人教版 高三广东碧桂园学校Unit1-2单元要点归纳(第一轮复习材料)

发布时间:2016-9-6 编辑:互联网 手机版

SB3 Revision for Unit 1-2 单元要点归纳

1. arrive at / come to / draw / reach a conclusion 得出结论;告一段落

联想:to conclude (作插入语) 最后 反义词组:to begin with 首先

in conclusion 最后;总之 conclude with/ by 以…结束

conclude to do / that clause 决定干…

2. 表原因的短语: on account of because of due to thanks to owing to

as a result of as a consequence of in consequence of

表考虑到的短语:take sth. into account take account of

take sth. into consideration 联想:considering as for/ with

表决不的短语: (放在句首倒装) on no account on no condition

in / under no circumstances

eg. Under no circumstances must you leave the house.

3. account for = clear up 解释; 说明

That accounts for his delay. 那是他推迟的原因。

4. confirm sth. / that clause /wh-clause 证实; 确定

联想:confirm one’s belief 坚定信念  confirm a contact 签合同;批准合

5.be enthusiastic for / about sth. 对某事热心 in enthusiasm 怀有热情

 with enthusiasm = enthusiastically 热情地; 热烈地

 联想:be eager for be anxious for / about be worried about

6.be fascinated with/ by  被…迷住  注意:fascinating 和 fascinated 运用

7.concentrate( sth. ) on sth. / doing sth. 专心致志于某事/做某事

 注意:concentrated adj. 集中的;浓缩的 concentrated fire 集中火力

    concentrated food 浓缩食品 

8.at length 最后 联想:finally; at last; in the end; in conclusion

At length we arrived at our destination. 我们最后到达了目的地。

9.send in 寄往某处进行处理

对比:send out发出;长出

10. 1)写下;记下= put down / write down

set down 2) 放下 The servant set down his heavy bags and took a rest.

3)让下车 Would you mind setting me down at the next corner?

4) 规定 They had to set down rules for the behavior of the students.

11.in a row 连续不断地 She has been out four nights in a row.

12.in the first place 原先;首先 联想:at first; first of all

13.apply for 申请;请求 对比:apply to 向某地申请;适用;应用

14.burst into sth. & burst out doing 突然(发生某种情况)

burst into tears = burst out crying 放声大哭

15.center on/upon 将…作为中心 She centered her attention on the problem.

16. keep track of 继续了解情况

17. make for 向…走去; 对…有好处 I think it’s time we made for home.

18. 注意:as 引导的让步状语从句中的倒状语序:

Rich as he, he doesn’t have any devoted friend.

Child as he was, he knew what was the right thing to do.

Try as I might, I could not remember what the teacher said.

19. be diagnosed with cancer 被诊断为癌

20. break a record 打破纪录

21. stand out 突出,显著

22. win the bid for the 29th Olympic Games in 2008 申奥成功

23. be sent into 被收入

24.make (good ) use of (充分)利用 = make the best of

25.deal with & do with 处理 注意:两者之间使用上的差别

26.meet with (偶然)遭遇;碰到;尝到

27.evluate… from… 从什么方面(观点)评价……

28.take possession of 获得;占有;作为……的代表 in possession of 占有某物

29. in the name of 以…的名义;作为…的代表;借…为名; 以……为借口;


30.search for 寻找……;搜索;探求 联想:search; in search of; in one’s search for

31.long before 很久以前 但before long不久以后

32.contact with 与……联系;与……接触

联想:be in contact with 和…接触; 有联系

bring into contact with 使接触; 使与…联系

make contact with 和…接触

lose contact with 和…失去联系;离开

33.in exchange for 与……交换 exchange sth. with sb. 与某人交换东西

34.develop into 发展成为

35.lead to 导致;通向

36.be taken prisoner 作为囚犯被关押

37.date from 从……就开始有;追溯到

38.by the beginning of 到……(之)初 at the beginning of 在…之初

39.under the command of 在……的统帅下

40.in return (for) 作为……的报酬;作为交换(回报;回答)

41.adjust to 附属于某人的;调整;调节;校准;(使)适应

42.be up against 对抗;对付;面临

43.fail to 力所不能;失败

44.succeed in 在……取得成功

45.apart from 别无;除……外(尚有)

联想:besides; but; except; except for; except that / wh-clause; in addition to

46.run out 耗尽;用光 run out of

47.have something (nothing) to do with 与…有(无)关

48.dismiss sb. from his post 撤消某人的职务

dismiss fear from one’s mind 消除心理的恐惧

49.make it 及时到达;成功 If we run, we should make it.

50.as/ so far as… be concerned  关于;至于;就…而言  

be concerned about 关心  be concerned in 和…某事有牵连

be concerned with 牵涉到;与…有关;参与

51.abandon oneself to 沉溺于 abandon doing 放弃做某事