学习目标:1. To understand and retell Amy’s weight-loss experience;
2. To find different opinions about heath & beauty by reading the text carefully;
3. To discuss and show your own ideas about health and beauty.
技能训练:1. To practise reading skills by finding certain information and reading for gist;
2. To practise speaking skills by discussing and presenting opinions;
3. To practise communicating skills by cooperating in groups to finish the tasks;
4. To practise writing skills by summing up some ideas for the writing task.
重点难点:1. Retell Amy’s weight-loss experience after reading the text;
2. Present different opinions about heath and beauty;
3. Write to give advice on how to keep looking good and feeling good.
1. 识记课本单词表中与本课文相关的词汇和短语。
2. 理解本课中的阅读策略提示,即关注带有however和but的句子,其前后表达的意思和情感都是相反的。在读课文时把带有however或but的句子都标注出来,仔细理解和体会。
3. 通读P42---43课文,并独立完成文前A部分和文后C1、C2部分的练习。与小组内同学讨论交流,以核对练习答案的准确性。
4. 与班内或组内同学交流,积累一些和课文中提到的相似或相反的事例,并就“美与健康”这一话题思考得出自己的结论,组织语言,为课内的活动做准备。
Step 1. Warm up (热身)
Music or daily report or other regular tasks to warm up for English class.
Step 2. Revision (复习)
Homework checking. Or review what we’ve learned in last period.
Step 3. Presentation(导入)
Topics: 1. Do you want to look more attractive? What to do?
2. Are you worried about your weight or your figure?
3. Have you tried any weight-loss pills? Why or why not?
Here our text introduces a girl named Amy who has tried some weight-loss pills, let’s read and see what happened to her.
Step 4. Reading(阅读)
1. Reading for gist:
Read the text & find answers to the following questions as quickly as possible:
Why does Amy take the weight-loss pills?______________________________________
Does her mom agree with her? ______________________________________________
What does her mom say?__________________________________________________
Do the weight-loss pills help her to lose weight?_________________________________
Do the weight-loss pills get her in trouble? What happens?_________________________
Who has helped her a lot when she is in trouble? And how? _______________________
2. Reading for details:
Read again more carefully and fill in the blanks to finish the table below.
Amy’s weight-loss experience Reasons 1. ___________ is important to women, esp. in Canada.
2. She feels __________ of her body.
3. She is preparing to act ________________________.
Ways 1. She used to ___________ to ________ 3 times a week.
2. She has been taking ______________ and her goal is to lose at least _____ kg.
Results 1st mail 1. She has lost ____kg in the last ____ months.
2. She feels _____ and _____ sometimes.
2nd mail 1. The harmful __________ in the pills causes her ____ to fail. So she needs an operation to live.
2. luckily, a man is willing to __________________ to Amy to save her life.
Opinions towards weight-loss Mum’s 1. The pills are ____________ to Amy’s health.
2. Health is ________ .
Zhou Ling’s 1. Nothing is more important than ________ .
2. It’s often dangerous to take weight-loss pills or _______.
Amy’s (after operation) Mum is right. It’s not worth __________________ for a __________________ figure.
After you finish filling the blanks, discuss with your partners about the answers.
Step 5. Consolidation (巩固)
Suppose you’re Zhou Ling, can you tell us the story of your friend Amy’s weight-loss experience?
(If you feel the task challenging, use the form you’ve just finished to help you, or find useful sentences from the text to help you retell the story.)
Step 6. Extension (拓展)
Group discussion work: Which is more important, beauty or health? Why?
Give examples to support your idea and try to persuade others to agree with you.
Step 7. Assignment(作业)
Work in groups of four to make up a talk show and present it in next period of class.:
The characters(角色): Amy, Zhou Ling, Amy’s mom, George (host of the talk show). Topic: “Health and Beauty”.
You’ll have to mention:
1. Amy’s weight-loss experience
2. Different opinions on which is more important, health or beauty,
3. Give advice to the young girls how to keep beautiful as well as healthy.
1. 认真完成布置的表演任务,通过小组交流,把每个角色的台词斟酌商定好,背诵下来,以备下一节课上表演。
2. 将自己或组内同学关于如何对待减肥问题以及如何保持健康等相关的想法整理下来,在日记中尝试表述。