
发布时间:2016-6-8 编辑:互联网 手机版

Unit5 这些精题你会做吗?

1.-We haven’t heard from Jane for a long time.

-What do you think __________ to her?

A.was happening   B.to happen

C.has happened D.having happened

【解析】 本题考查宾语从句中谓语动词的时态。此句中do you think后面跟的实际上是一个宾语从句,只是宾语从句的主语what放在了句首。也可把do you think看作插入语,去掉后就是What has happened to her?(她出了什么事?)当谓语动词是think, suppose, expect, imagine, consider等时,引导从句的wh-一类的词要移至问句的句首。该题的选项B和D极具迷惑性,因为不少学生错以为think后可接动名词或不定式,而没想到think后实际跟的是宾语从句。选项A与题意不符。

【答案】 C

2.Beyond ________ stars,the astronauts saw nothing but __________ space.

A.the;/      B./;the

C./;/ D.the;the

【解析】 本题考查冠词的用法。space作“太空”解时,前面通常不加冠词,如:Man-made satellites are carried up into space by rockets./The dusty air makes it difficult to get a clear picture of space.stars是复数名词,表泛指时,前不加冠词;表特指时,前加定冠词。根据题意“在那些星星之外,宇航员只看到广袤的太空”。可知stats在此指宇航员所看到的那些星星,是特指。故答案为A。

【答案】 A

3.It was an exciting moment for these football fans this year,__________ for the first time in years their team won the World Cup.

A.that B.while

C.which D.when

【解析】 本题考查定语从句。题意是“对这些足球迷来说,这是个激动人心的时刻,几年来他们的球队首次获得世界杯”。从句子的结构看,后半句是非限制性定语从句,修饰前面的moment,而且很明显定语从句中不缺少主语或宾语,因此引导词不会用关系代词。因为an exciting moment在句中作时间状语,故答案为D。

【答案】 D

4.The reason why he came late was __________ he was caught in a heavy rain.

A.that        B.which

C.because D.for

【解析】 本题考查英汉表达上的不同。汉语中的“原因是因为……”,在英语中要用“The reason is that…”来表达,不可用“The reason is because…”。这也是中国学生学习英语时常犯的错误,是用汉语表达方式去套英语所造成的。所以我们学英语时要多掌握英语的习惯表达法。该题题意是“他迟到的原因是因为遇上了大雨”。答案应为A。

【答案】 A

5.When __________,the museum will be open to the public next year.

A.completed B.completing

C.being completed D.to be completed

【解析】 本题考查非谓语动词的用法。题意是“这座博物馆建成后,将在明年向公众开放”。complete一般用作及物动词,意为“完成,建成”等。此句中从逻辑上来看,complete与the museum之间是动宾关系,也就是说具有被动关系,要用过去分词作状语。when completed相当于“when it is completed”,答案为A。又如:When asked about the secret of his success,Steven Spielberg said that he owes much of his success and happiness to his wife and children.C项是现在分词的被动式,表示正在进行之意,与题意不符。D项是不定式的被动式,常用作目的状语或定语,在此亦不正确。

【答案】 A