初二英语第二十七单元Ling Feng’s diary

发布时间:2017-11-25 编辑:互联网 手机版



【 抛砖引玉 】


Ⅰ. 词汇学习

family , make , asleep , music , whole , care , holiday , great , interest ,familytree , a first , make faces , take care of , home town , place of interest , diary ,grand , grandson , granddaughter , grandparents , page , classmate , grandma , wake , grandpa ,wake up , for example

Ⅱ. 语法学习

1 . 并列句

2 . 句型

leave one by oneself stop doing

cry harder and harder not……any more

Ⅲ. 交际英语

They'll be very happy to see you again .

I think you'll have a good time .

I'm sure she'll like it .

That's a good idea .

【 指点迷津 】


1 . diary 日记,日记本

We should keep a diary . 我们应该坚持记日记。

〖 点拨 〗keep a diary写/记日记。a pocket diary袖珍日记。

She is always keeping a diary in English .

2 . family tree 家谱

He often tells us his family tree . 他经常给我们讲他的家谱。

〖 点拨 〗注意由family所修饰词汇的特定意义不能望文生义。又如:family farm个体农场。family man有妻子子女的人。family planning计划生育。


His family is a big one . (作为整体看待)

His family are having dinner now .(作为成员看待)

3 . grand ( 亲属关系中 ) ( 外 ) 祖……, ( 外 ) 孙……

grandchild 孙子 ( 女 ) ,外孙子 ( 女 ) 。 grandson 孙子,外孙;

The old man has two grandsons . 这老人有两个孙子。

grandparents ( 外 ) 祖父母

He lives there with his grandparents . 他和他的祖父母住在一起。

〖 点拨 〗 grand还常作“极好的”讲。如:What grand / fine weather !

4 . make 制造,做,使得

The factory makes shoes . 这工厂制造鞋子。

It makes me happy . 它使我感到开心。

〖 点拨 〗在运算中可以用make作“等于”讲。如:Two and two is / makes four .

be made of用……制造(看出原料)。be made from由……制造(看不出原料)。

如:Glasses are made of glass . 玻璃杯是用玻璃制造的。

This kind of wine (酒) is made from rice .

另外要注意:make sb do让某人干……。He made me leave at once . (注意不要用toleave)

5 . page 页

Please turn to page 95 . 请翻到95页。

〖 点拨 〗see pages five to seven参看第五页至第七页。page after page一页一页地。

turn the page over翻过一页。

6 . classmate 同班同学

He is my classmate . 他是我的同班同学。

〖 点拨 〗mate 常作词后缀。如 roommate同一住室的人,workmate工友。

be classmates in the middle school中学时是同学。

7 . grandma 奶奶,外婆

〖 点拨 〗口语相当于 granny 。grandpa 爷爷、外公。

His grandma is more than 80 years old .

8 . asleep 睡着的,熟睡的

I can't fall asleep . 我睡不着。

The little boy is asleep . 小男孩睡着了。

〖 点拨 〗该词没有比较级,作表语,不能作谓语。

fall asleep = go to sleep 睡着。Last night I couldn’t fall asleep until 11:30 .

9 . wake 醒,醒来,叫

My mother usually wakes early . 我母亲时常醒得早。

Please wake me early tomorrow . 明天请早一点叫醒我。

〖 点拨 〗注意该词过去式过去分式为 woke , woken .

wake (sb) up叫醒某人。wake up醒来。

Do you usually wake up at five in the morning ?

10 . music 音乐,乐曲

The boys and girls like popular music . 孩子们喜欢流行乐曲。

〖 点拨 〗music不可数。但是,表达可数时可以借助量词piece 。如:

It’s a beautiful piece of music .

另外,popular music流行音乐。

11 . whole 整个的

He spent the whole week in doing this . 他花了整整一星期时间做这件事。

〖 点拨 〗该词没有比较级前面常加 the 。注意观察:the whole school = all theschool 。

12 . holiday 假日,假期

I am going to my hometown for my holidays . 我要去家乡度假。

the summer ( winter ) holidays 暑 ( 寒假 )

〖 点拨 〗on holidays在度假。Our boss will be away on holiday this month .

13 . hometown 故乡,家乡

Where is your hometown ?

〖 点拨 〗in one’s hometown在某人的故乡。

Great changes have taken place in my hometown in the past few years .

14 . great 伟大的,重大的

We had a great / good / nice / fine time at the ball . 舞会上我们玩的真开心。

〖 点拨 〗该词常具有感情色彩。

15. interest兴趣,趣味

We have interest in English . 我们对英语感兴趣。

I have no interest in singing . 我对唱歌毫无兴趣。

〖 点拨 〗改词常作不可数名词。注意下列搭配:a place of interest一个名胜地。beinterested in对……感兴趣。

16 . sentence 句子

Please make a sentence with this word . 请用这个词造句。

〖 点拨 〗make a sentence with用……造句。


1 . stop to do sth . 与 stop doing sth .

〖 提示 〗stop to do sth . 是“停下来去做 ( 另一件事 ) ”。如:

He stopped to take a rest . 他停下来去休息。

stop doing sth . 是“停止干某事”。如:

He stopped taking a rest . 他停止了休息。

又如:forget to do忘记去干…… 。forget doing忘记干过了…….

try to do尽力干……,try doing试着干…….

2 . can't tell……from 分辨不出

I can't tell the difference from them . 我分辨不出它们之间的区别。

〖 提示 〗tell 在此作“辨别”、“识别”之意。又如:

Can you tell the difference between these two sentences ?

3 . at first 起先,当初

〖 提示 〗相对于 at last “最后”。

At first I didn't like him , but now I do . 起先我不喜欢他,但现在喜欢了。

4 . wake up 醒来,唤醒

〖 提示 〗其中的副词 up 可省去。遇到代词时放词组中间。

What time did you wake up this morning ? 你今天早上是什么时候醒的 ?

Be quiet , your father is asleep ; don't wake him up .

5 . cry harder and harder 哭得越来越厉害

She looked at me and cried harder and harder . 她看着我,哭得越来越厉害。

〖 提示 〗harder 是副词 hard 的比较级。 副词或形容词的比较级连用时,表示“越来越……”。如:

It's snowing harder and harder . 雪下得越来越大。

In summer the day gets longer and longer . 夏天白天变得越来越长。

The train runs faster and faster .

My brother is growing taller and taller .

6 . turn on 打开 ( 灯,收音机等 )

Please turn on the radio , there's good news . 请打开收音机,有好消息。

〖 提示 〗反义词组是 turn off ( 关掉 ) 。turn up开大。turn down开小.

7 . not …… any more 不再,再不

She didn't cry any more . 她再也不哭了。

〖 提示 〗not …… any more 用来修饰表示具体动作的非持续性动词。not……any longer( 不再 ) ,是用来修饰表示状态的持续性动词,强调时间不再延续。如:

I can't wait any longer . 我不能再等了。

no more 也表示“不再”,着重指分量的减少。后接名词或省略。如:

I have no more questions . 我再也没有问题了。

8 . make faces ( make a face ) 做 ( 扮 ) 鬼脸

He made a face at me when the teacher turned back . 当老师转过身时,他朝我做了个鬼脸。

〖 提示 〗相似的词组还有:make a bed 铺床/make a fire 生火/make a speech 演讲/make anexcuse 找借口。

9 . take ( good ) care ( of ) = look after well 照顾,小心,留心

You must take care of yourself . 你要好好注意自己身体。

She stayed at home to take care of the baby .

10 . right away 立刻,马上

〖 提示 〗相当于 at once 。

He didn't answer me right away . 他没有立刻回答我。

11 . place of ( great ) interest ( 了不起的 ) 名胜之地

〖 提示 〗注意其复数变 place 而不是 interest .

Xi'an is one of the places of great interest in China . 西安是中国了不起的名胜之一。

There are many places of interest in China ,

12 . don't have to 不必,没有必要

〖 提示 〗等于 needn't 。是 have to的否定形式。

You don't have to tell Tom . = You needn’t tell him .


【 学法提要 】


1 . make sb . do sth .

How did Ling Feng make the baby stop crying ? 凌峰是怎样使孩子不哭的 ?

1 ) make sb . do sth . 是“使某人做某事”的意思。make 后面接宾语和动词,要用不带to 的动词不定式。又如:

I made her cry . 我把她弄哭了。

2 ) 在动词 see , watch , hear , feel , let 之后接宾语和动词,也要用不带 to 的不定式 ( 作宾语补足语 ) 。如:

I saw her get on the bus . 我看见她上了公共汽车。

2 . 主语 + 谓语 + 动名词 ( 作宾语 )

She stopped crying and listened to the music . 她不哭了,听起音乐来。

stop 是及物动词,crying 是动名词在此作宾语。动名词作宾语的句子,又如:

Do you like singing ? 你喜欢唱歌吗 ?

We all enjoy listening to music . 我们都爱听音乐。

Please stop talking . 请不要讲话。

I didn't stop working . 我没有停止工作。

She is fond of boating . 她喜欢划船。 ( 介词宾语 )


1 . Saturday June 18th , 1994 一九九四年六月十八日,星期六

1 ) 这是写日记的年、月、日、周日的写法。注意日记的书写格式:一般在左上方写上记日记那天的日期,包括年、月、日、周日。在右上方写明天气状况。日记中多用动词一般过去式,主语I可以省略。

日记的日期除了书上这种排列外,还可以写成:June , 1994 Saturday 。 June 18th 也可写成 18th June 。

2 ) 下面是月份和星期的全写和缩写:







Jan .


Mar .

Apr .

May .

Jun .







Jul .

Aug .

Sept .

Oct .

Nov .

Dec .








Sun .

Mon .

Tues .

Wed .

Thur .

Fri .

Sat .

2 . I must take her to hospital . 我得送它去医院。

take 在这里是“带、领”的意思。take sb to someplace 是“带某人去某地”的意思。如:My parents took me to Beijing when I was very young . 我很小时,父母亲带我去了北京。

3 . I can't leave her by herself . 我不能把她单独留下。

leave sb . by oneself 把某人单独留下。

4 . All that afternoon I jumped and sang and did all kinds of things . 整个下午我跳呀,唱呀,做各种样子。

all kinds of 意为“各种各样”。如:

There are kinds of shoes in the shop . 商店里有各种鞋子。

【 妙文赏析 】


Mrs Brown had two sons . One morning in the holidays , when she was doing the washing for the family , her younger son came and asked her for some money for sweets( 糖果 ) .

“Sweets are bad for your teeth ( 牙齿 ) , ”Mrs Brown said .“Takethesetwoorangesand give one to your elder brother . ”One of the oranges was much bigger than the other one , so the smaller boy kept the bigger one for himself ,andgavehisbrother the smaller one .

When the older boy saw that his brother had a bigger orange , he said to him , “It is selfish ( 自私的 ) to take the bigger one for yourself . If mother gives me two oranges , I will give you the bigger one . ”

“I know you will , ”answered his brother , “that is why I took a bigger one . ”

赏析:这个故事中,谁是自私的吗 ? 当然是那个小弟弟,是吗 ? 如果你是那个小弟弟有两个orange ,一大一小,你会怎样办呢 ?


Paid in Full

One day a bus stopped at a tourist spot , and all the passengersgotoutandwentinto a nearby restaurant .

One of them walked up to the manager and said , “ Good morning . I am Mr . Tom Wilkins . These people are all patients at the City Psychiatric Hospital .Theyarehaving their annual bus trip . They will all behave very well , but there is onesmallproblem . They will want to pay for their food and drink with bottle caps . I’ll be gratefulif you will let them do this , then let me have the bill just before we leave . ”

The manager wanted to be helpful , so he said , “ That will be fine , sir . I hope you will all enjoy yourselves in my restaurant . ”

The patients all sat down . They ordered their food and drink ,andbehavedverywell . No one knew they were patients at a psychiatric hospital .

At the end of the meal each of them paid his or her bill with bottle caps .

Then they left the restaurant and got back on the bus .

Tom Wilkins went up to the manager . “ You’ve been most kind , ” he said , “ and understanding . I’ll pay the bill now . ”

The manager added up everything the patients had ordered , and gave thetotaltoTom Wilkins . It came to quite a lot of money .

“ That’s a fair price , ” Tom said . “ I’m happy to pay that . Haveyougotchange for six bottles ? ”

注释:tourist 旅游者。spot 地点。passenger 旅客;来客。psychiatric 精神病学的。annual 一年一次的。behave 举止端正。bottle cap 瓶盖。grateful 感激的。

【 思维体操 】


英语中许多关于动物名称的词可用来指某种类型的人,翻译成汉语时切不可望文生义,否则就会弄出笑话,如:He is really a lucky dog . He has justavoidedbeinghurtinthisserious accident . 上句中 a lucky dog 意为“幸运儿” ( 不可直译为幸运狗 ) 。初学者对此应多加小心,以免出错。下列各种动物分别指哪种人 ?

1 . a big dog 2 . a gay dog 3 . a dog in the manger 4 . a yellow dog 5 . top dog 6 . a bear 7 . a bird 8 . a bee 9 . a fox 10 . a monkey 11 . a pig 12 . a wolf 13 . a tiger 14 . a crocodile 15 . a pigeon 16 . an odd fish 17 . a mouse

答案:1 . 要人;保镖;大亨 2 . 乐天派 3 . 占着茅坑不拉屎的人 4 . 卑鄙可耻的人 5 .当 权派 6 . 粗野的人 7 . 精明的人 8 . 忙碌的人 9 . 狡猾的人 10 . 调皮的人 11 . 贪食的人 12 . 贪婪的人 13 . 凶猛的人;威武的人 14 . 假慈悲的人 15 . 易受骗的人 16 . 奇怪的家伙 17 . 胆小者


【 心中有数 】


A . 最高级与 in , of 短语

在带有形容词或副词最高级的句子中,常常有一个表示比较范围的介词短语作状语,用来表达某人或某物在什么范围内怎样。常用来表示比较范围的介词短语有“in … ”与“of… ”,两者在用法上有区别:

( 1 ) in 表示“在……内”,表示比较范围被看成是一个整体,其后常接表示单位、团体、组织、时间概念等的名词或代词。如:

What's the best sport in summer ? 夏天从事什么运动最好 ?

She is the youngest in the class . 她是班上年龄最小的。

( 2 ) of 表示“属性”,表示比较对象被看成逐个的个体。其句型可分:a ) “ … of all”或“ … of all + the ( one's ) + 名词复数。”如:

The third one is carrying the fewest of all . 第三辆车在所有车辆中运载得最少。

Li Lei is the hardest of all his children . 在所有孩子中,李雷最努力。

b ) “of… the + 基数词”或“of the + 基数词 + 复数名词。”如:

This picture is the most beautiful of the three . 这张图画是三张中最美丽的。

Li Ping sings the best of the four girls . 这四个女孩中李萍唱得最好。

B. 阅读 Lesson 106 , 完成短文。

There were ( 1 ) ( 2 ) on Friday afternoon . Ling Feng's classmates went ( 3 ) (4 ) ( 5 ) , but he ( 6 ) at home and ( 7 ) ( 8 ) Aunt Huang's baby . At first the baby (9 ) ( 10 ) . When she ( 11 ) ( 12 ) and wouldn't ( 13 ) ( 14 ) ( 15 ) , she began (16 )(17 ) . Ling Feng jumped and sang and ( 18 ) ( 19 ) ( 20 ) ( 21 ) ( 22 ) . Atlast he made ( 23 ) ( 24 ) ( 25 ) ( 26 ) .

答案:1 . no 2 . lessons 3 . to 4 . the 5 . park 6 . stayed 7 . looked 8 . after9 .w

as 10 . asleep 11 . woke 12 . up 13 . find 14 . her 15 . mother 16 . to 17 .cry18 . did 19 . all 20 . kinds 21 . of 22 . things 23 . the 24 . baby 25 . stop 26 .crying

【 动手动脑 】


※ 选择题:单项选择

1 . ______ are in the classroom now .

A . All student B . All the student

C . All the students D . The all student

2 . What made you ______ so ?

A . think B . to think C . thinking D . thought

3 . This is the answer _______ the question .

A . to B . for C . at D . of

4 . I began to learn English half a year ago . I can speak ________ English now .

A . a little B . a few C . little D . few

5 . I went to bed after I finished _______ my homework .

A . doing B . do C . does D . to do

6 . Stop ______ ! Listen to me , please .

A . talk B . talking C . to talk D . and talk

7 . I'll give you a ring if Mike ______ tomorrow .

A . comes B . will come C . came D . is coming

8 . They boy made his parents ______ very angry .

A . be came B . got C . / D . were

9 . Mother ______ at half past five this morning .

A . wake me up B . wake up me C . woke up me D . woke me up

答案:1 . C 2 . A 3 . A 4 . A 5 . A 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. D

解析:题1 主要考查 all 应放在限定词之前,且其后的可数名词应用复数形式。 题2 主要考查使役动词 make 后的动词不定式符号 to 不能出现。 题3 是名词所有格的特殊用法。 题4 主要考查 English 为不可数名词,且本句表示的是肯定之意。 题5 主要考查 finish 后的动词应用其 ing 形式。6. 答案 B . 从下句“听我说”的含义,可见上句是让听话人停止说话的动作,因此 stop 后应加动名词。stop 后若加不定式,则意为“停下来 ( 去 ) 说话。” 7. 答案 A . 由 if 引导的条件状语从句中,需用一般现在时来表示将来。从句的主语 Mike 为第三人称单数,因此谓语动词 come 要加“s”。 8. 答案 C . make 后可加省略 to 的不定式或直接加形容词,表示“让……做某事”或“使得……处于某种状态”。A、B、D三个选项中均为动词的过去式,不可能构成不定式,因此只能选C,即直接加形容词。 9. 答案 D . 从时间状语中判断句子为过去时,动词 wake 要用过去式,另外 wake up 在接人称代词宾格做宾语时,要放在 wake 和 up 之间,而不能放在 up 后,因此选D。

※ 填空题:完成句子,每空一词

1 . 我希望你过得愉快。

I hope you'll ______ ______ ______ ______ .

2 . 春天来了,天气变得越来越暖和。

When spring comes , it gets ______ ______ ______ .

3 . 这本书你可借用两周。

You may ______ the book ______ two weeks .

4 . 他会很好地照看你的孩子。

He can ______ ______ ______ _______ your child .

答案:1 . have a good time 2 . warmer and warmer 3 . keep for 4 . take goodcareof

【 创新园地 】

1 . Did you have a good time at the party ?

Did you _______ _______ at the party ?

2 . My bike is broken .

My bike ______ ______ .

3 . These children do well in boating .

These children are _______ _______ boating .

4 . Yesterday we walked to the zoo .

Yesterday we ______ to the zoo _______ _______ .

5 . We may go swimming tomorrow .

We may go _______ _______ _______ tomorrow .

6 . We are going to learn Lesson Two .

We are going to learn _____ _____ _____ .

7 . It's time for lunch .

It's time ______ ______ lunch .

8 . She usually walks to school .

She usually ______ to school ______ ______ .

9 . I often get up at six thirty in the morning .

I often get up at _____ ______ ______ in the morning .

10 . How delicious these mooncakes are !

_____ _____ _____ these are !

11 . - Thank you for your help .

- You're welcome .

- Thank you for ______me .

- Not _____ _____ .

12 . All the students in our class like Mid - Autumn Day .

________ in our class _______ Mid - Autumn Day .

13. Why not take off your coat ?

Why _____ _____ take off your coat ?

14 . My father and mother work in the same school .

My _____ work int he same school .

15 . The school is not near to my home .

The school is _______ my home .

16 . She often helps her mothers wash clothes on Sundays .

She often helps her mother ______ ______ ______ on Sundays .

17 . I don't know .

I ______ ______ ______ .

18 . You have much homework to do .

You have ______ _____ ______ homework to do .

19 . They all like swimming .

_____ ______ ______ like swimming .

20 . She is the tallest in her class .

She is taller than _____ _____ girl in her class .

21 . Where is he from ?

Where ______ he ______ ______ ?

22 . Let's go and look at the monkeys .

Let's go and _____ ______ ______ ______ the monkeys .

23 . You aren't busy . I think .

I _______ think you ______ busy .

24 . Let's climb the hill , OK ?

______ ______ climb the hill ?

25 . She is good at English .

She ______ ______ ______ English .

( 请同学们把填好的答案反馈给我们 )

答案:1 . enjoy yourself/yourselves 2 . doesn't work 3 . good at 4 . went ,onfoot5 .for a swim 6 . the second lesson 7 . to have 8 . goes ; on foot 9 . halfpastsix10 .Whatdelicious mooncakes 11 . helping ; at all 12 . Everyone ; likes 13 .don't you 14 .parents 15 .far from 16 . do some washing 17 . have no idea 18 . alot of 19 . All of them 20 .anyother 21 . does ; come from 22 . have a look at 23 .don't ; are 24 .Shallwe 25 . does well in




【 抛砖引玉 】


Ⅰ. 词汇学习

family , make , asleep , music , whole , care , holiday , great , interest ,familytree , a first , make faces , take care of , home town , place of interest , diary ,grand , grandson , granddaughter , grandparents , page , classmate , grandma , wake , grandpa ,wake up , for example

Ⅱ. 语法学习

1 . 并列句

2 . 句型

leave one by oneself stop doing

cry harder and harder not……any more

Ⅲ. 交际英语

They'll be very happy to see you again .

I think you'll have a good time .

I'm sure she'll like it .

That's a good idea .

【 指点迷津 】


1 . diary 日记,日记本

We should keep a diary . 我们应该坚持记日记。

〖 点拨 〗keep a diary写/记日记。a pocket diary袖珍日记。

She is always keeping a diary in English .

2 . family tree 家谱

He often tells us his family tree . 他经常给我们讲他的家谱。

〖 点拨 〗注意由family所修饰词汇的特定意义不能望文生义。又如:family farm个体农场。family man有妻子子女的人。family planning计划生育。


His family is a big one . (作为整体看待)

His family are having dinner now .(作为成员看待)

3 . grand ( 亲属关系中 ) ( 外 ) 祖……, ( 外 ) 孙……

grandchild 孙子 ( 女 ) ,外孙子 ( 女 ) 。 grandson 孙子,外孙;

The old man has two grandsons . 这老人有两个孙子。

grandparents ( 外 ) 祖父母

He lives there with his grandparents . 他和他的祖父母住在一起。

〖 点拨 〗 grand还常作“极好的”讲。如:What grand / fine weather !

4 . make 制造,做,使得

The factory makes shoes . 这工厂制造鞋子。

It makes me happy . 它使我感到开心。

〖 点拨 〗在运算中可以用make作“等于”讲。如:Two and two is / makes four .

be made of用……制造(看出原料)。be made from由……制造(看不出原料)。

如:Glasses are made of glass . 玻璃杯是用玻璃制造的。

This kind of wine (酒) is made from rice .

另外要注意:make sb do让某人干……。He made me leave at once . (注意不要用toleave)

5 . page 页

Please turn to page 95 . 请翻到95页。

〖 点拨 〗see pages five to seven参看第五页至第七页。page after page一页一页地。

turn the page over翻过一页。

6 . classmate 同班同学

He is my classmate . 他是我的同班同学。

〖 点拨 〗mate 常作词后缀。如 roommate同一住室的人,workmate工友。

be classmates in the middle school中学时是同学。

7 . grandma 奶奶,外婆

〖 点拨 〗口语相当于 granny 。grandpa 爷爷、外公。

His grandma is more than 80 years old .

8 . asleep 睡着的,熟睡的

I can't fall asleep . 我睡不着。

The little boy is asleep . 小男孩睡着了。

〖 点拨 〗该词没有比较级,作表语,不能作谓语。

fall asleep = go to sleep 睡着。Last night I couldn’t fall asleep until 11:30 .

9 . wake 醒,醒来,叫

My mother usually wakes early . 我母亲时常醒得早。

Please wake me early tomorrow . 明天请早一点叫醒我。

〖 点拨 〗注意该词过去式过去分式为 woke , woken .

wake (sb) up叫醒某人。wake up醒来。

Do you usually wake up at five in the morning ?

10 . music 音乐,乐曲

The boys and girls like popular music . 孩子们喜欢流行乐曲。

〖 点拨 〗music不可数。但是,表达可数时可以借助量词piece 。如:

It’s a beautiful piece of music .

另外,popular music流行音乐。

11 . whole 整个的

He spent the whole week in doing this . 他花了整整一星期时间做这件事。

〖 点拨 〗该词没有比较级前面常加 the 。注意观察:the whole school = all theschool 。

12 . holiday 假日,假期

I am going to my hometown for my holidays . 我要去家乡度假。

the summer ( winter ) holidays 暑 ( 寒假 )

〖 点拨 〗on holidays在度假。Our boss will be away on holiday this month .

13 . hometown 故乡,家乡

Where is your hometown ?

〖 点拨 〗in one’s hometown在某人的故乡。

Great changes have taken place in my hometown in the past few years .

14 . great 伟大的,重大的

We had a great / good / nice / fine time at the ball . 舞会上我们玩的真开心。

〖 点拨 〗该词常具有感情色彩。

15. interest兴趣,趣味

We have interest in English . 我们对英语感兴趣。

I have no interest in singing . 我对唱歌毫无兴趣。

〖 点拨 〗改词常作不可数名词。注意下列搭配:a place of interest一个名胜地。beinterested in对……感兴趣。

16 . sentence 句子

Please make a sentence with this word . 请用这个词造句。

〖 点拨 〗make a sentence with用……造句。


1 . stop to do sth . 与 stop doing sth .

〖 提示 〗stop to do sth . 是“停下来去做 ( 另一件事 ) ”。如:

He stopped to take a rest . 他停下来去休息。

stop doing sth . 是“停止干某事”。如:

He stopped taking a rest . 他停止了休息。

又如:forget to do忘记去干…… 。forget doing忘记干过了…….

try to do尽力干……,try doing试着干…….

2 . can't tell……from 分辨不出

I can't tell the difference from them . 我分辨不出它们之间的区别。

〖 提示 〗tell 在此作“辨别”、“识别”之意。又如:

Can you tell the difference between these two sentences ?

3 . at first 起先,当初

〖 提示 〗相对于 at last “最后”。

At first I didn't like him , but now I do . 起先我不喜欢他,但现在喜欢了。

4 . wake up 醒来,唤醒

〖 提示 〗其中的副词 up 可省去。遇到代词时放词组中间。

What time did you wake up this morning ? 你今天早上是什么时候醒的 ?

Be quiet , your father is asleep ; don't wake him up .

5 . cry harder and harder 哭得越来越厉害

She looked at me and cried harder and harder . 她看着我,哭得越来越厉害。

〖 提示 〗harder 是副词 hard 的比较级。 副词或形容词的比较级连用时,表示“越来越……”。如:

It's snowing harder and harder . 雪下得越来越大。

In summer the day gets longer and longer . 夏天白天变得越来越长。

The train runs faster and faster .

My brother is growing taller and taller .

6 . turn on 打开 ( 灯,收音机等 )

Please turn on the radio , there's good news . 请打开收音机,有好消息。

〖 提示 〗反义词组是 turn off ( 关掉 ) 。turn up开大。turn down开小.

7 . not …… any more 不再,再不

She didn't cry any more . 她再也不哭了。

〖 提示 〗not …… any more 用来修饰表示具体动作的非持续性动词。not……any longer( 不再 ) ,是用来修饰表示状态的持续性动词,强调时间不再延续。如:

I can't wait any longer . 我不能再等了。

no more 也表示“不再”,着重指分量的减少。后接名词或省略。如:

I have no more questions . 我再也没有问题了。

8 . make faces ( make a face ) 做 ( 扮 ) 鬼脸

He made a face at me when the teacher turned back . 当老师转过身时,他朝我做了个鬼脸。

〖 提示 〗相似的词组还有:make a bed 铺床/make a fire 生火/make a speech 演讲/make anexcuse 找借口。

9 . take ( good ) care ( of ) = look after well 照顾,小心,留心

You must take care of yourself . 你要好好注意自己身体。

She stayed at home to take care of the baby .

10 . right away 立刻,马上

〖 提示 〗相当于 at once 。

He didn't answer me right away . 他没有立刻回答我。

11 . place of ( great ) interest ( 了不起的 ) 名胜之地

〖 提示 〗注意其复数变 place 而不是 interest .

Xi'an is one of the places of great interest in China . 西安是中国了不起的名胜之一。

There are many places of interest in China ,

12 . don't have to 不必,没有必要

〖 提示 〗等于 needn't 。是 have to的否定形式。

You don't have to tell Tom . = You needn’t tell him .


【 学法提要 】


1 . make sb . do sth .

How did Ling Feng make the baby stop crying ? 凌峰是怎样使孩子不哭的 ?

1 ) make sb . do sth . 是“使某人做某事”的意思。make 后面接宾语和动词,要用不带to 的动词不定式。又如:

I made her cry . 我把她弄哭了。

2 ) 在动词 see , watch , hear , feel , let 之后接宾语和动词,也要用不带 to 的不定式 ( 作宾语补足语 ) 。如:

I saw her get on the bus . 我看见她上了公共汽车。

2 . 主语 + 谓语 + 动名词 ( 作宾语 )

She stopped crying and listened to the music . 她不哭了,听起音乐来。

stop 是及物动词,crying 是动名词在此作宾语。动名词作宾语的句子,又如:

Do you like singing ? 你喜欢唱歌吗 ?

We all enjoy listening to music . 我们都爱听音乐。

Please stop talking . 请不要讲话。

I didn't stop working . 我没有停止工作。

She is fond of boating . 她喜欢划船。 ( 介词宾语 )


1 . Saturday June 18th , 1994 一九九四年六月十八日,星期六

1 ) 这是写日记的年、月、日、周日的写法。注意日记的书写格式:一般在左上方写上记日记那天的日期,包括年、月、日、周日。在右上方写明天气状况。日记中多用动词一般过去式,主语I可以省略。

日记的日期除了书上这种排列外,还可以写成:June , 1994 Saturday 。 June 18th 也可写成 18th June 。

2 ) 下面是月份和星期的全写和缩写:







Jan .


Mar .

Apr .

May .

Jun .







Jul .

Aug .

Sept .

Oct .

Nov .

Dec .








Sun .

Mon .

Tues .

Wed .

Thur .

Fri .

Sat .

2 . I must take her to hospital . 我得送它去医院。

take 在这里是“带、领”的意思。take sb to someplace 是“带某人去某地”的意思。如:My parents took me to Beijing when I was very young . 我很小时,父母亲带我去了北京。

3 . I can't leave her by herself . 我不能把她单独留下。

leave sb . by oneself 把某人单独留下。

4 . All that afternoon I jumped and sang and did all kinds of things . 整个下午我跳呀,唱呀,做各种样子。

all kinds of 意为“各种各样”。如:

There are kinds of shoes in the shop . 商店里有各种鞋子。

【 妙文赏析 】


Mrs Brown had two sons . One morning in the holidays , when she was doing the washing for the family , her younger son came and asked her for some money for sweets( 糖果 ) .

“Sweets are bad for your teeth ( 牙齿 ) , ”Mrs Brown said .“Takethesetwoorangesand give one to your elder brother . ”One of the oranges was much bigger than the other one , so the smaller boy kept the bigger one for himself ,andgavehisbrother the smaller one .

When the older boy saw that his brother had a bigger orange , he said to him , “It is selfish ( 自私的 ) to take the bigger one for yourself . If mother gives me two oranges , I will give you the bigger one . ”

“I know you will , ”answered his brother , “that is why I took a bigger one . ”

赏析:这个故事中,谁是自私的吗 ? 当然是那个小弟弟,是吗 ? 如果你是那个小弟弟有两个orange ,一大一小,你会怎样办呢 ?


Paid in Full

One day a bus stopped at a tourist spot , and all the passengersgotoutandwentinto a nearby restaurant .

One of them walked up to the manager and said , “ Good morning . I am Mr . Tom Wilkins . These people are all patients at the City Psychiatric Hospital .Theyarehaving their annual bus trip . They will all behave very well , but there is onesmallproblem . They will want to pay for their food and drink with bottle caps . I’ll be gratefulif you will let them do this , then let me have the bill just before we leave . ”

The manager wanted to be helpful , so he said , “ That will be fine , sir . I hope you will all enjoy yourselves in my restaurant . ”

The patients all sat down . They ordered their food and drink ,andbehavedverywell . No one knew they were patients at a psychiatric hospital .

At the end of the meal each of them paid his or her bill with bottle caps .

Then they left the restaurant and got back on the bus .

Tom Wilkins went up to the manager . “ You’ve been most kind , ” he said , “ and understanding . I’ll pay the bill now . ”

The manager added up everything the patients had ordered , and gave thetotaltoTom Wilkins . It came to quite a lot of money .

“ That’s a fair price , ” Tom said . “ I’m happy to pay that . Haveyougotchange for six bottles ? ”

注释:tourist 旅游者。spot 地点。passenger 旅客;来客。psychiatric 精神病学的。annual 一年一次的。behave 举止端正。bottle cap 瓶盖。grateful 感激的。

【 思维体操 】


英语中许多关于动物名称的词可用来指某种类型的人,翻译成汉语时切不可望文生义,否则就会弄出笑话,如:He is really a lucky dog . He has justavoidedbeinghurtinthisserious accident . 上句中 a lucky dog 意为“幸运儿” ( 不可直译为幸运狗 ) 。初学者对此应多加小心,以免出错。下列各种动物分别指哪种人 ?

1 . a big dog 2 . a gay dog 3 . a dog in the manger 4 . a yellow dog 5 . top dog 6 . a bear 7 . a bird 8 . a bee 9 . a fox 10 . a monkey 11 . a pig 12 . a wolf 13 . a tiger 14 . a crocodile 15 . a pigeon 16 . an odd fish 17 . a mouse

答案:1 . 要人;保镖;大亨 2 . 乐天派 3 . 占着茅坑不拉屎的人 4 . 卑鄙可耻的人 5 .当 权派 6 . 粗野的人 7 . 精明的人 8 . 忙碌的人 9 . 狡猾的人 10 . 调皮的人 11 . 贪食的人 12 . 贪婪的人 13 . 凶猛的人;威武的人 14 . 假慈悲的人 15 . 易受骗的人 16 . 奇怪的家伙 17 . 胆小者


【 心中有数 】


A . 最高级与 in , of 短语

在带有形容词或副词最高级的句子中,常常有一个表示比较范围的介词短语作状语,用来表达某人或某物在什么范围内怎样。常用来表示比较范围的介词短语有“in … ”与“of… ”,两者在用法上有区别:

( 1 ) in 表示“在……内”,表示比较范围被看成是一个整体,其后常接表示单位、团体、组织、时间概念等的名词或代词。如:

What's the best sport in summer ? 夏天从事什么运动最好 ?

She is the youngest in the class . 她是班上年龄最小的。

( 2 ) of 表示“属性”,表示比较对象被看成逐个的个体。其句型可分:a ) “ … of all”或“ … of all + the ( one's ) + 名词复数。”如:

The third one is carrying the fewest of all . 第三辆车在所有车辆中运载得最少。

Li Lei is the hardest of all his children . 在所有孩子中,李雷最努力。

b ) “of… the + 基数词”或“of the + 基数词 + 复数名词。”如:

This picture is the most beautiful of the three . 这张图画是三张中最美丽的。

Li Ping sings the best of the four girls . 这四个女孩中李萍唱得最好。

B. 阅读 Lesson 106 , 完成短文。

There were ( 1 ) ( 2 ) on Friday afternoon . Ling Feng's classmates went ( 3 ) (4 ) ( 5 ) , but he ( 6 ) at home and ( 7 ) ( 8 ) Aunt Huang's baby . At first the baby (9 ) ( 10 ) . When she ( 11 ) ( 12 ) and wouldn't ( 13 ) ( 14 ) ( 15 ) , she began (16 )(17 ) . Ling Feng jumped and sang and ( 18 ) ( 19 ) ( 20 ) ( 21 ) ( 22 ) . Atlast he made ( 23 ) ( 24 ) ( 25 ) ( 26 ) .

答案:1 . no 2 . lessons 3 . to 4 . the 5 . park 6 . stayed 7 . looked 8 . after9 .w

as 10 . asleep 11 . woke 12 . up 13 . find 14 . her 15 . mother 16 . to 17 .cry18 . did 19 . all 20 . kinds 21 . of 22 . things 23 . the 24 . baby 25 . stop 26 .crying

【 动手动脑 】


※ 选择题:单项选择

1 . ______ are in the classroom now .

A . All student B . All the student

C . All the students D . The all student

2 . What made you ______ so ?

A . think B . to think C . thinking D . thought

3 . This is the answer _______ the question .

A . to B . for C . at D . of

4 . I began to learn English half a year ago . I can speak ________ English now .

A . a little B . a few C . little D . few

5 . I went to bed after I finished _______ my homework .

A . doing B . do C . does D . to do

6 . Stop ______ ! Listen to me , please .

A . talk B . talking C . to talk D . and talk

7 . I'll give you a ring if Mike ______ tomorrow .

A . comes B . will come C . came D . is coming

8 . They boy made his parents ______ very angry .

A . be came B . got C . / D . were

9 . Mother ______ at half past five this morning .

A . wake me up B . wake up me C . woke up me D . woke me up

答案:1 . C 2 . A 3 . A 4 . A 5 . A 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. D

解析:题1 主要考查 all 应放在限定词之前,且其后的可数名词应用复数形式。 题2 主要考查使役动词 make 后的动词不定式符号 to 不能出现。 题3 是名词所有格的特殊用法。 题4 主要考查 English 为不可数名词,且本句表示的是肯定之意。 题5 主要考查 finish 后的动词应用其 ing 形式。6. 答案 B . 从下句“听我说”的含义,可见上句是让听话人停止说话的动作,因此 stop 后应加动名词。stop 后若加不定式,则意为“停下来 ( 去 ) 说话。” 7. 答案 A . 由 if 引导的条件状语从句中,需用一般现在时来表示将来。从句的主语 Mike 为第三人称单数,因此谓语动词 come 要加“s”。 8. 答案 C . make 后可加省略 to 的不定式或直接加形容词,表示“让……做某事”或“使得……处于某种状态”。A、B、D三个选项中均为动词的过去式,不可能构成不定式,因此只能选C,即直接加形容词。 9. 答案 D . 从时间状语中判断句子为过去时,动词 wake 要用过去式,另外 wake up 在接人称代词宾格做宾语时,要放在 wake 和 up 之间,而不能放在 up 后,因此选D。

※ 填空题:完成句子,每空一词

1 . 我希望你过得愉快。

I hope you'll ______ ______ ______ ______ .

2 . 春天来了,天气变得越来越暖和。

When spring comes , it gets ______ ______ ______ .

3 . 这本书你可借用两周。

You may ______ the book ______ two weeks .

4 . 他会很好地照看你的孩子。

He can ______ ______ ______ _______ your child .

答案:1 . have a good time 2 . warmer and warmer 3 . keep for 4 . take goodcareof

【 创新园地 】

1 . Did you have a good time at the party ?

Did you _______ _______ at the party ?

2 . My bike is broken .

My bike ______ ______ .

3 . These children do well in boating .

These children are _______ _______ boating .

4 . Yesterday we walked to the zoo .

Yesterday we ______ to the zoo _______ _______ .

5 . We may go swimming tomorrow .

We may go _______ _______ _______ tomorrow .

6 . We are going to learn Lesson Two .

We are going to learn _____ _____ _____ .

7 . It's time for lunch .

It's time ______ ______ lunch .

8 . She usually walks to school .

She usually ______ to school ______ ______ .

9 . I often get up at six thirty in the morning .

I often get up at _____ ______ ______ in the morning .

10 . How delicious these mooncakes are !

_____ _____ _____ these are !

11 . - Thank you for your help .

- You're welcome .

- Thank you for ______me .

- Not _____ _____ .

12 . All the students in our class like Mid - Autumn Day .

________ in our class _______ Mid - Autumn Day .

13. Why not take off your coat ?

Why _____ _____ take off your coat ?

14 . My father and mother work in the same school .

My _____ work int he same school .

15 . The school is not near to my home .

The school is _______ my home .

16 . She often helps her mothers wash clothes on Sundays .

She often helps her mother ______ ______ ______ on Sundays .

17 . I don't know .

I ______ ______ ______ .

18 . You have much homework to do .

You have ______ _____ ______ homework to do .

19 . They all like swimming .

_____ ______ ______ like swimming .

20 . She is the tallest in her class .

She is taller than _____ _____ girl in her class .

21 . Where is he from ?

Where ______ he ______ ______ ?

22 . Let's go and look at the monkeys .

Let's go and _____ ______ ______ ______ the monkeys .

23 . You aren't busy . I think .

I _______ think you ______ busy .

24 . Let's climb the hill , OK ?

______ ______ climb the hill ?

25 . She is good at English .

She ______ ______ ______ English .

( 请同学们把填好的答案反馈给我们 )

答案:1 . enjoy yourself/yourselves 2 . doesn't work 3 . good at 4 . went ,onfoot5 .for a swim 6 . the second lesson 7 . to have 8 . goes ; on foot 9 . halfpastsix10 .Whatdelicious mooncakes 11 . helping ; at all 12 . Everyone ; likes 13 .don't you 14 .parents 15 .far from 16 . do some washing 17 . have no idea 18 . alot of 19 . All of them 20 .anyother 21 . does ; come from 22 . have a look at 23 .don't ; are 24 .Shallwe 25 . does well in