代词 导学案(新课标版英语九年级)

发布时间:2016-3-18 编辑:互联网 手机版


主备教师 李柳贞 集体备课成员 王勇 学生姓名

备课时间 3月24日 集体研究时间 3月24日 主管行政

教学内容 复习人称代词,物主代词,反身代词

相互代词,指示代词 ,疑问代词,关联词 课时安排 共2 课时

教学目标 掌握人称代词,物主代词,反身代词

相互代词,指示代词 ,疑问代词,关联词的用法

教学重点 人称代词,物主代词,反身代词的用法

教学难点 人称代词,物主代词,反身代词的用法

学法指导 讲练结合



人称代词 主格 宾格 物主代词 形容词性 名词性 反身代词




The man you met in the street is a friend of __________.

A.I B.my C.mine D.me


Our classroom is larger than _______. A.you B.your C.yous D.yours


如:You, she and I all enjoy the music.


We,you and they are friendly to one another.



enjoy oneself=have a good time (过得很愉快) learn sth. by oneself =teach oneself sth. (自学)speak to oneself自言自语

help oneself to sth(随便吃/喝 些..) Help yourself to some meat!请自己吃点肉吧!

for oneself为自己; 代表自己; 独力地; 亲自地

One should not live for oneself alone. 一个人不应只是为自已活着。

(all)by oneself=alone单独地,独自of oneself自动地, 自发地

注意oneself与one’s own的区别

I myself don’t know how to express myself in my own words.

同位语 宾语 定语

三 .相互代词

each other(两者) each other’s彼此的

one another(三者or以上) one another’s彼此的

We should help each other/one another ,learn from each other/one another.


this---that these---those

考点3. 1. such---so

such+noun, so+adj. or adv. 但是 只说so many/much/few/little+noun

不说such many/much/few/little+noun such a good boy可转换成so good a boy

eg.He’s such a good student that all the teachers like him.

=He’s so good a student that all the teachers like him.

He‘s surprised that such liittle animals can eat so many things.


He knows so little English that he cannot understand the native speakers at all.


1)I have never heard of as he is.

A.such great man B.such great a man C.such a great man D.a such great man

2)It is ______ day.

A.so beautiful th B.so a beautiful C.such beautiful a D.such a beautiful

3) He cried out,”I never met with _______ careless man before!”

A. such a careless man B. such careless a man

C.so a careless man D. a such careless man

2. the same as eg. He is the same age as his wife.

五.疑问代词 who,whom,whose,which,what


Who are you? It’s me.

What are you? I’m a teacher.

考点4.什么what(范围确定) which哪个(范围不确定)

_________do you like better, cofee or tea?

A. which B. what

考点5.如何how 三个“如何“不用how,而用what 的句型:

1.What is +S+like? What’s the weather like today?

2.What do you do with +sb/sth?

What do you do with the old bike?

但是How do you deal with+sb/sth?

3.What do you think of +sb/sth?

但是How do you feel+sb/sth?


距离 how far

长度 how long for+时间段; since+时间点

.频度 how often seldom every day three times a day

多快 how soon+将来时(用in+时间段回答)

1)________ is it from here to the station? A twenty-minute walk.

2)________ does it take to fly from Beijing to Shanghai? Two hours.

3)_________ have you been in Beijing? For two years.

4)________ does it take to fly to Beijing? For two hours.

5)________ do you take the medicine ? 3 times a day.

6)________ will the bridge be completed? in a week.

考点 7 时间when _________________________________________

几点钟what time_______________________________________

原因why ___________________________________________


考点8. 关联词的用法


先行词+ 关联词+主+谓

人 主 that or who 宾whom/who(或省略) 定whose

物 主that or which 宾which(或省略) 定whose


一、 写出下列代词的宾格、形容词性的物主代词、名词性的物主代词和反身代词

I ______ _______ _______ _______

you _______ ______ _______ _______

he ________ ________ _______ _______

it ______ _ _______ _______ ______

we _______ _ ______ _______ ______

they ________ ________ _______ ______

二、 用适当的形式填空。

1. ______ (I ) name is Li Ming. What’s _____ (you ) name?

2. ______(She ) is Linda. ______ (she) brithday is Sep .1st.

3. _______(I) book isn’t in _____ (he) bag. It’s in _____(she) bag.

4. This is my cat. _____(it) name is Mi Mi. ______ (it) very nice.

5. I know ______(she). But I don’t know ______ (she) mother. I know ______ (she) is a good girl.

6. The boy is between _____ (you) and ____ (he).

7. Please join ______ (we) . ______ (we) clubs are very good.

8. _______ (I) favorite actor is Cheng Long. ______ (she) favorite color is red.

9. She wants _____ (they) to sing English songs.

10. Come and see Hua Xing clothes store for ________ (you)

11. Are ______ (this) your pens? No, ______ (it) aren’t代词

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