人教版 高一 期末复习Units 1-3

发布时间:2016-10-2 编辑:互联网 手机版

argue vt.&&vi. 争论、辩论、说服。1)用作不及物动词时,构成的搭配是:argue about(on/over), "为……而争论";argue against"为反对……而争论";argue for "为赞成……而争论";argue with"与……争论"。2) argue用作及物动词时,后面常接the matter, the point, the question之类的名词作宾语,还可以跟that引导的宾语从句。quarrel 既是名词也是动词,表示"争吵"、"吵架"。常用于: quarrel with sb.和;quarrel about sth.为……而吵架;quarrel with sb. about/ over sth./ have a quarrel with sb. over / about sth.因某事和某人吵架。2. realize vt. 认识;明白;实现。例:①I didn't realize this until you told me. 直到你告诉了我才认识到这一点。②Finally I realized what he meant.最后我明白了他的意思。③In the end he realized his hope for being an artist. 最后他实现了当艺术家的意愿。come true也可以表示"实现",但它是一个不及物动词短语,而realize是及物动词。④To his joy, his dream of being/ becoming a soldier will come true/ will be realized. 使他高兴的是,他成为一名士兵的愿望将要实现。3. share vt.&&vi.分担;分享;共同具有/使用。1)share 用作及物动词时后常跟名词作宾语,构成的搭配有:share sth. with sb.与某人共享。例:①They share all housework, including washing, cooking and looking after their child.他们分担所有家务,包括洗衣,做饭,看孩子。2)share作不及物动词时的搭配是: share in...共享……。例:②She shares in my troubles as well as my joys. 她与我同甘共苦。3)share 有时还作名词讲,是"一份","份额"。例:③We must do our share for our country. 我们必须为国家做出一份贡献。4. admit vt. "允许进入(地区或场地)"、"可容纳"、"容许"以及"承认"等意思。作"允许,进入"用时,其句型搭配是: admit sb./sth. into/ to。例: ①He opened the door and admitted me into his house. 他开门让我进屋。admit还有"可容纳"之意时,可以跟数词、引申为"容许"、"有……余地",后常跟of引起的介词短语。例:②This work admits of no delay. 这项工作不允许拖延。admit作"承认"解时,后面可以跟名词、动名词、名词性从句以及由"to be +adj."作补足语的复合宾语。例:③Finally they had to admit defeat. 最后他们不得不承认失败。④She admitted having done wrong.她承认做错了事。5. majority n. 大多数;大部分。当the majority作主语时,谓语动词可以是单数,也可以是复数。但当"the majority of + n. "做主语时,谓语动词由后面的名词来决定。例: ①The majority were/ was against the plan.大多数人反对这个计划。②The majority of the books are kept upstairs.大多数书籍放在楼上。③The majority of the money is spent on books. 大多钱都花在了书上。6. but 与howeverbut与however都可以作"但是、可是"讲。但but是并列连词,在结构上将两个分句连接起来,上句与下句在意义上构成对比,but后的分句常常是上句意思的转折。however是一个副词,在句中位置灵活,在句中常用逗号与其它部分分开,可置于句首、句中和句末。例:①It is not in July but in June that the national examination takes place. 全国统考不在七月而在六月举行。②He knocked and knocked, but no one came to answer the door. 他敲了又敲,但没人来开门。③It was very cold. However, he went swimming. 天很冷但他还是去游泳了。④It was raining hard. However, I should go to work. 虽然天正下雨,可是我应该去工作。⑤I hate concerts. I will go to this one, however. 我不喜欢音乐会。可是我要去参加这场音乐会。7. trip , journey, voyage, tour1) trip多指"包括回程"的短距离的旅行。可陆路,可水路。make a trip=make a journey表示"作旅行"。have a trip也是"作旅行",be on a trip表示"在旅行",go on a trip表示"去旅行"。2) journey多指远距离陆上旅行。a journey for three days=a three days' journey 三天的行程。come/go/send sb.on a journey 去/来旅行/送某人旅行。3) voyage(长途的)航行、航海,make a voyage作航行。4) travel 作名词,表示旅行(用单数形式,不加不定冠词)。例:Travel is valuable because it gives us a knowledge of foreign people. 游历是有价值的,因为它使得我们了解国外人民的情况。△指游历、游记常用复数,但前不加many或数字修饰(类似的词语有clothes)。travels尤指国外的旅游,游历到远方的旅行。例:Do you like books of travels(books of travel)?5) tour周游,指周游若干地方,有一定的旅行路线,最后又回到起程地点。8. difficulty n. 困难,艰难。可用作可数和不可数名词,作"具体困难"时,是可数名词。例:①In face of so many difficulties, he never appeared to be afraid. 面对如此多的困难,他毫不害怕。在下列句型中,总作不可数名词用。have difficulty in / there be difficulty (trouble / problem) in doing sth. / find difficulty in, in可以省略。例:②Unless you work hard, you'll have much difficulty passing the maths test. 除非你努力学习,你将很难通过数学考试。9. consider的用法10. prefer 的用法11. nature n. 1)自然(界);本质,天性提示:nature(自然)前不加冠词,类似的还有room(空间), space (太空), trade (商业,贸易)等。例:①You must know the laws of nature.你必须了解自然界的法则。②Habit is second nature. 习惯成自然。2)固定搭配:in nature在自然界against nature违背自然 (规律)12. mean. v.1)含有"意指,意欲"之意,后跟名词,短语或句子。注意,mean to do "打算做";而mean doing意为"意味着"。例:①What do you mean by saying so?你这么说是什么意思?②He had always meant to get it mended.他总是想让人把它修一下。2)means是"方式,方法"之意。当作主语时,其谓语动词的单复数形式要根据句子的具体含义而定。by means of "用某办法;借助于某事物"。例:①He does well in exams by means of practice. 他通过练习考试考得很好。②By no means will he give up the chance. 无论如何他也不会放弃这个机会。

【句型精析】1. I am not sure if ... 我不确定是否……。1) be sure后常跟that / if / whether 等引起的从句,表示某人"确信/肯定某事"。例:①Jack was not sure if / whether they could come. 杰克不能肯定他们是否能来。 2) be sure后还可以跟介词of / about,意思是"确信,有把握", 后跟名词、代词或V+ing形式,表示某人对客观事物有肯定的认识与判断。例:② I'm sure of his success.我相信他会成功。3) 若用否定式,则句式为:sb. be not sure。例:③ I think so but I'm not quite sure.我想是这样,但不十分确定。2. so... that 和 such... that 句型

adj. /adv.(1)so + adj.+a+n. +that... many / much / few / little +n.

adj.+可数名词复数(2)such+ adj.+不可数名词 +that... a(an)+adj. + n.

① He ran so fast that I couldn't catch up with him. 他跑得如此快,我赶不上他。② This is such an interesting book(so interesting a book) that I have read it twice. 这是如此有趣的一本书,我把它看了两遍。③ It was such fine weather that they went out for a picnic. 天气这么好,他们都出去野餐了。④ They are such good teachers that all of the students love them. 他们是如此好的老师,全体学生都喜欢他们。3. However, ... do not have any difficulty in understanding each other. 然而,……互相理解毫不费劲。句型have / there be difficulty / trouble (in) doing sth. 意为"做……费事",difficulty 之前可用much、little、some、any、no 等修饰。例:① Do you have any difficulty (in) finding the post office? 找到邮局有困难吗?② We had no trouble (in) finding his house. 我们毫不费事地找到了他家。4. That's why the words colour, center and traveler are spelt... 那就是colour, center 和 traveler这样拼写的原因……。由疑问词why引导的名词性从句在句中作表语。why作"为什么"、"……的原因"解。例:① That's why he was punished.那就是他受到惩罚的原因。其他疑问词如what, when, where等也可以引导名词性从句,在句中作表语。② That's what he wants to know. 那就是他所想要知道的事情。③ That's where he was born.那就是他出生的地方。5. You should not go rafting unless you know how to swim... 除非你会游泳,否则别去漂流……。unless 做"除非……, 否则……"讲。但语气比if...not重。在unless引导的从句中,动词一般用一般现在时,而不用一般将来时。例:① I'll be back tomorrow unless there is heavy snow.除非下大雪,否则我明天会来的。(=如果明天不下大雪,我就回来。)② Stay at home unless I phone.除非我打电话,否则你就呆在家里。(=如果我不打电话,你就呆在家里。)6. ... adventure travel is becoming more and more popular. ……冒险旅游变得越来越受欢迎。more and more 是"越来越……",可修饰名词或形容词、副词等。例: Nowadays more and more people pay attention to their health and get more exercise.当今越来越多的人重视健康,加强锻炼。另外, 还有句型 :" the +比较级+句子,the +比较级+句子",表示"越……,越……"。例:① The more you read English, the better you'll understand the culture of English-speaking countries. 你读英语越多,你就会越好地了解英语国家的文化。② The sooner you do it,the better it will be. 你越早做,它就越好。7. Hiking is easy to do and... 徒步旅行很容易而且……。这样的句子中要注意两个关系:① 不定式动词和句子的主语具有逻辑上的动宾关系。 ② 不定式前的形容词表示了产生不定式动作时主语的特性或情况。这两种关系决定了不定式动词只能用主动语态而不能用被动语态。这一句型中的形容词常见的有:easy, hard, difficult, heavy, light, fit, cheap, important, interesting, pleasant以及这些词的反义词。但如果不定式动词是不及物动词,则必须加上必要的介词或副词。这种结构常可以改为形式主语It+be+形容词+不定式短语(即逻辑主语)这一句型。例:This question is easy to answer.= It's easy to answer this question. 这个问题很好回答。The house is hard to live in.这房子很难住。【短语精选】1. 例如for example / instance, such as2. 为了in order to ; so as to :in order to可用于句首、句中,但so as to不可用于句首。3. 关心care about 4. 登机 / 上船 on board 5. 喜欢,爱好be fond of, 后跟名词、代词或V+ing 形式。6. 搜索,追寻,寻找hunt for 7. 给某人写信write to [搭配] write sb. a letter, write (a letter) to sb.[比较]收到某人的来信: hear from sb. / get (receive) a letter from sb.8. 别客气 make yourself at home9. 总共in all / in total10. 除了……之外 except; except for; besides11. 不睡,熬夜 stay up 12. 发生come about, 相当于happen, take place, 三者均无被动语态。13. 以…告终end up with 14. 引进,引来bring in 15. 许许多多,极多 a great / good many, 可以直接修饰名词复数,但当有一定范围时,可以在a great / good many后加of。16.第一次for the first time;第二次for the second time, 最后一次for the last time。如果用在it is ...that句型中, that 后的谓语动词用完成时态。如:It is for the first time that she has talked with an Englishman.这是她首次同英国人谈话。17. 在某人看来in one's opinion / in the opinion of sb.18. 或多或少more or less 19. ……的数目the number of: the number of修饰名词复数谓语动词用单数,注意与a number of修饰名词复数的区别: a number of修饰名词复数时, 谓语动词用复数形式。20. 照顾,照料,照看 take care of / look after21. 走开,离开,逃走,跑掉get away (from) 22. 代替,而不instead of ,后可跟名词、代词、V+ing形式,不跟动词不定式。注意与instead的用法区别,instead可单独使用,可放在句首、句中或句末。如:I won't go swimming. I'll stay at home watching TV.= I'll stay at home watching TV instead of going swimming. 我将呆在家里看电视而不去游泳。23. 当心,提防watch out (for) 24.另一方面on the other hand,常与on the one hand连用,但有时也自己单独使用。25. 为某人送行see sb. off 26. 几天之后in a few days' time 27. 保卫/护某人/某物protect sb. / sth. from 28. 也,还,同…一样as well as

Units 4-61. advance v.1) 有"向前进,往前走","有进展"的意思。如:① They advanced 15 miles per day. 他们每天前进15英里。② A month has passed and the work hasn't advanced. 一个月过去了,工作仍没有进展。2) 其形容词形式为advanced, 意思是"先进的"、"高级的"。如:③ The theory is too advanced for me. 这一理论对我来说太深奥了。④ He has begun to study advanced English. 他已经开始学习高级英语了。2. seize vt.1) 抓住,强调突然地,有力地抓住。例:① The bird seized an unusually big beetle and bore it off to its nest.那只鸟抓住一只特别大的甲虫把它带进窝。2) 掌握,理解,思想上掌握;领悟。例:② He seized the idea and developed it to the fullest limit. 他理解了这个主意,并把它发挥至极限。3) 夺取;强占③ The army seized the city. 军队占领了这座城市。辨析: seize, catch, hold, catch hold of catch是个最普通的词,泛指抓住某物,又指捕捉等 。如:④ She threw the ball to me and I caught it. 她将球抛给了我,我接住了。⑤ We caught a lot of fish yesterday.昨天我们捕了很多鱼。seize指突然用力抓住,语气比catch强。如:⑥ They seized the thief and gave him to the police. 他们抓住了小偷,并把他交给了警察。hold指手持,握住。如:⑦ I held her by the hand. 我握住她的手。⑧ He held a pen in his right hand. 他右手拿着一支钢笔。catch hold of 指捉住,抓住某物不放手。如:⑨ The little boy caught hold of the tree when the flood came. 洪水来时,这小孩紧紧抓住树不放。3. shake vt. 1) 摇动,震动,动摇,握手。例:① Let's shake on it. 让我们为此握手。② The floor shook when she walked across the room. 当她穿过房间时地板晃动。③ His lying shook my belief in him. 他撒谎动摇了我对他的信任。④ The man shook his fist angrily. 他愤怒地挥了挥拳头。4. strike v. && n.1) v. 侵袭,打火,打,敲。例:① On Friday, 16th October, 1987, a hurricane struck the southeast of England. 1987年10月16日,星期五,飓风袭击了英格兰的东南部。② The damp match won't strike. 这潮湿的火柴划不着。③ She struck against the stove as she fell. 她倒下时撞到炉子上。④ The clock is striking four. 钟在敲四点。2) n. "打击,罢工", 短语on strike"在罢工"They have been on strike for three weeks. 他们已罢工三周了。5. struggle vi.1) 挣扎,奋力,作努力。例:① The human race struggles with his environment. 人类与环境作斗争。② They struggled for freedom. 他们为自由而奋斗。2) 挣扎着走,费力地走struggle through the snowstorm冒着暴风雪前进6. book vt.1) 预定(票、房间、座位等)。例:① We booked two tickets on a plane. 我们预定了两张飞机票。② book a double room预定双人间③ They have booked two train tickets to Beijing. 他们预定了两张去北京的火车票。④ booking office售票处2) n.书⑤ The number of books for students hasn't been decided yet. 学生课本的数目还没定下来。7. award, prize与medal1) award n. 奖励,奖品。例:①He got the second award in saving the flooded people. 他在抢救灾民中荣获二等奖。② vt. 颁奖,授奖。例:The school awarded Merry a prize for her good work. 学校因为她工作好而奖励了梅丽。2) prize n. 奖赏,奖品,奖金。例:③ The headmaster will present the prizes after the sports meeting. 运动会后校长将发奖。④ The Nobel Prize for Physics this year was given to two scientists from America. 今年的诺贝尔物理奖颁发给了美国的两名科学家。⑤ He once won the first prize in the school English speaking contest.他曾获得学校英语演讲比赛第一名。3) medal n.奖章;奖牌;勋章;纪念章。例:⑥ The Chinese Team won altogether 32 gold medals in the 28th Olympic Games. 中国队在第28届奥运会上荣获32枚金牌。⑦ The old soldier was given a medal of honor. 这位士兵被授予一枚荣誉奖章。8. manner 的单、复数 1) 用作单数有"方式、方法、态度"之意。如:in a friendly manner 以友好的方式;a pleasant manner亲切可人的态度2)用作复数表示"礼貌,规矩"。如:have(no)manners有(没有)礼貌 good manners 有礼貌 bad manners没有礼貌It's good manners to do sth. 做某事有礼貌。注意: well-mannered有礼貌的; ill-mannered无礼貌的;rough-mannered粗鲁的① Manners are important to happy relations among people. 礼貌对于人们之间的关系融洽是很重要的。② It's bad manners to talk with a full mouth. 嘴里吃着东西说话是不礼貌的。9. advice n. 忠告,劝告,建议(不可数名词)。其动词形式为advise,用法有advise sb. to do sth./into doing sth. 用下列方式表示数量:① a piece of advice一条建议② two pieces of advice两条建议[常用搭配] give sb. some advice on (how to do) sth.10. determine与decide1) decide vt. && vi.决定,其后可跟名词或代词、不定式、从句。例:① It's the people who decide the fate of mankind. 是人决定人类的命运。② They decided not to accept the invitation. 他们先决定不接受邀请。③ Let's first decide where we should go. 让我们决定到什么地方去。decision n. 决定、决心。常用于make/come to/arrive at/reach a decision结构中。④ I have made a decision to go with you. 我决定跟你一起去。2) determine vt.&& vi.决心;决意。例:⑤ He determined(= decided) to go. 他决意要去。⑥ I am determined to do better than Mike. 我决心比迈克做得更好。11. follow vt. 1) 跟随。例: ① We followed the teacher into the hall. 我们跟随老师进了大厅。2) 遵从。例:② We should follow the instructions on the bottle when taking the medicine. 服药时我们应按瓶子上的说明来服。3) 听清。例:③ I can't quite follow you. Will you speak slowly?我不太明白你的话,请说慢一点好吗?4) 向……学习 follow the example of。例:④ We must follow the example of heroes. 我们必须向英雄学习。搭配:as follows...如下12. attend vt. & vi. 出席、参加、到场。例:① Why didn't he attend school yesterday? 为什么昨天他没来上学?② More than 10,000 people attend the lecture given by the writer.一万多人参加了这位作家所作的讲演。

【句型精析】1. hear sb. doing sth. 听见某人正在干某事除了hear,还有以下单词有这样用法,如:see, feel, listen to, notice, look at, watch, observe等。此句式中动词-ing形式表示动作正在进行,若接动词原形则表示动作的全过程。请看例题:① The missing boy was last seen near the river. A. playing B. to be playing C. play D. to play 答案是A。表示当时的动作正在进行。② I saw them teaching him how to do the work this morning.我今天早上看见他们正在教他怎样做此工作。2. before... 未等……就……下列句中的before不译作"在……之前",请对比:① Three weeks went by before she realized her mistakes. 三周的时间过去了,她才意识到自己的错误。②The struggle lasted four years before the North won in the end. 战争持续了四年,最后北方获胜。③ It was long before she returned from England. 过了很久她才从英国回来。④ I will do it now before I forget.趁我还未忘记现在就做。⑤ We had not gone for a mile before I felt tired. 走了不到一英里我就感到累了。⑥ Read the whole passage before you answer the questions. 读完全文之后再回答问题。⑦ It won't be long before we take another examination. 过不了多久我们就进行另一次考试。3. When she hears that Huike has gone to town, she becomes very worried and determines to bring Huike back safely. 听说惠科已去了城里的时候,她非常担心,决定将惠科安全地带回学校。make+宾语+宾语补足语(可以和have / let / get的用法作一比较)有时用it做形式宾语代替真正的宾语。在这一结构中,宾语补足语可以是不带to的动词不定式、过去分词或形容词形式。1) make+宾语+不带to的不定式。这一结构表示的意思是"使某人做某事"。例如:① Taking some medicine made me feel much better. 服了一些药使我感到好多了。② They made the boy stand under a tree.他们让那个男孩站在树下。[注意] 若此结构变为被动语态,补语要用带to的动词不定式。例如:③ He was made to take the medicine. ④ The boy was made to stand under a tree.2) make +宾语+过去分词。这一结构表示的意思是"使某人/某事被……"。例如:⑤ The speaker raised his voice in order to make himself heard.发言人提高了嗓音以便别人听到他说的话。⑥ Can you make yourself understood at the beginning? 你一开始就能让别人明白你的意思吗?⑦ We should not make our plan known to everybody. 我们不应该使每个人都知道我们的计划。3) make +宾语+形容词。这一结构表示的意思是"使某人/某事(变得)……"。例如:⑧ The interesting story made him very happy.这个有趣的故事使他很高兴。⑨ They have made the house clean and tidy. 他们把房子收拾得干净而整洁。4. Many people like this film not just because the story itself is moving, but also because most of the people in the film use their real names and play themselves. 许多人都喜欢这部电影,不仅因为故事本身感人,而且因为影片中的大部分人物都使用了自己真实的姓名并扮演了自己。句中原因状语是由not just...but also...(=not only ...but also)连接的两个并列句,意思是"不仅……而且……"。如:① The singers of country music do not just come from the States but from all over the world. 乡村音乐歌手不仅仅来自美国,而且来自世界各地。② She is not just a student but a singer. 她不仅是一个学生而且是一个歌手。③ You should not just practice reading but also writing. 你不仅要练习阅读,而且要练习写作。5. It's time for you to study hard. 是你努力学习的时候了。1) It's time for sb. to do sth. 到了某人干某事的时候了。如:It's time for us to have class.到我们上课的时候了。(我们该上课了。)2)另外,还有句型:It's time sb. did sth.意为"是某人做某事的时候了"。这个句型中的谓语动词用过去式,是虚拟语气的一种用法。例如:① It's time we had our lessons. 是我们上课的时候了。② It's about time you had dinner. 是你吃饭的时候了。③ It's high time we had supper.我们该吃晚饭了。6. Don't talk loudly while eating. 吃饭时不要高声喧哗。句中的while为连词,其后跟V+ing形式作时间状语,是while引导的状语从句的省略形式。例:① You don't need to worry about all these rules while having dinner with friends or family. 同朋友或家人进餐时你没必要担心这些规则。② He looked into the distance while listening to the pop music. 他边听流行音乐边向远方看。为了使句子的逻辑性更加明显,有很多分词前可以保留引导词。例:③ Though invited twice, he decided not to go to her party. 尽管两次被邀,但他决定不赴她的宴会。④ When doing her homework, she was interrupted by her little brother. 做作业时, 她受到弟弟的打扰。7. Looking up at the large head and down at the large feet makes you feel so small. 上下看看那巨大的头和脚会让你觉得自己太渺小。此句型中使用了动名词短语作主语。动名词作主语往往表示抽象的或习惯性的行为。如:① Taking good care of the children is her full-time job. 照看孩子是她的专职工作。② Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。

【短语精选】1. on fire / catch fire着火。on fire是介词短语,指的是"在燃烧着"这样的状态,是可持续的,常用来作表语。on fire中的on 意为"处在某种状态下"。与此相同的还有on business 出差on holiday度假;on leave 休假;on duty值班;on strike罢工等。catch fire也有"着火"的意思,但指的是"着火"的动作,表示由不燃烧到燃烧这一短暂过程,是动词短语。2. be caught in遇到,碰上,陷入困境。① On the way back they were caught in a heavy rain. 回来的路上他们遇上了大雨。② He was caught in a traffic jam and was late.他遇上了交通阻塞,来晚了。3. look around环顾,四下里看,四处寻找。相当于look about /look round 既可作及物动词短语又可作不及物动词短语。如:① We found time to look around the city.我们抽空在城里逛了逛。② We are going to look around before deciding where to buy a house. 我们先到各处看了看,再决定买哪里的房子。around / about / round 还可以与其他动词连用,表示"四处,四下",如:walk around, travel around, go around, drive around, show sb. around等。4. look into看,望,调查① He looked into the hole but saw nothing.他向洞里看了看但什么也没看见。② The police are looking into the matter.警察正在调查此事。5. get on one's feet(=be on one's feet) 站着,站起来① He tried to get on his feet but failed. 他努力想站起来,但没成功。② The little deer managed to get on its feet at last. 那头小鹿终于站起来了。6. up and down 上上下下,来来回回7. a mass of(=masses of )一大堆,大团,大块8. go on a trip to进行一次去……的旅行9. in a second / in a minute马上,很快10. fight for 为……而战11. take off 成功, 成名,脱衣,(飞机)起飞12. go wrong走错路,误入歧途,不对头,出毛病go是连系动词,意为"变得",通常指由好变坏的情况。常用的搭配有:go bad / red / pale / sour / deaf / lame / blind等。如:① Father went red with anger when he heard John broke his glasses.听说约翰把他的眼镜打了,父亲气得脸都红了。② She went mad as she had lost her child. 她由于失去孩子而发疯。13. owe sth. to sb. 把……归功于某人14. in all总计,总之15. stay away 不在家,外出16. lock sb. up将某人锁于某处不得进出,将某人监禁起来 17. run after 追赶18. bring sb. back 送回某人19. on the air 正在播出的20. think highly of 对……高度评价21. leave out 省去,遗漏,不考虑22. stare at 盯着23. begin with 以……开始24. apologize(to sb.) for sth./ doing sth.因……而向……道歉 25. at table在吃饭。如:① Children must learn to behave at table.小孩吃饭时必须有规矩。② They were at table when we called. 我们去拜访时他们正在吃饭。at a / the table 意为"在桌边"。如:③ They were sitting at the table, discussing an important problem. 他们正在桌边讨论一个重要问题。26. for a moment片刻,瞬间at the / this moment 现在,此刻for the moment / present暂时,目前。如:① She thought for a moment (for a minute / for a short while )and then spoke. 她想了片刻,然后才说。② The line is busy at the moment. Try again in five minutes. 现在占线,五分钟后再试试吧。③ Stop discussing for the moment please. 请暂时停止讨论。④ A fire may happen at any moment. 火灾随时都可能发生。⑤ I'll come in a moment. 我一会儿就来。27. lay the table将餐具等摆在桌子上准备开饭 28. play a role/ part扮演一个角色,起……作用29. in the beginning (=at first)起初(表示起初这样,后来不这样) in the beginning一般不与of连用。at the (very) beginning多与of连用,表示"在……之初"或"在……开始的时候"。如:①In the beginning I always made mistakes whenever I spoke English, but now I speak English very well. 起初, 每当我说英语时就出错,可现在,我的英语讲得好多了。② At the beginning of the class, the English teacher told us a joke. 在上课开始的时候,英语老师给我们讲了一个笑话。 30. get married结婚

Units 7-91. burn v. 可作及物或不及物动词,意思是"晒黑;烫着;燃烧,烧毁"。例:① She got burnt while cooking. 做饭时她烫着了。② The tea is very hot. Be careful not to burn your mouth. 茶很热,小心别烫着嘴。 ③ I can smell something burning. 我能闻到什么东西烧焦的味道。2. prepare v. "准备,预备,筹备",常用于下列结构:prepare (for) sth. 为……做准备;prepare ... for ... 为……准备…… prepare to do 准备做……; sb. be prepared to do乐意做……。例:It's time to prepare the fields for the next harvest. 是为下年收成准备土地的时候了。3. agree 1) agree with 意为"同意……;赞成……",后接人或表示"意见、观点、看法"的词。例如:① The enemy generals could not agree with one another; they quarreled the whole night. 敌军将领意见不一,他们争吵了一整夜。注意:agree with 还可表示"与……一致、(气候,食物等)适合"。例如:② The verb must agree with the subject in person and number. 动词在人称和数上必须与主语一致。2) agree to 意为"同意……;赞成……",后面接表示提议、安排、计划等的词。例如:③ Our manager didn't agree to this arrangement. 我们经理不同意这种安排。3) agree on /about 表示"就…… 取得一致意见;在……方面同意或意见一致"。其后常跟表示具体的协议的文件、计划、行动等的名词。例如:④ Both parties agreed on the terms of the contract.双方就合同中的条款达成了一致意见。4) agree to do sth. 意为"同意做某事"。例如:⑤ They agreed to start at once. 他们同意立即开始。5)agree + that 从句,表示"一致认为,同意"。例如:⑥ Finally they agreed that Mary should do the work. 最后他们同意由玛丽来做这项工作。4. remind vt.1) remind sb. of 使(人)想起,提醒① This reminds me of his father. 这使我想起他的父亲。2) remind sb. +(that)宾语从句② Please remind me that I must call her up before nine. 请提醒我九点前给她打个电话。3) remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事,使某人想起③ Please remind me to leave her this note. 请提醒我留给她这张纸条。5. create vt.创作;创造;制造① We've created a beautiful new house from an old ruin. 我们把旧破屋建成一栋美丽的新房子。② He created a bad impression at the interview. 面试中他给人的印象不佳。辨析:create指"有目的地把原材料制成新产品"; 也指" 创造出原来不存在或与众不同的事物"。invent指"通过想象、研究、劳动, 创造出前所未有的东西", 尤指"科技上的发明创造", 如:③ Edison invented the light bulb. 爱迪生发明了电灯炮。make是最常用词, 指"通过劳动而制造、生产、形成或组成"。如:④ All kinds of machines are made in this factory. 这家工厂制造各种机器。produce指"通过劳动加工而生产产品", 尤指"工农业产品"。 如:⑤ We must produce more food for ourselves and import less.我们必须增产食品, 减少进口。6. need在have a need to do sth. 以及in need of sth.结构中,need是名词,作"缺乏、需要、必须"解时,是不可数名词。作"需求,需求之物"解时,需用复数形式。need可用于there be句型中,构成:there is a (great) need for; there is a great need to do sth. 表示"急需……"。there's no need to do sth. 及there is no need for sth. 表示"不需要"。如:There is no need for you to come by nine. 你不必在9:00之前来。There is a growing need of English teachers in this area. 这一地区对英语老师的需求日益增长。7. depend vi.1) 依赖、依靠,常与on连用。例:① Children must depend on their parents. 孩子们必须依赖父母。2) 决定于、被……决定、以……为条件或视……而定。That (all) depends. 或It (all) depends. 表示"那得看情况。"例如下面的高考题:② - How often do you eat out? - , but usually once a week. [2004天津卷]A. Have no idea B. It depends C. As usual D. Generally speaking答案:B。③ - Will you go skiing with me this winter vacation? - It .[2002年上海卷]A. all depend B. all depends C. is all depended D. is all depending 答案:B。

【句型精析】1. ... but it is true that many of the world's greatest cities have been built on the banks of a river. ……但的确,世界上有许多最大的城市建在河边。本句中it作形式主语,可指代从句、不定式或doing等形式。it 作形式主语的句型常见的有: 1) It +be动词+过去分词+ that 从句① It is said that they have invented a new type of computer. 据说他们已发明了一种新型的计算机。② It is believed that China will become one of the strongest countries in the world. 人们相信,中国将成为世界上最强大的国家之一。本句型常用的动词有say, hope, think, suppose, expect, report, know, believe, decide等。2) It +be动词+形容词+that 从句① It was really surprising that she married a man like that. 她嫁了那样一个人,这真叫人吃惊。② It is probable that she will be a little late. 她可能要迟到一会儿。3) It+be动词+名词+that 从句① It is a pity that you didn't go to see the film yesterday. 昨天你没去看电影,真让人惋惜。②It is a truth that there would be no New China without the Communist Party. 没有共产党,就没有新中国,这是一个真理。4) It +seems / happens / appears等不及物动词+that 从句。如:①It seems that he enjoys pop music very much. 看来他非常喜欢流行音乐。② It appears that Tom might change his mind.看来汤姆会改变主意。5)如果句子是疑问形式,就只能用it作形式主语。如:① Does it matter much that they won't come tomorrow? 他们明天不来要不要紧?② Is it true that he will go abroad next week?他下周要出国,这是真的吗?2. the same (+名词) +as句型"the same(+名词)+as"句型中的as是关系代词,引导定语从句, as在从句中可以充当主语、表语或宾语。如:① The house is just the same as it used to be. 这房子还和过去一样。(as作表语)② He is doing the same work as I am (doing). 他正在做着和我同样的工作。(as作宾语)注意:same总是和the连用。3. How much does he / she weigh?他/她多重?weigh 此处为不及物动词,意为"某物重多少"。不能用于被动语态。作及物动词时,意为"称……重量",可以用于被动语态。如:① She weighs 45 kilograms. 她体重45公斤。② Cotton has been weighed. 棉花已被称过了。4. make+O+O.C.make 后可跟adj.或n.构成复合结构。此时make意为"使成为……(或保持……状态)"。如:① The news made him sad. 这消息使他感到悲伤。② They made him their team leader. 他们选他当了队长。另外,我们还学过make sb. do (使某人做某事)结构。 如:③ The pain made him cry out. 疼痛使他喊出了声。④ John was made to wash the truck for a week as a punishment. 约翰被迫洗车一周作为惩罚。5. Which do you prefer?你更喜欢哪一个?prefer在此处为及物动词,意为"宁愿"或"更喜欢"。这时要注意prefer与like...better在意思上比较接近,但在使用时有区别。prefer的后面可以跟名词、不定式或V-ing形式作宾语。如:① - Do you like swimming? 你喜欢游泳吗? - Yes,but I prefer playing football.是的,但我更喜欢踢足球。② I prefer dogs to cats. 我喜欢狗而不喜欢猫。③ I prefer you not to go there alone.我倒更愿意你不单独前往。④ I prefer to stay at home rather than go to see the film with you. 我宁愿呆在家里,而不愿和你一起去看电影。 【短语精选】1. life 短语归纳lead(live) a happy life 过着幸福的生活;in life一生中; all one's life终生; come back to life 复活;bring...to life使苏醒; lose one's life 丧生; devote one's life to ……致力于,献身于;give one's life for……为……而献出生命2. give in 1) 屈服,投降,作不及物动词短语。例: They were at last forced to give in.最终他们被迫投降。2) 作及物动词短语give...in = hand in 交上,呈上(文件),报上去,登记。例:Names of competitors must be given in before the end of the month. 参赛者名单必须在月底前上交。3. in ruins 成为废墟,遭到严重破坏4. pull down拆毁,推毁;推翻5. set up 设立;创立6. look like看起来像7. be used to do被用来;be used to doing习惯于; used to do sth. 过去常常……,曾经……(暗含现在已经不是如此)。例:① Wood is used to make fine paper.木头被用来制造优质纸。② He is used to living in the country now. 他现在习惯于住在乡下了。③ There used to be several trees in front of our house. 我们屋前曾经有几棵树。8. stand for 代表;代替;象征;支持9. because of 因为;由于10. track and field田径11. take part in参加12. in preparation for为……作准备 13. stay in touch with 与……保持联系14. would rather用法归纳1) would rather do sth."宁愿做某事",如:I would rather stay at home for a rest. 我宁愿呆在家里休息。2) would rather not do sth."宁愿不做某事"。如:He would rather not tell his mother the truth. 他宁可不告诉他妈妈事实的真相。3) would rather... than "宁愿……也不",可替换成:would... rather than..., rather than... would,意义不变。如:She would rather die than give in.=She would die rather than give in.=Rather than give in, she would die. 她宁死不屈服。She would rather have some sweets than fruit.她宁吃糖不吃水果。4) would rather that……"宁愿……",that从句中用过去时表示现在或将来要做的事;谈到过去的动作要用过去完成时。如:①She would rather that you posted the letter right away.她宁可你立刻把信寄走。② I would rather that you had taken the doctor's advice last time.我宁愿你上次采纳了医生的建议。15. call for要求;需要call短语归纳1)用作动词call (up) sb. 给某人打电话; call on sb.拜访某人;call at到某地作短暂访问;call for help呼救;call for sb.邀约某人;call for skill / money / patience要求 / 需要技术 / 钱 / 耐心;call in叫某人进入;call in a doctor请医生;call out to sb.对某人大声喊叫;call on sb. to do sth.号召某人做某事2)用作名词give sb. a call打电话给某人;make a call打电话;get/receive a call from sb.接到某人的电话;pay a call on sb.拜访某人;a long-distance call一次长途电话16. in case (of) 假设;万一17. according to 按照;根据……所说18. take over接收;接管19. break down毁掉;坏掉; 中止20. in modern times 在现在; in ancient times在古代21. encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事He encouraged me to have a try. 他鼓励我试一试。另:discourage sb. from doing. 打消某人做某事的念头,(使)气馁22. more than 不仅仅此时相当于not only,如:① He is more than a professor. He is a writer. 他不仅是教授。也是一名作家。② Bamboo (竹子) is used for more than building. People eat it. 竹子不仅仅用于建筑。也可被人们食用。另: no more than 仅仅, 只有; not more than 不多于,不超过; less than 少于23. live one's dream 实践某人的梦想。live 此处为"实践、实现"的意思。如:live one's belief 实践自己的信仰

Units 10-121. measure1)用作动词,意为"测量,(大小尺寸)测量为……"。measure the distance/the length测量距离/长度;measure them with a ruler 用尺子量;measure sb. for a new suit为某人量尺寸做衣服。如:① The snake measures 10 metres. 这条蛇有10米长。2)用作名词:to one's own measure 根据某人自己的尺寸;take measures采取措施。如:②I had a pair of trousers made to my own measure. 我按我的尺寸定做了一条裤子。③The government has taken measures to control the prices. 政府已经采取措施控制物价。2. 1) exciting adj. 令人激动的,使人兴奋的。例:①This is a piece of exciting news. 这是一条令人激动的消息。2) excited adj. (感到)兴奋的,激动的。例:②They were excited to hear the exciting news.他们听到那条令人激动的消息都很兴奋。3) excite vt. 使激动,使兴奋,刺激。例:③The good news excited everyone present. 这条好消息使在场的每个人都兴奋不已。4) get excited at /by/about/over 因……而激动起来。例:④They all get excited at the good news that we won at last. 他们听说我们最后赢了都高兴极了。3. cause1) n. 原因,起因(指导致某事发生的事物、人等)。例:①What was the cause of the fire? 这场火灾的起因是什么?②Smoking is one of the causes of heart disease.吸烟是导致心脏病的原因之一。2) n. 事业,(奋斗的)目标。例:③We are fighting for the great cause of socialism. 我们在为社会主义的伟大事业而奋斗。3) v. 使产生;使发生;引起;使遭受;给……带来。例:④What caused the accident? 是什么引起这场事故的?⑤I'm afraid that I'm causing you much trouble. 恐怕我给你增添了很多麻烦。4. effect n. 结果;效果;作用。come into effect 生效;实行;bring a plan into effect 实施计划;have an effect on sth. 对……有效果,对……有影响。例:①I tried to persuade him, but with little or no effect. 我试图说服他,但几乎没有效果。②The medicine has little effect on the terrible disease.对这种可怕的疾病,这药几乎无效。5. spread (spread, spread) 1) vt.传播;散布。例:① Flies spread disease. 苍蝇传播疾病。② The radio spread the news as soon as it happened. 事情一发生,收音机就把消息传播开来。2) vi. 传开;蔓延;伸展;延伸。例:③ The fire spreads quickly. 火势迅速蔓延。④ Word spread quickly about the accident. 关于事故的消息迅速传开了。⑤The red flag spreads in the wind. 红旗迎风招展。⑥The city spreads ten miles to the north. 城市向北延伸了10英里。6. satisfy 1) vt. 使满足,使满意。例:① This work doesn't satisfy me.这项工作我不满意。 ② In order to satisfy his need for knowledge, my brother went to that college to study .为了满足对知识的需要,我兄弟去那所大学求学了。 2) satisfied adj. 满意的。例: ③The teacher is very satisfied with the work the students did yesterday. 老师对学生们昨天干的工作感到十分满意。 ④I wasn't satisfied with the treatment at that hotel. 我不满意在那家旅馆受到的待遇。 3) satisfying adj. 令人满意的。例:⑤ This is a satisfying answer. 这是一个令人满意的答案。 ⑥ The result of the examination is very satisfying. 这次考试的结果非常令人满意。 7. however adv. 1) 可是,然而2) 无论如何,不管怎样。例: ① I'd like to go with you; however, my hands are full. 我想和你一块去,可是我忙不过来。 ② The book is expensive; how-ever, it's worth the price. 这本书很贵,却很值这个价。 ③The composition is all right; however, there is room for improvement. 这篇文章不错,不过还有改进余地。 ④However hard the work may be, we must finish it in time. 不管工作多么艰苦,我们必须及时完成。 ⑤ However clever you are, you must study hard. 不管你多聪明,你都必须努力学习。 8. adventure n. 1. 冒险 2. 奇异的事情 a story of adventure 冒险故事;be fond of adventure 爱好冒险;have a lot of adventures in the desert 在沙漠中经历许多奇异的事情 adventurous adj. 喜欢冒险的;大胆的;冒险的 9. host 1) vt . 担任……主人,主持2) n. 主人,东道主,主持人(女主持hostess )。例:① Which country is hosting the Games this year? 今年的运动会由哪国主办? ② Hosting our show this evening is the lovely Cynthia. 我们今晚的演出由美丽的辛西亚主持。 ③ act as host at the party 担任聚会的主人 ④ play host to a meeting 担任会议的主持。 10. entertain 1) vt. 使快乐;使感兴趣。如:① We were all entertained by his tricks. 我们都对他的戏法感兴趣。2) entertainment n. 娱乐。如:② A cinema is a place of enter-tainment. 电影院是娱乐场所。③ This is a serious novel, not an entertainment. 这是一本严肃的小说,不是供消遣的。11. adaptv. 使适应,使适合;修改,改编adapt from 根据……改写/改编adapt (oneself) to (使自己)适应或习惯于。例:① When we moved to Shanghai, the children adapted to the change very well. 我们搬到上海之后,孩子们很容易就适应了这个变化。② The movie is adapted from a novel. 这部电影是根据小说改编成的。12. comparev. 比较,和……相比compare ... with ... 把……和……作比较compare ... to ... 把……比作……compared with / to ... 与……比较起来。例:① If you compare British English with American English, you will find many differences. 如果你把英式英语和美式英语作一比较,你会发现许多不同之处。② We often compare time to gold. 我们经常把时间比作金子。③ Compared to / with Jane, Mary is beautiful. 与珍妮相比,玛丽更漂亮。(注意,此句型中的形容词不用比较级。)

句型精析】1. Why is it important to make sure that animals do not die out? 为什么确保动物不灭绝是非常重要的?在这种句型中it是形式主语,真正的主语是后置的动词不定式。在"It + be + 形容词+for sb. to do"句型中,常用表示客观情况的形容词,如:dangerous, difficult, easy, hard, important, impossible 等。例:① It's quite impossible for us to finish the work on time with so little money. 用这么少的钱按时完成工作对我们来说是不可能的。② It's quite necessary for middle school students to form a good living and learning habit. 对中学生来说,养成良好的生活和学习习惯是非常必要的。③ It is easy to do, but difficult to understand. 做起来容易,理解起来却很难。 2. People have been playing the blues for many years. 人们已经演奏布鲁斯音乐很多年了。 have been playing 是现在完成进行时,由"have / has been+现在分词"构成,表示该动作从过去开始一直持续到现在,并且有可能继续延续下去。通常与表示一段时间的状语连用。如:I've been sitting here all the afternoon. 我在这儿坐了一下午了。How long has it been raining? 雨下了多久了? Where have you been? What have you been doing? 你到哪儿去了?干什么去了? 3. Most pop singers make music their career.大部分的流行歌手把音乐当成自己的职业。1) 此句型是:动词+宾语+名词作宾补这类动词有call, name, make, elect, find, consider, leave等。如:① We made him monitor of our class. 我们选他当我们班的班长。② We call him Xiao Wang. 我们称他小王。③ His parents died, leaving him an orphan. 他父母过世了,他成了一个孤儿。2)另外还有句型:动词+宾语+形容词或形容词短语作宾语补足语。这类动词有keep, make, find, think, get, leave, consider, dye(blue), cut (short), paint (white)等。如:④ I find it hard to learn idioms and some useful expressions.我们发现习语及一些有用的短语很难学。⑤ What he said about Jack made us worried. 他讲的关于杰克的事使我们很忧虑。⑥ We must keep the room clean. 我们必须保持房间清洁。 【短语精选】1. in danger与dangerousin danger意思是"处在危险中", 指人和物的处境,相对的短语是 "out of danger",意思是说"脱离危险";dangerous 指"危险的",含有给别人带来危害的意思。如:

① Tigers are in danger because of the forest fire.由于森林大火,老虎处在危险中。② The tiger is dangerous, for it may hurt people.老虎很危险,因为它会伤人。③ The patient now is out of danger. 病人现在已经脱离危险了。2. die out 1)(指家族、物种等)死光,灭绝。如:① These animals have already died out. 这些动物已经绝种。2)(指习俗、做法等)消灭,消失。如:② The old traditions are dying out. 旧传统渐渐消失。3. take measures 采取措施4. devote oneself/ one's life (time, efforts...) to (doing)sth. 致力于,献身于;be devoted to 专心致力于,献身于,很喜欢5. live(lead) a...life过着……的生活6. take turns doing...=take turns to do... 轮流干某事。如:Mary and Helen took turns looking after their sick mother . 玛丽和海伦轮流照看她们生病的妈妈。 7. ask for advice 征求意见; give advice 提出劝告;follow /take sb.'s advice 接受某人的建议。如:① When you have any difficulty, you can ask for the teachers' advice. 当你有困难的时候,你可以征询老师们的意见。 ② If you take my advice and work hard, you'll pass the examination. 如果你听我的建议用心读书,你就会通过考试的。 ③ You won't get well unless you follow the doctor's advice. 如果你不听从医生的建议,你就不会痊愈。8. in common 共同之处。如:① They two have nothing in common. 他们俩没有共同之处。 ② They are twins, but they have little in common. 他俩是双胞胎,但他俩几乎没有什么共同之处。 9. on the other hand 另一方面。如:① I want to go to the party, but on the other hand I ought to be studying. 我想去参加聚会,但从另一方面来说,我应该留下来学习。 ② I can't go to the United States now. On the one hand, I have no money; on the other hand, I have no time. 我现在不能去美国。一方面我没钱,另一方面我也没时间。10. dance to ...伴随……起舞。如:① I like dancing to quiet music. 我喜欢和着恬静的乐曲跳舞。② She is singing to the piano. 她正伴着钢琴唱歌。 11. be in trouble 处于困境(困难)中,有了问题(麻烦)。 如:① She is in great&