Unit 19 Jobs

发布时间:2016-9-12 编辑:互联网 手机版

Unit 19 Jobs

1. job

Thousands of workers lost their jobs when the factory closed.

a part-time job ; a full-time job ; give up a job

Writing a book was a more difficult job than he’d thought.

You’ve done a good job.

He was out of a job (= out of work ) for six months.

2. a man driver --- two men drivers

a woman scientist --- two women scientists

a boy student --- two boy students

a girl student --- two girl students

a passer-by --- two passers-by ; a looker-on --- two lookers-on

a grown-up --- two grown-ups

a son-in-law --- two sons-in-law

3. It seems that it is more difficult for women to get to the top of a company.

It seems that nobody knew what had happened.

It seems ( to me ) that someone is calling.

It seems that he is writing a letter. --- He seems to be writing a letter.

It seems that he has finished the task. --- He seems to have finished the task.

4. prefer: like one thing or person better than another

prefer sth./ sb.

Which do you prefer, rice or bread?

prefer to do sth.

He offered to drive us to the park, but we preferred to walk.

prefer doing sth.

So you prefer living in the countryside?

prefer sb. to do sth.

The preferred their son to go to college.

prefer + that-clause

She preferred that he should do it in the kitchen.

Would you prefer that I ( should ) go with you?

= Would you prefer me to go with you?

prefer … rather than …

prefer … to …

I prefer tea to coffee.

I prefer tea rather than coffee.

I prefer having tea to having coffee.

I prefer to have tea rather than have coffee.

I always prefer starting early _______ leaving everything to the last minute.

A. or else B. in case C. rather than D. for fear

5. pick up ○1take or lift sb. or sth.

She picked up the bags and put them on the table.

The phone stopped ringing just as I picked it up.

○2come to take sb. or sth. away

My father picks me up from school.

○3learn sth. without really studying it

Did you pick up any Japanese while you were in Tokyo?

pick out : choose sb. / sth. from a number of people / things

It took Mary a long time to pick out a new dress at the store.

Can you pick out your friend in that group?

Pick out those books that you’d like to read.

5. His job was to design new machines.

His job was designing new machines.

She was designing new machines.

design v. : draw a plan that shows how to make sth.

The church was designed by a German architect.

n. Have you seen the designs for the new shopping center?

a fashion designer (时装设计家)

6. have a accident

accident : sth. , often bad, that happens by chance

I had an accident when I was driving to work --- my car hit a tree.

by accident : by chance : not because you have planned it

Columbus discovered America by accident.

The night passed without accident. ( 平安无事地 )

8. A worker drove a small handtruck so carelessly that it hit the back of Mr King’s legs.

drive a car / bus … ; ride a horse / bike …

go for a ride ; an hour’s ride

It’s only a five minutes’ drive ( / ride ) to the station.

drive sb. mad

Aeroplanes are slowly driving me mad. Live near an airport and passing planes can be heard night and day.

hit v.

○1 打, 敲, 击

The little boy hit him hard enough to blacken his eye.

hit sb. in the face hit sb. on the nose / on the back

○2 击中, 射中

The stone hit the window.

You’ve hit that bird with your last shot.

○3 撞击, 使…撞上

The car hit the wall.

I hit my head on ( against ) the wall.

○4 使… 受到打击

The bad news hit every one hard.

The town was hit by a storm.

Scientists are afraid that one day an even bigger earthquake will hit the area around San Francisco.

hit the nail on the head 击中要害 / 一语中的

You hit the nail on the head when you said that.

9. remove

○1 take …away from one place to another

remove your hand from sb’s shoulder

The statue was removed to another site.

○2 get rid of sth. by cleaning

remove the mud from his shoes

○3 take off ( clothing, etc. )

remove one’s hat , coat , gloves etc.

○4 go to live or work in another place; move

We’re removing from London to the country.

10. To his surprise, Mr King refused.

surprise ; surprised ; surprising ; surprisingly

You always surprise me. ( v. )

You can’t imagine his surprise. ( U n. )

He heard the news with (/ without ) surprise.

What a surprise ! ( C n. )

His success was a great surprise to me.

I was very surprised to hear the news. ( / at the news. )

What you’ve just told me is very surprising .

He didn’t notice the surprised look on his face.

Surprisingly, he failed his exam.

Tom looked at his mother in surprise.( 惊奇得 )

take … by surprise (使 吃惊、 出其不意、进行突然

The enemy took the town by surprise.

Their visit took us by surprise.

refuse to do sth.

The door refused to open.

I asked him to lend me his car, but he refused.

His refusal was quite unexpected.

11. Unless you tell me, I shall not be able to help you.

__ you ___tell me, ….

He doesn’t look like a policeman unless ( he is ) in uniform.

12. But I had to lie to the company and pretended to be a man in order to get a job.

lie --- lied --- lied --- lying

Even you lied to me.

Naturally, he was lying (/ he was telling a lie ).

A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth.

lie --- lay --- lain --- lying

It’s wonderful lying on the beach all day.

A great future lies before you.

The book lay open on the desk.

Shanghai lies in the east of China.

Japan lies (to the ) east of China.

The trouble lies in the engine.

The question lies in their great poverty.

The enemy didn’t take their defeat lying down.

lay --- laid --- laid --- laying

lay a book on the table ;

lay a railway track ; lay a road with …

lay the table

lay emphasis on sth.

lay down one’s life for the country

Grandma likes the hen which lays an egg every day.

13. pretend: try to make sb. believe sth. that is not true

He didn’t want to go to school so he pretended illness.

to be a policeman

to be doing sth.

to have done sth.

He didn’t want to talk, so he pretended to be asleep.

… , … to be sleeping.

He pretended that he had finished the work.

He pretended to have finished the work.

He pretended to be dead when he met a bear.

He pretended that he was dead when he met a bear.

pretence Their friendliness was only pretence.

She isn’t really shy. It’s only pretence.

14. We shall have to make a decision about Ms King,…

make a decision come to a decision

On the last day, I made a big decision.

When I’ve talked it over with Mr. Chen, I’ll come to a final decision.


She must decide that herself.

My sister decided that he must go home.

We’ve decided that it’s no use to worry.

15. I think this is a very serious matter.

matter n.

○1 事( 情 )

Of course, that’s another matter.

Martin refused to discuss the matter.

○2 问题

It was a matter of life and dead for them.

It’s a very serious matter.

○3 情况 ( 多作复数 )

Don’t do that ; it will make matters worse.

○4 材料、物质 (U )

Matter exists in three states: solid, liquid and gas.

as a matter of fact = in fact

As a matter of fact, I do know her.

What’s the matter with your leg? (= What’s wrong with your leg?)

no matter what ( / how, where, etc.)

No matter what he says, I won’t believe him.

No matter how difficult it may be, I’ll work it out.

You can’t go in no matter who you are.

No matter where you go, I’ll go with you.

No matter whether it is light or dark at that hour, we’ve decided to leave at five o’clock in the morning.


It doesn’t matter. (= It isn’t important. )

Don’t worry about the broken cups; they don’t matter.

Does it matter if an engineer is a man or a woman?

Whether we start now or later doesn’t matter.

It doesn’t matter ( much to me )_________________________________.

16. But we have never had woman working in this part of our company.

have sb. doing sth. “让/请某人干某事”

Although the farm is large, my Dad had only two men working for him.

The teacher has us all speaking English in class.

He had us laughing all the way home.

have sb. do sth. (= get sb. to do sth. )“让/请某人干某事”

We’ll have her design a new machine.

have sth. done

I’m going to have my watch repaired.

17. Mr Pattis replied with a laugh ( with a smile ).

reply ( answer )

I’m looking forward to your answer / reply.

I asked her the reason, but she didn’t reply / answer.

reply to a question answer a question

18. However, he promised to support her.

promise to do sth. ; promise sb. to do sth. ; promise that- clause

She promised to attend the meeting.

She promised that she would attend the meeting.

She promised me to come.

She promised me that she would come.

He permitted /allowed me to leave earlier.

He promised me to leave earlier.

19. Mr King, ________ legs were badly hurt, was taken to hospital.

We live in the room __________ door faces south.

We live in the room the door of _________ faces south.

He mentioned a book ________ author I can’t remember.

the author of ___________ I can’t remember.