初二冀教版Units 1-4 重点短语回顾

发布时间:2016-11-2 编辑:互联网 手机版


1. be back 回来

He'll be back in ten minutes. 他十分钟后回来。

2. a piece of 一张,条,块,片......

Please give me a piece of paper. 请给我一张纸。

I have a piece of good news to tell you. 我有一条好消息要告诉你。

3. look like 看上去像......

I look like a little boy in this photo. 在照片里我看上去像个小男孩。

4. on the weekend在周末

They often go to the park on the weekend. 他们常常在周末去公园。

5. be made of 由......制成

This sweater is made of wool. 这件毛衣是由羊毛制成的。

6. talk to和......交谈

I want to talk to Jenny. 我想和珍妮谈谈。

7. talk about 谈论

They are talking about their favourite subjects. 他们在谈论他们最喜爱的科目。

8. write down 写下,记下

Please write down the new words. 请把这些生词记下来。

9. hate to do sth. 讨厌做某事

I hate to comb my hair. 我讨厌梳头。

10. get out 取出,拿出

She got out her pen. 她取出了钢笔。

11. a pair of 一双,对......

Tom is wearing a pair of new shoes. 汤姆穿着一双新鞋子。

12. think of 想起

She couldn't think of an answer. 她想不起一个答案了。

13. be ready to do sth. 准备做某事

He is ready to do his homework. 他正准备做家庭作业。

14. introduce... to... 把......介绍给......

Danny introduced us to his new friend. 丹尼把我们介绍给他的新朋友。

15. invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事

She has invited me to go to the movies next Sunday. 她已邀请我下周日去看电影。

16. be late for 迟到

Don't be late for school. 上学别迟到。

17. be good at 擅长,在......做得好

He's good at cooking. 他擅长烹饪。

18. be short for ......是......的简称

Exam is short for examination. Exam 是examination的缩写形式。

19. have an exam考试,测试

We had a math exam last

Friday. 我们上星期五进行了一次数学考试。

20. tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人有关某事

I'll tell him about it. 我将把这件事告诉他。

21. go for a walk 去散步

He often goes for a walk after supper. 他常常在晚饭后去散步。

22. turn out关掉,熄灭

Time for bed. Please turn out the light. 该上床睡觉了。请关掉电灯。

23. learn about 学习,了解

I learned about Chinese festivals. 我了解了有关中国的一些节日。

24. be far from 远离

My home is far from the school. 我家离学校很远。

25. try on 试穿

Please try on the shoes. 请试穿一下这双鞋子。

26. best wishes to sb. on sth. 因某事向某人致以良好的的祝愿

Best wishes to you on your twelfth birthday. 为你十二岁的生日而致以良好的的祝愿。

27. on the top of 在......的顶部

I wrote some words on the top of the box.我在盒子顶部写了一些字。

28. be in fashion 时髦,时尚

Her hair style is in fashion now in Canada. 她的发型现在在加拿大很流行。

29. blow out吹灭

I blew out the candles after finishing my work. 我完成工作后吹灭了蜡烛。

30. on one's way to 去......的路上

He is on his way to the cinema. 他正在去电影院的路上。

31. point to 指向

He's pointing to the right. 他正指向右边。

32. across from 在......对面

The square is across from the parking lot. 广场在停车场的对面。

33. walk straight down... 沿着......照直走

Walk straight down the street. Then turn right at the second crossing. 沿着这条街一直走。然后在第二个十字路口向右拐。

34. arrive at 到达

When did you arrive at school? 你什么时候到学校的?

35. get lost迷路

I got lost when I was going to meet Danny at the cinema. 我在去电影院和丹尼见面时迷路了。