The Maori of New Zealand

发布时间:2016-4-6 编辑:互联网 手机版

科目 英语

年级 高三

文件 high3 unit19.doc

标题 New Zealand (新西兰)

章节 第十九单元

关键词 高三英语第十九单元




  同学们通过阅读课文“The Maori of New Zealand”和“New Zealand”可以了解毛利人的历史和新西兰的史地及风土人情。


  Ⅰ. 词汇学习

  rat , sweet potato , lamb , apart from , hot spring , rainfall , quality , hilly , seaside , flightless , New Zealander , Oceania , be related to

  Ⅱ. 交际英语

  Giving advice and making suggestions (表达建议)

  1. You’d better not…

  2. You need to do …

  3. I think you should do … / You ought to do…

  4. I suggest that you should do…

  5. Let’s do…

  6. Shall we … ?

  7. What / How about … ?

  8. Why not … ?

  9. Why don’t you …?

  10. I think it would be a great idea to do … .

  11. May I suggest doing … ?

  12. Would you like to do … ?

  13. Have you considered doing … ?

  Ⅲ. 语法学习

  在本单元同学们要复习和归纳句子的成分 -- 宾语补足语的用法。另外,对测试中常见的从属连词的多义性进行归纳。如as可以从下面几个角度测试:

  1 . 表示时间,意思是“当……的时候,随着”。例如:

  I met John as I was coming home .

  As a young man , he joined the army .

  2 . 表示原因,意思是“由于,因为”。例如:

  As he was not well , I decided to go without him .

  3 . 表示比较,意思是“象……一样”。例如:

  I'm as tall as you ( are ) .

  The work is not so easy as you imagine .

  4 . 表示方式,意思是“按照,如同”。例如:

  Do as I do .

  I have told this story just as it happened .

  5 . 表示让步。意思是“虽然,尽管”。注意,as 引导状语从句表示让步时,一定要


  Sick as he was , he came to work .

  Child as he is , he knows a lot .

  Much as I like it , I will not buy it .






  - Shall we go skating or stay at home?

  - Which _____ do yourself? ( MET92 )

  A . do you rather B . would you rather C . will you rather D . should you rather

  [ 释疑 ]答案选B。该题旨在考查学生对情态动词“would rather” 的掌握情况。若该题采用陈述句来进行设计,很容易就能选出正确答案,因为考生对“would rather”这一情态动词都能掌握。但该题在设计时采用疑问句式,这样就给考生增加了解题难度,如果考生不能循其结构进行分析就会选错答案。因为情态动词中不存在 A、C 或 D 选项的结构。

  - Don't forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow . ( NMET 94 )

  - _____ .

  A . I don't B . I won't C . I can't D . I haven't

  [ 释疑 ]答案选B。该题题干的设计为祈使句式,留给考生一定的思维空间,如果考生不能利用该题在设计过程中所留的思维空间就很难得出正确答案,我们可以把该题题干转化成:“Don't forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow , will you?”通过这样的转化,答案就一目了然了。




  The fire spread through the hotel very quickly , but everyone _____ get out .

  A . had to B . would C . could D . was able to

  [ 释疑 ]选D。该题重点考查情态动词之间的区别。“can”和“be able to”都可以表示能力,但当表示“过去通过某种努力而实现某事的具体能力”时应用“be able to”,这里的“was able to”相当于“managed to do sth”或“succeeded in doing sth”。许多考生误选 C 的原因就在于没有掌握他们两者之间的这个区别,因此要对有细微差别的情态动词进行辨析,掌握他们之间的不同点。



  - Your phone number again? I _____ quite catch it .

  - It's 9568422 . [ NMET95 ]

  A . didn't B . couldn't C . don't D . can't

  [ 释疑 ]选A。该题的选项中既有情态动词又有助动词。考生在解题时必须要首先根据句义来确定应用什么类型的动词。从题干中的“刚才没听到您的电话号码,请您再说一遍好吗?”这一信息可得知该题的选项应为助动词而不是情态动词,且这里的“没听到”是指过去时间,因此该题的答案为 A。

  - Alice , why didn't you come yesterday?

  - I _____ , but I had an unexpected visitor . [ NMET97 ]

  A . had B . would C . was going to D . did [ 答案 ]C。

  [ 释疑 ]该题是一个综合性极强的试题,如果考生不能很好地分析语境的意义以及结合所给的选项来综合考虑是很难选出正确答案的。该题题意是“Alice,你昨天为什么没来?”“我很想来,但没想到来了位客人”。从题意可知“想来,但没来”这是与过去事实相反的事实,根据语法规则应用虚拟语气,但答案中没有虚拟语气的正确形式,若用虚拟语气,正确的形式应为“would have”或“would have come yesterday”,那么该题如何选择?“be going to”可表示“打算、计划”这一概念,而且这里是指过去的打算,因此正确答案为 C。许多学生误选 B 的原因就是对情态动词对过去推测的这一用法没有完全掌握所致。









  This paragraph related to the international situation .

  What he has said doesn’t relate well with the facts .

  〖点拨〗be related to和……有关系。relate的名词是:relation关系;联系。relative亲戚。如:the friendly relations between the two countries 。

  2. quality质量;品质;素质

  Without quantity there can be no quality .

  For study , quality is more important than quantity .

  〖点拨〗in quality从质量上讲。如:The price is different , depending on the quality .

  3. rainfall一场雨;降雨量

  the annual rainfall in Beijing北京的年降雨量

  〖点拨〗表示“有大的雨量”用have a heavy rainfall 。如:This area has a heavy rainfall .


  1. travel by sea = travel by ship

  2. hand down = pass down传下来

  3. from generation to generation = from one generation to another

  4. sign an argument with与……签订协议

  5. in later years在以后的几年里


  6. take a degree获得一个学位

  7. share one’s memories of共同悼念

  8. in size在面积方面

  9. at festivals每逢节日

  10. turn to keeping deer改养鹿

  11. apart from除了……之外;此外


  Apart from the cost , the hat doesn’t suit me .

  Apart from that , all goes well .

  12. be of high quality质量很高。be of low quality质量低。

  13. separate the young from the old把年轻人和老年人分开

  14. like … best of all最喜欢

  15. make money out of keeping deer = make money by raising deer

  16. go on an outing去郊游

  17. plan a party for为……筹备一次聚会


  1.Following his discovery many islanders travelled 3500 kilometres by sea in their narrow boats to this new country between 1100 and 1350 . 随着他的发现,许多岛民在1100年到1350年之间坐着窄窄的小船从海上旅行3500公里来到这个国家。

  〖明晰〗(1) following his discovery 为现在分词短语作状语,分词的一般式表达分词的动作与主句谓语的动作基本同时发生。当强调分词的动作发生在主句谓语之前早已完成时,用分词的完成式。如:

  Hearing“Help! Help!”, he rushed out .

  Not having heard from him for months, she decided to write again .

  (2) by sea“从海路”, 注意该词组中间不要加冠词, 已学过的类似结构还有:by water从水路,by air乘飞机,by land从陆路,by taxi 打的,by tube乘地铁, by fax 通过电传,by e-mail用电子邮件,by post/mail邮寄,by aeroplane坐飞机。

  2.…and today they make up about 13% of the population ……现在他们(毛利人)的人口占新西兰总人口的13%。


  〖明晰〗make up组成构成;弥补;编造。如:

  Are all animal bodies made up of cells ?

  I've to make up the test I missed last week .

  He's making up a new railway guide .

  而 make up to 接近;make up for 补偿,弥补。如:

  It was easy to make up to (= get along with)him .

  By means of hardwork , he made up for his lack of experience .

  3.The Maori have insisted on keeping their own customs and may of life . 毛利人一直坚持他们自己的习俗和生活方式。


  〖明晰〗(1)insist on 常是对要求、看法、意见或主张的“坚持”,其后接名词或动名词。如:

  She insisted on her opinion at the meeting .

  She insisted on going with us .

  stick to 常是对愿望、原则、决定、诺言、理论和思想的“坚持”, 其后接名词或动名词。如:

  stick to the point 坚持那种观点, stick to practising doing the experiment 坚持做这个实验。

  persist in 常是对某种活动坚持不懈或对某种信念固执不改, 其后接名词或动名词。如:

  If you persist in breaking the law , you'll go to prison .

  在keep on 中,on是副词,含continue to do之意,表克服困难,顽强奋斗,其后常用动名词。如:

  Keep on practising and you will speak English well .

  (2) way of life生活方式;keep their way of life alive 使他们的生活方式有滋有味


  4. The happier events are marked with speeches , singing and dancing . 比较愉快的事情都伴有演讲、歌唱或舞蹈。

  〖明晰〗be marked with 以……为标志。如:

  All these suitcases are marked with names and dates .

  5. Some farmers have turned to keeping deer……有些牧场主已转为养鹿了……

  〖明晰〗turn to 转向;变成;求教于,求助于。如:

  She has turned to acting . 她已转行当演员了。

  In the dark street there was no one to whom she could turn for help .

  Who can I turn to in my hour of need ?

  6. Apart from their milk , the wool from their coats is used in expensive clothing . 除了鹿奶,鹿身上的皮毛还用来制作豪华服装。


  〖明晰〗apart from和except for的相同点是“除了……外”,基不同点是apart from 还可作“除了……外还有”(=besides)。如:

  It's a good article apart from (= except for)a few spelling mistakes .

  Apart from her impoliteness , she is very careless .

  7. be related to , relate to , relating to , in relation to , have some relation to , have sth to do with , be relative to


  〖明晰〗以上都作“与……有关系”,但relating, in relation to 为介词短语。另外,口语中常用have sth to do with。如:


  Light industry is closely related to the people's life . 轻工业与人民生活有密切联系。


  I can't relate what he does to what he says . 我看他所做的和所说的完全是两回事。


  He made some remarks relative to what had happened . 他讲了几句和发生的事情有关的话。

  Perhaps he has something to do with this case . 也许他与该案有些联系。

  8. apart from , except for , except , but for , besides


  〖明晰〗(1) apart from在表“除……外”时相当于except for , 但apart from表“除……之外还”之意。另外,apart from , except for , but for 都可用于句首, 但 except 不能。如:

  Except for ( = Apart from)John , everyone was present . 除约翰外,所有的人都出席了。

  In the air there is hydrogen apart from (= besides) oxygen . 空气中除了氧,还有氢。

  (2) except“除……”(含不包括其后的宾语),besides 除了……还(含包括其后的宾语)。另外,besides 还可作副词“并且,而且”。如:


  He answered all the questions except the last one . 除了最后一个问题外,所有的问题他都回答了。

  (MET 89) Does John know any other foreign languages besides French ? 除了懂法语之外,约翰还懂其他外语吗?

  (3) but for 常用于“如果不是由于……”(= If it were not for……或If it had not been for…)。如:

  But for you immediate help , I would not have finished the task . 如果不是你的及时帮助,我是不可能完成此项任务的。

  9. tour , visit , journey , trip , travel , voyage

  〖明晰〗(1)tour“参观,观光,周游,巡回旅行”,常是访问一系列地方后又回到原出发地。visit作“参观,访问”时常是提前计划好的,具有一定的正式性。journey 常指时间和距离都较长的陆路“旅行”,不含回到原出发地之意。trip常含短期短程的旅行,目的可以是公事或娱乐,常回到原出发地。travel常指到国外或某个遥远的地方去,不强调具体的目的地,指具体的旅行时常用复数,单数一般指“ 旅行”的抽象概念。journey 主要指不论路长短的水上或空中的“旅行”。试比较:

  He came back home after years of foreign travel .

  We seamen had pleasant weather at sea , the greater part of the voyage .

  We will have a comfortable voyage to the Far East by air .

  Travel is much cheaper than it used to be .

  They'll make a journey through the continent .

  These two young men have just completed a cycling tour of the USA .

  10. thread , line , cord , rope

  〖明晰〗thread ,(针)线,纱。line 线;索;绳;电线。cord 细绳;粗线。rope绳;索。 He tied his horse to a tree with a rope .


  I sewed on the buttons with a piece of thread .

  The storm blew the lines down .

  He tied up the thief with a cord .



  ※ Books are the ever-burning lamps of accumulated wisdom .


  ※ That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit .


  ※ A good book is the best of friends , the same today and for ever .


  ※ The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest men of past centuries .



  ※ Histories make men wise ; poems witty ; the mathematics subtile ; natural philosophy deep ; moral grave ; logic and rhetoric able to contend .




  1. Which letter does not belong in the following series ?

  B E H K M N Q T

  2. Which of the five makes the best comparison ?

  Sack is to sad as turn is to :


  (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

  答案:1. 选M 。The series is made up of every fourth letter of the alphabet starting with B .

  2. 选B。Sad can be combined with sack to make the word “sadsack”. Up can be combined with turn to make the word“Upturn”



  一、 “宾语补足语”知多少 ?

  英语中,常对宾语的状态、特征、动作进行说明的称之为宾语补足语,构成“主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语”这一重要句型。能用作宾语补足语的词或短语很多,下面是中学课体中出现过的:


  He called it Micky Mouse .

  She found him a very clever boy .

  注意:常用的动词有 name , call , elect , choose , appoint 等。如果宾语补足语表示的是独一无二的职务名词时,该名词前不用冠词。


  They elected him president of the USA .


  He had a strange way of making his class lively and interesting .

  They found the book instructive .

  We must keep the classroom clean every day .


  When you have finished your experiment , please tidy the lab and put everything back in the cupboards .


  I followed him in .

  Last Sunday I saw you out with your sister .


  To her surprise , she found herself in a different world .

  I found everything in good order .

  He thought himself above others .


  A . 不定式前带 to

  The villagers didn't allow them to do this .

  He asked me to do some shopping for him .

  注意:常用的动词有 ask , tell , beg , force , allow , wish , want , expect , advise , permit , order , 等等。

  B . 不定式前不带 to

  I saw all the glasses fall off onto the floor .

  I made him change his mind at last .

  注意:常用的动词有使役动词 have , let , make 和感官动词 see , watch , notice , hear , 等等。



  We can see them flying along the river .

  I saw him crossing the street .

  注意:常用的动词有 hear , watch , notice , find , smell , feel , keep , set , leave , get , 等等。



  I had my machine repaired .

  I was thinking of this when I heard my name called .


  A . 从宾语与宾补的关系上看。动词不定式与动词的-ing形式与宾语在逻辑上是主谓关系,而过去分词与宾语在逻辑上是动宾关系。


  We found him cross the street . 我们看到他走过了街道。(= He crossed the street . )

  We found him crossing the street . (= He was crossing the street . )

  We had the topic discussed . (= The topic is discussed . )我们让别人来谈论这个主题。

  B . 从意义上看。动词不定式表示动作的全过程;动词的-ing形式表示动作处于进行状态;而过去分词表示已经完成的动作。


  I heard him sing the song . 我听见他唱了那首歌。(指动作的全过程)

  I heard him singing the song . 我听见他正在唱歌。(指动作正在发生)

  I heard the song sung(by him) . 我听见他唱过那首歌。(指动作已经完成)

  【思维8】to be短语用作宾补

  The people had considered him (to be) a great leader , and a wise , kind and honest man .

  I believe him (to be) an honest man .

  注意有时 to be 可以省略。

  【思维9】由 as 构成的短语作宾补

  We regard labour as a matter of honour .

  You surely can't consider him as a selfish man .

  【思维10】疑问代词 / 副词 + 不定式作宾补。

  Could you please show me how to use the computer ?

  He really didn't ask us what to do next .

  【思维11】有时宾语是从句、不定式等后接形容词(名词等)作宾补,为了使句子平衡,须用 it 作形式宾语,而把真正的宾语放在句尾。


  They found it strange that no one took the money .

  I felt it my duty to report it to the headmaster .



  Why do you want a new job ______ you've got such a good one already?


  A . that B . where C . which D . when

  正确答案是D。此题考查的是从属连词 when 的用法。但是通过题干意义可知,这里的 when 并不是我们平时常用的意义“当……的时候”,而是“既然”的意思,相当于“since”。其实从属连词中有不少象  when 这样的词,具有多义性。本文就这一问题作一归纳,供同学们学习参考。


  1 . 表示时间,意思是“当……的时候”。例如:


  The fire was put out when they came . 他们来到的时候,大火已经被扑灭了。

  2 . 表示条件,意思是“如果……,要是……”例如:

  When the weather is good , I usually go to the country .

  Turn off the switch when anything goes wrong with the machine .

  3 . 表示原因,意思是“既然”。例如:

  How can he succeed when he won't work?

  Why do we take the flag down at night , when we just have to put it up again

in the morning?

  4 . 表示让步,意思是“虽然,然而,可是”。例如:

  He walks when he might ride .

  We have only three chairs when we need five .



  1 . 表示时间,意思是“当……的时候”,“和……同时”。例如:

  We waited while he dined .

  Please be quiet while I am talking to you .

  2 . 表示让步,意思是“虽然,尽管”。例如:

  While I understand what you say , I can't agree with you .

  While he is respected , he is not liked .

  3 . 表示对比,意思是“而,然而”。例如:

  She is very diligent , while he is very lazy .

  You like sports , while I'd rather read .


  1 . 表示条件或假设,意思是“如果,假如”。例如:

  We'll stay at home if it rains tomorrow .

  If I were you , I would not go .

  2 . 表示让步,意思是“虽然,即使”。例如:

  I will go if I die for it .

  If I am wrong , you come wrong , too .

  3 . 表示时间,意思是“无论何时,当……”,相当于 whenever。例如:

  If I do not understand what he says , I always ask him .

  If winter comes , can spring be far behind?

  4 . 表示原因,意思是“既然”。例如:

  If you don't like the job , why don't you change it?

  四、as long as , so long as

  1 . 表示时间,意思是“达……之久”。例如:

  You can keep the book as long as you like .

  During the holidays , I like to stay in the countryside as long as I can .

  2 . 表示条件,意思是“只要”。例如:

  As long as you tell truth , I'll try to help you .

  You may take this book away so long as you return it on time .

  3 . 表示原因,意思是“既然,由于,因为”。例如:

  So long as the weather is changeable these days , we'd better get in wheat in time .


  So long as you are going to town tomorrow , you can do something for me .


  1 . 表示时间,意思是“自从……以来”。例如:

  I haven't heard from him since he left .

  It is ten years since he joined the army .

  2 . 表示原因,意思是“既然”。例如:

  Since this method doesn't work , let's try another .

  七、so that

  1 . 表示目的,意思是“以便,为了”。例如:

  They started off early so that they could get there in time .

  The student worked hard so that he might learn more .

  2 . 表示结果,意思是“因此,结果是”。例如:

  I went to the lecture early so that I got a good seat .

  He spoke clearly , so that everyone heard .




  一、 V-ing 作宾语:

  1 . ('86) I can't imagine ____ that with them .

  A . do B . to do C . being done D . doing

  2 . ('92) - I usually go there by train .


  - Why not ____ by boat for a change ?

  A . to try going B . trying to go C . to try and go D . try going

  3 . ('83) People can't help ____ the foolish emperor in the procession .

  A . laugh at B . to laugh at C . laughing at D . laughing on

  4 . ('83)We're looking forward ____ the photo exhibition .

  A . to visiting B . to visit C . to having visited D . visiting

  5 . - What are you going to do this morning ?

  - I'm thinking of ____ to visit my aunt .

  A . go B . going C . having gone D . my going

  6 . ('85)I really enjoy ____ that kind of job .

  A . do B . doing C . to do D . to be doing

  7 . ('87)They wouldn't allow him ____ across the enemy line .

  A . to risk going B . risking to go C . for risk to go D . risk going

  8 . ('89) - What do you think of the book ?

  - Oh , excelle