Unit 1 Good Friends(网友来稿)

发布时间:2016-3-8 编辑:互联网 手机版



1. 词汇



词组:argue about sth辩论某事,solve the problem解决问题,fill in the

form填表,be fond of(doing) sth喜爱某人/物;sruf the Internet上网;likes and

dislikes好恶;express one’s ideas表达某人想法;hunt for sth/sb搜寻人/物;in order

to do 为了,even though即使;share happiness and sorro同甘共苦;on

board在船/飞机上;tell lies撒谎;keep dogs as pets养狗作为宠物;be quick

in在…反映快;click sth away(在电脑上)将…清除掉;have fun玩得高兴;drop sb a

line给某人写信(通常指短信)2.日常交际用语 喜好与厌恶

A. 喜好

1. like /love+sth 2.love/like doing sth(泛指所喜爱做的事情或习惯性的动作)/to

do sth(表示一次具体时间或某一阶段性的动作) 3. enjoy (doing ) sth 4. be fond of

(doing) sth 5. be into sth 6.my interest is 7. my hobby is

B.厌恶: 1.dislike sth/doing sth(表达习惯)/to do sth(表达具体的动作) 2.hate

sth/to do sth /doing sth

一 名人格言

A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难之交才是朋友

Real friends are few and far between.知音难得.

Long distance separates no bosom friends.海内存知己,天涯若比邻.

二 课程内容导学




三 重点词语用法

1 honest adj.诚实的,正直的

He is an honest business man. 他是个诚实的商人/ Give an honest

opinion提出袒诚的意见 /Do you like my dress? Please be

honest.你喜欢我的连衣裙吗? 请说实话. /be ~ about this matter with

us开诚布公地对我们谈了这件事情。/She is ~ to John,really.对真诚/Let us be ~

with each other.相互真诚

Ex1..I was ~ __ you to tell me your troubles. (of) 2.(be) quite ~ about it,

that’s all the money I have got.(to be)


We should learn how to deal honestly with

others.我们应该学会如何与别人公平竞争./ Honesty is the character we should


2 loyal adj. true and faithful 忠诚的;忠贞的

① We are all ~ to the company. 我们都忠于公司 。/He is ~ to his




① Can I count on your loyalty? 你对我的忠诚能让我信得过吗?

② We all have a loyalty to the company. 我们都有对公司效忠的义务.

3.wise a 英明的,明智的,聪明的

a ~ decision英明的决定/a ~ action明智之举/I’m sure you are ~ to wait明智地等

Ex.It was not very ~ ____ you to te sell the computer.(of)

4.handsome a 英俊的(男性);大方的,美观的;体态俊美、端庄稳重(女士)

The soldier looks very ~.士兵看上去很英俊。/a

~horse/building/car漂亮的马建筑物/汽车/a ~ contribution慷慨的捐助


5. smart adj

1) bright and new-looking; well-drssed; neat 帅气的;衣着讲究的;整齐的

① You look very smart in this new dress. 穿上这裙子看上去很漂亮.

② Make yourself smart before all the guests arrive. 赶快打扮一下.

2) having or showing intelligence; clever;ingenious 聪明的;伶俐的;聪敏的

① She is a very smart student. 他是一个很聪明的学生.

② He quickly gave a smart answer. 他很快做出了巧妙的回答.

③ It is smart of the girls to bring so much food and


3) quick, brisk 快的,敏捷的

① go for a smart walk in the park.轻轻地散步.

② set off at a smart pace to the playground.迈着矫健的步子走向

4) forceful 有力的,猛烈的

① I gave a smart blow on the lid, and it flew open.朝盖子猛一击,就打开了.

② receive a smart criticism from sb.受到严厉的批评.

5) fashionable 时髦的,高雅的

① We can eat in a smart restaurant 在一家时髦高雅的餐馆吃饭

② She is always the smart set. 她总是赶时髦的人.



① You will have to smart yourself up a bit 打扮一下 .

② Try to smarten the house up 把房子整理一下.

③ He walked smartly into the hall. 他迈着矫健的步子进入大厅.

6.argue vi 争论/争辩 (argument n )

He ~s well.善辩/~ with sb about/over/on sth/sb into(反out of) do

sth(说服做/不做)/for(为而力争)/~ against(反驳/证明站不住脚)/sb down驳倒某人


7.solution n 解决(方案/方法);解答

find any ~ to an argument找到争执解决方法

8 especially adv. in particular; specially 尤其;特别

① I bought this flower especially for you. 为你专门买这朵花.

② This mountain is beautiful, especially in spring.尤其是在春天.


bought this flower specially for



① She went to Shanghai specially to see her son.专门去看 儿子.

② These flower are especially beautiful 这些花最美.


Many people think America attacked Iraq for its special


9 hobby n. favorite activity that a person does for pleasure not as his

regular business. (业余)爱好,嗜好

① The boy’s hobby is collecting stamps. 业余爱好是收集邮票.



① His biggest interest is how to make more money. 最大的兴趣



① all his stories bore me.他的那些事使我厌烦

② Long novels bore me to tears. 我觉得长篇小说特别让人厌烦。


修饰人,做表语或定语。如:① I’m bored. Let’s go to the cinema.我闷了

② I hope you’re not getting bored of my conversation.话没让你烦


为表示主动意义的形容词,有“令人厌烦”的意思,多作定语与表语,修饰物。如: ①

The film is so boring. 电影太乏味了.

② I’m bored with so many boring things . 我厌倦了乏味的事情,。

11、enjoy vt.1)get pleasure from 从......中获得乐趣。如:

① I enjoy adventure stories very much.我非常喜爱惊险故事。

② I enjoy walking around in the garden after meal.喜欢散步

2)have sth. as an advantage or a benefit 享有(某事物)。例如:

Every citizen over 18 enjoys the right to elect 公民享有选举权

3)enjoy oneself 过得愉快。

① These boys enjoyed themselves very much on the boat.过得很愉快。

注意: enjoy 与like, love






① Reading books is one of her chief enjoyments.她的主要乐趣之一

12.Play vi., vt. & n.

n.1)activity done for amusement, especially by children;


① All work and no play makes John a dull boy。只工作不休息智者也变傻。

2)playing of a game 比赛,竞赛,运动

① There is no play because of the rain yesterday.没有比赛。

3)work performed by actors, drama戏剧,剧本。

① She has just written a new play .她刚写了一个新剧本。

② Do a play演戏

v.1)doing things for amusement 玩耍,玩

① There is a time to work and time to play.有工作时间和娱乐时间

2)pretend to do sth. for amusement装扮,打扮, 演(不用于被动语态)

① This actor is famous for playing a politician.以演政治家而著名

3)Take part in a game 参加比赛,踢(足球),打(篮球),玩(纸牌)等

① Boys are fond of playing basketball 男孩子喜欢打篮球

13.survive v.1)continue to live or exist 继续生存或存在

① After the war the child is the last surviving member of the family.


2)continue to live or exist in spite of nearly being killed or destroyed by

sth. 经历某事后幸存

The plants may not survive the frost.这些植物不经冻。

3)remain alive after sb. 比(某人)长命

The old man survived all his children .老人的孩子先他而去世了



Sometimes there is survival of people in the crash.空难事件中有的人大难不死。

survive on sth.依赖....生活 I can’t survive on 30 a


14、challenge n. v.

n 挑战,邀请比赛

give a ~挑战/receive a ~ to a game接到比赛的邀请

vt向挑战~+n( to+n)向某人/某事挑战

Their team challenged us to a game of table tennis.要与我们赛球



challenging job。

15、 hunt for搜寻,追寻,寻找

I had a good hunt for the key.找了好一阵子/The police are on the hunt for

further clues.正在进一步搜寻线索/It’stoo cold for the animals to hunt for


16、 share v 分享,共有 n 共享,分额

~ sth with/among/between与共同使用/分享If you have an umbrella,open it/put it

up and let me ~ it with you./Why not ~ the cost among us?/Your ~ of the cost is

$10./You must take your~ of the blame.你必须承担事故的部分责任。

17、 board n 木版,甲板,会议桌 vt 上(船、车、飞机等)

Put up the list on the ~.把名单贴布告牌上/Clean the ~ before class

begins./Please ~ the plane immediately.请立刻登基。Flight BA 193 for Paris is

now ~ing.乘飞往巴黎的BA193班机的旅客现在可以登机。

18.lie n(C) 谎言 vi(lied,lied)说谎, (lay,lain)躺,位于

tell a lie/lies撒谎/His story is nothing but a pack of

lies.他说的纯粹是一派鬼话。Don’t you dare lie to me!你敢跟我撒谎!/lie on

one’s back/side仰卧/侧卧/He has lain in bed ./The factory lies about 5 kilos

to the east of the town.

19.adventure n(C)冒险经历;(u)冒险

have an ~有一次奇遇/her ~s in Africa非洲的冒险经历/a life full of

!充满惊险刺激的生活/~ stories惊险故事

20.have fun玩得高兴

We have lots of fun at the fair today.在游乐场玩的高兴/Hun fun(=Enjoy


21、admit v.承认,容认,接纳

He admitted stealing the bike./承认偷了单车(he admitted that he had stolen the

bike.)。/Visitors are not admitted to/into this area.

游客不允许进入这个区域/This classroom only admits 50 people.


注意:admit作为不及物动词,后跟介词to,形成admit to sth./doing sth.的搭配,

也可以作为及物动词,形成admit sth./doing sth.的搭配)

① The thief would not admit to stealing that man, s money.



① We all treat him as an admitted liar.认为他是直言不讳的说谎者

② Admittedly, I’ve never actually been there.说实在的

22.opinion n 意见,判断

What’s your ~ of the new Persident?/give his honest ~直言不讳发表意见/in

one’s ~(in the ~ of) sb在某人看来/have a good/highbad/poor ~


23.deserted a 荒芜的,为人所弃的

a ~ island/The office was quite ~.办公室空无一人。A ~ baby弃婴

24、collect 和gather这两个动词都可以表示“收集”“聚集”,但有几点不同。

▲作为及物动词,它们的宾语是物,gather 表示把分散的东西集中到一起;collect


The little girl gathered some wild flowers.采集了一些野花。

▲当宾语是人或动物时,通常用gather, 这时这些人或动物都处于受支配状况。如: The

teacher gathered the children round her.把孩子们聚集要周围。

注:作为不及物动词,这两个词可以换用。A crowd soon gathered/collected round


25.scared a.害怕的 (1)a scared look惊吓的表情 (2)be scared of/at害怕:Are you

scared of snakes? (3)be scared to do/that怕做/会:She was scared to ride on the

horse?/She was scared that the horse might kick her.


1、too much 与 much too的用法区别

too much意思是“太多”,指超出正常,可以作表语、


① You have talked too much about it.这事你讲的太多了。(作状语)

much too 为程度副词, 修饰非积极意义的形容词或副词。如:

① The question is much too difficult for such children.问题极难

2、be/get/ become fond of 相当于like, take pleasure in, be full of love


① I’m fond of singing. 我喜欢唱歌。

注意:fond指惯常的爱好,不指一时的爱好, 如不能说 I am fond of taking a walk

mow.而要说I would like to take a walk now.否定句中常用的not care to do

来代替be not fond of doing.如:

① I don’t care to go there.我不愿意去那里。表示喜欢有:like/enjoy/be quite

interested in/be fond of/be into/care for/love;My favourite hobbies are/My

interests are.

3、all over the world意为“在世界上,在全球”。 多作定语或状语。如:

① People all over the world are for peace and against war.


注意:all over the world与in the world的区别:all over the

world是一个强调的说法,它指世界的各个角落,而 in the

world侧重中人类生活的地方。有时in the


① Any man in the world can see that their attack is against the people’s

interest. 世人都可以看到,他们的进攻是违背人民利益的。

4、make a fire 意为“生火”。注意 教材中fire(U),词典里是有a。如:

① The young woman went into the kitcten, made a fire and began to cook.

② The hunters made a fire____(boil) up some water.(to boil)

注意搭配:catch fire着火,烧起来;on fire燃烧着的;set fire to纵火于;set..on


5、in order to 意为“为了”, 作目的状语,相当于so as to 或 to do.如:

① In order to get there on time these people got up very in the morning.


in order to在许多情况下可以与so as to 替换使用,但位于句首时要用in order to

而不用so as to.

6、think about 与 think of

think about 有“就…思考,考虑,回想,想起”的意思,后多跟名词;think of



① He is very selfish. He is always thinking about himself and never

thinking about others. 他非常自私,他总是考虑自己,从不为别人着想。

② He is thinking of building another house beside the playground.


注意:think well/ill of认为…(不)好;think much/little

of认为…很不错/不重视、看轻;think nothing of把…看得很平常


① I decided to treat his words as jokes.


treat本身可以做“对待;探讨,讨论;医治;处理; 款待”解。如

① They treated me as if I were a fool. 他们拿我当傻子看。

8、care about 意为“忧虑;关心;惦念”。如:① People all over the world

are caring about the future of Iraq.人们都在关心伊拉克的前途。

要注意与car for 的异同:作“关心”解,两者可以通用。但care


① Though he is a business man, he cares little for money.不在乎

9、make friends with意为“与某人交朋友”。注意friend要用复数形式。如:

① He likes making friends with all kinds of people喜欢交朋友

10、as....as 意为“跟.....一样”。中间跟形容词或副词的原级,


① You should finish the work as early as possible.尽早

注意: as ....as


① Tom is as hard-working a boy as his


11、such as与for example such as和for example都可以用于举例。但such as

为介词短语,后直接跟宾语,而for example后面有逗号, 然后跟名词,另外for

example可以位于句末,而such as 不可以。如:

① Many people, such as children and old men, lost their lives in the war.


12、try to do与try doing try to do表示“想,打算”,



① He tried to move the stone, but failed.他想搬动那块石头

② He tried putting this to the soil to make it soft.试着

五 常用句型结构

1.Write down what you hear.

What you hear是object


(1)what引导的从句中,仍保留其疑问意义“什么”。Eg.What he wants to do is


I can’t understand what he meant.我不理解他是什么意思。

The problem is what they should do next.问题是下一步怎么办?


things that) I had seen impressed me deeply.我所看到的给我留下了很深的印象。

That is what I am looking for.那就是我要找的东西。

I will never forget what you told me.我永远也不会忘记你对我说的话。


(1)A is to B what C is to D.

Water is to fish what air is to man.水对鱼的关系就象空气对人的关系一样。

(2)What C is to D,A is to B.

What food is to body,a book is to the mind.书籍对于心灵犹如食物对于身体。

What the gun is to a fighter,a pen is to a writer.作家的笔犹如战士的枪。

(3)What C is to D,that A is to B.

What lungs are to the body,that parks are to the





① ─John has been to the Great Wall twice. 约翰去过长城两次。

─Really? If that so, so have I.(=If he has been to the Great Wall twice, I

have also been to the Great Wall twice.)




If you go to the cinema tonight, so will I.



2)在“ Nor+


He has never been to Guilin. Nor has my brother.


要注意“so+连系动词/情态动词/助动词+主语”与“主语+do/did/does +




① Johnson likes watching TV very much. So does his sister




My English teacher told me to hand out the papers he had marked, and I did

so.我的英语老师要我将他已经阅完的试卷发下去,我这样做了(I did so=I handed out

the papers)


① I thought they should finish the work before nine o’clock and so they did.


注意:在本句中不可用and so I did或 so they should, 因为第二分句表示的是they

finished their work before 9 o’clock的概念。

② ─Your farther said that your mother would buy you a very good present for

your birthday. 你父亲说你母亲为你的生日买了一个很好的礼物。

─So he did and so she did.他是这样说的, 我母亲也确定这样做的。(=My

father said so and my mother bought me a present)


─You left your keys at home when you went out.


─Good heavens. So I did.


3)“So+连系动词/助动词/情态动词”也可以用“ So it is with+sb./sth.”或“It

is the same


① Tom studies very hard and is never late for school. So it is the same with

Dick. 汤姆学习非常努力, 上学从不迟到,迪克也是如此。

2、so....that... so...that引导的是结果状语从句,so



① It is so fine today that we’d better go swimming.

B.so + many (few, much, little)+名词+that -clause

① I had so many falls that I was black and blue all over .

注意: 当little作“小”解时,仍用“such little+名词”形式。如:They are such

little children that they can not understand what you say


C.so+adj. +a(n)+单复可数名词+that -clause

① He is so good a student that we all want to make him our good





① Tom made such a silly mistake in his composition that we all

had a good laugh over it.

B.such(+adj.)+不可数名词+that -clause

① It is such fine weather today that we’d better go swimming.


① They are such interesting films that want to see them a second time.

要注意区别so....that与so that的不同:so....that引导结构状语从句,而so that



① They got up so early that when he got there h e found no one

there. 他起得很早,当他到那里的时候,他发现那里没有人。(结果状语)

3、...when....就在这时① One day Chuck is on a flight across the Pacific

Ocean when suddenly his plane crashes.


when 作“就在这时,恰恰在这时”解时,


① We were at work that aftenoon when suddenly a fire broke out.

B.be doing sth.+when ....正在做某事,就在这时.....

① We were having a meeting when someone broke in angrily.

C.be about to do sth .when....正要做某事,就在这时...

① I was about to go out when someone knocked at the door.

D.had (not) done …when刚…就…eg.We had just begun to work when the machine

broke down.

注意: when,while,as 引导时间状语从句的不同:

when,while,sa 都可以引导时间状语从句,when与


While(When)he worked in that factoty,he made a lot of



后经常用过去分词或现在分词,而while后经常跟介词短语。如:① When asked why he

hadn’t finished his homework, the boy kept silent.


when除表达时间外,也可以暗含某种条件,而while 没有此用法。如:

① When there is no water or air,there will be no life on the earth.

while 也可以表示两者之间的比较, 意思是“然而”。when没有此用法。如:① Mike

is very weak while his brother is very strong.


① They were laughing as they were talking. 他们边说边笑。


① As a small boy,I often went to the small river near my village to go

swimming. 还是小孩的时候,我经常到我们村子旁的小河游泳。(As a small boy

=When I was a small boy 或 When still a small boy)


He realizes that he hasn’t been a very good friend,because he always been

thinking about himself.


have been doing为现在完成进行时,它由“have(


He has been talking about two hours. When do you think he can

stop.他已经讲了两个小时了,你认为他什么时间能停下来。( He is still taling


B.表示动作在说话时刚刚终上,强调对说话时的影响。如:① It has been raining

for two days. The river is overflowing now.




has left.他已经走了。(不可以说He has been leaving.)


① He has worked here for five years.他已经在这里工作5年了。(=He has been

working here for five years.)

5 even though引导让步状语从句

even though也可以写作even if,引导让步状语从句,意思是“即使”。如:

① Even though he was very busy he should have given you some help.

even though引导让步状语从句时,

如果主语与主句的主语相一致,谓语含有动词be,可以省略主语和动词be. 如:① ─Will

you go to his birthday party?你要参加他的生日聚会吗?

─No,even though invited to,不,即使受到邀请也不去。

注意: even though 与 as though 的不同:even

though引导让步状语从句,意思是“即使,即便是”,而as though

引导的是方式状语从句,意思是“似乎,就像”。如: ① How wild his hair

looked,as though it had been electrified.


6、should have done 结构

should have done 表示“本应该做然而没有做,含有责备、惋惜”的意思。如:①

You should have fimished your homework at five o’clock.


shoud have done 的否定形式是should not have done

,意思是“本不应该做,然而做了”。如:① We shouldn’t have told him the bed

news .You see,he now is very sad.


注意: should do或shouldn’t do


① The have taken away all our belongings. What should we do now?


7、There is something wrong with...


I bought this radio last week,but it doesn’ t work.There must be something

wrong with it .

wrong 单独使用时,表示“错误,不正确”。如:

① Your answer is wrong. Will you please correct it?

wrong也可以表示“不合适的, 不恰当的”, 其反义词是right.如:

① If you want to work in the fields,you shoudn’t wear the wrong clothes.


8、by the end of....作时间状语的句子的时态问题。

by the end of


① We will have learned five lessons by the end of next week.


如果谓语是终止性动词,如finish等,也可以用一般时态。如课文中She said that ste

would try to finish reading the book by the end of this


At the end of在…末,在…尽头 eg.

At the end of this month we’lll hav ean exam.

There is a tailors shop at the end of this road.

In the end最终We talked and talked about where to go and stayed in the end.

9、have gone to与have been to

have gone


① Mr. Lee isn,t here,He has gone to Shanghai.

have been

to表示“去过”,它表示现在不在那个地方,早已经回来了。或表达结果。如:① ─How

many times have been to the Great Wall?

─Twice. 两次。




① He said,"Light travels much faster than sound."

─He said that light travels much faster than sound.

(2)直接引语中有明确表示过去时间的状语, 在变为间接引语时,一般过去时通常不变。

① He said."I was born in 1990 in Beijing".

─He said that he was born in 1990 in Beijing.

(3)主句的谓语是一般现在时,直接引语变为间接引语时, 时态通常不变。

① He says ,"Tom is good at Chinese."

─He says that Tom is good at Chinese.


① She said,“I’ve worked here since I finished school."

─She said that she had worked here since she finished school.



① He said,"I was watching IV when she came in."

─He said that he was watching IV when she came in.


① He said,"Where there is a will,there is a way".

─He said where there is a will,there is a way.







作者邮箱: lttlhgz@163.com