
发布时间:2016-3-21 编辑:互联网 手机版




--Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls?

--Yes.They have better players,so I ________them to win.

A.hope B.prefer C.expect D.want



Nick is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does ________his boss.

A.serves B.satisfies C.promise D.supports

that nothing he does his boss是一个宾语从句,在这个从句中,he does是定语,限制前面的nothing,而实际上nothing是宾语从句的主语,his boss是宾语从句的宾语,单从谓语与宾语的关系来看,四个答案都可以,但从主、谓、宾的搭配来看,选项A、C、D的主语应该是人,而不能是事nothing,只有选项B的主语必须是事或物,因此,选项B为正确答案。

(3)动词短语或短语动词。很多动词与介词或副词连在一起构成固定的搭配从而形成动词短语或短语动词,不能随意更改。如:make out,make up,make off,make over,make into;give up,give in,give away,give out,give off,etc.



Before the waif broke out,many people ________in safe places possessions they could not take with them.

A.threw away B.put away C.gave away D.carried away

【答案及解析】 B由空格后内容可知,人们把不能带走的财产藏在安全地方。B项意为贮藏,故为正确答案。而选项A的意思是扔掉;c是分发、泄露、出卖;D是冲走,与语境不符,都予以排除。


They see you as something of a worrier,________problems which don’t exist and crossing bridges long before you come to them.

A.settling B.discovering C.seeing D.designing

【答案及解析l c根据后面的don’t exist可排除选项A、B,因为既然不存在,也就谈不上解决或发现;选项c意思是:设想、想象,强调主观空想;D的意思是:计划、设计、策划等,强调周密的思考,具有很强的科学性。根据句意“他们把你看作一个更令人烦躁的人,因为你老是想到一些根本不存在的问题,并操之过急”,答案选C。


Helen always helps her mother even though going to school ______most of her day.

A.takes up B.makes up C.saves up D.puts up

【答案及解析】 A选项A的意思是:拿起米,占据;B的意思是:编造、组成、弥补等;C的意思是:储蓄、储存;选项D的意思是:建造、搭起、忍受、张贴等。根据句子的意思,答案应选A,指上学这件事占据了她一天中的很多时间。


--How do you ________we go to Beijing for our holidays?

--I think we’d better fly there.It’s much more comfortable.

A.insist B.want C.suppose D.suggest

【答案及解析】 D选项A的意思足:坚持说,坚决主张;B是:想要;c是:设想,假设;D是:建议。根据下句的意思,可知答案选D。


It is certain that he will ________his business to his son when he gets old.

A.take over B.think over C.hand over D.go over



On hearing the news of the accident in the coal mine,she ________pale.

A. got B.changed C.went D.appeared



We have to ________the wheat as soon as possible because a storm is on the way.

A.get away B.get across C.get through D.get in

【答案及解析】 D选项A的意思是:逃脱,离开;B是:通过,把……}井清楚,使……被理解;C是:到达,(电话)打通,办完,花光,(使……)通过/成功;D是:收获,进入,抵达,插话等。根据句子及短语的意思,答案选D。


Once a decision has been made,all of us should ________it.

A direct to B.stick to C.1ead to D.refer to

【答案及解析】 B选项A的意思是:指引,指导;B是:坚持;c是:导致;D是:谈到,提到,涉及等。根据句子及动词短语的意思,答案选B。意思是:一旦作出决定,就要坚持。


The final examination is coming up soon.It’s time for ns to ________our studies.

A.get down to B.get out C.get back for D.get over

【答案及解析】 A选项A表示开始着手干某事;B表示离开,摆脱,逃脱等;c表示回去拿;D表示克服(困难、偏见),熬过、渡过(不愉快的事或难关)等。根据句意及选项的意思,答案选A。 ,


John was late for the business meeting because his flight had been ________by a heavy storm.

A.kept B.stopped C.slowed D.delayed



We wanted to get home before dark,but it didn’t quite ________as planned.

A.make out B.turn out C.go on D.come up

【答案及解析】B选项A的意思是:弄清楚、明白;B是:结果是,证明是:C是:继续进行;D是:上来,过来,来吧。根据句子及选项的意思,答案选B,意思是结果并不像所计划的那样。 ’


If you are feeling so tired,perhaps a little sleep would ________.

A.act B.help C.serve D.1ast

【答案及解析】 B选项A的意思是:起作用,尽职责,指做该做的事情;B是:有帮助,有用,指有助于某种情况的转化;C是:有用,适用,指符合某种目的、要求;D是:持续,够……之用,指状态的延续或东西的足够。根据句意,答案选B,指睡觉有助于疲劳的消除。


It’s ten years since the scientist ________on his life’s work of discovering the valuable chemical.

A. made for B.set out C.took off D.turned up

【答案及解析】 B本题主要考查短语辨析。选项A的意思是:走向,有利于.袭击等;选项B的意思是:开始,着手;选项C的意思是:脱下,起飞;选项D的意思是:m现,到达,把……调大或调亮。显然,选项A、C、D都不符合句子的意思,因此,答案选B。


A man is being questioned in relation to the ________murder last night.

A. advised B.attended C.attempted D.admitted

【答案及解析】 C本题考查动词辨析。选项A意思为:被劝告的;B意思为:被出席的;c的意思为:有……意图的;D的意思是:被承认的。根据句意可知答案选C。


In some western countries,demand for graduates from MBA course has ________ .

A.turned down B.turned over C.fallen down D.fall over

【答案及解析】 C turn down意为“翻下、扭小、拒绝、转入”;turn over,意为 “翻转、移交、营业额达……”;fall down意为“下降”;fall over意为“跌跤”。由题意可知,正确答案是C。


--How about eight o’clock outside the cinema?

--That ________me fine.

A.fits B.meets C.satisfies D.suits

【答案及解析】D A表示衣服或工作适合某人等;B表示碰见某人或满足需要等;c表示使某人满意;D可表示时间场合等适合某人或者对某人方便。根据语境可知,8点钟对后者非常方便,故选D。


You can take anything from the shelf and read,but please ________the books when you’ve finished with them.

A. put on B.put down C.put back D.put off

【答案及解析】 C 本题考查动词辨析,A表穿戴或上演等;B表示放下或记下等;c表示放回原处;D表示推迟。根据语境,故选C。


The evening news comes on at seven o’clock and ________only thirty minutes.

A.keeps B.continues C.finishes D.1asts

【答案及解析】D D指动作、行为的持续;A指状态的持续;B强调动作的连贯不断;c表示动作的结束。句子意思为晚问新闻在七点钟开始,仅仅持续半个小时。


The forest guards often find campfires that have not been ________ completely.

A.turned down B. put out C. put away D. turned overly

【答案及解析】B B扑灭;A拒绝、关小;C收拾、整理;D翻转。野营的火只能扑灭。

真题20(2004年 上海卷54)

To keep healthy,Professor Johnson ________cycling as a regular form of exercise after he retired.

A.took up B.caught on C.carried out D.made for

【答案及解析】A take up意为:开始从事于;caught 011意为:继续下去,坚持下去;carried out意思为:完成,履行;made for意思为:走向,有利于,有助于。根据句子的意思,答案应该选A。意思为:为了保持健康,教授退休后开始把骑车作为锻炼方式。


Hospital staff burst into cheers after doctors completed a 20-hour operation to have ________one-year-old twins at the head.

A.isolated B.separated C.divided C.removed



After the trainer was sure that the whale could look after itself,he ________it into the sea.

A.transported B.unloaded C.released D.handled

【答案及解析】C transported意思是:运输;unloaded意思是:卸卜;handled意思为:处理,操纵,运用。i词都与句子意思不符,予以排除。而release意为:释放,还……以自由,与题意相符,故答案选c。


The teacher wrote an example on the blackboard to ________the point.

A.illustrate B.suggest C.express D.recognize

【答案及解析】A illustrate意为:解释、说明;suggest意思为:建议、暗示;express意思为:表达;recognize意思为:认出。根据句子的意思,答案应选A,意思为:老师举例来说明他的观点。


Happy birthday,Alice! So you have ________twenty-one already!

A.become B.turned C.grown D.passed

【答案及解析】 B选项A表示身份的变化,C表示状态的变化,显然它们与意思不符,应排除;选项B、D都可表示:(时刻的)超过,但选项B的主语必须是人或事;而D的主语是时间段。因此,根据句子的意思,答案选B。


It was not a serious illness,and she soon ________it.

A.got over B.got on with C.got around D.got out of

【答案及解析】 A选项A有“从(病、损失)中恢复过来”的意思;B有“过活、生活、相处融洽”的意思;C有“说服,争取(某人)”等意思;D有“逃脱、摆脱”等意思。根据句意,因此答案选A。


I don’t ________rock’n’roll.It’s much too noisy for my taste.

A.go after B.go away with C.go into D.go in for

【答案及解析】 D考查动词短语意思。A意为:追求;B意为:带走;C意为:进入,加入;D意为:喜爱,爱好。根据句子意思“摇滚音乐太嘈杂而不合我的胃口.因此我不喜欢”,故选D。


--________for the glass!

--It’s OK.I’m wearing shoes.

A.Look out B.Walk out C.Go out D.Set out

【答案及解析】 A考杏短语动词的意思区别及与语境意思的联系。首先我们要正确区别短语动词的意思,选项A的意思是“当心,小心”;B是“罢工、罢课、退席”;C是“出去,滚出去”;D是“出发,开始”。再根据句子的语境,从后者的回答中可推知:显然是后者弄出了什么声音,前者以为他打碎了杯子,才说出上面那句话,叫他当心别把杯子打碎了。故答案选A。


He accidentally ________he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadn’t been home for couple of weeks.

A.1et out B.took care C.made sure D.made out

【答案及解析】 A这是与22题属于同类性质的题。首先要弄清短语动词的意思,选项A的意思是“泄漏,放出”等;B是“当心,小心”;C是“确保,确认,查明”;D是“弄明白,理解”。再从句子的内容及主句中的副词accidentally可推知,像与妻子吵架,几周没回家这样的事情,一般不会是“当心”或“确认”,更不是“弄明白”,而只能是偶然“泄漏”出来。故答案选A。


’They’ve ________us$150,000 for the house.Shall we take it?

A.provided B.supplied C.shown D.offered



We’re going to with some friends for a picnic.Would you like to join us?

A.get in B.get over C.get along D.get together

【答案及解析】D get in意为“进入,收割”;get over意为“爬过,克服,恢复,完成”;get along与with连用意为“与……相处”,显然都不合题意;只有get together意为“相聚”,与语境相符,意思为“我们将与一些朋友相聚野餐,你来



--Do you think I should get a good guidebook?

--Yes,of coupe.________,you also need a good camera and comfortable shoes.

A.What’s more B.In other words C.By the way D.All in all

【答案及解析】 A以上四个短语都可用作插入语。what’s more意为“再说,更重要的是,更有甚者”;in other words意为“换句话说”;by the way意为“顺便说”;all in all意为“总的说来”。根据语境,第二个说话者在肯定前一个人的基础上,进一步提出自己的看法,故答案选A,意思为“你不仅要有一本好的旅游指南,更重要的是你要有一个好的照相机和舒适的鞋子”。


Suddenly,a tall man driving a golden carriage ________the girl and took her away,________into the woods.

A.seizing;disappointed B.seized;disappeared

C.seizing;disappearing D.seized;disappearing

【答案及解析】 B and连接三个并列谓语,表示过去一连串的动作。即:seized,took,disappeared。


He was in hospital for six months.He felt as if he was ________from the outside world.

A.cut out B.cut off C.cut up D.cut through



If anybody calls,tell them I’m out,and ask them to ______their name and address.

A.pass B.write C.take D.1eave

【答案及解析】 D 考查动词辨异。leave“留下;交待下某物”,leave name and address“留下姓名和地址”;pass“通过,从旁边走过”;write“写”;take“拿走”,只有D符合题意。译文:如果有人打电话,告诉他我不在,让他留下姓名和地址。


News reports say peace talks between the two countries ________with no agreement reached.

A.have broken down B.have broken out

C.have broken in D.have broken up

【答案及解析】A考查break的动词短语。break down表示(计划、谈判等) “受挫、失败”(vi);break out表示(战争、火灾、疾病)“突然发生、爆发”(vi);break in表示“闯入、强行进入”(vi);break up表示“分开,分解”(扰)。倘若了解四个动词短语的确切含义,根据题干,不难选出正确答案。译文:有新闻报道说,两国间的和平谈判因没有达成一致意见而破产了。答案为A。


Don’t mention that at the beginning of the story,or it may _________the shocking ending.

A.give away B.give out C.give up D.give off

【答案及解析】A考查动词短语。根据句意:别在故事开头提这件事,不然会把出人意料的结尾透露出来。give away除了有“捐赠”的意思外,还可以表示有意或无意的泄露。give out意思是分发、发出、用尽;give up放弃;give off散发,均不合句意。答案为A。


Her talent and experience ________her to the respect of her colleagues.

A.permitted B.qualified C.deserved D.entitled

【答案及解析】D permit“允许”,后加①名/代/动名词;②宾语+to do sth;qualify“(使)具有资格,绐(人)某种权利”,其搭配是:qualify sb for/as sth;deserve“应受(奖励等),值得”,后直接加宾语;entitle“给予某人获得某事物或做某事的权利”,其常用搭配是entitle sb to sth。译文:她的才智和经验使得她得到了同事的尊敬。


The engines of the ship was out of order and the bad weather ________the helplessness of the crew at sea.

A.added to B.resulted from C.turned out D.made up

【答案及解析】 A原句列举了两个使人无助的原因,首先是the engines of the ship was out of order,这已经使人感到无助了,还有糟糕的天气,更增添了人们的无助感;add to“增加”;result from“因……造成(某种结果)”,turn out“结果是,证明是,出席”;make up“编造,构成”。B、C、D都无法表达出“增添”的意思。答案为A。


The idea puzzled me so much that I stopped for a few seconds to try to________.

A.make it out B.make it off C.make it up D.make it over

【答案及解析】A make it out“领悟;弄明白;发现真相”。因为受到迷惑,所以应是试图发现真相,所以选A。make off'‘连忙跑掉”;make up“弥补;打扮;组成”;make over“转让;改造”。答案为A。


The taxi driver often reminds passengers to ________their belongings when they leave the car.

A.keep B.catch C.hold D.take



We thought of selling this old furniture,but we’ve decided to _______it.It might be valuable.

A.hold on to B.keep up with C.turn to D.100k after

【答案及解析】A hold on to的意思是“不要放弃”。译文:我们本想把这件旧家具卖掉,但是我们决定还是不卖它,它可能有价值。keep up with的意思是 “跟上”;turn to的意思是“转向”;look after的意思是“照看”。答案为A。


--When shall we start?

--Let’s ________it at 8:30.Is that all fight?

A.set B.meet C.make D.take

【答案及解析】C “make it+时间”的意思是“就定为什么时间吧”。此题译为“把出发的时间定在八点半”。set意为“对时间,调时间”。


Be careful when you cross this very busy street.If not,you may _________run over by a car.

A.have B.get C.become D.turn

【答案及解析】 B 由句中的介词by可知此空要用被动语态。become和turn后多加形容词;run over是及物动词短语,意思是“碾过”。get后接过去分词表示被动。译文:穿过这条繁忙的马路时一定要小心。否则,你就会被汽车轧着。


His mother had thought it would be good for his character to ________from home and earn some money on his own.

A.run away B.take away C.keep away D.get away

【答案及解析】D keep away from意思是“使……不人内”。on one’s own“独立地”;run away from“逃跑”;take way“拿走”。get away from home的意思是“离开家”。译文:他母亲原本认为他离开家自己赚钱对锻炼他的性格有好处。


--Mummy, can I put the peaches in the cupboard?

--No,dear.They don’t ________well.Put them in the fridge instead.

A.keep B.fit C.get D.1ast

【答案及解析】A fit接形容词,意思是“(使)合适,吻合,合身”;get+形容词,意思是“变得,转变”。根据句子中两个表示地点的名词cupboard和fridge可以看出,是要把peaches保存好,所以要选keep“保存”。打t的意思是“安装”;get的意思是“得到;获得”;last的意思是“持续”,后常接表示时间的词,如:last two hours持续了两小时等。答案为A。


Mary finally __________Bruce as her life-long companion.

A.received B.accepted C.made D.honoured

【答案及解析】B honor sb as意思是“把某人尊敬为……;把某人当作……来尊敬”,根据句子意思予以排除;receive是指客观上收到某物;make作“指派,使……成为……”时后直接加名词;accept是refuse的反义词,是指人从心理上接纳accept…as...“把……作为;认为……是……”。


--Smoking is bad for your health.

--Yes,I know.But I simply can’t _________.

A. give it up B.give it in C.give it out D.give it away

【答案及解析】 A give it up“放弃;戒掉”;give in“屈服;让步”是不及物动词短语;give it out“分发”;give it away“赠送;给予”。这里讨论的有关戒烟的事。


As we joined the big crowd I got _______from my friends.

A.separated B.spared C.lost D.missed

【答案及解析】 A get separated from sb.“与某人分开”;get lost “迷路;get spared和get missed搭配不合理。译文:由于拥人了一大堆人群中,我和我的朋友被分开了。答案为A。


We didn’t plan our art exhibition like that but it _________very well.

A.worked out B.tried out C.went on D.carried on

【答案及解析】 A先排除B和D,因为try out(实验),carry on(实行)与exhibition之间是被动关系;而go on虽有“进行,进展”之意,但这里强调的是计划和结果的关系,work out=turn out“(最后)显得”。译文:我们没有那样计划我们的艺术展览,但结果却很好。


Would you slow down a bit,please? I can’t ________you.

A.keep up with B.put up with C.make up to D.hold on to

【答案及解析】A keep up with“跟上”;put up with“忍受”;make up to是错误搭配;hold on to“坚持”。译文:请你慢一点好吗?我跟不上。答案为A。


_________at the door before entering,please.

A.Knocked B.To knock C.Knocking D.Knock

【答案及解析】 D祈使句应用动词原形。


--Why haven’t you bought any butter?

--I ________to but I forgot about it.

A.1iked B.wished C.meant D.expected

【答案及解析】 C mean to do sth愿意做某事,打算做某事。


Have a good rest,you need to ________your energy.for the tennis match this afternoon,

A.1eave B.save C.hold D.get

【答案及解析】B save sth.for sth.“为……节省……”。译文:好好休息吧,你需要为今天下午的乒乓球赛储存精力。


Let Harry play with your toys as well,Clare--you must learn to ________.

A. support B.care C.spare D.share

【答案及解析】D share的意思是“分享,分担,与某人合用”。support“支持”;care“在意,关心”;spare“挤出(时间),匀山某物”。


--It’s a good idea.But who’s going to ________the plan?.

--I think Tom and Greg will.

A.set aside B.carry out C.take in D.get through

【答案及解析】 B get through指电话接通,度过难关,不合题意,予以排除。由It’s a good idea推出这个计划已经定好,那接下来就是执行的问题。Carry out“执行,操作”;“执行某项计划”英语用carry out a plan。set aside“放在一边,不理会”;take in“理解,吸收”,均不合题意。


Nick is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does ______his boss.

A.serves B.satisfies C.promises D.supports

【答案及解析】 B satisfy sb.的意思是“使某人满意”。根据句意可知,Nick所做的一切都不能使他的老板满意。