
发布时间:2016-3-14 编辑:互联网 手机版

The Third Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Review the words learned in the last two periods.

2.Learn and master direct speech and indirect speech.

Teaching Important Points:

1.How to guess the missing word according to the given sentence.

2.Master the interchanges of direct speech and indirect speech in the declarative sentence and interrogative sentence.

Teaching Difficult Points:

Master the changes of the pronouns,tenses,adverbials in the interchanges of direct speech and indirect speech.

Teaching Methods:

1.Review method to consolidate the words learned in the last two periods.

2.Explanation and inductive methods to make the students master the interchanges of direct speech and indirect speech.

3.Individual,pair work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.a projector

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ.Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ.Word Study

T:In the last two periods,we have learned some self-introduction,a reading text-My Friend Wilson.We have also discussed what a good friend should be like and what qualities a good friend should have.If you are alone on a deserted island,we also know what would be the most useful to you.All these include some useful and important words and phrases.Now let’s review them.Open your books,turn to Page 4.Look at Word Study.Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases you have learnt in this unit.You are given five minutes to do it.Read first,then fill in it according to the meaning of each sentence.Is that clear?


T:OK.First do it by yourself.Then discuss them in pairs.After a while,I’ll ask some students to read the words.

(Teacher goes among the students and the students begin to do it.After a while,teacher checks their answers.)

Suggested answers:

1.honest 2.classical 3.sorrow 4.argue 5.loyal 6.hunt for 7.fond of 8.brave 9.in order to 10.smart

Step Ⅲ.Grammar Study

T:Now I want you to translate two sentences into English.Listen carefully.The first one,“我喜欢看冒险故事”,the second one“玛丽,你看见我的蓝色笔记本了吗?”Here I tell you how to say“冒险”in English-adventure.Now how to translate the two sentences?Who wants to try?Yeah,Li Li,you try,please.The first one.

S:I like reading adventure stories.

T:Good,sit down,please,Li Li said,“I like reading adventure stories.”(Bb:Li Li said,“I like reading adventure stories.”)The second one.Who wants to try?OK,Peter,you try,please.

S:Mary,have you seen my blue notebook?

T:Yes,sit down,please.Peter asked,“Mary,have you seen my blue notebook?”(Bb:Peter asked,“Mary,have you seen my blue notebook?”)

T:Now look at the blackboard.If we report what Li Li and Peter said to someone else,how to do it?

T and Ss:Li Li said that he liked reading adventure stories.

Peter asked Mary if she had seen his blue notebook.

(Bb:Write them on the blackboard.)

T:Yes.We should pay attention to the changes of tenses.Look at the underlined words.And we should pay more attention to the second sentence.In direct speech,it’s a general question.But in indirect speech,we should use if or whether to introduce object clause besides the change of verb.If it is a special question in direct speech,we should use the original interrogative in indirect speech.Look at the example.“How could you do that?”Mary said to Ann.→Mary asked Ann how she could do that.(Bb:Write them on the blackboard.)Is that clear?


T:OK.Now let’s do some exercises.Open your books,turn to Page 5.Look at Grammar-Direct Speech and Indirect Speech.Look at Part 1 first.Turn the following sentences into Direct Speech or Indirect Speech.First do it by yourselves.Then discuss it in pairs.Finally I’ll show you the answers.(After students do it,teacher shows the following on the screen.)

Suggested Answers:

1.The visitor said that he was very glad to visit our factory.

2.“I don’t like American movies very much.”the woman said to us.

3.Uncle Wang said(that)there was something wrong with the front wheel.

4.The teacher said to the students,“We are going to have a meeting at three o’clock.”

5.The students asked when they should go outing that autumn.

6.She said,“I will try to finish reading the book by the end of this week.

7.The daughter told her father that Mom had gone to the supermarket.

8.Sara’s friend said to her,“Are you going to mail the gift to your parents?”

9.Tom asked Bob why he was so excited that day.

10.Sandra said to her friend,“How can you solve the problem?”

T:OK.In fact,we should pay attention to some special cases.In the interchanges of direct speech and indirect speech,it is not necessary for us to change“here,come,yesterday and so on”into“there,go,the day before”if we are at that given time and place.Of course,if the content in direct speech is objective truth,it is also not necessary to change tenses in Indirect Speech.For example:She said to the children,“It is well-known that the earth moves round the sun.”→She told the children that it is well-known that the earth moves round the sun.(Bb:Write them on the blackboard.)As to this,you should remember.Is that clear?


T:OK.Let’s deal with Part 2(Teacher begins to read the background knowledge on Page 5.After that,say the following.)Now you are given five minutes to do it.First do it by yourself.Then discuss it in pairs.Pay attention to guessing what Wilson says according to the context,then write down what Wilson says,using Direct Speech.Now please begin.

(Teacher goes among the students to check their writing and explain some new words students meet with and ask,such as“scared”.As to some sentences,teacher and students can discuss together.At last,teacher shows the answers on the screen.)

Suggested answers:

Chuck:I know,I know.You are angry with me.

You think we should wait longer.But we have waited long enough already.

Wilson:Why do you want to leave the island?

You:Chuck,Wilson asked why you wanted to leave the island.

Chuck:I want to leave the island because I miss my friends.

Wilson:Aren’t I your friend?

You:Chuck,Wilson asked you if he was your friend.

Chuck:Yes,you are my friend,but I miss the others.

Wilson:How long have we been here?

You:Chuck,Wilson asked you how long we had been here.

Chuck:We have been here almost five years.

Wilson:Why don’t we leave here earlier?

You:Chuck,Wilson asked why we didn’t leave here earlier.

Chuck:How will we leave?We will wait for the wind to change.Then we will go out over the reef.

Wilson:Is it dangerous if we go out now?

You:Chuck,Wilson asked you if it was dangerous if we went out now.

Chuck:Yes,it might be dangerous,but we have to try.We can’t stay here any longer.

Wilson:Will you take care of me?

You:Chuck,Wilson asked if you would take care of him.

Chuck:Of course I will take care of you.

Wilson:But,I am scared.

You:Chuck,Wilson said(that)he was scared.

Chuck:I am scared,too.

Step Ⅳ.Summary and Homework

T:OK.In this class,we’ve reviewed the new words we learned.In particular,we’ve learned Direct Speech and Indirect Speech.After class,review the content,and remember the rules of changes in the interchanges of direct speech and indirect speech.Time is up.That’s all for today.See you next time.

Step Ⅴ.The Design of the Writing onthe Blackboard

Unit 1 Good friends

The Third Period

Grammar:Direct Speech and Indirect Speech

Li Li said,“I like reading adventure stories.”→Li Li said that he liked reading adventure stories.

Peter asked,“Mary, have you seen my blue notebook?”→

Peter asked Mary if she had seen his blue notebook.

“How could you do that?”Mary said to Ann.→Mary asked Ann how she could do that.

She said to the children,“It is well-known that the earth moves round the sun.”→

She told the children that it is well-known that the earth moves round the sun.

Step Ⅵ.Record after Teaching



