
发布时间:2016-1-4 编辑:互联网 手机版


1. To ensure safety, the train is controlled by an advanced computer system.


①ensure that... 保证......

I tried to ensure that everybody understood the instructions. 我设法确保每个人都明白这个说明。

I can't ensure that he will arrive there in time. 我不能保证他及时赶到那儿。

②ensure sb. sth. 确保某人某事/物

This medicine will ensure you a good sleep. 这药会确保你睡个好觉。

2. It will not be business as usual in the future.

as usual 意思是"像往常一样;一如往常"。

As usual, there weren't many people at the meeting. 像往常一样,来开会的人不多。

Yesterday morning she came into the classroom as usual. 昨天早上她像往常一样进入教室。


You don't usually arrive late, do you? 你通常不迟到的,是吗?

Usually she gets up very early. 通常她起得很早。

3. They are careful about what they eat and exercise regularly.

be careful意思是"注意;当心",常用于以下句型:

①be careful to do sth.

Be careful not to be late for class. 小心上课不要晚了。

②be careful (that)...

Be careful that you are not late for class. 注意上课不要迟到。

③be careful about / of (=take care of)

Be careful of your health. 注意你的身体。

④be careful (in) doing sth.

Be careful (in) crossing the road. 过马路时要小心。

⑤be careful with sth.

Be careful with your work. 工作要认真。

4. Advances in medical science have also allowed us to deal with new diseases, such as SARS.



He seemed to be quick-tempered,

but was actually not difficult to deal with. 他似乎性子急躁,但实际上并不难相处。

He knows how to deal with children. 他知道怎样对付孩子。


I tried to deal justice to all men. 我力求公正地对待所有的人。

5. If we learn to accept change and appreciate what is new and different, we will be well-prepared for whatever the future may have in store.


①appreciate + n.

I appreciate your goodness in calling. 你好心来看我,我很感激。

②appreciate + V-ing

We appreciate hearing from you

again. 我们乐于再次收到你的来信。

③appreciate it +if从句

I shall appreciate it if you will do me that favour. 若是你肯帮那个忙,我会非常感激的。