2005年常用动词come, go, keep, look, make, put, take, turn的搭配[下学期] 新人教版

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常用动词come, go, keep, look, make, put, take, turn的搭配

浙江省奉化中学 吴亚翠

!. come

come about 发生,造成;

come across 越过某处;被理解;偶然发现, 偶然遇到

come after 跟在…后面,追踪;寻找

come along 来到;一道走;赶快;再加把劲儿

come at 向...扑过来, 向...袭击

come back 回来;东山在起;重新流行;回想起;还嘴(常与此同时连用)

come close to 靠近,挨近;接近

come down 下来;倒下;(温度,价格)下降

come from 由…造成;出身于;来自于 I come from Japan. 我来自日本。

come into being/existence 出现,开始形成,建立

come into flower/blossom 开花

come into conflict与…发生冲突

come into fashion 开始流行

come into power执政,上台

come into use/service 开始使用

come into the world出生

come in 进来;(蔬菜、水果等)到成熟期,上市 ;涨潮;火车进站,船进港口;

(比赛中)得…名次(come in second得第二名)

come on 跟随;上台;(工作等)进展;赶快;骑(马等); come on my horse

come out 出来; 出发;出版;名列…;(总数等)达到(+ at/to)

come to (oneself)苏醒; 总共; 达到; 碰到

come to an agreement达成协议

come to an arrangement商妥办法

come to a close/an end终止,结束

come to a conclusion得出结论

come to a decision 作出决定

come to life活过来;活跃起来;栩栩如生

come to light 泄露(真相);被发现

come to mind想起,回忆起

come to the point (讲话、写文章等)切中要害

come to the /one' s rescue帮助

come true实现,变成现实 My dream has come true. 我的一个梦想实现了。

come up 升起;走进;种子生长发育; 被提出

2. go

go about 四处走动;(故事、消息等)传开;在…地方来回走动

go abroad 出国

go after 追赶;追捕;追求

go ahead 前进;开始干某事;说吧,走吧,做吧(口语);走在前面

go all out to do sth 全力以赴去做某事

go around/round绕道;(在某一地方)四处走动;(故事、消息等)传开;在头脑中盘旋

go away走开;度假;拿了东西逃走

go bad 变坏;变酸;腐败

go badly工作等进展不顺利

go beyond 超出;超出…的能力

go by从…经过/通过;(时间)流逝过去;顺便走访

go back to 追溯到 ;返回;恢复到;回顾

go down(温度等)下降;(价格等)下跌;倒下;(太阳、月亮等)降到地平线下

go down on one’s knees跪下;曲膝(跪下)祈祷

go Dutch(口)(外出吃饭等)各人付各人的帐

go easy轻松一点,不要紧张,别急,慢慢来

go hungry 挨饿

go in for参与,参与(竞赛等);从事(某项工作);爱好,酷爱

go into 进入 ;撞在…上;调查

go off 离开某地;放弃;(口)变坏,变酸(水、电、煤气等)被切断

go over 越过;超过(期限等);审阅或审查,核对;仔细查看;复习

go out (火)熄灭,过时了,罢工 Why not go out for a walk? 干吗不出去散步?

go red 变红 (+adj.如:go blind变瞎;go deaf变聋)

go through 穿过;进过;议案、决议等被通过;遭受,经受 (痛苦/困难), 审阅;完成

go too far 太过分, 走太远了

go to town进城;(口)毫无顾考虑

go up 提高;(价格等)上涨

go with 相配(同义词match/go along with)

go well with 协调

go without sth.忍受没有…之苦;没有…也行

go wrong 出错;发生故障

3. keep

keep away(使)不靠近,(使)远离;不沾

keep back往后站,后退;阻止;对…保守秘密;(从工资等中)扣压,扣下;留给

keep fit(使)保持健康

keep in mind把…记在心里;记住

keep in order(使)保持整齐,使井井有条;维持秩序

keep in touch with与…保持联系

keep indoors(使)呆在家里(室内),不外出

keep off(使)不接近,(使)保持距离;挡开,避开;回避(避开)某话题

keep one’s ears open(口)留心细听;倾听

keep one’s eyes open留心看着,注意留神,提防

keep out(使)不让入内,不要进来;留出来

keep out of将…置身于…之外;(使)不参与;不牵涉进去;不要惹事/麻烦

keep quiet保持安静,别吵闹;保守秘密,隐瞒某事(+about sth.)

keep up your courage保持勇气,别泄气

keep up with 跟上

4. look

look about/around向四周看;仔细查看

look after 照料 ;寻找

look ahead向前看;展望未来;

look alike相象;相似

look at看;察看;大致浏览

look back 回顾 ;回过头看;回忆

look down one’s nose at傲慢;看不起; 轻视某人

look down upon/ on sb 轻视某人;鄙视某人/某物

look for 采集;寻找;自找麻烦;期待

look forward to doing /sth. (殷切地,愉快地)期待,希望;预计有…情况

look into sth注视…的内部或深处;(=investigate sth.)调查;浏览(书报等)

look sb. in/into the eye/face 镇定勇敢地面对

look like/as if似乎是;看起来像

look on /upon sb./sth. as 把...看作.(近义词组:regard…as; treat…as; consider…as/to be)

look out 小心,当心;向外看

look over 对…审阅;粗略地看;翻阅

look through 透过…看(尤指空隙或透明物体等);(从头到尾)初略地翻阅

look up 仰视;(从词典,电话本等中)找出

look up to sb 尊敬某人

5. make

make a fuss of小题大做,大惊小怪

make jokes about取笑某人

make a face/faces at做鬼脸

make a guess at猜测,推测

make oneself at home(如同在家一般)随便些,不必客气

make certain确保,使有把握;弄清楚;敢肯定

make clear清楚表明(说明

make it clear that明白表示

make application (to sb.) for sth.申请

make arrangements for为…做安排

make an appointment with sb与某人.约会

make the bed(s)铺床

make a dash for (突然)冲向(某处

make a been line for取捷径前往

make room for让出地方,腾出空间

make a search for寻找,搜寻

make it(口)能办成(某事)

make the best of 充分利用 ,尽量利用

make the most of尽量利用,善于利用

make a note /notes of把…纪录下来

make use of利用,使用

make out (勉强地)看出;辩认出;理解;开(写)支票;假装

make up 构成

make up for lost time/ground加紧努力补回失去或落后的时间

make friends with与…交朋友

make up one's mind(s) 决定,下决心

make much(no )change 改变很多

make one’s day使某人非常快乐的过一天

make a deal with 与某人做买卖

make an effort to do努力,尽力

make oneself heard使自己被别人听到

make good /no sense有意义/没意义

make fun of 嘲笑,和某人开玩笑

make up of 由...组成

make one’s living by doing 通过做…

make tea/coffee 泡茶/咖啡

6. put

put away 放好;收起来;把…放在原位;储藏 放弃

put aside放在一边;抛弃;暂时不做;留出(时间),省出(钱)

put back 放在原处;推迟, 延期

put down放下;让(乘客)下车; 压下去;写下来

put forward 提出(计划/建议等);拨快钟点;推荐

put off 推迟, 延期;打消, 关上

put one’s confidence/faith/trust in信任/依赖某人(干某事)

put one’s eggs in one basket(口)孤注一掷

put sth. in order(使)整齐

put into production 把...投入生产

put into use 投入使用

put a plan into practice实行计划

put (one’s) heart and soul into sth.(口)尽心尽力

put off脱掉(衣服等);推迟,延期

Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.今日事今日毕。

put on 穿上,带上;长高;上演

put on airs(口)摆架子,装腔作势

put on weight增加体重(lose weight减肥,减少体重)

put emphasis/stress/weight on sth.强调

put pressure on对…施加压力

put out 扑灭,吹灭;生产;出版 Far water does not put out near fire.远水救不了近火。

put sb. to bed安顿某人睡觉,打发某人睡觉

put an end/stop to制止,使停止,结束

put up 举起;张贴;留某人过夜;建造 ;提出(建议等

put up with和某人住在一起;忍受,忍耐

put through 做成,完成;接通电话 使通过考试;使经历(难受的事)

put one's heart into 全心全意投入

7. take

take action against拿起武器反对

take along使…一起去,带…一起去

take apart拆开;把某人拉到一边说私话

take as将…作为…,把…看作

take aim at向…瞄准;努力达到目标

take away 拿走, 挪开,拿开;(使)离开,把某人带走

take back 拿回来 ,退回;送回某人;(同意)收回(退货)

take sb. by surprise (出人意料地)攻占;撞见

take back one's words 收回(刚讲的话)

take A for B 把A误认为是B

take sb./sth. for granted认为…是必然情况,视为当然

take (an) great interest in爱好,对…感兴趣;关心

take part in参加

take pride in =be proud of 引以为自豪

take sth. into account/consideration加以考虑;予以重视

take advantage of 利用;占…的便宜

take care of照看,照顾

take charge of开始负…的责;看管;控制

take a chance 碰运气

take hold of抓住;掌握

take one's leave of告辞

take note of注意,留心;记下,做笔记

take notice of对…注意/留心;认真地听

take pains to do 努力做某事

take the opportunity of抓住机会;利用(机会)

take the place of代替

take the risk of冒…的险

take off 拿开;去掉;(飞机)起飞;脱下(衣、帽等)

take on a new look 呈现新面貌

take on sb 雇用

take up 占据(时间,地方);从事于

take up arms (against)拿起武器反对…,武装起来与…作对

take in吸收(气、水等);接纳(工作人员等);收集;骗

take turn to do sth.轮流做某事

take in turn 依次

take a lead 带头

take effect 生效

take account of 对某事加以考虑;对某事加以注意

8. turn

turn against 背叛;(使)事情对…不利;(使)攻击

turn around/round转过身去,将…转过来;使(船、飞机等)返航

turn away转过脸去;走开;拒绝接受/采纳

turn down 拒绝;音量调低 ;向下翻;

turn into 把...变成...;把...翻译成...

turn in 上交 Please turn in your paper before leaving. 请在离开前将论文交上。

turn left向走转

turn off关掉(开关等);关闭,断开

turn on打开(开关、水、电等)

turn out制造出,生产出,培养出;结局是,结果是;原来是

It turn out that知道是…,结果证明是

turn over 移交,把...打翻

turn to 转向,求助于,翻到第几页

turn to sb for help 求助于

turn a deaf ear to对...置若罔闻,不听

turn a blind eye to对 ...视而不见

turn up 音量调高;出席,到达

It is one's turn to do sth 轮到某人做某事

turn over a new leaf重新生活,改过自新