unit 7 A Christmas carol language points(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-6-19 编辑:互联网 手机版

I. 重点词汇

bacteria, standard, conscience , anyway, admit, abundant, warmth, occupy, constant, welfare, composer, novelist, firm, shadow, ambition, bond, indeed, selfish, choir

II. 重点短语

care for care about

leave alone want/have a day off

pick sb’s pocket leave sth/sb alone

do sb./sth good bring in profits

open one’s hearts in want of

afford to do be badly off

would rather close up

occupy sb/oneself with sth/doing far from

observe two minutes of silence turn …upside down

turn down have an eye for sth.

be content to do of late

on the contrary toast to sth/sb

III. Word study

1.conscience n.良心;是非感

have a good/clear conscience问心无愧

a bad /guilty conscience 感到内疚

examine one’s conscience扪心自问

be a matter of conscience事关良心

according to one’s conscience = in all conscience凭良心


I had a bad conscience about not telling him the truth.

A good conscience is a soft pillow.问心无愧,高枕无忧.

A guilty conscience is a self-accuser.做贼心虚.

2.admit (admitted) vt.承认;准许…进入; 容纳 admission n.


admit sb./sth into /to … 允许某人进入…

sb./sth. to be …承认…使。。。

sth/ doing 承认…

(to sb.) that -clause

The prisoner admitted having broken prison.

that he had broken prison.

Though admitted into/to a famous university, he couldn’t afford it.

3. abundant adj.大量的,充足的; 丰富的,富裕的

be abundant in = be rich in

abundant rainfall

Fish are abundant in the lake.

Iraq is abundant in oil.

4. occupy vt.占(空间/时间), 占用; 使忙碌,使全神贯注;占领,侵占;担任(职务)

occupy oneself with / (in) doing sth.

be occupied with/ (in) doing sth.

The table occupies a lot of space.

Is this seat occupied?

His lecture occupied two hours.

The newcomers are occupied in writing letters home.

the enemy-occupied areas

He occupies an important position in the government.

V. Practice

(A) Fill in the blanks with words.

1.I haven’t done anything wrong, so I’ve got a good conscience .

2.There are abundant supplies of firewood in the forest.

3. It was a small country house but it was large by urban standards.

4.The pretty girl left him because his ambition to become wealthy was the only thing he cared about.

5.The taxpayer promised to care for the welfare and the working conditions of his clerk with kindness , generosity and warmth.

6.With A Christmas Carol , Dickens wished to show how selfish, cold-hearted and mean people can be changed into caring , kind-hearted people with social conscience through moral persuasion.

7.The composer dreamed of his dead partner, who died that very eight years ago.

(B) Fill in the blanks with phrases.

1.When they got there, they found the people suffering the storm were in want of food and water supplies.

2.The film A World Without Thieves enjoyed a great success and brought in a large profit to the cinema.

3.A breath of fresh air often does our health a lot of good.

4.They don’t seem too badly off----they have smart clothes and a nice house.

5. Far from being kind, he was most cruel.

6. My father has an eye for a good horse.

7.I , on the contrary, envy you because you can work and choose your work.

8.I haven’t seen him of late, for he is engaged in unemployment surveys.

(C) Multiple choice.

1. _______ in a dark room, the little girl was so frightened that she cried her eyes out.

A. Leaving alone B. Left alone C. Being left alone D. To be left alone

2.---I’ll ask our physics teacher to explain Newton’s Second Law of Motion she taught us yesterday.

---That’s just _____ most of the students still have doubt.

A. where B. why C. how D. what

3. Because the shop____, all the T-shirts are sold at half price.

A. has closed up B. had closed up C. is closing down D. closed down

4. ---We didn’t find Dan attending the lecture.

---No one ____ him about _____ a lecture the following day.

A. told, there to be B. had told, there to be C. told, there was D. had told, there being

5. Everything in the universe undergoes _______ development and change .

A. constant B. continuous C. continual D. continued

6. ---What about going out this evening?

---Oh, I don’t know . I’ve got a bit of a headache. And ____ , John’s coming to see me, so I ought to stay in.

A. however B. anybody C. anyway D.though

7. Rose is _____ a translation of a French novel.

A. occupied with B. engaged with C. absorbed to D. busy in

8.---I’d like to go to the movie with you, Dad.

---Sorry, my son, but only the grown-ups are ____ into the cinema.

A. required B. intended C. supposed D. admitted