初二英语第二十七单元Ling Feng’s diary

发布时间:2016-10-3 编辑:互联网 手机版


1、 词汇

A、 单词

四会:asleep, wake, music, whole, care, holiday, grandpa, interest

   三会:diary, grand, grandson, granddaughter, grandparents, page, classmate, grandma, grandpa, handbag.

   B、词组 at first 首先; wake up 唤醒,醒来; make faces 做鬼脸;

        take care of 照顾,保管;     home town 家乡;

        place of interest 名胜;        for example 举例;

     leave one by oneself 独自留下;  cry harder and harder 哭得越来越凶;

        shop crying 停止哭喊;       not…any more 不再…;


   ①I think he/ she is /may be…, but I’m not sure. 我想他/她是/也许是……但我不敢肯定。

   ②They’ll be very happy to see you again. 他们将非常高兴再次见到你。

   ③I’m sure we will. 我相信/肯定/有把握我们会的。

   ④What do you think she would like? 你认为她想要什么?

   ⑤That’s a good idea! 好主意。

  3、语法 并列句的用法

   并列句是由并列连词(and, but, so, or)把两个或两个以上的简单句连在一起的句子。


   ①I turned on the TV and we sat down to watch it. 我打开电视并且/然后一我们坐下来观看。

   ②We bought her a present, but she didn’t like it. 我给她买了一件礼物,但是她不喜欢。

   ③Shall we stay at home or go out for a walk? 我们是呆在家里还是出去散步?

   ④Harry up, or we’ll be late for school. 快点,否则我们上学就迟到了。

   ⑤He is ill, so he can’t come to school. 他病了,所以不能来上学。


  1、may be与maybe

   △may be是情态动词may + 动词be,在句中用作谓语,意为“也许是”。例如:

   ①She is not in . She may be at the cinema now. 她不在家,也许正在电影院。

   ②The money may be in your inside pocket. 钱也许在你的内兜里。


   ③Maybe Tom will go the Nan jing by air. 也许汤姆将乘飞机去南京。

   ④Maybe Wei Hua is in the teacher’s office. 也许魏华在老师的办公室里。



   ①Mr. Green didn’t want to worry miss Zhao. 格林先生不想烦扰赵小姐。

   ②Did it worry you when I played the piano last night? 昨天晚上我弹钢琴的时间你烦吗?


③Don’t worry, I can help you. 别担心,我会帮你。

④You needn’t worry about her health. She will be better soon. 你不必担心她的身体,她很快就会康复。

△Worried是形容词,意为“烦恼的”,“担忧的”。常与连系动词be, feel和look等连用。例如:

⑤Ann is worried about her birthday party. 安正为她的生日晚会着急/担心。

⑥Mrs. White looked/felt worried. 怀特太太看上去/感到很着急。



   ①He is leaving Beijing for New York tomorrow. 他明天将离开北京去纽约。

   ②When did you leave school yesterday? 你昨天何时离校的?


③I don’t know the time. I’ve left my watch at home. 我不知道几点了。我把手表丢在家里了。

④Oh, dear! I left my bag on the bus. 天哪!我把包忘在公共汽车上了。


⑤Who left the windows open? 谁让窗户天着的?(谁没关窗户)

⑥Don’t leave the baby alone in the house. 不要把宝宝单独留在家里。

  4、be asleep与go to sleep/fall asleep 都表示“睡觉”,前者意为“睡着”,是一种状态;后者意为“入睡”,是一种动作。例如:

   ①Don’t make any noise. My father is asleep. 别吵闹,我爸爸睡着了。

   ②We can’t know when we go to sleep/ fall asleep, can we? 我们不可能知道我们何入睡的,是吧?

  5、stop doing sth.与stop to do sth.

   △stop doing sth. 意为“停止正在做的事”。例如:

   ①The baby didn’t stop crying though I did all my best. 虽然我尽了最大的努力,可是宝宝还是没有停止哭闹。

   ②We’ll never stop learning. 我们将不会停止学习。

   △stop to do sth. 意为“停止(原来做的事),去做另一件事。例如:

   ③You’d better stop to have a rest. 你们最好停下来休息一下。

   ④Yesterday I met Kate in the street and we stopped to talk happily. 昨天我在街上遇见了凯特,于是我们停下来进行了愉快的交谈。




   ①drink    A. grandpa B. morning C. Jenkins D. afternoon

   ②student    A. lunch     B. minute C. music D. up

   ③things    A. asleep     B. classmate C. first D. music

   ④vegetable   A. again  B. began C. page   D. grandma

   ⑤dear    A. heard   B. learn C. nearly D. wear


   ①-How did you make the baby _____crying? -I ______all kinds of things.

    A. stop, did B. to stop, did C. stopping, do D. to stop, does

   ②She was hungry and she stopped ______something.

    A. eating B. eats C. to eat D. having

   ③When we came back from the farm, we were so ______.

    A. tire B. tiring C. feel tired D. tired

   ④They went to the zoo yesterday, ______ they couldn’t see any animals.

    A. or B. and C. but D. so

   ⑤The old man often ______ the children some interesting stories under the tree.

    A. tells B. says C. talk D. speaks

   ⑥My handbag doesn’t look ______. So I want to buy a new one.

    A. well B. like good C. badly D. nice

⑦The boy ate some bread and wasn’t hungry ______.

    A. any more B. no more C. some more D. not any more

⑧Winter holidays will begin ______.

 A. the next week B. next week C. at next week D. on the next week

⑨He finished his work, ______ he looked very happy.

    A. and B. but C. or D. why

⑩Don’t ______. They are too tired.

    A. wake them up B. wake up them C. woke them up D. woke up them


   ①We are never late for class. ( 改为反意疑问句)

    We are never late for class, ______ ______?

   ②I think you’ll have a good time. (改为否定句)

  I ______ think you ______ have a good time.

③My mother is going to buy two kilos of meat. (就划线部分提问)

______ ______ meat ______ your mother going to buy?

④It took them two hours to go there on foot. (就划线部分提问)

______ ______ ______it ______ them to go there on foot?

⑤The old man could hear something. (改为否定句)

The old man______ hear ______.


①He is very happy ______ (see )his wife.

②If he is busy, he ______ (not come) to my party.

③There ______ (be) a meeting next Sunday.

④Not everyone ______ (like )watching TV now.

⑤Last Sunday Mum let me ______ (do)some washing at home.

⑥Uncle Wang enjoys ______ (make) things.

⑦When he reached home, he ______(have) a rest.

⑧______ (not do) it like this.

⑨-Where’s Han Meimei? -She ______ (read)in the classroom.

⑩At first Wang Lin ______ (not like ) English, but now he ______ (like) it very much.



   A: Hi, Mary. ①

   B: Hi, Huiming. Pleased to see you, too. Where did you go last month?

   A: Well, we went to our home town in Jiangxi, ②

   B: Oh, they must have been very happy to see you agagin.

   A: Sure.

   B: ③

   A: My parents took Dick and me to a few cities in the south.

   B: That must have been very interesting. ④

   A: We visited Shanghai, Nanjing, Wuxi and Hangzhou.

   B: Oh! ⑤ I think you were sure to have a good time.

   A: Yes, we really enjoyed ourselves very much.

    A. They’re all places of great interest in China.

    B. What did you do ,then?

    C. How do you like the cities?

    D. Pleased to see you again.

    E. We visited our grandparents there.

    F. What cities did you visit?

    G. When did you come back?



  It was a Sunday afternoon. It was very ① and nobody was glad to stay at home. Mike decided(决定)to go and swim in the river. His brother, little Jim, wanted to go with him.

“ ② him with you ,Mike, ”said their father. “He’ll listen to you ,I think.”

  They ③ arrived(到达)all the river soon. A lot of people were ④ in it. Mike told Jim to play on the bank(岸),then he ⑤ into the water. About an hour later Mike swam to the bank with a fish in his hand. Jim was very ⑥ . He found a bottle and put the fish in it.

  They evening little Jim did ⑦ but(除了)watching the fish. Suddenly Mike heard Jim

  ⑧ in the room .He ran to him and asked, “What is wrong ⑨ you, Jim?”

  “The fish is dead, ” Jim said in tears(眼泪汪汪). “I thought it was ⑩ . So I brought it out of the bottle and put it on the chair. I only wanted it to have a rest!”

   ①A. warm B. hot C. cool D. cold

②A. Carry B. Bring C. Take D. Catch

③A. both B. two C. all D. each

④A. washing B. playing C. resting D. swimming

⑤A. ran B. walked C. fell D. jumped

⑥A. happy B. unhappy C. angry D. sorry

⑦A. everything B. something C. nothing D. anything

⑧A. singing B. crying C. shouting D. laughing

⑨A. with B. to C. in D. at

⑩A. hungry B. free C. tired D. busy



  Almost everyone likes dogs, and almost everyone likes to read stories about dogs.

  I have a friend. He has a large police dog named Jack. Police dogs are very clever. Every Sunday afternoon my friend takes Jack for a long walk in the park. Jack likes these long walks very much.

  One Sunday afternoon a young man came to visit my friend. He stayed a long time. He talked and talked. Soon it was time for my friend to take Jack for his walk. But the visitor still stayed. Jack became very worried. He walked around the room several times and then sat down in front of the visitor and looked at him. But the visitor paid no attention(注意). He went on talking. Finally Jack got angry. He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later. He sat down again in front of the visitor, but this time he took the visitor’s cap in his mouth.


①The young visitor stayed a long time.

②Jack became worried for he wanted to eat something.

③Jack sat down in front of the visitor because he wanted to show the visitor how clever he was.

④The visitor went on talking and paid no attention to Jack.

⑤Jack went out of the room with nothing, but came back with the visitor’s cap in his mouth.


  Mrs. Black lives in a small town with her children. Four years ago her husband died(去世)in a traffic accident. He left her nothing except(除了)three children and an old house. Her work is to clean the street. They pay her some money for it and it is only enough for their food and clothes.

  It was Mabel’s birthday one day. Mrs. Black had not enough money to buy a birthday cake for her. When she was walking past a shop, she spent all her money on some plums them. He never ate any plums and wanted to taste(尝)one. He looked around and there was nobody except himself. He quickly ate one and left.

  That evening Mrs. Black found a plum missing(丢). She asked, “Who ate the plum?”

  Every child answered, “It’s not me. ”

  “I’m afraid you swallowed(吞)the stone(核),”said the mother. “Then you’ll be ill.”

  “Don’t worry about it, Mummy”, Peter said happily. “I threw the stone out of the window!”

  51. There are ______ people in Mrs. Black’s family.

    A. four B. three C. six D. seven

  52. Peter ate a plum for the first time because ______.

    A. he was too young B. the fruit could make him ill

    C. his mother hadn’t enough money to buy it before

    D. he didn’t like to eat any fruit at all

  53. In fact(事实上), Peter told his mother that ______.

    A. he didn’t ear the plum B. he ate the plum

    C. Mabel ate the plum C. he knew it


  1、C C D C C

  2、A C D C A D A B A A

  3、①are we ②don’t, will ③How much, is ④How long did, take ⑤could, nothing

  4、①to see ②will not come ③is going to be ④likes ⑤do

⑥making ⑦had ⑧Don’t do ⑨is reading ⑩didn’t like, likes

  5、D E B F A

  6、B C A D D A C B A C

  7、(A) T F F T T

    (B) A C B