教材原句: During his lifetime, he developed the tradition of combing poetry with painting.
模书: 在郑板桥的一生中,他发展了书画结合的传统。 .
1. 教材原句:Across this painting,named racing horse, we can see a horse running at high speed like a missile across the sky.
2.教材原句: He worked with wood during his early youth.
模书: 我曾经从事过画画,但是我现在习惯于雕刻。
3.教材原句:His interest changed later to simple picture from everyday life.
模书: 我对音乐的兴趣从未改变,而且,随着时间,日益加强。
4.教材原句:It’s black eyes, which are fixed on the cabbage, show the creatures interest in the vegetable.
5.模书 : 1)他站在小河边,静静地盯着我
6.教材原句:His style of painting often leaves the audience guessing and make them use their imagination.
模书: 1)他的离开使我感到孤独。
7.教材原句:In the painting,a young woman sits alone and is deep in thought.
模书: 在画中,我看到一个老人在河边独自垂钓于满天的大雪中。
8.教材原句:To emphases the woman even more, Chen adds a lot of details to the fan and the cloth of her dress.
模书: 1)我爱你胜过爱我自己
Unit 6 知识点的应用与再创造(二)
教材原句:1.A young farmer who wanted to wife would look at a young woman’s paper cutting skills before marrying her.
教材原句:Chen is a paper cutting expert whom I interviewed for my article on Chinese art.
教材原句:A present for parents whose child has recently been born might show a paper cut of children
模书: 1)I want to be a person (非常有钱)
2)I want to be a person (万人敬仰)
3)The person (爱我的人)已经远走了while the person
(我爱的人) 还没来到。
4)I don’t like the guy (他的发型特别奇怪)。
5)Those (劳心着治人)while those
4.教材原句:Paper cuts which shows the Chinese character for double happiness are often used to celebrate wedding.
5.教材原句:Paper cutting is something that he learned to do from an early age.
模书 :6)In the future, if only we can get rid of the belief
(中国年轻一代所拥有的),we can win without fighting.(美国前任总统尼克松语。我们一定要警惕)
7)We should change something (可以改变的)and accept something (不可改变的)
8)These are all things and persons (我能记住的)
9)Can you say some important events
10)There are miracles in life (生命中很多奇迹等我去实现)
6. 教材原句:it is a Chinese folk art with a long history.
7)教材原句:I was also ready to try out paper cutting for myself.
模书 :我准备亲自尝试一下你的想法。