初二英语第十四单元Mainly revision

发布时间:2016-7-5 编辑:互联网 手机版




  A.单词 none, ticket, sir

  B.词组 come rourd (=come up)走过来,some more再来一些,in a minute一会儿/很快,pick up拾起,Better late than never亡羊补牢,犹未为晚。


  1.more, another和other


  ⑴We need some meat for lunch. 我们午饭需要一些肉。

  ⑵We need some more meat for lunch. 我们午饭还需要一些肉。

  句⑴隐含了“家里没有肉”之意。句⑵隐含了“家里原有些肉,但不够”之意。这里的some修饰more。除了some还可以用a litte, a few, much, many或a lot 来修饰,以表示不同的程度。例如:

  ①I’d like a litte more rice, I’m not full yet. 我还想吃点饭,我还没饱。

  ②We need a few more people to do the work. 我们还需要些人做这项工作。

  ③I have much/a lot of housework to do today. 今天我还有更多的家务要做。

  ④I hear many/a lot more people are coming to the meeting tomorrow. 我听说明天将有更多的人来参加会议。

  ⑴I have two things to do today. 我今天有两件事情要做。

  ⑵I have another two things to do today. 我今天还有两件事要做。


  another cup, another three cups, another few cups

  ⑴I have some flowers in my room. 我的房间里有一些花。

  ⑵I have some other flowers in my room. 我的房间里还有些别的花。


  2.How much的用法


  ①─How much is the chicken? ─Ten yuan a kilo.


  ②─How much are the apples? ─Four yuan a kilo.



  ①How much water is there in he bottle? 那个瓶里有多少水?

  ②How much bread do you want? 你想要多少面包?

  3.madam, Miss和Mrs

  madam意思是“小姐”、“夫人”、“女士”,一般单独使用,不与人的姓连用。而Miss和Mrs,则必须和人的姓连用,不能单独使用。我们可以说,Good morning, madam!(夫人,你好!)Good night, Miss/Mrs Song!(宋小姐/宋太太,晚安!)不可说Good morning, Miss/Mrs!或Good night, Madam Song!而称呼男士的sir与madam用法相同,Mr与Miss/Mrs用法相同。例如:Did you buy a ticket, please, sir? 先生,你买票了吗?Mr Green went to Shanghai last week. 格林先生上星期去上海了。



(  )⑴A. country

B. blouse

C. touch

D. young

(  )⑵A. heard

B. early

C. learn

D. pear

(  )⑶A. door

B. word

C. born

D. short

(  )⑷A. food

B. noon

C. room

D. cook

(  )⑸A. bicycle

B. class

C. cake

D. could

(  )⑹A. meant

B. head

C. bread

D. break

(  )⑺A. doctor

B. clock

C. move

D. not

(  )⑻A. waited

B. loved

C. studied

D. needed


  (  )(1)Tom ____ some food yesterday morning.

     A. buys  B. bought  C. buy  D. is buyying

  (  )(2)The Whites _____ to see a film every Sunday.

     A. go   B. is going  C. goes  D. went

  (  )(3)Can you _____ for me? It’s next to your desk.

     A. pick it up    B. pick up it

     C. pick them up   D. pick up them

  (  )(4)─_____ are these bananas? ─Fine yuan a kilo.

     A. How many  B. How many kilo

     C. How much  D. How

  (  )(5)Many children _____ on the playground on Fridays.

     A. play the basketball  B. play a basketball

     C. play basketball    D. play basketballs

  (  )(6)I have two cakes, but I need _____.

     A. one more  B. more one  C. a little more  D. more little

  (  )(7)What did you have _____ breakfast?

     A. to   B. of  C. with  D. for

  (  )(8)Is the hospital _____ your school?

     A. for  B. near to  C. next  D. far from

  (  )(9)The girl was _____ worried because she couldn’t find her mother.

     A. a few  B. a little  C. few  D. little

  (  )(10)The oranges are ______ dear.

     A. much too  B. too much  C. much  D. not much

  (  )(11)The eggs in this shop are ____ than those in that one.

     A. much more cheap   B. too cheaper

     C. much cheaper    D. more cheap

  (  )(12)_____ they saw some new buses in the street.

    A. On their way home   B. On their way school

    C. On their way to home  D. In their way to school

  (  )(13)I’d like coffee _____ some milk _____ it.

    A. in,in  B. with,with  C. in,with  D. with,in

  (  )(14)The old woman _____ the lift and went into the street.

    A. get into  B. got down  C. got out of  D. got up

  (  )(15)_____ Jack _____ his homework at home this morning?

    A. Does,do  B. Does,does  C. Did,do   D. Did,did

  (  )(16)─When were you born? ─I was born _____ Mary 8th 1987.

    A. at  B. in  C. on  D. for

  (  )(17)My father reached there _____ ago.

    A. half a hour  B. half an hour

    C. a half hour  D. an half hour

  (  )(18)Mary _____ her homework at all.

    A. didn’t  B. doesn’t  C. didn’t do  D. not do

  (  )(19)Keep the windows _____, please.

    A. closed  B. close  C. closing  D. to close

  (  )(20)Two of them are here. But where are _____ teachers?

    A. other  B. others  C. the other  D. another

  (  )(21)I’d like _____ to the shop with you.

    A. going  B. goes  C. go  D. to go

  (  )(22)“How long can I keep the bike?”“______.”

    A. In two weeks   B. Only two weeks

    C. Two weeks ago  D. Two weeks later

  (  )(23)Which do you like _____, music or art?

    A. best   B. well  C. better  D. most

  (  )(24)Of all the students in our class. Li Lei studies ______.

    A. hard   B. hardest  C. harder  D. much harder

  (  )(25)Why not _____ to SuZhou with your friend?

    A. to go  B. go  C. going  D. goes


  every day, yesterday, tomorrow, now, often

  ⑴Kate’s parents go to the park at 8:00 _______.

  ⑵They are sitting near the lake ______.

  ⑶Last week she was _____ late, but this week she isn’t.

  ⑷We are going to pick apples on the farm ______.

  ⑸John didn’t play football with us ______.


  ⑴That egg is big, but this egg is many bigger.(   )

     A B C D

  ⑵What was Li Hua do yesterday? (   )

   A B C D

  ⑶I like sports and enjoy to watch basketball games.(   )

   A B C D

  ⑷“How far is it?”“It’s seven kilometres far.”(   )

   A B C D

  ⑸We go back to school in Sunday evening.(   )

   A B C D

  ⑹This cake is the biggest in the three.(   )

  A B C D

  ⑺Was he go to work by bus yesterday?(   )

   A B C D

  ⑻They reached to the city at two.(   )

   A B C D  

  ⑼I think he can’t come so early.(   )

    A B C D

  ⑽“Will we play football this afternoon?”(   )

    A B C

   “That’s a good idea.”


  ⑾I’ve two sisters. One is a doctor, another is a teacher.(   )

   A B C D

  ⑿There’s a little milk in the bottle. I must go and get some.(   )

  A B C D

  ⒀Do we need buy any more fish? (   )

   A B C D

  ⒁Are you often late to school? (   )

   A     B     C D

  ⒂Good night, Jim. Come in and sit down. (   )

      A   B     C      D



  When winter comes, birds fly away. Most birds can not live where it is cold. They cannot find food when the ground is hard and covered with snow. They fly where it is warm.

  But animals cannot fly away. What do they do when winter comes?

  Many animals sleep all winter. They roll up in hollow logs, in holes in the ground, or in caves. Then they go to sleep. Animals who do not go to sleep grow heavy winter coats to keep them warm.

  Some animals change their color. The wild rabbit turns from summer brown to winter white, then hungry animals cannot see it in the snow.

  ⑴Birds fly south in the winter because ______.

   A.they want to find places to sleep.

   B.They can’t find food on the hard and snow-covered ground.

   C.They like to change their colors.

   D.They enjoy the cold weather better than the warm.

  ⑵If a log is hollow, ______.

   A.it can still be full of wood.

   B.It can’t be full of wood.

   C.It is a good place for wild rabbits to have their winter sleep.

   D.It has become a warm winter coat for many animals.

  ⑶Which of the following is true?

   A.Some animals grow heavy coats for winter.

   B.The rabbit turns brown in winter.

   C.In winter, birds cannot find good places for sleep.

   D.All animals sleep in holes in the ground.

  ⑷The story as a whole is about ______.

   A.flying south for winter

   B.how animals live in winter

   C.how rabbits change their color

   D.What bears eat in winter


  Stimson lived in a small town, but then he got a piece of work in a big city and went there with his wife and his two children.

  On the first Saturday in their new home, Stimson took his new car out of the garage(车库) and washed it when a man living next to him came by. When he saw Stimson’s new car, the man stopped and looked at it for a minute. Then Stimson turned and saw him.

  The man said, “That’s a nice car. Is it yours?”

  “Sometimes,” Stimson answered.

  The man was surprised(惊讶). “Sometimes?” he said. “Why do you say so?”

  “Well, “answered Stimson. “When there is a party in town, it is my daughter’s. when there is a football game somewhere, it is my son’s. When I have washed it, and it looks nice and clean, it is my wife’s. And when it needs petrol(汽油), it is mine.”

  ⑴Why did Stimson and his family go to live in a big city?

   A.Because they liked living in a big city.

   B.Because they could drive their new car in a big city.

   C.Because Stimson worked in a big city.

   D.Because Stionson could have a new car in a big city.

  ⑵A man saw Stimson ________.

   A.takig his new car out of the garage

   B.cleaning his new car

   C.looking at his new car

   D.washing something in the car

  ⑶How many people in his family can drive a car?

   A.one  B.two  C.three  D.four

  ⑷Which sentence is right?

   A.All the family like washing the car.

   B.No one cleans the car.

   C.No one helps Stimson wash the car.

   D.Stimson is good at washing the car.

  ⑸Stimson said, “It is mine sometimes.” It means _____.

   A.Stimson can use the car only some time every day.

   B.Stimson sometimes cleans the car.

   C.Stimson can drive the car some days in a week.

   D.Stimson can drive the car when other people in his family don’t need it.



  It is interesting to visit another country, but there are sometimes problems when we don’t know the 1 very well. It may be 2 to talk with the people there. We may to know how not use the telephone in the country we are visiting. We may not know how to buy the 3 we need. In a 4 country we might not know where to eat or what to order in a 5 .It is not easy to decide how 6 to tip(给小费) waiters or taxi drivers. When we need help, we might not know how to ask for help. It is not pleasant to have an experience(经历) 7 that. 8 a short time, however, we learn what to do and what to 9 .We learn to enjoy life in another country, and then we may be 10 to leave.

  ⑴A.people  B.country C.language   D.words

  ⑵A.easy   B.difficult C.happy  D.tired

  ⑶A.things  B.shopping C.something  D.anything

  ⑷A.strange  B.known C.native(本国的)  D.new

  ⑸A.school B.shop C.restaurant   D.hospital

  ⑹A.often B.many C.soon  D.much

  ⑺A.as B.for C.like  D.with

  ⑻A.Before B.After C.For  D.In

  ⑼A.speak B.talk C.tell  D.say

  ⑽A.sorry   B.glad C.worried D.interested


  Sam’s uncle has a small 1 . he has a lot of chickens there. He 2 eggs and chickens.

  Every Saturday and Sunday Sam goes to his uncle’s farm and 3 him. Sometimes they put the eggs in 4 and sell them. Then they buy food 5 the chickens. Sometimes they put the baby chickens 6 a basket and sell them. Sam likes the baby chickens very much. Sam’s uncle has some white ducks too. They play and 7 on a pond(池塘) 8 the farm. Every evening his uncle puts some food near the pond. The ducks eat their food and go 9 their box. They stay there at 10 .

  ⑴A.farm B.factory C.house D.school

  ⑵A.buys B.sells C.eats D.makes

  ⑶A.teachers B.takes C.sees D.helps

  ⑷A.homes B.houses C.rooms D.boxes

  ⑸A.of B.to C.for D.with

  ⑹A.into B.in C.on D.at

  ⑺A.swim B.sleep C.jump D.live

  ⑻A.from B.off C.of D.on

  ⑼A.for B.to C.in D.into

  ⑽A.evening B.night C.day D.home


  1.B D B D A D C B

  2.(1)─(5)B A A C C  (6)─(10)A D D B A  (11)─(15)C A D C C  (16)─(20)C B C A C  (21)─(25)D B C B B

  3.⑴every day; ⑵now; ⑶often; ⑷tomorrow; ⑸yesterday

  4.⑴C,much;⑵B,did;⑶C,watching;⑷D,away;⑸D,on;⑹D,of;⑺A,Did;⑻B,去掉to;⑼A,don’t think he can;⑽A,shall;⑾D,the other;⑿A,little;⒀B,to buy;⒁C,for;⒂A,evening

  5.(A)B B A B  (B)C B D C D

  6.(A)C B A A C D C B D A  (B)A B D D C B A D D B














































Where were you born?

章节 第十三单元

关键词 初二英语第十三单元





  四会:question, enjoy, move, because, quick, quickly, rest

  三会:page, mean, example

  B.词组 enjoy doing sth喜欢做某事,move to…搬(迁)到……,two years ago两年前,the day before yesterday前天,all day一整天,do sport运动,work hard努力学习/工作,less than少于,more than多于,last night昨天晚上,have a rest休息,for half an hour总计半小时,on one’s way home/to school在回家/上学的路上,keep busy保持忙碌,reach home到家


  ①-Why did you move there? 你们为什么搬到那儿去?

   -Because my father found new work. 因为我父亲找到了一份儿新工作。

  ②My father didn’t watch TV because he had a lot of work to do.


  ③-What time did she get up? 她几点钟起床?

   -She got up at six o’clock. 她六点钟起床。


  -When were you born? 你什么时候出生的?

  -I was born on February 18, 1987. 我出生于一九八七年二月十八日。

  4.语法 一般过去时


  ②标志词:yesterday, last…, …ago





  a. work-worked    直接加“ed”。

  b. use-used      以“e”结尾,只加“d”。

  c. stop-stopped    以一个元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节,双写最后一个字母,再加“ed”。

  d. carry-carried 以辅音字母加“y”结尾,把“y”改成“i”,再加“ed”。




  肯定式I watched TV last night.      He bought a book yesterday.

  否定式I didn’t watch TV last night.    He didn’t buy a book yesterday.

  一般疑问式Did you watch TV last night?  Did he buy a book yesterday?

  简略回答Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.     Yes, he did. No, he didn’t.

  特殊疑问句What did you do last night? When did you buy a book?

  注:过去式不受人称和数的影响。如“肯定式”。一般过去时的否定式和疑问式是由助动词“did, didn’t”加动词原形构成。如“否定式”和“疑问式”。


  1.be born出生


  ①-When were you born? -I was born on April 15th, 1987.

   你是什么时候出生的? 我于1987年4月15日出生。

  ②-Where were you born? -I was born in HangZhou.

   你出生在什么地方? 我出生在杭州。

  ③-When and where was Jack born? 杰克出生于何时何地?

   -He was born on January, 26th, 1988 in Canada.




  on Friday/Fridays在星期五/每逢星期五,on New Year’s Day在元旦,

  on Friday afternoon在星期五的下午,on December 20th, 1999在1999年12月20日,

  on a December morning在十二月的一个早上,

  on a cold day last week在上周一个寒冷的日子,

  on some warm winter days在冬天某些暖和的日子里,

  on a morning of August 18th在8月18日的一个早上


  in the morning/afternoon/evening在上午/下午/晚上

  in spring/summer/autumn/winter在春季/夏季/秋季/冬季

  in May/November在五月/十一月 in 1997/1999在1997年/在1999年

  注:in two hours/days/weeks/months/years表示两小时/两天/两星期/两个月/两年以后


  at five o’clock/ten twenty在五点/在十点二十分

  at night/noon/dawn在晚上/在中午/在黎明

  at breakfast/lunch/supper在早饭/午饭/晚饭的时候



  ①-Why did your family wove here? 为什么你们家搬到这儿来?

   -Because my father found work here and wanted to live in China.


  ②-Why were you so early this morning? 今天早晨你为什么来得这么早?

   -Because I had a lot of work to do. 因为我有许多事要做。


  ①I can’t go shopping with you because I am too busy.

  =I am too busy so I can’t so shopping with you.


  ②Jack didn’t come to school last week because he was ill.

  =Jack was ill last week so he didn’t come to school.



  4.reach, get to, arrive at/in的区别

  这三者的中文意思是一样的,即“到达(某处)”。所不同的是,reach是及物动词,后面可直接接表示地点的名词。get加上to,即get to才是到达的意思。arrive为不及物动词,要加上介词at/in才能接表示地点的名词。例如:

  ①-When did you reach/get to/arrive in HangZhou? 你是什么时候到杭州的?

   -I reached/got to/arrived in HangZhou yesterday evening. 我是昨天晚上到的杭州。

  ②When she reached/got to/arrived at the shop, she found the shop was closed.


  注1)arrive in后一般接表示大地点的名词,见例①;arrive at后一般接表示小地点的名词,如例②。


  Some oranges are hard to reach. 有些桔子很难够到。

  The girl was short so she couldn’t reach for the cup on the table.



  enjoy表示“喜欢”、“喜爱”,相当于动词like或love。其后可以接名词或动词-ing形 式。


  ①Do you enjoy your work? 你喜欢你的工作吗?

  ②They enjoy Chinese food very much. 他们非常喜欢中国食品。

  ③I enjoy listening to music very much. 我非常喜欢听音乐。

  ④Does he enjoy living in this city? 他喜欢生活在这座城市吗?

  注1)enjoy后面的动词须用-ing形式,不能用不定式。类似这样的动词还有finish。我们说enjoy/finish reading。而不能说enjoy/finish to read。

  注2)enjoy oneself = have a good time.意思是“玩得愉快”。例如:

  ①Did you enjoy yourself at the party last night? 昨天晚上你在晚会上玩得愉快吗?

  ②They enjoyed themselves very much in the park last Sunday.




  r,wr都发[ r ],例如:road, ride, write, wrong;

  w,wh都发[ w ],例如:wall, would, what, white; wh也可发[ h ],如:who

  qu发[ kw ],例如:quarter, question; tw发[ tw ],例如:twelve, twin



  ①(  )white    A. well    B. who C. write D. whose

  ②(  )needed   A. cleaned   B. walked C. lived D. started

  ③(  )finished  A. moved B. answered C. worked D. called

  ④(  )born    A. was B. bought C. got D. sorry

  ⑤(  )rest    A. vegetable B. me C. egg D. before


  MeiMei   (get) up at six yesterday morning, and   (wash) her hands and face quickly. Then she   (have) breakfast. She   (go) to school on foot and   (get) to school early. She   (work) hard all day. She   (play) pingpong after school, and then   (walk) home.

  On her way home she  (buy) a story-book. When she  (reach) home, she

(have) a short rest. After that she  (help) her parents cook the supper, and   (clean) the house.

  She   (do) her homework after supper and   (finish) it at eight. Then she

  (watch) TV for about an hour. She   (go) to bed before ten o’clock.


  (1)(  )-May I use your pen? -    .

    A. Yes, you may   B. No, you way not   C. Certainly   D. Thank you

  (2)(  )-    you busy last week? -Yes, I   .

    A. Were…were   B. Were…was   C. Was…were   D. Did…did

  (3)(  )Some of us go home   bike, and some of us walk home.

    A. on…on   B. by…to   C. in…to   D. by…/

  (4)(  )What   the day before yesterday?

    A. did he   B. did he do   C. does he do   D. does he

  (5)(  )Did your uncle   to the park early this morning?

    A. goes   B. going   C. go   D. went

  (6)(  )Mr Chen mended his bike   two hours last Sunday.

    A. in   B. on   C. with   D. for

  (7)(  )Anna’s uncle moved   HangZhou September, 1992.

    A. in…in   B. to…on   C. to…in   D. in…on

  (8)(  )Is he enjoying   the book?

    A. to read   B. read   C. reading   D. reads

  (9)(  )She finished   lunch at eleven today.

    A. cooking   B. to cook   C. cooked   D. cook

  (10)(  )When I   home, my mother not in.

    A. came, was   B. come, was   C. came, is   D. come, is

  (11)(  )-How long did you do your homework last right?

        -   one hour, about fifty minutes.

    A. Just   B. Over   C. Less than   D. More than

  (12)(  )-Why didn’t you come to school yesterday?

        -   I broke my leg.

    A. So   B. And   C. But   D. Because

  (13)(  )─Where   the broom? ─Behind the door.

    A. are you finding   B. do you find   C. were you find   D. did you find

  (14)(  )-I hope you are well again soon. -   .

    A. OK   B. Sure   C. All right   D. Thanks

  (15)(  )She   here half a year ago.

    A. is   B. were   C. got   D. went


  how long, how often, when, why, where, how

  ①-   did you come here? -A few minutes ago.

  ②-   did he wait for me? -About half an hour.

  ③-   weren’t you at school this morning? -I was ill.

  ④-   did you meet him? -In the park.

  ⑤-   are they going there? -By sea.

  ⑥-   were you late for class last term? -Never.


  Mrs Read was seventy, and she had a broken car. She always drove to the shops on Sundays and bought her food.

  She didn’t drive fast because she was old, but she drove very carefully and never hit anything. Sometimes her sons said to her. “Please don’t drive your car, Mother. We can take you to the shops.”

  But she always said, “No, I like driving. I began to drive fifty years ago, and I’m not going to stop now.”

  Last Sunday, she stopped her car at some traffic lights (交通灯), because they were red. When it turned green again, she couldn’t start her car.

  “What shall I do now?” she said. Just then a policeman came and said to her kindly.” Good morning. Don’t you like any of the colours today?”


  ①Mrs Read always drove to the shops and bought her food.

  ②She didn’t drive fast because her car was broken.

  ③Her sons told her not to drive her car.

  ④Mrs Read began to drive when she was twenty.

  ⑤Mrs Read stopped her car at some traffic lights because she wanted to enjoy the colours of the lights.


  LiLei:Hello, Jim! Nice to meet you. 1

  Jim:Fine, thank you. And you?

  LiLei:I’m fine, too. Can I ask you some questions?


  LiLei: 2 .

  Jim:On February 18, 1981.

  LiLei: 3 .

  Jim:I was born in New York, the U.S.A.

  LiLei: 4 .

  Jim:For about twelve years. Then we moved to Canada.

  LiLei: 5 .

  Jim:Because we want to find a job there.

  LiLei:Nice talking to you. Good-bye.


  A. Where were you born?    B. Why did you move there?   C. How are you?

  D. When were you born?     E. How long did you live there?


  1.A  D  C  B  C

  2.got, washed, had, went, got, worked, played, walked, bought, reached, had, helped, cleaned, did, finished, watched, went

  3.(1)-(5) C B D B C  (6)-(10) D C C A A  (11)-(15) C D D D C

  4.①When  ②How long  ③Why  ④Where  ⑤How  ⑥How often

  5.√ × √ √ ×

  6.C  D  A  E  B