-8-18 编辑:互联网 手机版

Teaching aims:

1. Goals:

冨 Discuss jobs and career plans

冨 Talk about likes and dislikes, wishes and expectations

冨 Integrative language practice

冨 Write a personal statement

2. Special focus:

Improve reading skills and Enlarge vocabulary.

a. Direct Ss to read the 3 passages on the text book;

b. Guide Ss to learn to use the following words and expressions: barber, chef, adviser, receptionist, astronaut, adore, outstanding, assess, amateur, flexible, nevertheless, personnel, accommodation, qualification, arithmetic, punctual, tournament, draft, etc.

c. Improve the abilities of using language by integrative language practice.

Period 1 Reading

Football : A Good Career Choice? (P138-140)

Step 1. Warming up

Task 1. Enable the students to discuss the questions on p138.

Step 2. Scanning

Task 2. Get the students to comprehend the passage quickly and accurately, and meanwhile help them to form a good habit of reading.

Step 3. While-reading:

Read the passage carefully and then analyze the structure of the text.

Paras.1-3 : The success of David Beckham in the football career.

Para 4: The difference between football and other careers.

Para 5: The special qualities required by footballers.

Para6-7: The programs set up for young footballers in both China and the UK.

Para 8: Football dreams donˇt often come true like David.

Step 4. Post-reading

Finish all the Ex. On p140

Step 5. Further Reading

Task 3: Read the passage once again and try to answer the following questions:

冘 Whatˇs the writing techniques of this text?

冘 Whatˇs the main idea of the text?

冘 What should we learn from this text?

冘 Whatˇs the writing purpose of the writer?

Step 6. Homework

Finish all the exercises on Language Practice on p140-142.

Period 2. Integrating Reading Skills

Why Do You Think You Would Be Good At This Job?


Step 1. Revision

1. Check the Ss how further they understand about career and job plans.

2. Check the homework.

Step 2. Scan the passage and complete the related exercises.

Period 3. Integrating Reading and Writing Skills

3 Passages on p 267-269

Step 1. Warmming-up

冨 Do the oral pratice on p137, and enable the students to practise discussing career and job plans.

Step 2. Reading

Task 1: Read the 3 passages and finish the exercises. If possible, guide the students to analyze some long and complex sentences.

Step 3. Guided Writing

Give Ss 20 minutes to finish the writing assignment on p272,

Then ask Ss to score their work according to the following chart.

3 pluses & 1 wish

Name _______ Title _____________________ Date _______________

+ _________________________________________________________

+ _________________________________________________________

+ _________________________________________________________

? _________________________________________________________

Note: How to use this chart effectively?

Ask the student to read his/her deskmateˇs writing carefully, and then find 3 valuable things (structure, passage arrangement, sentence, diction, etc) and give 1 suggestion. And then feed the message back. Next, ask the Ss to correct their work according to the chart.

Period 4:

Step 1. Analyze some long sentences:

Deal with some language points and difficult points if necessary. If possible, guide the students to analyze some long and complex sentences. The following sentences in this unit are very important:

Davidˇs career took off almost immediately when he was part of the Manchester Unitedˇs Youth Team that won the FA Youth Cup in 1992, and he was chosen to play for the Red Devilsˇ senior team in the same year.

Many countries have to set up programmes to encourage and develop young footballers, and this is where the clubs go to assess athletes and find stars of the future.

From this point on the success of their career and how much they earn depends on their performance and how many matches their team wins.

You need to convince the readers that you understand what the company or organization does, and what the job or course will involve.

Then show that you have the ability to be successful by giving evidence of how your interests, qualifications or experience prove that you have the necessary skills.

Step 2: Testing your skills on P266-267

Step 3: Cloze Test on p271

Step 4: Translating on P 272