lesson38 My Diary 教学案例(冀教版英语八年级)

发布时间:2016-3-24 编辑:互联网 手机版


Teaching aims: 1.培养学生阅读和写作能力。

2.掌握语言知识: lock , key , but , improve , nobody…but…,be the opposite


Important and difficult points: 1.培养学生的写作能力。

2.掌握语言知识:lock , key ,but ,improve, nobody…but…,be the opposite.

Language notes:

1.I open the lock with a little key. 我用小钥匙打开了锁。

Lock n. 锁eg: open the lock

v. 锁上eg: lock the door

Key 意思是“钥匙;答案”。eg: the key to the question the key to the door

注意:表示“……的钥匙;……的答案”时,用介词to ,而不用of。

2.Nobody can open my diary but me.只有我能够打开我的日记。

but 是prep.常在否定词none, nothing, nobody等之后,意思是“仅,只(有)”。

eg: I have no friends but her.

3.In school this week ,Ms.Liu told us to write about our futures.这周在学校,刘老师告诉我们写一写我们的将来。

tell sb. to do sth. 意思是“告诉某人做某事”。

eg: His mother often tells him to study hard.

4.She asked us about our ambitions. 她问我们有关我们志向的情况。

ask sb. about sth. 意思是“问某人关于某事的情况”。

Let’s ask him about the school.

5.Li Ming is sure that I will have a good future.李明确信我会有一个很好的将来。

be sure +that 引导宾语从句,意思是“确信……”

eg: I am sure that he will come.

be sure of +sb./sth. 意思是“对某人或某事有把握”。

eg: Are you sure of your exam?

be sure to do 意思是“一定……,必然……”

eg: We are sure to win.

6.To be a doctor, I will need to learn a lot in school.要想当医生,我需要在学校学很多东西。

to be a doctor 是不定式短语,在句中作目的状语。

eg: To catch the early bus, we must get up early.

Lesson Structure:

Class Opening: 1.Greet the students.

2.Ask, Who is on duty today? Then ask the student read out his or her diary. (Make sure his or her diary is so good, and then tell the students to keep a diary every day, it can improve your English). So Let’s look at Wang Mei’s diary.

Step1. Come to “think about it “

Do you have an ambition? What is it ?

Step2. Ask the students to listen to the tape with the question

What is Wang Mei’s goal?

Step3. Ask the students to read the diary as loudly as they can, and underline the key words. A few minutes later, ask someone try to read it out .

Step4.Introduce some language notes carefully.

Step5.Ask the students to read the text silently. Then ask one student to read it out.

Step6.Have a discussion in pairs.

1.What did Ms. Liu tell them to do?

2.What is Li Ming’s hope? Why?

3.To be a doctor, what will Wang Mei need to do?

Check the answers

Step7.Play the audiotape again, read together with it.

Step8.Have a further discussion.

What’s your ambition? And ask one to speak it out.


Write a letter to your parents about your ambition. You may use these expressions:

My ambition is to ________.

I hope to _________.

I want to _________. You can write it more.

Remember the new words.

The next reading in the diary.

板 书 设 计

一、语言点 二、Have a discussion

1.lock n.锁open the lock 1.What did Ms.liu tell them to do?

v.锁上lock the door 2.What is Li Ming’s hope ?Why?

key n.钥匙,答案 3.To be a doctor,what will Wang Mei to do?

the key to the question

2.but prep.常用在否定词none,



