Unit 20 Mainly revision

发布时间:2016-2-16 编辑:互联网 手机版



1. 学习一篇日记,掌握日记写法,复习一般过去时。

2. 以两个学生对话,复习一般将来时态。功能项目复习系动词及情态动词的用法,复习不定代词用法。

3. 复习五种简单句。在阅读文中复习一般现在时,过去时和将来时。


1. 关于情态动词的用法

学生用书第110课第一部分列出了到目前为止所学的几个情态动词。它们分别是need, needn't; must, mustn't; have to, has to, had to; can, can't; could, couldn't; may。告诉 学生这些情态动词都有特定的意义,和另一动词构成谓语,在各种人称后都用同样的形式。


We needn't start so early. 我们不必这么早出发。

Need I come? 我需要来吗?

实义动词need用作及物动词时,和不定式连用,就可以用于各种结构。如We need to know more about this matter. 关于这件事我们需要了解更多的情况。

Does he need to say something? 他需要说些什么吗?

He did not need to come. 他并不需要来。

(2)must 表示必须要做的事。如:

You must finish your homework before you watch TV. 你必须做完作业再看电视。

We mustn’t say any longer. 我们不能再说下去了。


A: Must we do eye exercises every day? 我们必须每天做眼保健操吗?

B: Yes, you must. 是的,必须这样。

No, you needn't. 不,没有必要。

(3)have to, has to, had to

与must相比,have to表示因客观环境促使而不得不做的事情。如:

We missed the last bus. We had to walk home. 我们错过了最后一班公共汽车。我们不得不走回家。


The apples are too high. He can't reach them. 苹果长得太高了,他够不着。

Can I come in? 我能进来吗?

Can I take a message? 我能留言吗?

Can you come to my birthday party? 你能来参加我的生日聚会吗?


I couldn't swim when I was four. 我4岁时还不能游泳。


Could you wait for a while? 你能等一会儿吗?


You may go now. 你现在可以走了。

May I watch TV after supper? 晚饭后我可以看电视吗?

He may be right. 他可能是对的。


2. 写日记的格式:一般情况下先写好日期和天气情况,请记住日记的基本格式。

日期要顶格写,可先写星期,再写年月日,也可先写年月日再写星期。日期的写法通常用省略形式。如:Monday June 23rd, 1990(June 23rd, 1990 Monday)或Mon. Jun. 23rd, 1990(Ju n. 23rd 1990 Mon. )。






1. “I can't hear anything”means“I can hear ”.

2. There is on the floor. please pick it up.

3. Did go to play basketball with you?

4. I phoned you last night, but answered it.

5. I don't think telephoned.

6. Why don't you ask to help you?

7. If you want , Please let me know.

8. Shall we get to drink?

9. Don't worry. There's wrong with your ears.

10. There's in the box. It's empty.

(Answer: 1 nothing 2 something 3 anybody/anyone 4 nobody/no one 5 anybody/any one 6 someone/somebody 7 something 8 nothing)



care, cancer, cousin, death, engineer, exciting, myself, once, page, palace, sad, super, while, whole, wonderful, yet, keep a diary 记日记, the Summer Palace 颐和园, after lunch 晚饭后, look worried 看上去很着急, leave…by oneself 把… 单独留下, look after= take care of 照料、照顾、注意, be about ten months old 大约十个月大, Half an hour later 半个小时后, cry harder and harder 哭的越来越厉害,not…any more 不再, make a face(make faces)做鬼脸、做苦相, turn on 开( 电源开关、龙头、阀门等) turn off 关(电源开关、龙头、阀门等), all kinds of 各种 各样,have a wonderful time 玩的开心,过的快乐 make music 作曲、谱曲, be late for sth. 做某事迟到,have a cold 患感冒, look into 往…里面看, after a while 过了一会儿。


1. A page from a student's diary. 一则学生日记。

(1)表示“某人的一则日记”常用a page from…如

This is a page from Lei Feng's diary. 这是雷锋的一则日记。

(2)“记日记”,用keep, keep a diary 记一篇日记。如:

I keep a diary in English. 我用英语写日记。

2. I must take her to hospital. 我必须送她去医院看病。


in hospital 住院, to hospital 入院治疗, leave hospital 出院

3. look worried 看上去忧愁的样子

look “看上去、看起来”是系动词,后接形容词。

如:The girl looked afraid. 这女孩看上去很害怕。

They look happy. 他们显得很高兴。

You look better today. 你今天看上去气色较好。

4. I can't leave her by herself. 我不能把她一个人留下。

by oneself“独自、单独”也可用all by oneself=leave…alone. 如:

Your son is too young. You can't leave him(all) by himself at home when you are out. 你儿子太小。你出去时不能把他独自留在家里。

5. at first 起先、起初

表示起先是一种什么情况,后来又是什么情况,常和then(然后、接着),later(或later on )(后来)或…later(…之后)连用。

At first the boy was not good at English; then he began to study it hard. 这男孩起初英语学得不好,然后就开始努力学起来。

At first she didn't know how to keep a diary, later on she learned to write a page every day. 起先她不知道怎样记日记,后来就学着每天写一页。

6. (cry)harder and harder (哭得)越来越凶

形容词或副词比较级的叠用(~er and ~er, 或more and more…)表示越来越…,越变越… 。如:

In spring the weather gets warmer and warmer. 春天天气变得越来越暖和。

He is working harder and harder. 他工作越来越努力了。

Our school is more and more beautiful. 我们学校越来越美了。

More and more people are beginning to learn English. 越来越多的人开始学英语了。

7. Laugh and laugh. 笑了又笑。


The strong wind blew and blew. 大风刮了又刮。

The boy ate and ate. 这男孩吃了又吃。

He walked and walked until he reached home. 他走了又走,一直走到家。

8. Half an hour later she woke up and began to cry. 半小时后,她醒了并开始大哭。

(1)later “较迟,稍晚”副词,作“以后”解,常用于一段时间之后。

如:ten minutes 十分钟后,a few months later 几个月后,five day later 五天之后等 ,和过去式的谓语连用。如:

I saw him in the park a week later. 一星期后我在公园看见他。


He got to Beijing after three days. 三天以后他到了北京。

相当于 He got to Beijing three days later.


He will go there after four o'clock. 四点钟后他将去那儿。


He will come back in four weeks. 他将在四星期后回来。

(2)wake(up) 作不及物动词,表示“醒来”,作及物动词表示“叫醒(某人)”如:

He woke three times in the night. 他一夜醒了三次。

Please wake me at seven. 请七点叫醒我。

9. The baby watched and listened. 孩子瞧着,听着。

look, see, watch 都是“看”,但有区别:


He looked at his watch and found it was ten o'clock. 他看了看表,发现已是十点了。

The students are looking at the map on the wall. 学生们看着墙上的地图。


He saw nobody in the house. 他看见房子里没有人。

Can you see that tree? 你看得见那棵树吗?


He watched the cars coming and going. 他注视着车辆来来往往。

He watched every movement of my hands. 他注视着我的手的每个动作。

10. She didn't cry any more. 她不再哭了。

not…any more 意为“不再”,相当于not…any longer. 可换用,如:

Ann doesn't live here any more/longer. 安不再住这里了。

I shall not wait any more/longer. 我不再等了。

not…any more也可用作no more, no more即可修饰连系动词,也可修饰行为动词,修饰行为动词时常用于句末,如:

He is no more ill. 他不再生病了。

He will go there no more. (=He won't go there any more. )他不再住这儿了。

11. Then I made faces and jumped like a monkey. 接着,我做着怪相,像猴子一样来回跳着。

(1)make faces(或make a face)意为“做鬼脸”,如:

The boy made faces and wanted to make the others laugh. 那男孩做着鬼脸,想逗别人发笑。

“Don't make a face. ”said the teacher. “不要做鬼脸”老师说。


He speaks English like a real Englishman. 他说起英语来像是一个真正的英国人。

My brother isn't like me. 我弟弟不像我。

12. I told him the whole story. 我将全部经过告诉他。


I'll tell you everything tomorrow. 明天我将全告诉你。

Tell me your name, please. 请告诉我你的名字。



All the city/The whole city is busy cleaning the streets. 全城的人都忙于打扫街道。

It took him all the year/the whole year to write the book. 写这本书花了他整整一年。

(2)all表示“所有的”,后接复数名词,whole表示“所有的”时则须用the whole of, 如:

All the students are here. 所有的学生都到了。

The whole of the students went to the cinema. 全体学生都去看电影了。


all China 全中国(不说:whole China)

all the water 所有的水(不说:the whole water)

13. He can take good care of your babies. 他会照管好你们的孩子的。

(1)take care 不接of,意为“当心”、“小心”,如:

Take care! The ice is thin. 当心,冰很薄。

Take care not to wake the baby. 当心别把孩子吵醒了。

(2)take care of后接名词或代词,意为“照管”、“照料”,与look after同义。care是名词,可用good修饰,take good care of意为“好好照料”,如:

You must take good care of yourself. 你要好好照料自己。

The TV set is new. Take good care of it. 电视是新的,好好保管。

14. How did Ling Feng make the baby stop crying? 林峰是怎样使孩子停止了哭泣?

(1)make 在此句意为“使…”,make作“使…”解时,其宾语后的不定式习惯上不带to。 notice, hear, listen, see, watch, let 用法相同。如:

You may take a horse to the water, but you can't make him drink. 你可以牵马到河边,却不能使它喝水。

Aunt Li always makes us laugh. 李大娘老逗我们发笑。


Stop talking, boys and girls! 孩子们,要说话了。

The boy stopped running. 那孩子停止了跑步。

而stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事。

如:They stopped singing and dancing. 他们停止了唱歌、跳舞。

They stopped to sing and dance. 他们停下来去唱歌和跳舞。

He stopped to read Lesson Five. 他停下来去读第5课。

He stopped reading Lesson Five. 他停止读第5课。

He stopped to look at his watch. 他停下来,看了看表。

He stopped looking at the girl. 他不再看那女孩。

15. Why did the monkey laugh in the end? 为什么猴子最后大笑?

in the end最后

in the end的同义短语是at last(最后,终于),在很多情况下可以换用,但at last常指经过一番努力或曲折后变成某种情况,in the end多指自然发展的结果。

He left the place in the end. 他最后离开了这个地方。

At last she learned swimming after she practised and practised. 在一再地练习之后,她终于学会了游泳。

in the end的反义短语是at first或in the beginning(起先、起初)。如:At first he didn't know how to learn English, but he was good at English in the end when he left middle school.


如要表示“在…结尾/末端”则要用at the end of…

at the end of the story 在故事的结尾。at the end of the street 在街道的末端。其反义短语则为at the beginning of, 如:at the beginning of this term 在这学期的开头。

16. He told me not to bring you anything 他告诉我不常带什么东西给你。

在tell, ask, want, get, like等一些动词的宾语后,都能接不定式作宾语补足语,其不定式的否定形式是在to前加not,如:

The teacher told him not to make faces in class.


(不可说:The teacher told him don't to make faces in class. )

再如:He asked me not to open the door. 他请我不要开门。

His parents want him not to be late for school. 他的父母要他上学别迟到。

17. I'll speak to him. 我要同他谈谈。

speak 意为“说话”、“演说”,一般用作不及物动词。作及物动词时只和少数名词(如表示语言的词)连用;若表示“谈论某人、某事”其后则接about:

The baby is learning to speak. 这小孩在学说话。

He speaks English well. 他的英语说得好。

They did not want to speak about it. 他们不想谈论这事。


He is talking to his friend. 他正在同他的朋友谈话。

What are you talking about? 你们在谈些什么?


What did he say? 他说了些什么?

He said“Good morning” to his teacher. 他向老师道了声“早安! ”

Say it again. 再说一次。


Tell me where you live. 告诉我你住在哪儿。

He told the story to everybody in the village. 他把经过告诉了村子里每个人。

18. Look into the river. 往河里看。

look into “朝…里面看,”反义词组是look out of “从…往外看”


look back 回头看 look around 向四周张望

look up 抬头看,向上看 look down 向下看



1. 我不能把她单独留下。

误:I can't leave herself.

正:I can't leave her by herself.

析:“把某人单独留下”,要用“leave one by oneself”结构,而在leave后面不能直接跟oneself。

2. 我不知道我什么时候睡着的。

误:I didn't know when I was asleep.

正:I didn't know when I went to sleep.

析:be asleep与go to sleep都有“睡觉”的意思,但be asleep表示“睡着”的状态,go to sleep表示“入睡”的过程,是一种动作。

3. 收音机在那儿,请打开。

误:The radio is there. Please turn on it.

正:The radio is there. Please turn it on.

析:turn on中的on是副词。在“动词+副词”结构中,若宾语是代词,必须放在动词与副词之间;若宾语是名词,放在副词前后都可以。

4. 两个小时后他回家了。

误:Two hours after he went home.

正:Two hours later he went home.

正:After two hours he went home.

析:later和after都表示过去某段时间之后,但later常位于时间之后,after常位于时间之前。如:six minutes later或after six minutes(六分钟后)。



An old man thought his wife was a bit deaf and he decided to try her out. He walked ten metres away from the back of his wife and asked, “Can you hear me? ”With no answer from his wife, he went forward(向前方)and stood six metres away from her. “Can you hear me? ”he asked again, but he still got no answer. Then he walked up two metres away from his wife and asked again in a loud voice, “Now, my dear, can you hear me? ”

“Yes, of course. ”she replied. “And this is the third time I've repeated. ‘Yes, of course. ’”

The old man finally knew who was really deaf when he heard this.

( )1. The old man's wife was deaf in both ears.

( )2. The old man wanted to find out if his wife was deaf.

( )3. His wife could hear better than him.

( )4. His wife could hear him from ten metres away.

( )5. He couldn't hear his wife because his wife didn't say anything.

( )6. In fact the old man himself was deaf.

( )7. He asked his wife three times, but his wife only answered him once.

( )8. At last the old man heard what his wife said.

( )9. At last he found out his wife was not deaf.

( )10. His wife answerd him three times, but he only heard once.

答案:1. × 2. √ 3. √ 4. √ 5. × 6. √ 7. × 8. √ 9. √ 10. √

分析:根据妻子的回答“And this is the third time I've repeated. Yes, of course. ” 可以断定丈夫三次说的话她都听到了,而且三次都作了回答,这是理解全文的关键词语,不难对1、5、7、题作出否定的判断,而对4题作出肯定的判断。第一段的第一句为该段的主题句,恰恰回答了2题。文章结尾一句是本文的主题句。“Who was really deaf”清楚地回答了3、6、8、9、10五个问题。

【有关"Unit 20 Mainly revision" 的教学设计】

教学设计1. c2u21 Mainly Revision 教案



  Ⅰ. 词汇学习

  happily , easily , carefully , worried , feel worried about, pingpong , hard-working

  Ⅱ. 语法学习

  简单句的基本句型 ( 一 )

  ( 1 ) 主语 + 不及物动词:

  He swims .

  They are listening .

  ( 2 ) 主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语:

  She likes basketball

  They know me .

  ( 3 ) 主语 + 系动词 + 表语:

  The bike is new .

  She felt worried .

  Ⅲ. 交际英语:

  What can I do for you ?

  I need to do some shopping .

  I'm worried about my party .






教学设计2. 初二英语 Lesson 109 (Unit:Mainly Revision)













教学设计3. 初二英语 Lesson 110 (Unit:Mainly Revision)



自制一些图片,每张图片要明显地适用于某个情态动词。可参阅书上如下插图:第一百零一课图1、图5(could/couldn’t ; can/can’t) ;第九十三课插图(have/has to);第八十九课插图(mustn’t);第九十课插图(must);第八十七课插图(may)等。






教学设计4. 初二英语 Lesson 111 (Unit:Mainly Revision)










教学设计5. 初二英语 Lesson 112 (Unit:Mainly Revision)









【关于“Unit 20 Mainly revision”的常见问题】

常见问题1: Unit 20 Mainly revision



1. It's good see you again.

2. He does well skating and he often helps the children skating, too.

3. I wrote a letter Jim yesterday.

4. It's very nice you give me a glass of water.

5. The boy's mother is work now, so he has to stay home alone.

6. He sits the chair a smile his face.

7. He sits next me.

8. It's very hot here. Please take your coat.

9. She's going to speak the meeting next week.

10. It's very dark. Turn the light, please.


1. to 2. in, with 3. to 4. of, to 5. at, at 6. on, with, on 7. to 8. off 9. at 10. on