九年级导学案Unit6 第三课时 (新目标版英语九年级)

发布时间:2016-9-25 编辑:互联网 手机版

第三课时Section B(1a-2c)

励志小木屋:Each man is the architect of his own fate. 每个人都是自己命运的建筑师。


1. 新单词: 下沉;沉没

2. 进一步掌握定语从句。





Task A 用that,who或which填空。

1.Reborn is a group _________ many teenagers love very much.

2.Tina likes people __________are outgoing and friendly to others.

3.Please think of a movie _________ describes war and peace.

4.The pen with _________ he is writing belongs to Jimmy.

5.The team needs players _________ have a lot of enery.

6.The music _________ was very loud was coming from the next door.

Task B把下列句子合并为含有定语从句的复合句。

1.I like clothes. They are unusual.


I like movies. They have scary monsters.


2.The man is my father. He is driving a green car.

The man _________ ________ driving a green car is my father.

3.They like reading stories. The stories are about Bill Gates.

They like reading stories_________ ________ about Bill Gates.

Task C 单项选择(语法专练)

1.She is the girl ________ always helps others.

A. who B. whom C. which D. whose

2.The man_______we visited yesterday is a famous musician.

A. which B. what C. whom D. when

3.I like to live in a house ________ is big and bright.

A. that B. who C. how D. why

4. I like to visit a place ________ history is long.

A. which B. that C. whose D. who

5.-Do you know everybody ___ came to the party?

-Almost, but I don’t know the one _______ you talked with near the door.

A. who, / B. whose, that C. that, which D./, whom


Learning Steps

Step 1 . Warming-up

Step 2 . Lead-in

Step 3. Practice 1

Step 4 . Listening practice


The foreigner who visited our school yesterday is from Canada.(作主语)

The girl who(m) we met yesterday is Li Lei’s sister.(作宾语)

They planted the trees which don’t need much water. (作主语)

The fish (which) we bought were not fresh. (作宾语)

I remember the boy whose name is Jack. (作定语)


I. 看音标写单词

1. The ship ________[s k] for a long time.

2. He is an _________[ a: n i s t] person.

3. He is interested in all his ______[ k : s i z]



______ _______ ________,I ______ not to eat this vegetable.


I like music ____ I can _____ ______.

3. 这种音乐很适合我。

This kind of music ______me just fine.


_______ people say the TV play is boring, _________ say it’s great.

5. 我很幸运有机会进行为期2个月的英语学习。

I ________ ________ to be here for my ___________ English course.


1. We ________________(look ) for a quiet place to study.

2. M y dog’s death made me ________(feel) sad.

3. He expects us ________ (write) our own songs.



1.She likes books _________ are interesting.

A. who B. what C. that D. is

2. The picture remonds me _______my school days.

A. of B. on C. at D. in

3. -How do you like the story?


A. fun B. funny C. interested D. interests

4. What ________of bands do you like?

A. kinds B. kind C. a kind D. all kinds

5. -Which do you prefer, basketball______ soccer?

-I prefer soccer ______ basketball.

A. and ;than B. and; to C. or; than D. or; to

6.Little Tom preferred to ______ rather than_____

A. swimming, skating B. swim, skating

C. swimming, skate D.swim, skate.

7..Your watch is quite nice. Where did you buy _____ ? I want to buy ______, too.

A. one, one B. it, it. C. it , one D. one, it.

8..____they may not succeed,they will try their best.

A:Though B:When C:Because D:Unless

9..Many young people love the songs_____have great lyrics.

A:who B:those C:which

10..Is that the man ______helped us a lot after the earthquake

A:whose B:which C: when D: who

11.We will never give up our plan ______happens.

A:however B:whatever C:wherever D:whenever

12..They expect______their son soon

.A:see B:seeing C: to see D: seen

二、用that, who, whom, whose , which. 完成句子。

1.The kite ______ her mother had just bought was broken.

2. The boy_____ we saw yesterday is Betty’s brother.

3.The person to _____ you just talked is Mr Zhang.

4. The only thing ______ I can do for you is to call your parents.

5. The desk _____ leg is broden is very old.

6. The foreigner_____ visited our class yesterday is from America.

7.Tom was the first boy____left the classroom.

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