
发布时间:2016-8-4 编辑:互联网 手机版

Teaching plan

Unit 3 In the future

Language aim:

1. Using the future tense to talk about future events.

e.g. Perhaps K will be able to K

Perhaps there will/ wonˇt be K

2. Using formulaic expressions to show agreement/ disagreement.

e.g. I think so. /I donˇt think so.

I hope so. /I hope not.

K , but K

3. Using the future tense to make a wish..

e.g. I hope that K will K

I think that K will K

Teaching period: three teaching periods. (The second period)

Materials: Studentˇs Book 7B P57&58


Slide shows

Tape recording


I. Pre-task preparation:

1.Review: the conversation on P56. Invite two groups of five to come out and role-play the conversation in class.

2.Listen to the tape recording.

II. While-task Procedure:

1.Make a big book. It is about what may happen in the future.

1) Show the slide show of Read and write on P57 to the class. Have students help Kally and her classmates complete a big book on ˉlife in the futureˇ.

2) Invite a few students to read their answers aloud. The whole class can then check answers together.

3) Have students read the big book aloud together.

2. Talk about what you think may happen in the future.

1) Ask the students to talk about what you think may happen in the future with the pattern:

Perhaps K will/ will be able to K

Perhaps there will/ won ˇt be K

City: a lot of tall buildings/ more crowded

Traffic: no traffic jams/ more car parks/ no travel by motorbike any longer

Environment: air pollution/ water pollution/ noise pollution

Your family members (you/ your parents/ your sisters or your brothers):heavier than my mother/ become a teacher/ be a father

Study: go on a school picnic by plane/ be no schools/ learn from computers at home

Shopping: shop at home

2) Tell students when they discuss with their friends, they can use ˉDo you think K willK?ˇAnd they can answer with ˉI think so. /I donˇt think so. /I hope so. /I hope not.I think so, but I hope not.I donˇt think so, but I hope so.I hope so, but I donˇt think so.I hope not, but I think so.ˇ

2) Give an example to students.

- Do you think students will still walk up and down in the school?

-I think so , but I hope not.

-Perhaps there will be many lifts in our school.

-Perhaps students will be able to go up and down in the lift.

3) Discuss in groups:

冘 Show the slides of Discuss and make on P57 to the class.

冘 Tell students to have a discussion about ˉwhat may happen in the futureˇ. They can look at the pictures and prompts. Do oral practice in groups of three. They should use the modelled conversation provided:

S1: Do you think KwillK ?

S2: I think so. /I donˇt think so.

I hope so. /I hope not.

I think so, but I hope not.

I donˇt think so, but I hope so.

I hope so, but I donˇt think so.

I hope not, but I think so.

S3:Perhaps K will be able to K/ Perhaps there will / wonˇt be K

冘 Invite a few groups to do oral practice in class.

III. Post-task activity:

1. Listen to the tape recording Read, write and make on P58.

2. Show the slides of what Eddie, Peter and Alice said. Then have students read it.

I think that my mum will become a grandmother.

I think that people will not pollute the earth.

I hope that everyone on earth will have enough food to eat.

3. What do you think may happen in twenty yearsˇ time? Write it down, and then sign it. They can write it just like this:

I think that K will K/

I hope that K will K


1. Make a big book about ˉWhat may happen in the futureˇ

2. Make a wish about the future, and then write it down.