台州市交流教案Unit 2(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-11-1 编辑:互联网 手机版

Contents 目录 一、单元教学目标和要求(Teaching aims and demands)

二、教材内容分析(Analysis of the teaching materials)

三、教学安排(Teaching arrangements)

四、单元预习任务(Pre-unit Activities: Preview Task)

五、教学步骤(Teaching procedures)

六、背景参考资料(Background knowledge)

七、评价与反思(Assessment and reflection)

临海市回浦中学 王丽华 马光彩 吴超玲 李珊珊 余晶晶 蒋会华

一、 教学目标和要求(Teaching aims and demands)


1. 语言知识 (Knowledge)


能理解、内化、运用以下生词-- media, reliable, editor-----edit---- editorial, headline, inform, informed, relate, relate(…) to, talent, talented, switch, interviewer, interviewee, present(vt. / adj.), reflect, truthfully, effort, passion, spiritual, fulfillment, seldom, AIDS, addict, social, ignore, attention, tolerate,fire, nosy, face difficulties, chief, distinctly

短语(Phrases and expressions):

more than, make decisions about…, relate to.., for once, feature story, adapt to…, be addicted to, even if/though, draw attention to, on all sides,stay on, feature show,


What do you think of…? I would rather choose…

What’s your opinion? I don’t think we should choose…

Why do…?


1) 能够用动词-ed形式描述人或物品的特性、状态;

a drowned man, one’s surprised look, an experienced editor

2) 能够用动词-ed形式作表语表示被动意义;

I was deeply moved by the story.

I was born in1975.


journal(专业团体所办的定期刊物,杂志), periodical (期刊,杂志) ,editorial (社论), journalist (新闻记者,新闻工作者), reporter(报纸,电台 或杂志的记者), advertisement (ad)(广告), entertainment(娱乐), body (新闻正文),masthead (报头,报刊名称),subheading (小标题,副标题),column (报刊上的栏,专栏文章),columnist (专栏作家), layout(版面编排,版面设计),cover the events (采写新闻),front page (头版),circulation (报刊等到的发行量,销售量),subscribe (to…) (订阅杂志、报纸等),subscriber (杂志、报纸等的订阅者,订户),current affairs (时事),daily (日报),weekly (周报,周刊),monthly (月刊),horizon(地平(线),(知识,思想等的)范围,视野), despite(不管, 尽管, 不论), illuminate(照明, 照亮, 阐明, 说明, 使灿烂, 以灯火装饰(街道)等)

语言技能 (Skills)

听:能捕捉特定信息、抓关键词(如headline, inform, interview等),听懂一篇介绍媒体或媒体上的文章。


读:获取关于News Media的相关信息,且进行skimming, scanning, careful reading, generalization; inference等阅读微技能训练。并且能在阅读媒体文章是辨认真伪和不同的立场。


2. 学习策略(Strategy):


2. 情感态度(Affect):

(1) 让学生了解新闻媒体的重要性。

(2) 培养学生正确的阅读观,和良好的阅读习惯。

(3) 让学生学会用辨证和积极的态度对待新闻媒体。

(4) 培养学生合作和共享的学习态度。

3. 文化意识 (Cultural awareness):


二、 教材内容分析(Analysis of the teaching materials)


“热身”部分呈现了关于不同新闻媒体的图片,并通过五个问题让学生大致了解种类,可靠度,运做,以及相关词汇。“听力” 部分是围绕Jim Gray被炒这样一件事情展开的。但形式独特,有对老板的采访,也有 同事对他的议论。在随后的练习中,第一题是一个对两段材料听后的信息综合题,但采用选择的形式刚好可以使难度适当降低。但也能检测学生听力信息的汲取量,提高信息的准确度。后面的 问题设计更加深化了主题。让学生听了之后思考新闻应该怎么做才好。“口语” 部分在通过让学生从十件当天发生的事情中选择新闻材料来操练巩固“Expressing ideas”的语言功能。“读前”部分以六个问题的形式来导入下面的阅读。“阅读” 如何制作和编写新闻,以及新闻传播媒体的重要性。“读后”部分要求学生回答问题,其中前一个问题评价学生对文章理解的程度;后三个问题是开放性的,目的在于培养学生的思辨能力。“语言学习”分语言点和语法两部分。“综合技能” 分为读写两部分。阅读课本中同一事件的两则不同的报道来对两则报道进行分析比较,并配置相应的标题和新闻图片,并且为写作部分奠定了一定的基础。写作部分是写关于对不同的两中媒体介绍的文章。“复习要点”部分简要地总结了本单元的语法重点--动词形式的使用,并且列举了一些词汇和句子,帮助学生温习。

三、 教学安排(Teaching arrangements)

Period 1-2: Warming up & Reading (Behind The Headline)

Period 3: (Wb) Listening, Talking & Listening

Period 4: Speaking, Integrating Skills and Writhing

Period 5: Language Practicing

Period 6: (Wb) Integrating skills & Writing

本教学安排根据“LARA教学原则”,对教材进行大胆的删除(L – leave out)、 修补(A – Amending)、替换(R – Replace)、增添(A – Add),灵活的将教材为我所用。新教材在选材和教学活动的设计上充分考虑到学生年龄特征和他们生理和心理发展的需要;在采用话题、功能、结构相结合的教学方法的基础上,设计了“任务型”的活动;对英语语言知识和技能训练作了系统的安排,循序渐进,循环反复,有利于学生构建知识系统;注意培养创新精神,提高实践能力。但新教材也应与学生的实际相结合,我们不能全盘照搬。同时在教学过程中,为了对教学有个及时的反馈和有效的改进,我们还进行了“形成性评价”。

本单元的语言技能和语言知识几乎都围绕“新闻媒体”这一中心话题设计的。我们根据本单元实际情况对教材的课时安排作了一些调整,尤其是学生用书(Student’s Book)和作业本(Workbook)有机结合。

第一、二课时是采访对话形式的阅读课,主要内容涉及到如何制作和编写新闻,以及新闻传播媒体的重要性。首先,从放映各种娱乐、体育、时事新闻报道开始,让学生对新闻和传播媒体有感官上的刺激与认识。然后就此展开话题,引出各种news media(如 radio, newspapers, magazines/journals/periodicals, internet等),并将教材中warming up有机地相结合,以老师问学生答的有效互动形式自由谈论他们所喜受的news media并比较各种news media的优势。之后老师可以问“Which kind of news media is the most convenient and cheapest for us to have?” (newspapers)。紧接着在学生面前呈现一份报纸,让学生认识并讨论报纸的各个组成部分,以此引出报纸和新闻的相关词汇,激发学生的学习兴趣,同时为阅读做好充分地铺垫。然后以问题“Do you know how news is made in newspapers?”自然地导入到课文中。在快速阅读后让学生完成pre-reading,选出文中所提到的几个话题,了解文章的梗概。在细读过程中,根据课文采访的内容,主要围绕着采访者的问题对学生进行提问,检查学生对文章的理解程度。在了解文章内容之后再疏通课文,处理文章的重难点。在学生掌握课文内容并有了一定量的信息输入之后,给学生创造情境,进行role play (reporter & Olympic champion Tian Liang 田亮) ,让学生将所学的知识真实地运用到情境交际中,达到巩固知识与信息输出的目的。至此学生对新闻与传播媒体的认识都是从新闻与记者角度出发,新闻最重要的原则是真实性,但在我们身边不难发现有些新闻缺乏了它的真实性。那么让学生换个角度来了解讨论“自己作为读者是如何看待新闻与传播媒体的,尤其是一些缺乏真实性的新闻报道”,告诉学生对新闻要有着自己独到客观的见解,学会客观分析与批判地接受新闻信息。从而开拓了学生的思维,让学生对整个新闻事业有了更加全面、辩证的认识。最后作业布置将口头和笔头相结合,让学生朗读和背诵好词好句,并以记者的身份写一篇有关于奥运冠军田亮的新闻报道(提供相关查询的网址)。

因此第三课时一开始的时候先做一个头脑风暴,旨在复习上两个课时的相关词汇和内容。本课时分为了3部分,两篇听力与一个talking。首先针对Wb listening的特点,由它导入并热身。先从身边的实物报纸开始引出,通过问答之间过度到媒体,报纸的名词,在这里展开一个小小的头脑风暴,让学生想有关的词汇,老师可以用问题或多媒体引导,最后在多媒体上呈现。加深印象,也可以复习了上一节课时的内容。也就自然过度到听力的内容。听后的问题再让学生思考为什么要开这样的会议。来个小讨论,提起学生的兴趣,顺利转移到下一环节,让他们自己去采访。在这环节,有必要把采访的对象具体话,给出人物,以及人物的一些信息,让采访活动目的话,避免无话可讲。那做为记者,除了关心名人,是不是还要关心普通人的生活呢?转到下一环节课文的听力。落实了听的任务后。再来一个升华。那就是做文章做新闻要用怎么样的一个态度,怎么样才可以成为畅销的报纸。让学生思考,为下一课时阅读做一个铺垫。作业的布置一个让学生把课堂采访的内容写成稿子,另一个就是让他们以四人为一个小组,课外用各种媒体工具去找资料,记录他们认为的当天最轰动的头条新闻,也是为阅读做准备。

第四课时首先通过教师和学生对生活实况的交谈引出新闻,谈到新闻的形新闻类型以及不同类型新闻的可靠程度。引出部分词汇并将话题带到speaking 部分。Speaking 部分旨在通过让学生从十件当天发生的事情中选择新闻材料来操练巩固“Expressing ideas”的语言功能。该部分由师生的生活实况导入,又通过教师与学生,学生与学生的交流让学生充分发表自己意见,培养学生多角度的发散性思维能力。在对speaking部分的处理之后,谈到新闻标题和新闻图片等,此时的词汇也有了一定的扩展。由此进入到integrating skills。Integrating skills 分为读写两部分。学生在预习任务布置的阅读新闻中对分析新闻有了初步的认识后,再通过阅读课本中同一事件的两则不同的报道来对两则报道进行分析比较,并配置相应的标题和新闻图片,在读的同时学生的口语得到了提高,对新闻报道有了更深的认识。并且为写作部分奠定了一定的基础。写作部分中给出怎样写好作文的标准。作业则让学生跟好的了解新闻,提高学生的分析能力。


第六课时为阅读写作课。首先通过谈论暑假里发生的新闻,将教学内容导入到新闻媒体上,进而谈到本文的中心人物 – 著名主持人杨澜。让学生在快速阅读的本文的基础上,以杨澜的成长经历为线索,理清本文的主要内容。然后再在精读的基础上,解决课后问题。在全面掌握文章的基础上,给学生几个拓展训练,就“媒体是否有教育意义”这个问题展开辩论,之后再让学生比较中美“TV show”的不同和相似之处及其原因。借此两个话题可以拓展学生的思维,也可以充分让学生的口语得到锻炼,并且在辩论活动中发扬团体精神。第二部分主要通过模仿上文,写一篇关于著名主持人的新闻报道, 来巩固学生对阅读文章的掌握,同时也让学生熟悉如何写新闻报道这种新的文章类型,并把在文章中学到的新词汇及句型加以运用。

四、 单元预习任务(Pre-unit Activities: Preview Task)

1. 根据本单元教学目标和要求,了解本单元话题和任务,充分做好课前预习工作。

2. 预习语言知识,包括词汇表里的词汇和扩展词汇,掌握词义、发音、词性以及其基本用法。鼓励学生勤查字典。

3. 多渠道(如报刊、杂志、网络等等)查阅并了解与本单元话题有关的背景知识和材料。




3) htttp://

4) http://www.media-awareness.ca/english/resources/educational/lessons/secondary/broadcast_news/news_lesson2.cfm

4. 做好每课时的课前具体预习任务。


(1) 根据教学目标和要求,了解本课时的话题和任务,预习课文的语言知识,包括词汇表里的词汇和短语,以及课外提供的扩展词汇,掌握词义、发音、词性以及基本用法。鼓励学生勤查字典。

(2) 预习阅读材料,掌握文章的中心思想和基本脉络。

(3) 通过报刊、杂志、网络等途径,多渠道查阅并了解与阅读材料相关的信息资料和背景知识,做好充分的课前预习工作。



Q1: From what sources can we get news? And what are they? How can we get news from them?

Q2: What do we call the sources from which we get news?

Q3: Which kind of news media do you prefer? Why?

Q4: Who work for newspapers? Who writes articles in the newspapers?

Q5: What’s the job of reporters and editors?

Q6: Why are news and media important to us?

Q7: Do you often read newspapers and magazines, or watch TV programs, or listen to the radio or surf the Internet to get news? How do you think of the news you get from news media? Do you believe all the news? What attitude do you take towards them?


1、 复习阅读课文,预习所给的词汇、相关新闻媒体知识等材料;

2、 预习Wb Listening和Speaking和Listening。


1、 预习所给的词汇,和相关知识。

2、 查找并阅读一篇报纸上的报道,并设法找出其中的时间、地点、人物、起因、结果以及作者的观点等。




1、 复习上一课时所学的语言点和语法。

2、 搜索有关著名主持人杨澜的报道,了解相关内容。

五、 教学步骤 (Teaching procedures)

Period 1-2: Warming up & Reading (Behind The Headline)

Step1 Greetings and warming up

Before class, get the Ss to enjoy some TV shows for about 5 minutes to warm them up.

T: Good morning/ afternoon, boys and girls!

Ss: Good morning/ afternoon, Ms / Mr. …!

T: Did you enjoy the TV shows? What are all the TV programs about?

Ss: They are about news.

T: What news can you get from these programs?

S1: Sports news. S2: Entertainment news. S3: …

T: Yes, we can get different kinds of news from the TV programs such as sports news, entertainment news, current affairs, etc. Besides TV programs where else can we get news?

S1: Newspaper. S2: Magazine. S3: Radio. S4: Internet.

T: Right. And what do we call all of them?

Ss: News Media.

TV programs

Newspaper Magazine/periodical/journal

News Media

Radio Internet

T: Of all these kinds of news media, which one do you usually use? And which one do you prefer, why?

S1: I prefer radio as I can carry my radio anywhere and pick up many radio programs.

S2: I like TV programs as we can see more vivid pictures on the screen.

S3: I think the Internet is best because we can find anything on the Internet and the news on the Internet are maybe the latest than news from others.

S4: …

T: So all of you have different choices about news media. But which kind of news media do you think is the most convenient and cheapest for everyone to get?

Ss: Newspaper.

T: Exactly. Do you like reading newspapers? Do you subscribe to any newspapers? Can you name some newspapers that you know?

S1: Yes, I like. I subscribe to China Daily and the 21st Century.

S2: I seldom read newspapers, but I know some, for example, English Weekly, Qianjiang Evening Paper, Guangming Daily, and Taizhou Daily.

S3: …

T: You know a lot about newspapers. Excellent! Generally we can divide papers into daily, weekly and monthly, or morning paper and evening paper, or national paper and local or regional paper.

Step 2 Lead in

T: Now here is a copy of the newspaper “21st Century ”, please look at the paper, what can you find in the paper?

(T goes around the class and presents the newspaper to the Ss. Ask the Ss to find out the parts of the newspaper.)

S1: Articles. S2: Photos. S3: Advertisements (ads) S4: …

T: What do we call …in English?

(T points to some parts of the newspaper and gets the Ss to know the English names of them.)

e.g. masthead, headline, subheading, front page, column, etc.

T: In the newspaper what we can find most are articles. Do you know who writes articles?

Ss: Reporters.

T: Do reporters only record or write the events? What else do they need to do? And how do they make news?

So we still have many questions about it, right? Now today we have a good chance to learn something about newspapers and reporters. Maybe after studying we will know more about them.

Step 3 Reading

T: Would you like to turn to page 11? First I’d like to give you a couple of minutes to go through the passage and try to get the general idea of the passage. Now please do it as quickly as possible.

1. Fast reading.

Ask the Ss to read the passage quickly and get the main idea of the passage. After reading, have the Ss answer the following questions.

Q1: How many people are there in the passage? Who are they? What are they doing?

S1: There are three, one interviewer and two journalists named Chen Ying and Zhu Lin. They are having an interview.

T: So we can say the two journalists who are being interviewed in the interview are interviewees.

Q2: What are they talking about?

(T gives the Ss some topics to choose, see pre-reading)

How does a reporter decide what to write?

How much does a newspaper cost?

Why do people read newspapers?

How do newspapers report what happens?

Where do people read newspapers?

How do newspapers help us understand the world?

2. Careful reading.

Ask the Ss to read the passage carefully and try to get more detailed information. Think over the two topic questions above.

T: Have you finished yet? Here I have prepared a number of questions for you to check how much you understand the passage. You’d better try to answer the questions with your textbooks closed.

Q1: How does a reporter decide what to write? (A reporter has to discuss the article with the editor and get some suggestions from the editor.)

Q2: What should be done before a reporter actually starts writing?

(A reporter begins by contacting the people to be interviewed , then prepare questions, and interview the people. After the interview, the reporter must present the material in an organised way and make sure the article reflects events and opinions truthfully.)

(T: Great! So until now do you know how reporters make news and decide what to write?)

Q3: What newspaper articles do you prefer to read? Why? (I prefer to read …because they are more interesting/ instructive/educational/…)

Q4: What are the two journalists’ favourite articles that they have written? Why do they like them best?

(Chen Ying’s favourite article is the one she wrote about the efforts to bring stolen cultural relics back to China .It is both news and an interesting story. Zhu Lin’s favorite article is about an ordinary young woman who tried to adapt to her new life after having studied abroad. It was the first time that he had written with real passion and it made him realize that everyone’s life is different.)

Q5: What do they want most to write about? Why ?

(Zhu Llin wants to explore the mysteries in life and would like to write about music, art, nature and the importance of spiritual fulfillment, while Chen Ying wants to write about people we seldom read about, for example, people who have AIDs or who are addicted to drugs.)

Q6: If you were a reporter, what would you like to write about? Why?

Q7: How do newspapers help us understand the world?

(They can help people become interested in important questions around the world. Also, they can bring us a better understanding of the world on all sides, leading to a future world where people from all countries are respected and different views and opinions are tolerated.)

3. Listening and Language points

T: Well, you did a good job. Now you have got a general idea of the passage. But do you have any difficulties in understanding some language points? Let’s enjoy the passage with the tape recorder.

(While listening, T helps the Ss to deal with the language points when necessary.)

Step 4 Product (Role Play)

T: From the passage, we know how a reporter works for a newspaper, how to make news and how to write articles. Do you think to be a reporter is an easy job? Do you want to experience the reporter’s work? Here is a chance and task for you.

Task: Suppose you are a reporter from our school newspaper. You are chosen to interview the Olympic Diving Champion Tian Liang(田亮), who won the gold medal with Yang Jinghui(杨景辉)in the men’s synchronized 10-meter platform event(男子双人10米跳台项目) in Athens 2004 Olympic Games.

T: Would you like to have a face-to-face interview with your partner? One acts the role of a reporter and the other the Olympic Champion Tian Liang.

The following questions are for Ss’ reference.

For which age did you begin to learn diving? (at the age of 7)

What’s your life like when you began to train diving at the early age?

Have you ever wanted to give up diving?

How did you feel when you won the gold medal in Sydney 2000 Olympic Games?

Have you thought you would win the gold medal before the competition in Athens Games?

Do you have any pressure when you attended the Athens Olympic Games since you are the champion in Sydney 2000 Olympic Games?

(If there is some pressure) How do you relieve your pressure?

What’s your life goal? When do you want to stop diving?

Most people think you are a lucky boy, then how do you make such a great achievement?


(Ss are given a couple of minutes to prepare and then T asks two or more pairs to act out their interview.)

Step 5 Discussion

T gets the Ss to enjoy some video or newspaper articles in which news is reported untruthfully.

T: How do you think about the news you enjoyed?

Do you think they are very interesting?

Do you think the news is reported truthfully?

Why do some reporters report the events untruthfully?

( for the circulation of their newspapers, magazine,or start a rumor or gossip to attract and entertain readers, or other certain purposes…)

As a reader, how do you “read” the media messages such as TV advertisements, TV programs, news on the Internet and newspaper articles?

(First, T has the Ss do a survey about their way of reading media messages, see Post-reading, Ex.3)

I would believe all of it without checking other sources. I would believe some it, but I would also check other sources. I would not believe it, but I might check other sauces and maybe change my mind.

TV advertisements

TV programs

News on the Internet

Newspaper articles

(Then, T collects information by asking questions according to the form above.)

T: Do you know what kind of readers you are? Are you a critical reader?

What attitude do you usually take towards the news we get from the news media?

What attitude should we take towards the news?

(to be critical of what we read, make objective and critical comments on news, have our own opinions about news, and have an ability of telling the difference between facts and opinions …)

T: (Summary) We each are social members, we should be concerned about what happens around us. The news media help us to learn about the world around us and have a better understanding of the world on all sides. News and news media are important and necessary for us, and we should show positive attitude towards them. It is important to be a critical reader and make objective and critical comments on what we read.

Step 6 Assignment

1.Oral Work: Read and recite new words learned in this lesson, and some beautiful sentences in the passage as well.

2.Written Work: Write a brief news report about Tian Liang.(about 100 words)

(Consult the following websites to get more detailed information about Tian Liang)





3. Preview (next lesson???)

版书设计(Blackboard Design)

Unit 2 News Media

Period 1:Behind the Headlines

TV programs

Radio interviewer

news media magazine

newspaper (daily/weekly/monthly)


headline subheading article

interviewee journalist reporter

editor current affairs critical (Zhu Lin) (Chen Ying)

Period 3: (Wb) Listening, Talking and Listening

Step 1. Pre-listening

Show the Ss some daily newspapers (China Daily, Shenzhen Daily, Taizhou Daily)

T: Morning boys and girls. Look, what’s in my hand?

S: Newspaper.

T: So do you know some popular newspapers?

S: China Daily, Shenzhen Daily, Taizhou Daily, the 21st Century …

T: Yeah, these are the latest newspapers for toady. Nowadays we can see all kinds of newspaper in our

daily life, and they are very common. Boys, do you like reading it? Why?

S1: By reading, we can know what happened around us.

S2: We can learn what we can not learn in our books.

T: Right, by reading newspaper, we can get lots of information and broaden our eyes. But do you know

more about the kind of media-newspaper? Can you tell me some words related to the newspaper? Let’s

have a competition between boys and girls, one word one point.

Boys Girls

S: Media/ interview/ editor/ reporter/ ads/ pictures/ selling/ headline/ journalist/ circulation front page/ masthead…

(Teacher shows some pictures of these words on the screen to get the further understanding.)

T: Perfect. You know much about the newspaper. But do you know how the workers work in their office?

Now I will lead you to an office. Let me first introduce them to you. The chief editor of a daily newspaper is having a meeting with the journalists. This is the chief editor, Sarah, he is Bob, and he is Mick. The lady is Susan. The chief editor is telling them what she wants them to do today.

Now listen carefully and try to take notes and finish the exercises one and two in your paper. This is a

good chance for you to learn.

Step 2. While listening

(Listen twice. Between the two times, leave some minutes for them to take notes.)

Step 3. Post listening

T: Well done! But who can tell me why we need to have the meeting first before reporting?

S1: We have lots of information each day, and we just need the most attractive one .So we need to choose some to be the hot topic, and then it is easy for us to report the people and events.

S2: We should know what we should do before any action, and it is a good beginning.

Step 4. Reporting (talking/ group-work)

T: Just now Bob, Mick and Susan got their tasks. What about you, my dear friends? Do you have any interests to interview some and to be a reporter?

S: Yes.

T: Now suppose I am your chief editor. Yesterday you had a good talking with champion Tian Liang, and today I will give you a good chance to interview these three VIPs together.

(Show the pictures and brief introductions of Zhang Ziyi, Yao Ming, a fireman.)

T: Now here is today’s TV show, here is a special gathering, and today’s interview is special too. As a reporter, you can ask your questions in the role card, and what’s more, it is an interview, it is more like a chatting in the four. You can report your own attitudes towards the same event, the same film, the same game. For example, you can ask them to talk about Zhang ziyi’s film Hero, Yao Ming’s latest game and so on.

Maybe the instructions and the role cards can help you. And let’s see whose is the best one.

Let’s work in four, one will be the reporter, and the other three are the interviewees.

The following questions are for Ss’ reference.

What is your latest film/match/task?

What is it about?

Are you satisfied with your acting in the film/in the game/rescue?

Can you say some interesting / unforgettable things in the film / game?

Did you see this film? / Do you like sports? Which team will win next match?

Do you like it? Why?

How did the fire begin?

What did you do to rescue them?

What was your feeling when you pulled into the fire?

T: If it is an interview program, which group is best, and why?

S1: I think ...is the best one, because they ask and answer some good questions and let us know more about them.

S2: We think group 2 is the best one, for their interview let us know they are also true and common people in our life.

S3: Through their talk, to the same event, different persons have different opinions.

Step 5. Listening

T: Good job. After class, edit your interview with your group mates and write a short report, could you? Just now, we had a good talking with these three famous people, and shall we care about the common people, now let ‘s come to today’s column------should I be fired? Let’s see what happened to Jim Gray?

(Tell the students that they will be listening to an interview and a dialogue for the first time, and finish

part 1, for the second listening, they should think about some questions.)

T: What happened to Jim Gray?

What kind of person is Jim Gray?

Why is he no longer working for the company?

From your answers, we see some differences. Why?

Yes, you have heard two different descriptions of what happened to Jim Gray. Why are they different?

Which one do you think is better?

Step 6. Post listening (Products)

T: Now if you are the reporter, how will you deal with / report this event?

S1: I will put these two descriptions together in the paper.

T: As a reporter, you can hear different voices and opinions. What should you do?

S: I will record all the events carefully.

T: In your opinion, what is the most important for a newspaper and a reporter?

Money/ circulation / facts…?

S: Report the facts truthfully.

T: For the newspaper, how can it be popular? Do you have any good ideas?

S1: Care about the important events happened in the world.

Report the news at the first time in time.

Report the facts truthfully, don’t cheat or mislead the readers.

Care more about people’s daily life and help to solve some problems by media.

T: Great, and you know we have a school newspaper. How can it be welcome by the students? What should us pay attention to? And tell us why you think we should think about this?

S: Good layout.

Let it be a good way for the exchanging between students and the school.

Give some surveys.

Supply the space for the students to show themselves.


Step7. Homework

1.Edit the interview with the desk mate and write a short report

2.Find the hot topic today.

Divide the Ss into 4 groups,

Group 1. Find the hot topic news in our school.

Group 2. in our city

Group 3. in china

Group 4. in the world.

And share them with the classmates.

版书设计(Blackboard Design)

Unit 2 News Media

Period 3: (Wb) Listening, Talking and Listening

media. editorial

interview entertainment

editor-----edit body G


ads = advertisement subheading

layout column / columnist G B

front page circulation

headline current affairs

journalist… daily/weekly/monthly


Period 4: speaking, integrating skills and writing

Step1. Greeting and lead in

T: Good morning, class. How are you feeling today?

I am very happy, because I have received a good piece of news. Can you guess what kind of news excited me? You see, Teacher’s day is coming. Some of my friends will celebrate it for me. So what do you think of my friends?

Do you think they care about me a lot? Are they caring?

Ss: Yes, they are caring.

T: I am proud to make friends with these caring citizens.

How about you? Do you have some caring friends?

Or do you have some news today?

When we talk about news, what will you think of?

S1: News reporter… S2: Journalist…

S3: Editor… S4:………..

How does news come into being?

Should some journalists go to news spots to search news?

While doing on--the--spot interview, what do they need?

Ss: microphone, camcorder…

After the journalists return to the newspaper offices with news, who will get the news prepared to be published on papers?

Ss: Editor.

Is there a title for each story? Can you use another word?

Ss: Headline

Can you decide if it is the news on politics from the headline?

Besides it, can you tell me some other types of news?

S1: political news…. S2: economical news…

S3: sports news… S4: …

Compared with the news on politics, is the economical news more reliable or less reliable?

Divide the students into groups of four and ask them to have a discussion. Then choose some students to tell me which group’s idea is the most reasonable.

Step2. Speaking

T: Let’s take a look at a list of things happened today to see whether it is worth publishing.

1. 200 people died in an earthquake in Turkey.

2. China beat Brazil 2-1 in football.

3. France elected a new president.

4. Three children from your city were killed.

5. Two men robbed a bank in Shanghai.

6. Food prices are going up.

7. A house in your city burnt down. Nobody was injured.

8. 2,000 people in your city moved into new buildings today and were happy

9. A Chinese scientist has invented a new car engine that does not pollute the air.

10. There is a rumor that a large company wants to build a factory in your city.

T: What kind of news is it in your opinion?

What do you think of it?

S1: It’s important because…

S2: It’s unimportant because…

T: Do you think it is reliable? What is your opinion?

S1: Yes, as it tells us the information in detail…

T: If you are the editor, which event are you going to put in your newspaper? Can you give your reasons for it?

How about you? Which one is more important in your opinion?

What is your idea? Which one do our readers want to know?

Would you please give a headline to your news?

Will you use pictures? What picture will you use?

S1: Yes… S2: No….

I don’t think we should choose…

If I were you, I would rather choose…

T: And I think in order to make our news reliable, vivid and draw the readers’ attention. What should the editors and other workers do in additions to the headline and some proper pictures?

Should they tell us the facts in detail?

What does it mean?

S1: In detail.

S2: Time, place, personalities, and so on.

T: If the report is about the opinions. What should it be?

S1: It should be reliable.

S2: It should be based on the facts.

Step3. Integrating skills

1) Reading

T: Turn to page 15 to learn more about news. Read the two reports of the same event below.

Who do you think wrote each report?

Ss: News editors…

What would be a good headline for each story?

S1: Demonstration. S2: Fighting against the pollution

S3: ……

(The teacher should make some comment on the students’ ideas.)

T: Are the pictures proper? What pictures would you use? Why?

2) Listening

T: Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.

According to the first report, when and where did the story happen?

S1: Today, outside a factory in our city.Between whom was the trouble caused?

S2: A small group of people and the workers.Who are called troublemakers, the workers, the guards or the small group of people?

S3: The small group of people.Can you guess why these troublemakers make trouble for the factory?

S4: ……

T: Maybe you can find the answer in the second report.

Is it the factory that is the polluter?

S5: Yes.What did the citizens do? How? Why?

S6: They made their voices heard today by demonstrating for they like our nature and planet.What did the media think of them? Were the really troublemakers?

S7: Responsible, caring, brave and strong.

T: What do you think of them?

S8: caring …… S9: careless ……

S10: ……

3) Discussion

1. If you were the citizens there, what would you do? Would you join the demonstration, or you would rather try to solve the problem in other ways? Why?

2. What should we do to protect our nature and planet?

How about the factories and the government?

Divide the students into two groups. Each group member is expected to take part in it. While discussing, they exchange ideas and make comments on other ideas.

4) Task

How are the reports different? Can you compare them?

(Ask the students to do pair work..)

Step4. Writing

T: From these, I am sure that you are clear about the differences between these two reports. But do they have

any similarities? Can you tell me in detail?

Good, you have made a good comparison. So we are going to do some writing in which you compare two

kinds of media, for example, websites and newspaper.

Before writing, do you get some ideas about how to compare two things?

Should you explain how the two types of media are similar or different?

Do you know their similarities and differences?

Ss: Yes. Ss: No.

Do both of them belong to media?

Can we get some certain information and know current affairs from them?

How about headlines, pictures and pages? Are websites and newspapers similar or different in these aspects?

Are they free or will you be charged if you want to read newspapers or visit the websites?

S1: The newspapers need money, while the websites are free.

Does that mean websites doesn’t make money?

While many websites are free, most newspapers cost money. Are there any more differences between them?

Who write the newspapers?

How about the websites? Can you write something on the Internet?

S1: BBS-----bulletin board system

S2: ……

Which changes faster?

Ss: Websites.

But not all websites are updated every day.

In order to make your passage better, you should pay attention to the checklist to revise what you have written.

1. Does your paragraph have a topic sentence?

2. Is it easy to understand what you are explaining?

3. Do your supporting sentences focus on the main idea?

4. Have you used enough examples?

5. Does your paragraph have a closing sentence?

6. Is your paragraph interesting?

7. Check your grammar and spelling.

The teacher should make some comments on the compositions. If time is limited, just take the composition as


Step5. Homework

Read some newspapers or search the Internet. Try to find some pieces of news on the same event. Compare them and which one do you prefer? Why? Or do you have more ideas? Write it down in your exercise book.

版书设计(Blackboard Design)

Unit 2 News Media

Period 4: (Wb) Listening, Talking and Listening

come into being: come from, form

news spot

proper: suitable

aspects: particular part or feature of sth.

BBS-----bulletin board system

Period 5: Language Practicing

Step 1. Lead-in

T: As we know, newspapers and other media are very important in our life. But do you know the life of a reporter? (Ss may give a variety of answers.)

Step 2. Language points

T: Can you find any words and expressions in this unit that help you understand the life of a reporter? (Give Ss enough time to find answers. The following questions are helpful.)

Q1: What should a reporter do before he or she actually starts writing?

Answer: A reporter begins by contacting the people to be interviewed and then prepares questions.

1) begin with + n. / pron..

begin by doing

2) the people to be interviewed

the people being interviewed

the people interviewed

3) interview n. / vt. (As a noun, it refers to an activity.)

interviewee n. (It refers to a person who is interviewed.)

interviewer n. (It refers to a person who interviews somebody else.)

Q2: After the interview, what should the reporter do?

Answer: He or she must present the material in an organized way and make sure that the article reflects events and opinions truthfully.

T: Do you know the meaning of “in an organized way”?

4) present

n. / adj. 目前,现在

at present = at the present time 在目前

the present government 现政府

vt. 介绍,引见;赠送;描述


a) Allow me to present Mr. Wang to you. (introduce)

b) The police asked me to present what the criminal looked like. (describe)

c) Thank you for the bike you presented to me. (gave)

n. = gift

eg. Thanks for your nice present / gift.

5) reflect vt.

a) to make a visible image of … 反射;映出

eg. Mirrors reflect light.

trees reflected in the water

b) to show反映;表现

eg. Her sad looks reflected the nature of her thoughts.

Q3: What should an experienced reporter be like?

Answer: He or she makes informed decisions about what events to report and how to report them. He also makes sure that readers can relate to the stories.

T: Do you know “make a decision”? Good! What does “informed decisions” mean? And what does “relate to the stories” refer to?

S: Enjoy / appreciate.

T: Great! It also means “have something to do with”.

Q4: Can news media help us understand the world better? How do you know it?

Answer: Yes. They help people to understand the world on all sides, leading to a future world where people from all countries are respected and different views and opinions are tolerated.

6) on all sides

eg. There are mountains on all sides. (四面都是山。)

The Olympic Games held in Athens were reported an all sides.


7) tolerate vt. bear, stand

eg. I can’t tolerate his rudeness. (我不能容忍他的粗鲁行为。)

Q5: Can you find other good words and expressions in this unit?

Possible answers: fire, elect, injure, switch, be addicted to, positive …

8) fire n.

Keep away from fire! 切勿近火!

catch fire 着火(强调动作)

be on fire 着火(强调状态)

set fire to… 纵火烧…

make a fire 生火

play with fire 玩火

vt. = to dismiss

eg. He is still out of work since our boss fired him.

9) injure vt. = hurt

eg. He injured an arm in a car accident.

the injured 伤员

injury n. 受伤处;(精神上的)伤害

10) switch n. 开关

vt. 用开关开启;转变;改变

11)be addicted to = be crazy about对……入迷

eg. I am addicted to the Internet. 我对互联网如痴如醉。

12) positive 积极的 (active)

neutral 中立的 (independent)

negative 消极的 (passive)

Step3. Word Study

Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box. You may change the form if necessary.

Fire elect injure switch present relate reflect tolerate

1 Mr. Jones, who has worded for this company for 25 years, was elected president last week.

2 More than 2090 people died or got injured in the earthquake.

3 Mr. Thompson was fired by the publishing company because many of his news stories were not true.

4 As he was fluent in both languages he had no problems in switching from Chinese into English.

5 Mathilde’s rough hands and face reflected a life of hard work.

6 What you have said does not relate to what we are concerned with now.

7 He is so rude to his parents. I wouldn’t tolerate that kind of behavior in my family.

8 She spent the whole weekend collecting information on the product, and planned to present her findings to her boss on Monday.

Step 4. Grammar--- The Past Participle used as Attribute and Predicative

T: In this unit, there are a lot of verbs used in their Past Participle form. Can you find any?

S: Experienced, informed, talented, organized, tolerated…

T: Well done. Do you know what they mean? And what are they used as?

T: would you like to enjoy two flash shows? I hope they can help you understand more about the Past Participle. (T plays the flash shows, and explains when necessary.)

Step 5. Practices

Do exercises on Page13 and Page 14 in the text.

Step 6. Homework

1 Do Workbook exercises.

2 Review the Past Participle used as Attribute and Predicative.

版书设计(Blackboard Design)

Unit 2 News Media

Period 5: Language Practicing

begin with + n. / pron. reflect vt. a) to make a visible image of …

begin by doing b) to show

the people to be interviewed relate to a) enjoy; appreciate

the people being interviewed b) have something to do with

the people interviewed tolerate vt. to bear; to stand

interview n. / vt. positive 积极的 (active)

interviewee n. neutral 中立的 (independent

interviewer n. negative 消极的 (passive)

present n. / adj. 目前,现在 injure vt. = hurt

vt. 介绍,引见;赠送;描述 the injured 伤员

n. 礼物,赠品 injury n. 受伤处;(精神上的)伤害

Period 6: (Wb) Integrating skills & Writing

Step 1. Lead-in

Firstly teacher will greet with the students, like “How are you, class? Did you have a good time in your summer vacation? If the students answer “Yes”, teacher will go on asking “Who can tell me some important events happening in the summer vacation?”. (Typhoon in Zhejiang Province, the Olympic Games in Greece….)

But if the students answer “No”, teacher will ask them the reason. Most students will say it’s all because of the typhoon. “Yes. That is the most important and terrible event in our province this summer. And do you know any other important event around the world? Maybe not terrible but exciting.” (Olympic Games in Greece)

Then teacher asks students the question “How do you know that?” (From the newspaper, through the internet, watch TV…)

Yes. We know the exciting and important events from the news media. Today we will talk about a lady working in the news media field. She is a very famous host for TV show, or we can call her a TV personality. Her name is Yang Lan.

Step 2. Scanning

Read the passage , and try to find out the growing experience of Yang Lan.

In her childhood, sat in front of a neighbour’s small black and white TV

In her 21, graduated from Beijing Foreign Studies University

became the host of “Zheng Da TV show”

In her 25, went to New York City to get a Master’s degree at Columbia University

During she was abroad, produced a feature show – “Horizon”

interviewed important people and discussed social issues

developed “Yang Lan One on One”

After she returned to China, started her own media company – Sun Media

Step 3. Skimming

Read the passage again, and answer some questions.

From Yang Lan’s growing experience, it is easy to find that she did a success in her life. In the passage, we used a phrase to describe her. What is it? And what does it mean?

They are both great women. They are successful because they have their clear goals. And do you know the goal of Yang Lan and her Company? What kind of TV show does she want to create? What does “to educate through entertainment, and to illuminate through information” mean?

Step 4. Debate

From her media company’s goal, we see that she believes that TV, radio, newspaper and Internet can and should be used to educate people. Do you agree with her?

Ask the students to divide into two groups and discuss the question. Then let them have a free debate. Before they start discussing, teacher will give them some questions as the hints. “What can we learn from different media? What are the bad effects from the media? Among the TV, radio, newspaper and the Internet, which is the most educational….”

Step 5. Discussion

From the debate, we can say “The news media can be and should be used to educate people, but we still have to improve it so that it will be more meaningful. From your words, I can see that you are very familiar with the Chinese TV shows, but how about the TV shows abroad, for example in America? Maybe we have some similarities but also some differences. Can you think of any for these differences and similarities?

Step 6. Writing

As we talk about a lot of the news media and the hosts for TV shows, maybe you’ve already got some information about it. Suppose that you are a reporter for your local newspaper. Your editor has asked you to write an article about a famous TV personality – Yang Lan. The editor has given you a list of questions that the readers are interested in, think of more questions and use the answers to write your article.

Teacher will give the students some hints: in the first paragraph --- Introduction. Such as: “Who is this person? What is she famous for?”; In the second paragraph -- -Background. Such as: “How did she become popular?” In the third paragraph --- current situation and future plans. In the fourth paragraph --- Conclusion. Then ask students to imitate the reading passage, and write a similar passage.

Step 7. Homework

1. Finish writing a news report.

2. Do self-assessment.


六、背景参考资料(Background knowledge)

V 背景知识(Background knowledge)

1. About American Newspapers

There are more than 1500 daily newspapers in the US. Each one is usually sold only in one part of the country, e.g. in a city, but they cover national and international news. In larger cities there is often more than one newspaper and the different ones express different political opinions. Some newspapers are sold in nearly all parts of the USA, e.g. USA today and the national edition of the New York Times. Two other newspapers, the Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post are known and respected all over the US but cannot be bought everywhere. Other important newspapers are: the Boston Globe, sold in New England; the Chicago Tribune, sold in the Midwest; the Christian Science Monitor and USA Today, both sold nationally; and the Washington Post on the East Coast. Many people read the national Sunday edition of the New York Times because it includes the weekly New York Review of Books.

Daily newspapers are published on every day of the week except Sunday. Sunday newspapers are very big, often having several separate parts. They contain many longer articles and a lot of advertisements. Each section deals with a different subject. E.g. national and international news, sport, travel, etc. One section, the classifieds(分类广告), has advertisements for jobs and things for sale. Another cartoon section is often called the funnies or funny papers. There is often also a magazine, which is in color.

2. The Characteristics of a Good Newspaper

A good modern newspaper is an extraordinary piece of reading. It is remarkable first for what it contains: the range of news from local crime to international politics, from sport to business to fashion to science, and the range of comment and special features (特定) as well, from editorial page to feature articles and interviews to criticism of books, art, theatre and music. A newspaper is even more remarkable for the way one reads it: never completely, never straight through, but always by jumping from here to there, in and out glancing at one piece, reading another article all the way through, reading just a few paragraphs of the next. A good modern newspaper offers a variety to attract many different readers, but far more than any one reader is interested in. What brings this variety together in one place is its topicality (时事性), its immediate relation to what is happening in your world and your locality now. But immediacy and the speed of production that goes with it mean also that much of what appears in a newspaper has no more than transient(短暂的) value. For all these reasons, no two people really read the same paper: what each person does is to put together out of the pages of that day's paper, his own selection and sequence, his own news paper. For all these reasons, reading newspapers efficiently, which means getting what you want from them without missing things you need but without wasting time, demands skill and self-awareness as you modify and apply the techniques of reading.

3. Newspaper Vocabulary

Font: style and size of type

Headline: extra large font across top of front page, placed above or below the masthead

Wire service: a news agency or organization that gathers news and transmits it to individual subscribing newspaper (AP, CP, Reuters)

tabloid: a smaller format 1/2 broadsheet folded, often preferred by publishers of local papers or commuter papers and the sensationalist press (National Enquirer)

broadsheet: full-size newspaper, averaging six columns to a page

masthead: information about the newspaper, such as the name of the publishing company, names of the officers of the company, location of editorial offices, editorship and distribution facts, all usually found at the top of the editorial page

hard news: up-to-the-minute news and events that are reported immediately

soft news: background information or human interest stories

paparazzi: international press corps who compete for stories, usually of a sensational nature

reporter: a person hired to rush to the scene and phone back information as soon as possible or to key the report into a word processing terminal at the newspaper office

layout: the position of stories, advertisements, photos and graphics on a page

morgue: the newspaper's collection of clippings, photos, reference materials and microfilm

deadline: the assigned time for stories to be submitted in order to make the issue going to press column: 1)the vertical divisions of a page 2)opinion or comment expressed by a regular writer

4. Introduction of China Daily

The first and only national English-language newspaper in China, China Daily was founded in 1981 at the outset of China’s reform and opening up program. After 20 years of development, China Daily has grown into an English-language newspaper group consisting of nine publications – China Daily, China Daily Hong Kong Edition, Reports from China, Business Weekly, 21st Century, 21st Century School Edition, Beijing Weekend, Shanghai Star and China Daily Website.

China Daily is China’s only newspaper to have entered Western mainstream society. In the United States, the President, over one-third of the members of Congress, and decision-makers in big companies are all China Daily regular readers, reading the newspaper having become an important part of their daily work.

Steadfastly sticking to the principle laid down at its very beginning – Let the world know China Daily through China Daily, the –paper is now moving towards its goal of becoming a “world-famous news media entity.” It is now circulated in more than 150 countries and regions and is an important source of information on China’s politics, economy, law, military affairs, culture, education, sports and social life for its readers both at home and abroad. China Daily is the country’s most frequently quoted newspaper, with its stories often picked up by international wire services, newspaper, magazines and radio and television stations. China Daily is widely recognized as China’s most authoritative English-language publication

5. The major radio and TV networks in America

Today the major radio and TV networks are the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) and the American Broadcasting Company (ABC).

VOA (Voice of America) is the most famous of the 19 radio stations of the United States of America for the expansion of propaganda to foreign countries. Most of the 19 radio stations are supported and organized by the government. VOA Radio Station is in Washington. It was established in 1924, originally for war information and now it comes under the leadership of the American International Communication Bureau. It now has 16 broadcasting stations, sending news to the whole world in 41 languages day and night.

In 1965, the United States launched the world’s first communication space satellite-“Early Bird”. This “Early Bird” made the things all more wonderful. It increased the telephone capacity across the Atlantic by more than one third, and made possible commercial “live” television broadcasts of trans-atlantics events. Now it also carries routinely commercial traffic, such as telephone calls, television, Teletype and other transmission. People could expect the day when a worldwide network of satellites links people of many nations through this new means of communication.

七、评价与反思(Assessment and Reflection)

Task 1: Collect information about “News Media” learnt in this unit and make notes if necessary.

Task 2: Reflection

教师反思Teachers’ reflection:

1. Have all the teaching aims been reached?

2. Have all the Ss learnt a lot in the lessons?

3. What can be improved? …


Class: Name: Score:

Items: True 5 4 3 2 1

Understandable 5 4 3 2 1

Logical 5 4 3 2 1

Grammatical 5 4 3 2 1

Handwriting 5 4 3 2 1

Others 5 4 3 2 1


Class: Name: Score:

Items: Understandable 5 4 3 2 1

Logical 5 4 3 2 1

Creative 5 4 3 2 1

Active 5 4 3 2 1

Cooperative 5 4 3 2 1

Others 5 4 3 2 1

学生反馈Students’ reflection:

1) 自我评价Self-assessment

Class ________Name _________No _________Date __________

In this unit, you learnt about news media. How comfortable do you feel doing each of the skills below?

1=Not comfortable 2=Need more practice

3=comfortable 4=very comfortable

Skills Comfortable level

Talk about news and news media 1 2 3 4

Have the proper attitude towards news media 1 2 3 4

Practice expressing and supporting an opinion 1 2 3 4

Use the new words and expressions 1 2 3 4

Write a news story 1 2 3 4

Use V-ed form as Attribute and Supplement 1 2 3 4

Tell the differences and similarity between different types of news media 1 2 3 4

2) 自我反思Reflection

1. How many types of news media have been learnt in this unit? ___________________

2. What impressed me most in this unit? ____________________________

3. What points haven’t I understood yet? ____________________________

4. In what aspect do I need improvement? ___________________________

3) 学生互评 Peer-assessment


Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group4

They worked together well.

They speak clearly and loudly

They are creative and active

I understood what they said.

Others …

Contents 目录 一、单元教学目标和要求(Teaching aims and demands)

二、教材内容分析(Analysis of the teaching materials)

三、教学安排(Teaching arrangements)

四、单元预习任务(Pre-unit Activities: Preview Task)

五、教学步骤(Teaching procedures)

六、背景参考资料(Background knowledge)

七、评价与反思(Assessment and reflection)

临海市回浦中学 王丽华 马光彩 吴超玲 李珊珊 余晶晶 蒋会华

一、 教学目标和要求(Teaching aims and demands)


1. 语言知识 (Knowledge)


能理解、内化、运用以下生词-- media, reliable, editor-----edit---- editorial, headline, inform, informed, relate, relate(…) to, talent, talented, switch, interviewer, interviewee, present(vt. / adj.), reflect, truthfully, effort, passion, spiritual, fulfillment, seldom, AIDS, addict, social, ignore, attention, tolerate,fire, nosy, face difficulties, chief, distinctly

短语(Phrases and expressions):

more than, make decisions about…, relate to.., for once, feature story, adapt to…, be addicted to, even if/though, draw attention to, on all sides,stay on, feature show,


What do you think of…? I would rather choose…

What’s your opinion? I don’t think we should choose…

Why do…?


1) 能够用动词-ed形式描述人或物品的特性、状态;

a drowned man, one’s surprised look, an experienced editor

2) 能够用动词-ed形式作表语表示被动意义;

I was deeply moved by the story.

I was born in1975.


journal(专业团体所办的定期刊物,杂志), periodical (期刊,杂志) ,editorial (社论), journalist (新闻记者,新闻工作者), reporter(报纸,电台 或杂志的记者), advertisement (ad)(广告), entertainment(娱乐), body (新闻正文),masthead (报头,报刊名称),subheading (小标题,副标题),column (报刊上的栏,专栏文章),columnist (专栏作家), layout(版面编排,版面设计),cover the events (采写新闻),front page (头版),circulation (报刊等到的发行量,销售量),subscribe (to…) (订阅杂志、报纸等),subscriber (杂志、报纸等的订阅者,订户),current affairs (时事),daily (日报),weekly (周报,周刊),monthly (月刊),horizon(地平(线),(知识,思想等的)范围,视野), despite(不管, 尽管, 不论), illuminate(照明, 照亮, 阐明, 说明, 使灿烂, 以灯火装饰(街道)等)

语言技能 (Skills)

听:能捕捉特定信息、抓关键词(如headline, inform, interview等),听懂一篇介绍媒体或媒体上的文章。


读:获取关于News Media的相关信息,且进行skimming, scanning, careful reading, generalization; inference等阅读微技能训练。并且能在阅读媒体文章是辨认真伪和不同的立场。


2. 学习策略(Strategy):


2. 情感态度(Affect):

(1) 让学生了解新闻媒体的重要性。

(2) 培养学生正确的阅读观,和良好的阅读习惯。

(3) 让学生学会用辨证和积极的态度对待新闻媒体。

(4) 培养学生合作和共享的学习态度。

3. 文化意识 (Cultural awareness):


二、 教材内容分析(Analysis of the teaching materials)


“热身”部分呈现了关于不同新闻媒体的图片,并通过五个问题让学生大致了解种类,可靠度,运做,以及相关词汇。“听力” 部分是围绕Jim Gray被炒这样一件事情展开的。但形式独特,有对老板的采访,也有 同事对他的议论。在随后的练习中,第一题是一个对两段材料听后的信息综合题,但采用选择的形式刚好可以使难度适当降低。但也能检测学生听力信息的汲取量,提高信息的准确度。后面的 问题设计更加深化了主题。让学生听了之后思考新闻应该怎么做才好。“口语” 部分在通过让学生从十件当天发生的事情中选择新闻材料来操练巩固“Expressing ideas”的语言功能。“读前”部分以六个问题的形式来导入下面的阅读。“阅读” 如何制作和编写新闻,以及新闻传播媒体的重要性。“读后”部分要求学生回答问题,其中前一个问题评价学生对文章理解的程度;后三个问题是开放性的,目的在于培养学生的思辨能力。“语言学习”分语言点和语法两部分。“综合技能” 分为读写两部分。阅读课本中同一事件的两则不同的报道来对两则报道进行分析比较,并配置相应的标题和新闻图片,并且为写作部分奠定了一定的基础。写作部分是写关于对不同的两中媒体介绍的文章。“复习要点”部分简要地总结了本单元的语法重点--动词形式的使用,并且列举了一些词汇和句子,帮助学生温习。

三、 教学安排(Teaching arrangements)

Period 1-2: Warming up & Reading (Behind The Headline)

Period 3: (Wb) Listening, Talking & Listening

Period 4: Speaking, Integrating Skills and Writhing

Period 5: Language Practicing

Period 6: (Wb) Integrating skills & Writing

本教学安排根据“LARA教学原则”,对教材进行大胆的删除(L – leave out)、 修补(A – Amending)、替换(R – Replace)、增添(A – Add),灵活的将教材为我所用。新教材在选材和教学活动的设计上充分考虑到学生年龄特征和他们生理和心理发展的需要;在采用话题、功能、结构相结合的教学方法的基础上,设计了“任务型”的活动;对英语语言知识和技能训练作了系统的安排,循序渐进,循环反复,有利于学生构建知识系统;注意培养创新精神,提高实践能力。但新教材也应与学生的实际相结合,我们不能全盘照搬。同时在教学过程中,为了对教学有个及时的反馈和有效的改进,我们还进行了“形成性评价”。

本单元的语言技能和语言知识几乎都围绕“新闻媒体”这一中心话题设计的。我们根据本单元实际情况对教材的课时安排作了一些调整,尤其是学生用书(Student’s Book)和作业本(Workbook)有机结合。

第一、二课时是采访对话形式的阅读课,主要内容涉及到如何制作和编写新闻,以及新闻传播媒体的重要性。首先,从放映各种娱乐、体育、时事新闻报道开始,让学生对新闻和传播媒体有感官上的刺激与认识。然后就此展开话题,引出各种news media(如 radio, newspapers, magazines/journals/periodicals, internet等),并将教材中warming up有机地相结合,以老师问学生答的有效互动形式自由谈论他们所喜受的news media并比较各种news media的优势。之后老师可以问“Which kind of news media is the most convenient and cheapest for us to have?” (newspapers)。紧接着在学生面前呈现一份报纸,让学生认识并讨论报纸的各个组成部分,以此引出报纸和新闻的相关词汇,激发学生的学习兴趣,同时为阅读做好充分地铺垫。然后以问题“Do you know how news is made in newspapers?”自然地导入到课文中。在快速阅读后让学生完成pre-reading,选出文中所提到的几个话题,了解文章的梗概。在细读过程中,根据课文采访的内容,主要围绕着采访者的问题对学生进行提问,检查学生对文章的理解程度。在了解文章内容之后再疏通课文,处理文章的重难点。在学生掌握课文内容并有了一定量的信息输入之后,给学生创造情境,进行role play (reporter & Olympic champion Tian Liang 田亮) ,让学生将所学的知识真实地运用到情境交际中,达到巩固知识与信息输出的目的。至此学生对新闻与传播媒体的认识都是从新闻与记者角度出发,新闻最重要的原则是真实性,但在我们身边不难发现有些新闻缺乏了它的真实性。那么让学生换个角度来了解讨论“自己作为读者是如何看待新闻与传播媒体的,尤其是一些缺乏真实性的新闻报道”,告诉学生对新闻要有着自己独到客观的见解,学会客观分析与批判地接受新闻信息。从而开拓了学生的思维,让学生对整个新闻事业有了更加全面、辩证的认识。最后作业布置将口头和笔头相结合,让学生朗读和背诵好词好句,并以记者的身份写一篇有关于奥运冠军田亮的新闻报道(提供相关查询的网址)。

因此第三课时一开始的时候先做一个头脑风暴,旨在复习上两个课时的相关词汇和内容。本课时分为了3部分,两篇听力与一个talking。首先针对Wb listening的特点,由它导入并热身。先从身边的实物报纸开始引出,通过问答之间过度到媒体,报纸的名词,在这里展开一个小小的头脑风暴,让学生想有关的词汇,老师可以用问题或多媒体引导,最后在多媒体上呈现。加深印象,也可以复习了上一节课时的内容。也就自然过度到听力的内容。听后的问题再让学生思考为什么要开这样的会议。来个小讨论,提起学生的兴趣,顺利转移到下一环节,让他们自己去采访。在这环节,有必要把采访的对象具体话,给出人物,以及人物的一些信息,让采访活动目的话,避免无话可讲。那做为记者,除了关心名人,是不是还要关心普通人的生活呢?转到下一环节课文的听力。落实了听的任务后。再来一个升华。那就是做文章做新闻要用怎么样的一个态度,怎么样才可以成为畅销的报纸。让学生思考,为下一课时阅读做一个铺垫。作业的布置一个让学生把课堂采访的内容写成稿子,另一个就是让他们以四人为一个小组,课外用各种媒体工具去找资料,记录他们认为的当天最轰动的头条新闻,也是为阅读做准备。

第四课时首先通过教师和学生对生活实况的交谈引出新闻,谈到新闻的形新闻类型以及不同类型新闻的可靠程度。引出部分词汇并将话题带到speaking 部分。Speaking 部分旨在通过让学生从十件当天发生的事情中选择新闻材料来操练巩固“Expressing ideas”的语言功能。该部分由师生的生活实况导入,又通过教师与学生,学生与学生的交流让学生充分发表自己意见,培养学生多角度的发散性思维能力。在对speaking部分的处理之后,谈到新闻标题和新闻图片等,此时的词汇也有了一定的扩展。由此进入到integrating skills。Integrating skills 分为读写两部分。学生在预习任务布置的阅读新闻中对分析新闻有了初步的认识后,再通过阅读课本中同一事件的两则不同的报道来对两则报道进行分析比较,并配置相应的标题和新闻图片,在读的同时学生的口语得到了提高,对新闻报道有了更深的认识。并且为写作部分奠定了一定的基础。写作部分中给出怎样写好作文的标准。作业则让学生跟好的了解新闻,提高学生的分析能力。


第六课时为阅读写作课。首先通过谈论暑假里发生的新闻,将教学内容导入到新闻媒体上,进而谈到本文的中心人物 – 著名主持人杨澜。让学生在快速阅读的本文的基础上,以杨澜的成长经历为线索,理清本文的主要内容。然后再在精读的基础上,解决课后问题。在全面掌握文章的基础上,给学生几个拓展训练,就“媒体是否有教育意义”这个问题展开辩论,之后再让学生比较中美“TV show”的不同和相似之处及其原因。借此两个话题可以拓展学生的思维,也可以充分让学生的口语得到锻炼,并且在辩论活动中发扬团体精神。第二部分主要通过模仿上文,写一篇关于著名主持人的新闻报道, 来巩固学生对阅读文章的掌握,同时也让学生熟悉如何写新闻报道这种新的文章类型,并把在文章中学到的新词汇及句型加以运用。

四、 单元预习任务(Pre-unit Activities: Preview Task)

1. 根据本单元教学目标和要求,了解本单元话题和任务,充分做好课前预习工作。

2. 预习语言知识,包括词汇表里的词汇和扩展词汇,掌握词义、发音、词性以及其基本用法。鼓励学生勤查字典。

3. 多渠道(如报刊、杂志、网络等等)查阅并了解与本单元话题有关的背景知识和材料。




3) htttp://

4) http://www.media-awareness.ca/english/resources/educational/lessons/secondary/broadcast_news/news_lesson2.cfm

4. 做好每课时的课前具体预习任务。


(1) 根据教学目标和要求,了解本课时的话题和任务,预习课文的语言知识,包括词汇表里的词汇和短语,以及课外提供的扩展词汇,掌握词义、发音、词性以及基本用法。鼓励学生勤查字典。

(2) 预习阅读材料,掌握文章的中心思想和基本脉络。

(3) 通过报刊、杂志、网络等途径,多渠道查阅并了解与阅读材料相关的信息资料和背景知识,做好充分的课前预习工作。



Q1: From what sources can we get news? And what are they? How can we get news from them?

Q2: What do we call the sources from which we get news?

Q3: Which kind of news media do you prefer? Why?

Q4: Who work for newspapers? Who writes articles in the newspapers?

Q5: What’s the job of reporters and editors?

Q6: Why are news and media important to us?

Q7: Do you often read newspapers and magazines, or watch TV programs, or listen to the radio or surf the Internet to get news? How do you think of the news you get from news media? Do you believe all the news? What attitude do you take towards them?


1、 复习阅读课文,预习所给的词汇、相关新闻媒体知识等材料;

2、 预习Wb Listening和Speaking和Listening。


1、 预习所给的词汇,和相关知识。

2、 查找并阅读一篇报纸上的报道,并设法找出其中的时间、地点、人物、起因、结果以及作者的观点等。




1、 复习上一课时所学的语言点和语法。

2、 搜索有关著名主持人杨澜的报道,了解相关内容。

五、 教学步骤 (Teaching procedures)

Period 1-2: Warming up & Reading (Behind The Headline)

Step1 Greetings and warming up

Before class, get the Ss to enjoy some TV shows for about 5 minutes to warm them up.

T: Good morning/ afternoon, boys and girls!

Ss: Good morning/ afternoon, Ms / Mr. …!

T: Did you enjoy the TV shows? What are all the TV programs about?

Ss: They are about news.

T: What news can you get from these programs?

S1: Sports news. S2: Entertainment news. S3: …

T: Yes, we can get different kinds of news from the TV programs such as sports news, entertainment news, current affairs, etc. Besides TV programs where else can we get news?

S1: Newspaper. S2: Magazine. S3: Radio. S4: Internet.

T: Right. And what do we call all of them?

Ss: News Media.

TV programs

Newspaper Magazine/periodical/journal

News Media

Radio Internet

T: Of all these kinds of news media, which one do you usually use? And which one do you prefer, why?

S1: I prefer radio as I can carry my radio anywhere and pick up many radio programs.

S2: I like TV programs as we can see more vivid pictures on the screen.

S3: I think the Internet is best because we can find anything on the Internet and the news on the Internet are maybe the latest than news from others.

S4: …

T: So all of you have different choices about news media. But which kind of news media do you think is the most convenient and cheapest for everyone to get?

Ss: Newspaper.

T: Exactly. Do you like reading newspapers? Do you subscribe to any newspapers? Can you name some newspapers that you know?

S1: Yes, I like. I subscribe to China Daily and the 21st Century.

S2: I seldom read newspapers, but I know some, for example, English Weekly, Qianjiang Evening Paper, Guangming Daily, and Taizhou Daily.

S3: …

T: You know a lot about newspapers. Excellent! Generally we can divide papers into daily, weekly and monthly, or morning paper and evening paper, or national paper and local or regional paper.

Step 2 Lead in

T: Now here is a copy of the newspaper “21st Century ”, please look at the paper, what can you find in the paper?

(T goes around the class and presents the newspaper to the Ss. Ask the Ss to find out the parts of the newspaper.)

S1: Articles. S2: Photos. S3: Advertisements (ads) S4: …

T: What do we call …in English?

(T points to some parts of the newspaper and gets the Ss to know the English names of them.)

e.g. masthead, headline, subheading, front page, column, etc.

T: In the newspaper what we can find most are articles. Do you know who writes articles?

Ss: Reporters.

T: Do reporters only record or write the events? What else do they need to do? And how do they make news?

So we still have many questions about it, right? Now today we have a good chance to learn something about newspapers and reporters. Maybe after studying we will know more about them.

Step 3 Reading

T: Would you like to turn to page 11? First I’d like to give you a couple of minutes to go through the passage and try to get the general idea of the passage. Now please do it as quickly as possible.

1. Fast reading.

Ask the Ss to read the passage quickly and get the main idea of the passage. After reading, have the Ss answer the following questions.

Q1: How many people are there in the passage? Who are they? What are they doing?

S1: There are three, one interviewer and two journalists named Chen Ying and Zhu Lin. They are having an interview.

T: So we can say the two journalists who are being interviewed in the interview are interviewees.

Q2: What are they talking about?

(T gives the Ss some topics to choose, see pre-reading)

How does a reporter decide what to write?

How much does a newspaper cost?

Why do people read newspapers?

How do newspapers report what happens?

Where do people read newspapers?

How do newspapers help us understand the world?

2. Careful reading.

Ask the Ss to read the passage carefully and try to get more detailed information. Think over the two topic questions above.

T: Have you finished yet? Here I have prepared a number of questions for you to check how much you understand the passage. You’d better try to answer the questions with your textbooks closed.

Q1: How does a reporter decide what to write? (A reporter has to discuss the article with the editor and get some suggestions from the editor.)

Q2: What should be done before a reporter actually starts writing?

(A reporter begins by contacting the people to be interviewed , then prepare questions, and interview the people. After the interview, the reporter must present the material in an organised way and make sure the article reflects events and opinions truthfully.)

(T: Great! So until now do you know how reporters make news and decide what to write?)

Q3: What newspaper articles do you prefer to read? Why? (I prefer to read …because they are more interesting/ instructive/educational/…)

Q4: What are the two journalists’ favourite articles that they have written? Why do they like them best?

(Chen Ying’s favourite article is the one she wrote about the efforts to bring stolen cultural relics back to China .It is both news and an interesting story. Zhu Lin’s favorite article is about an ordinary young woman who tried to adapt to her new life after having studied abroad. It was the first time that he had written with real passion and it made him realize that everyone’s life is different.)

Q5: What do they want most to write about? Why ?

(Zhu Llin wants to explore the mysteries in life and would like to write about music, art, nature and the importance of spiritual fulfillment, while Chen Ying wants to write about people we seldom read about, for example, people who have AIDs or who are addicted to drugs.)

Q6: If you were a reporter, what would you like to write about? Why?

Q7: How do newspapers help us understand the world?

(They can help people become interested in important questions around the world. Also, they can bring us a better understanding of the world on all sides, leading to a future world where people from all countries are respected and different views and opinions are tolerated.)

3. Listening and Language points

T: Well, you did a good job. Now you have got a general idea of the passage. But do you have any difficulties in understanding some language points? Let’s enjoy the passage with the tape recorder.

(While listening, T helps the Ss to deal with the language points when necessary.)

Step 4 Product (Role Play)

T: From the passage, we know how a reporter works for a newspaper, how to make news and how to write articles. Do you think to be a reporter is an easy job? Do you want to experience the reporter’s work? Here is a chance and task for you.

Task: Suppose you are a reporter from our school newspaper. You are chosen to interview the Olympic Diving Champion Tian Liang(田亮), who won the gold medal with Yang Jinghui(杨景辉)in the men’s synchronized 10-meter platform event(男子双人10米跳台项目) in Athens 2004 Olympic Games.

T: Would you like to have a face-to-face interview with your partner? One acts the role of a reporter and the other the Olympic Champion Tian Liang.

The following questions are for Ss’ reference.

For which age did you begin to learn diving? (at the age of 7)

What’s your life like when you began to train diving at the early age?

Have you ever wanted to give up diving?

How did you feel when you won the gold medal in Sydney 2000 Olympic Games?

Have you thought you would win the gold medal before the competition in Athens Games?

Do you have any pressure when you attended the Athens Olympic Games since you are the champion in Sydney 2000 Olympic Games?

(If there is some pressure) How do you relieve your pressure?

What’s your life goal? When do you want to stop diving?

Most people think you are a lucky boy, then how do you make such a great achievement?


(Ss are given a couple of minutes to prepare and then T asks two or more pairs to act out their interview.)

Step 5 Discussion

T gets the Ss to enjoy some video or newspaper articles in which news is reported untruthfully.

T: How do you think about the news you enjoyed?

Do you think they are very interesting?

Do you think the news is reported truthfully?

Why do some reporters report the events untruthfully?

( for the circulation of their newspapers, magazine,or start a rumor or gossip to attract and entertain readers, or other certain purposes…)

As a reader, how do you “read” the media messages such as TV advertisements, TV programs, news on the Internet and newspaper articles?

(First, T has the Ss do a survey about their way of reading media messages, see Post-reading, Ex.3)

I would believe all of it without checking other sources. I would believe some it, but I would also check other sources. I would not believe it, but I might check other sauces and maybe change my mind.

TV advertisements

TV programs

News on the Internet

Newspaper articles

(Then, T collects information by asking questions according to the form above.)

T: Do you know what kind of readers you are? Are you a critical reader?

What attitude do you usually take towards the news we get from the news media?

What attitude should we take towards the news?

(to be critical of what we read, make objective and critical comments on news, have our own opinions about news, and have an ability of telling the difference between facts and opinions …)

T: (Summary) We each are social members, we should be concerned about what happens around us. The news media help us to learn about the world around us and have a better understanding of the world on all sides. News and news media are important and necessary for us, and we should show positive attitude towards them. It is important to be a critical reader and make objective and critical comments on what we read.

Step 6 Assignment

1.Oral Work: Read and recite new words learned in this lesson, and some beautiful sentences in the passage as well.

2.Written Work: Write a brief news report about Tian Liang.(about 100 words)

(Consult the following websites to get more detailed information about Tian Liang)





3. Preview (next lesson???)

版书设计(Blackboard Design)

Unit 2 News Media

Period 1:Behind the Headlines

TV programs

Radio interviewer

news media magazine

newspaper (daily/weekly/monthly)


headline subheading article

interviewee journalist reporter

editor current affairs critical (Zhu Lin) (Chen Ying)

Period 3: (Wb) Listening, Talking and Listening

Step 1. Pre-listening

Show the Ss some daily newspapers (China Daily, Shenzhen Daily, Taizhou Daily)

T: Morning boys and girls. Look, what’s in my hand?

S: Newspaper.

T: So do you know some popular newspapers?

S: China Daily, Shenzhen Daily, Taizhou Daily, the 21st Century …

T: Yeah, these are the latest newspapers for toady. Nowadays we can see all kinds of newspaper in our

daily life, and they are very common. Boys, do you like reading it? Why?

S1: By reading, we can know what happened around us.

S2: We can learn what we can not learn in our books.

T: Right, by reading newspaper, we can get lots of information and broaden our eyes. But do you know

more about the kind of media-newspaper? Can you tell me some words related to the newspaper? Let’s

have a competition between boys and girls, one word one point.

Boys Girls

S: Media/ interview/ editor/ reporter/ ads/ pictures/ selling/ headline/ journalist/ circulation front page/ masthead…

(Teacher shows some pictures of these words on the screen to get the further understanding.)

T: Perfect. You know much about the newspaper. But do you know how the workers work in their office?

Now I will lead you to an office. Let me first introduce them to you. The chief editor of a daily newspaper is having a meeting with the journalists. This is the chief editor, Sarah, he is Bob, and he is Mick. The lady is Susan. The chief editor is telling them what she wants them to do today.

Now listen carefully and try to take notes and finish the exercises one and two in your paper. This is a

good chance for you to learn.

Step 2. While listening

(Listen twice. Between the two times, leave some minutes for them to take notes.)

Step 3. Post listening

T: Well done! But who can tell me why we need to have the meeting first before reporting?

S1: We have lots of information each day, and we just need the most attractive one .So we need to choose some to be the hot topic, and then it is easy for us to report the people and events.

S2: We should know what we should do before any action, and it is a good beginning.

Step 4. Reporting (talking/ group-work)

T: Just now Bob, Mick and Susan got their tasks. What about you, my dear friends? Do you have any interests to interview some and to be a reporter?

S: Yes.

T: Now suppose I am your chief editor. Yesterday you had a good talking with champion Tian Liang, and today I will give you a good chance to interview these three VIPs together.

(Show the pictures and brief introductions of Zhang Ziyi, Yao Ming, a fireman.)

T: Now here is today’s TV show, here is a special gathering, and today’s interview is special too. As a reporter, you can ask your questions in the role card, and what’s more, it is an interview, it is more like a chatting in the four. You can report your own attitudes towards the same event, the same film, the same game. For example, you can ask them to talk about Zhang ziyi’s film Hero, Yao Ming’s latest game and so on.

Maybe the instructions and the role cards can help you. And let’s see whose is the best one.

Let’s work in four, one will be the reporter, and the other three are the interviewees.

The following questions are for Ss’ reference.

What is your latest film/match/task?

What is it about?

Are you satisfied with your acting in the film/in the game/rescue?

Can you say some interesting / unforgettable things in the film / game?

Did you see this film? / Do you like sports? Which team will win next match?

Do you like it? Why?

How did the fire begin?

What did you do to rescue them?

What was your feeling when you pulled into the fire?

T: If it is an interview program, which group is best, and why?

S1: I think ...is the best one, because they ask and answer some good questions and let us know more about them.

S2: We think group 2 is the best one, for their interview let us know they are also true and common people in our life.

S3: Through their talk, to the same event, different persons have different opinions.

Step 5. Listening

T: Good job. After class, edit your interview with your group mates and write a short report, could you? Just now, we had a good talking with these three famous people, and shall we care about the common people, now let ‘s come to today’s column------should I be fired? Let’s see what happened to Jim Gray?

(Tell the students that they will be listening to an interview and a dialogue for the first time, and finish

part 1, for the second listening, they should think about some questions.)

T: What happened to Jim Gray?

What kind of person is Jim Gray?

Why is he no longer working for the company?

From your answers, we see some differences. Why?

Yes, you have heard two different descriptions of what happened to Jim Gray. Why are they different?

Which one do you think is better?

Step 6. Post listening (Products)

T: Now if you are the reporter, how will you deal with / report this event?

S1: I will put these two descriptions together in the paper.

T: As a reporter, you can hear different voices and opinions. What should you do?

S: I will record all the events carefully.

T: In your opinion, what is the most important for a newspaper and a reporter?

Money/ circulation / facts…?

S: Report the facts truthfully.

T: For the newspaper, how can it be popular? Do you have any good ideas?

S1: Care about the important events happened in the world.

Report the news at the first time in time.

Report the facts truthfully, don’t cheat or mislead the readers.

Care more about people’s daily life and help to solve some problems by media.

T: Great, and you know we have a school newspaper. How can it be welcome by the students? What should us pay attention to? And tell us why you think we should think about this?

S: Good layout.

Let it be a good way for the exchanging between students and the school.

Give some surveys.

Supply the space for the students to show themselves.


Step7. Homework

1.Edit the interview with the desk mate and write a short report

2.Find the hot topic today.

Divide the Ss into 4 groups,

Group 1. Find the hot topic news in our school.

Group 2. in our city

Group 3. in china

Group 4. in the world.

And share them with the classmates.

版书设计(Blackboard Design)

Unit 2 News Media

Period 3: (Wb) Listening, Talking and Listening

media. editorial

interview entertainment

editor-----edit body G


ads = advertisement subheading

layout column / columnist G B

front page circulation

headline current affairs

journalist… daily/weekly/monthly


Period 4: speaking, integrating skills and writing

Step1. Greeting and lead in

T: Good morning, class. How are you feeling today?

I am very happy, because I have received a good piece of news. Can you guess what kind of news excited me? You see, Teacher’s day is coming. Some of my friends will celebrate it for me. So what do you think of my friends?

Do you think they care about me a lot? Are they caring?

Ss: Yes, they are caring.

T: I am proud to make friends with these caring citizens.

How about you? Do you have some caring friends?

Or do you have some news today?

When we talk about news, what will you think of?

S1: News reporter… S2: Journalist…

S3: Editor… S4:………..

How does news come into being?

Should some journalists go to news spots to search news?

While doing on--the--spot interview, what do they need?

Ss: microphone, camcorder…

After the journalists return to the newspaper offices with news, who will get the news prepared to be published on papers?

Ss: Editor.

Is there a title for each story? Can you use another word?

Ss: Headline

Can you decide if it is the news on politics from the headline?

Besides it, can you tell me some other types of news?

S1: political news…. S2: economical news…

S3: sports news… S4: …

Compared with the news on politics, is the economical news more reliable or less reliable?

Divide the students into groups of four and ask them to have a discussion. Then choose some students to tell me which group’s idea is the most reasonable.

Step2. Speaking

T: Let’s take a look at a list of things happened today to see whether it is worth publishing.

1. 200 people died in an earthquake in Turkey.

2. China beat Brazil 2-1 in football.

3. France elected a new president.

4. Three children from your city were killed.

5. Two men robbed a bank in Shanghai.

6. Food prices are going up.

7. A house in your city burnt down. Nobody was injured.

8. 2,000 people in your city moved into new buildings today and were happy

9. A Chinese scientist has invented a new car engine that does not pollute the air.

10. There is a rumor that a large company wants to build a factory in your city.

T: What kind of news is it in your opinion?

What do you think of it?

S1: It’s important because…

S2: It’s unimportant because…

T: Do you think it is reliable? What is your opinion?

S1: Yes, as it tells us the information in detail…

T: If you are the editor, which event are you going to put in your newspaper? Can you give your reasons for it?

How about you? Which one is more important in your opinion?

What is your idea? Which one do our readers want to know?

Would you please give a headline to your news?

Will you use pictures? What picture will you use?

S1: Yes… S2: No….

I don’t think we should choose…

If I were you, I would rather choose…

T: And I think in order to make our news reliable, vivid and draw the readers’ attention. What should the editors and other workers do in additions to the headline and some proper pictures?

Should they tell us the facts in detail?

What does it mean?

S1: In detail.

S2: Time, place, personalities, and so on.

T: If the report is about the opinions. What should it be?

S1: It should be reliable.

S2: It should be based on the facts.

Step3. Integrating skills

1) Reading

T: Turn to page 15 to learn more about news. Read the two reports of the same event below.

Who do you think wrote each report?

Ss: News editors…

What would be a good headline for each story?

S1: Demonstration. S2: Fighting against the pollution

S3: ……

(The teacher should make some comment on the students’ ideas.)

T: Are the pictures proper? What pictures would you use? Why?

2) Listening

T: Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.

According to the first report, when and where did the story happen?

S1: Today, outside a factory in our city.Between whom was the trouble caused?

S2: A small group of people and the workers.Who are called troublemakers, the workers, the guards or the small group of people?

S3: The small group of people.Can you guess why these troublemakers make trouble for the factory?

S4: ……

T: Maybe you can find the answer in the second report.

Is it the factory that is the polluter?

S5: Yes.What did the citizens do? How? Why?

S6: They made their voices heard today by demonstrating for they like our nature and planet.What did the media think of them? Were the really troublemakers?

S7: Responsible, caring, brave and strong.

T: What do you think of them?

S8: caring …… S9: careless ……

S10: ……

3) Discussion

1. If you were the citizens there, what would you do? Would you join the demonstration, or you would rather try to solve the problem in other ways? Why?

2. What should we do to protect our nature and planet?

How about the factories and the government?

Divide the students into two groups. Each group member is expected to take part in it. While discussing, they exchange ideas and make comments on other ideas.

4) Task

How are the reports different? Can you compare them?

(Ask the students to do pair work..)

Step4. Writing

T: From these, I am sure that you are clear about the differences between these two reports. But do they have

any similarities? Can you tell me in detail?

Good, you have made a good comparison. So we are going to do some writing in which you compare two

kinds of media, for example, websites and newspaper.

Before writing, do you get some ideas about how to compare two things?

Should you explain how the two types of media are similar or different?

Do you know their similarities and differences?

Ss: Yes. Ss: No.

Do both of them belong to media?

Can we get some certain information and know current affairs from them?

How about headlines, pictures and pages? Are websites and newspapers similar or different in these aspects?

Are they free or will you be charged if you want to read newspapers or visit the websites?

S1: The newspapers need money, while the websites are free.

Does that mean websites doesn’t make money?

While many websites are free, most newspapers cost money. Are there any more differences between them?

Who write the newspapers?

How about the websites? Can you write something on the Internet?

S1: BBS-----bulletin board system

S2: ……

Which changes faster?

Ss: Websites.

But not all websites are updated every day.

In order to make your passage better, you should pay attention to the checklist to revise what you have written.

1. Does your paragraph have a topic sentence?

2. Is it easy to understand what you are explaining?

3. Do your supporting sentences focus on the main idea?

4. Have you used enough examples?

5. Does your paragraph have a closing sentence?

6. Is your paragraph interesting?

7. Check your grammar and spelling.

The teacher should make some comments on the compositions. If time is limited, just take the composition as


Step5. Homework

Read some newspapers or search the Internet. Try to find some pieces of news on the same event. Compare them and which one do you prefer? Why? Or do you have more ideas? Write it down in your exercise book.

版书设计(Blackboard Design)

Unit 2 News Media

Period 4: (Wb) Listening, Talking and Listening

come into being: come from, form

news spot

proper: suitable

aspects: particular part or feature of sth.

BBS-----bulletin board system

Period 5: Language Practicing

Step 1. Lead-in

T: As we know, newspapers and other media are very important in our life. But do you know the life of a reporter? (Ss may give a variety of answers.)

Step 2. Language points

T: Can you find any words and expressions in this unit that help you understand the life of a reporter? (Give Ss enough time to find answers. The following questions are helpful.)

Q1: What should a reporter do before he or she actually starts writing?

Answer: A reporter begins by contacting the people to be interviewed and then prepares questions.

1) begin with + n. / pron..

begin by doing

2) the people to be interviewed

the people being interviewed

the people interviewed

3) interview n. / vt. (As a noun, it refers to an activity.)

interviewee n. (It refers to a person who is interviewed.)

interviewer n. (It refers to a person who interviews somebody else.)

Q2: After the interview, what should the reporter do?

Answer: He or she must present the material in an organized way and make sure that the article reflects events and opinions truthfully.

T: Do you know the meaning of “in an organized way”?

4) present

n. / adj. 目前,现在

at present = at the present time 在目前

the present government 现政府

vt. 介绍,引见;赠送;描述


a) Allow me to present Mr. Wang to you. (introduce)

b) The police asked me to present what the criminal looked like. (describe)

c) Thank you for the bike you presented to me. (gave)

n. = gift

eg. Thanks for your nice present / gift.

5) reflect vt.

a) to make a visible image of … 反射;映出

eg. Mirrors reflect light.

trees reflected in the water

b) to show反映;表现

eg. Her sad looks reflected the nature of her thoughts.

Q3: What should an experienced reporter be like?

Answer: He or she makes informed decisions about what events to report and how to report them. He also makes sure that readers can relate to the stories.

T: Do you know “make a decision”? Good! What does “informed decisions” mean? And what does “relate to the stories” refer to?

S: Enjoy / appreciate.

T: Great! It also means “have something to do with”.

Q4: Can news media help us understand the world better? How do you know it?

Answer: Yes. They help people to understand the world on all sides, leading to a future world where people from all countries are respected and different views and opinions are tolerated.

6) on all sides

eg. There are mountains on all sides. (四面都是山。)

The Olympic Games held in Athens were reported an all sides.


7) tolerate vt. bear, stand

eg. I can’t tolerate his rudeness. (我不能容忍他的粗鲁行为。)

Q5: Can you find other good words and expressions in this unit?

Possible answers: fire, elect, injure, switch, be addicted to, positive …

8) fire n.

Keep away from fire! 切勿近火!

catch fire 着火(强调动作)

be on fire 着火(强调状态)

set fire to… 纵火烧…

make a fire 生火

play with fire 玩火

vt. = to dismiss

eg. He is still out of work since our boss fired him.

9) injure vt. = hurt

eg. He injured an arm in a car accident.

the injured 伤员

injury n. 受伤处;(精神上的)伤害

10) switch n. 开关

vt. 用开关开启;转变;改变

11)be addicted to = be crazy about对……入迷

eg. I am addicted to the Internet. 我对互联网如痴如醉。

12) positive 积极的 (active)

neutral 中立的 (independent)

negative 消极的 (passive)

Step3. Word Study

Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box. You may change the form if necessary.

Fire elect injure switch present relate reflect tolerate

1 Mr. Jones, who has worded for this company for 25 years, was elected president last week.

2 More than 2090 people died or got injured in the earthquake.

3 Mr. Thompson was fired by the publishing company because many of his news stories were not true.

4 As he was fluent in both languages he had no problems in switching from Chinese into English.

5 Mathilde’s rough hands and face reflected a life of hard work.

6 What you have said does not relate to what we are concerned with now.

7 He is so rude to his parents. I wouldn’t tolerate that kind of behavior in my family.

8 She spent the whole weekend collecting information on the product, and planned to present her findings to her boss on Monday.

Step 4. Grammar--- The Past Participle used as Attribute and Predicative

T: In this unit, there are a lot of verbs used in their Past Participle form. Can you find any?

S: Experienced, informed, talented, organized, tolerated…

T: Well done. Do you know what they mean? And what are they used as?

T: would you like to enjoy two flash shows? I hope they can help you understand more about the Past Participle. (T plays the flash shows, and explains when necessary.)

Step 5. Practices

Do exercises on Page13 and Page 14 in the text.

Step 6. Homework

1 Do Workbook exercises.

2 Review the Past Participle used as Attribute and Predicative.

版书设计(Blackboard Design)

Unit 2 News Media

Period 5: Language Practicing

begin with + n. / pron. reflect vt. a) to make a visible image of …

begin by doing b) to show

the people to be interviewed relate to a) enjoy; appreciate

the people being interviewed b) have something to do with

the people interviewed tolerate vt. to bear; to stand

interview n. / vt. positive 积极的 (active)

interviewee n. neutral 中立的 (independent

interviewer n. negative 消极的 (passive)

present n. / adj. 目前,现在 injure vt. = hurt

vt. 介绍,引见;赠送;描述 the injured 伤员

n. 礼物,赠品 injury n. 受伤处;(精神上的)伤害

Period 6: (Wb) Integrating skills & Writing

Step 1. Lead-in

Firstly teacher will greet with the students, like “How are you, class? Did you have a good time in your summer vacation? If the students answer “Yes”, teacher will go on asking “Who can tell me some important events happening in the summer vacation?”. (Typhoon in Zhejiang Province, the Olympic Games in Greece….)

But if the students answer “No”, teacher will ask them the reason. Most students will say it’s all because of the typhoon. “Yes. That is the most important and terrible event in our province this summer. And do you know any other important event around the world? Maybe not terrible but exciting.” (Olympic Games in Greece)

Then teacher asks students the question “How do you know that?” (From the newspaper, through the internet, watch TV…)

Yes. We know the exciting and important events from the news media. Today we will talk about a lady working in the news media field. She is a very famous host for TV show, or we can call her a TV personality. Her name is Yang Lan.

Step 2. Scanning

Read the passage , and try to find out the growing experience of Yang Lan.

In her childhood, sat in front of a neighbour’s small black and white TV

In her 21, graduated from Beijing Foreign Studies University

became the host of “Zheng Da TV show”

In her 25, went to New York City to get a Master’s degree at Columbia University

During she was abroad, produced a feature show – “Horizon”

interviewed important people and discussed social issues

developed “Yang Lan One on One”

After she returned to China, started her own media company – Sun Media

Step 3. Skimming

Read the passage again, and answer some questions.

From Yang Lan’s growing experience, it is easy to find that she did a success in her life. In the passage, we used a phrase to describe her. What is it? And what does it mean?

They are both great women. They are successful because they have their clear goals. And do you know the goal of Yang Lan and her Company? What kind of TV show does she want to create? What does “to educate through entertainment, and to illuminate through information” mean?

Step 4. Debate

From her media company’s goal, we see that she believes that TV, radio, newspaper and Internet can and should be used to educate people. Do you agree with her?

Ask the students to divide into two groups and discuss the question. Then let them have a free debate. Before they start discussing, teacher will give them some questions as the hints. “What can we learn from different media? What are the bad effects from the media? Among the TV, radio, newspaper and the Internet, which is the most educational….”

Step 5. Discussion

From the debate, we can say “The news media can be and should be used to educate people, but we still have to improve it so that it will be more meaningful. From your words, I can see that you are very familiar with the Chinese TV shows, but how about the TV shows abroad, for example in America? Maybe we have some similarities but also some differences. Can you think of any for these differences and similarities?

Step 6. Writing

As we talk about a lot of the news media and the hosts for TV shows, maybe you’ve already got some information about it. Suppose that you are a reporter for your local newspaper. Your editor has asked you to write an article about a famous TV personality – Yang Lan. The editor has given you a list of questions that the readers are interested in, think of more questions and use the answers to write your article.

Teacher will give the students some hints: in the first paragraph --- Introduction. Such as: “Who is this person? What is she famous for?”; In the second paragraph -- -Background. Such as: “How did she become popular?” In the third paragraph --- current situation and future plans. In the fourth paragraph --- Conclusion. Then ask students to imitate the reading passage, and write a similar passage.

Step 7. Homework

1. Finish writing a news report.

2. Do self-assessment.


六、背景参考资料(Background knowledge)

V 背景知识(Background knowledge)

1. About American Newspapers

There are more than 1500 daily newspapers in the US. Each one is usually sold only in one part of the country, e.g. in a city, but they cover national and international news. In larger cities there is often more than one newspaper and the different ones express different political opinions. Some newspapers are sold in nearly all parts of the USA, e.g. USA today and the national edition of the New York Times. Two other newspapers, the Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post are known and respected all over the US but cannot be bought everywhere. Other important newspapers are: the Boston Globe, sold in New England; the Chicago Tribune, sold in the Midwest; the Christian Science Monitor and USA Today, both sold nationally; and the Washington Post on the East Coast. Many people read the national Sunday edition of the New York Times because it includes the weekly New York Review of Books.

Daily newspapers are published on every day of the week except Sunday. Sunday newspapers are very big, often having several separate parts. They contain many longer articles and a lot of advertisements. Each section deals with a different subject. E.g. national and international news, sport, travel, etc. One section, the classifieds(分类广告), has advertisements for jobs and things for sale. Another cartoon section is often called the funnies or funny papers. There is often also a magazine, which is in color.

2. The Characteristics of a Good Newspaper

A good modern newspaper is an extraordinary piece of reading. It is remarkable first for what it contains: the range of news from local crime to international politics, from sport to business to fashion to science, and the range of comment and special features (特定) as well, from editorial page to feature articles and interviews to criticism of books, art, theatre and music. A newspaper is even more remarkable for the way one reads it: never completely, never straight through, but always by jumping from here to there, in and out glancing at one piece, reading another article all the way through, reading just a few paragraphs of the next. A good modern newspaper offers a variety to attract many different readers, but far more than any one reader is interested in. What brings this variety together in one place is its topicality (时事性), its immediate relation to what is happening in your world and your locality now. But immediacy and the speed of production that goes with it mean also that much of what appears in a newspaper has no more than transient(短暂的) value. For all these reasons, no two people really read the same paper: what each person does is to put together out of the pages of that day's paper, his own selection and sequence, his own news paper. For all these reasons, reading newspapers efficiently, which means getting what you want from them without missing things you need but without wasting time, demands skill and self-awareness as you modify and apply the techniques of reading.

3. Newspaper Vocabulary

Font: style and size of type

Headline: extra large font across top of front page, placed above or below the masthead

Wire service: a news agency or organization that gathers news and transmits it to individual subscribing newspaper (AP, CP, Reuters)

tabloid: a smaller format 1/2 broadsheet folded, often preferred by publishers of local papers or commuter papers and the sensationalist press (National Enquirer)

broadsheet: full-size newspaper, averaging six columns to a page

masthead: information about the newspaper, such as the name of the publishing company, names of the officers of the company, location of editorial offices, editorship and distribution facts, all usually found at the top of the editorial page

hard news: up-to-the-minute news and events that are reported immediately

soft news: background information or human interest stories

paparazzi: international press corps who compete for stories, usually of a sensational nature

reporter: a person hired to rush to the scene and phone back information as soon as possible or to key the report into a word processing terminal at the newspaper office

layout: the position of stories, advertisements, photos and graphics on a page

morgue: the newspaper's collection of clippings, photos, reference materials and microfilm

deadline: the assigned time for stories to be submitted in order to make the issue going to press column: 1)the vertical divisions of a page 2)opinion or comment expressed by a regular writer

4. Introduction of China Daily

The first and only national English-language newspaper in China, China Daily was founded in 1981 at the outset of China’s reform and opening up program. After 20 years of development, China Daily has grown into an English-language newspaper group consisting of nine publications – China Daily, China Daily Hong Kong Edition, Reports from China, Business Weekly, 21st Century, 21st Century School Edition, Beijing Weekend, Shanghai Star and China Daily Website.

China Daily is China’s only newspaper to have entered Western mainstream society. In the United States, the President, over one-third of the members of Congress, and decision-makers in big companies are all China Daily regular readers, reading the newspaper having become an important part of their daily work.

Steadfastly sticking to the principle laid down at its very beginning – Let the world know China Daily through China Daily, the –paper is now moving towards its goal of becoming a “world-famous news media entity.” It is now circulated in more than 150 countries and regions and is an important source of information on China’s politics, economy, law, military affairs, culture, education, sports and social life for its readers both at home and abroad. China Daily is the country’s most frequently quoted newspaper, with its stories often picked up by international wire services, newspaper, magazines and radio and television stations. China Daily is widely recognized as China’s most authoritative English-language publication

5. The major radio and TV networks in America

Today the major radio and TV networks are the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) and the American Broadcasting Company (ABC).

VOA (Voice of America) is the most famous of the 19 radio stations of the United States of America for the expansion of propaganda to foreign countries. Most of the 19 radio stations are supported and organized by the government. VOA Radio Station is in Washington. It was established in 1924, originally for war information and now it comes under the leadership of the American International Communication Bureau. It now has 16 broadcasting stations, sending news to the whole world in 41 languages day and night.

In 1965, the United States launched the world’s first communication space satellite-“Early Bird”. This “Early Bird” made the things all more wonderful. It increased the telephone capacity across the Atlantic by more than one third, and made possible commercial “live” television broadcasts of trans-atlantics events. Now it also carries routinely commercial traffic, such as telephone calls, television, Teletype and other transmission. People could expect the day when a worldwide network of satellites links people of many nations through this new means of communication.

七、评价与反思(Assessment and Reflection)

Task 1: Collect information about “News Media” learnt in this unit and make notes if necessary.

Task 2: Reflection

教师反思Teachers’ reflection:

1. Have all the teaching aims been reached?

2. Have all the Ss learnt a lot in the lessons?

3. What can be improved? …


Class: Name: Score:

Items: True 5 4 3 2 1

Understandable 5 4 3 2 1

Logical 5 4 3 2 1

Grammatical 5 4 3 2 1

Handwriting 5 4 3 2 1

Others 5 4 3 2 1


Class: Name: Score:

Items: Understandable 5 4 3 2 1

Logical 5 4 3 2 1

Creative 5 4 3 2 1

Active 5 4 3 2 1

Cooperative 5 4 3 2 1

Others 5 4 3 2 1

学生反馈Students’ reflection:

1) 自我评价Self-assessment

Class ________Name _________No _________Date __________

In this unit, you learnt about news media. How comfortable do you feel doing each of the skills below?

1=Not comfortable 2=Need more practice

3=comfortable 4=very comfortable

Skills Comfortable level

Talk about news and news media 1 2 3 4

Have the proper attitude towards news media 1 2 3 4

Practice expressing and supporting an opinion 1 2 3 4

Use the new words and expressions 1 2 3 4

Write a news story 1 2 3 4

Use V-ed form as Attribute and Supplement 1 2 3 4

Tell the differences and similarity between different types of news media 1 2 3 4

2) 自我反思Reflection

1. How many types of news media have been learnt in this unit? ___________________

2. What impressed me most in this unit? ____________________________

3. What points haven’t I understood yet? ____________________________

4. In what aspect do I need improvement? ___________________________

3) 学生互评 Peer-assessment


Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group4

They worked together well.

They speak clearly and loudly

They are creative and active

I understood what they said.

Others …