
发布时间:2016-5-22 编辑:互联网 手机版

<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高三英语 Unit 5

Lesson 17

1. Four people in an advertising firm are discussing a future advertising programme. 一家广告公司的四个人正在讨论一个未来的广告节目。advertise vi. / vt. 刊登广告;通知;宣布;advertise for sb. / sth. 刊登广告征求……;e.g. They advertised on TV. 他们在电视上做广告。The company advertised for a girl secretary on TV last week. 上周那家公司在电视上刊登广告聘请一位女秘书。I advertised of him my plans. 我把我的计划通知了他。advertisement 广告;place / put an advertisement in a newspaper 在报纸上刊登广告;advertiser 广告商;an advertising firm 广告公司;

2. Our plan is to produce an advertisment for this famous computer which is suppli-

ed by one of China’s biggest computer producers - Legend Computer Group Corporation. Any ideas? 我们的计划是要为中国最大的电脑生产者 - 联想计算机集团公司所提供的这种著名的计算机做一个广告。各位有何高见?supply vt. 供应;供给;supply sth. to / for sb. = supply sb. with sth. e.g. The school supplies textbooks for / to the studeets. = The school supplies the students with textbooks. 学校向学生们提供教科书。 n. 供应;供给;供给量; supplies供应品. e.g. They cut off our food supplies. 他们切断了我们的食品供应。

3. I think it would be a good idea to have comments from secretaries and typists who are already using it. 我觉得最好去听听已经在使用这种计算机的秘书及打字员有何评价。1). I think it would be a good idea to do sth. 这是一句重要的交际英语,“我觉得做……是个好主意” e.g. I think it would be a good idea to ask your mother for advice. 我觉得去征求一下你妈妈的意见是个好主意。2). have comments from … 听取某人的评价;comment n. 意为“评论”,“意见”; make comments 意为“作出评论”,“提出意见”,通常后接介词on 或upon. e.g. Her strange behaviour caused a great deal of comment. 她奇怪的行为引起了许多的议论。Do you have any comments upon my article? 你对我的文章有何见解?Have you any comments to make on it? 你对此有何评价? vi. 评价;后接on或upon. e.g. Everyone commented on her new hat. 大家都在评论她的新帽子。The coach refused to comment on the game results. 教练拒绝评论比赛的结果。常用短语:ask for comment 征求意见;without comment 不必多说;No comment 无可奉告;

4. Then they can express their satisfaction with the product. 这样他们就可以表示他们对这种产品很满意。 satisfation n. 满意; express one’s satisfaction with / at sth. = be satisfied with sth. 对表示满意; e.g. The teacher expressed his satisfaction with the students’ results after the test. 考试后,老师对学生的成绩很满意。 After visiting the school, parents expressed their satisfaction with the teachers’ work. 在参观了学校后,家长们对老师们的工作表示非常满意。 I was quite satisfied with what he had done. 我对他所做的一切感到满意。Both


were highly satisfied with the results of the talks. 双方对会谈的结果很满意。

5. I think we should have a picture of the computer and give a description of the product. 我觉得我们应当有一张这种计算机的照片,然后对这种产品作一描述。1). description n. 对(某人 / 某事)的描述;叙述;形容;give a description of … 描述一下……;e.g. My brother is not good at description. 我弟弟不太会描写。The scenery was beautiful beyond description. 那风景美得难以描述。 Can you give a description of the person who came to see me when I was out. 你能否描述一下我不在的时候来看望我的那个人的模样吗?2). product 与production 的区别;produce 产品;产物;(可数名词) production 生产;制造;产量;(不可数名词) produce vt. e.g. Our car is a product of that factory.我们的汽车就是那家工厂的产品。Japan is famous for the production of transistor radios. 日本以生产半导体收音机而闻名。Production is at all times and under all conditions a social one. 生产在任何时候任何条件下都是社会的生产。

6. That’s a good way of giving information, but it’s not a good way of persuading people. 那是一种提供信息的好方法,但不是一种说服人的好方法。 persuade sb. to do sth. = persuade sb. into doing sth. 说服某人去做某事; persuade sb out of doing sth. 说服 / 劝阻某人不做某事; e.g. He persuaded her daughter to change her mind. 他说服了他的女儿改变了主意。His parents persuaded him out of doing such foolish things. 他的父母说服了他不要做那样的蠢事。

7. boring 与 bored 的区别:boring 令人讨厌的;用来指某事或某人令他人不愉快;bored 讨厌;厌倦;指人的感受; e.g. Those relations of his are boring.他的那些亲戚真烦人。I am bored with his stories. 我听烦了他的故事。

8. Then we can put their comments at the top of the advertisement in big print. 然后我们可以把他们的评论用大字号放在广告的上面。in big print 用大字体印刷.

9. we can bring in some humour too. 我们还可以增加一些幽默。bring in 带入;引进;把插进来;收获;提出;e.g. The expert brought in new technology. 那位专家带来了新的技术。They brought in a lot of advertisement in the TV play.在电视剧中他们穿插了许多广告。Why bring Li Ming in? He will do nothing to help. 为什么把李明拉进来?他什么忙也帮不了。

10. The disadvantage with carrying out interviews is that it may take a long time. 进行采访的不利一面是可能会花较长的时间。 the disadvantage with… 在……方面存在的缺点/ 不利条件;
