人教版 高一期末复习Units 11-12

发布时间:2016-8-1 编辑:互联网 手机版

Revision Units11-12

Step1 Words and expressions

Contain record in trouble habit in common turn---into come across variety a series of believe in

Step2 Language points

1. contain

The room was small and contained far two much furniture.

I couldn’t contain myself at the sight of him.

Cf. include 侧重整体里面“包括”个体。

Two new names were included in the list.

2. in common

have sth(much, little, nothing, etc.) in common with sth

They have a lot in common.

3. variety

a variety of = various , different kind of

This shop has a variety of toys.

4. record n. make records, write a record of , break a record

keep a record of

He still keeps/ holds the record of the high jump.

v. His diary records all the happenings of the day.

5. turn----into = change ----into

The magic spell turned the frog back into a man.

Water can turn into ice at 0℃.

Please turn this Chinese sentence into English.

6. a series of meetings( exams, school textbooks etc.)

7. in trouble

A person with good manners never laughs at people when they are in trouble.

Ask for trouble/ get into trouble/have trouble in doing sth/ make/cause trouble

8. come across

I came across him in the street yesterday.

Run across/ meet with/ run into

9. believe in

You can believe him, he’ll never let you down.

We believe in Marxism.

I believe in keeping early hours.

10. habit

have a habit of doing--/ form/develop the habit of /out of habit

Step3. Exercises

1. Beer ________ alcohol, drinking too much of it will do harm to the health.

A.includes B.contains C.holds D. remain

2. They have a lot _____ and become good friends.

A. in case B.in common C. in surprise D.in peace

3. This restaurant serves a ______of food.

A lot B plenty C.variety D. lots

4.Our county has a ______history of 4,000 years.

A. Recording B.record C.recorded D.records

5.The type of music has become very famous is Britain and is very good music ______.

A.to dance B.danced C.danced to D.to dance to

6.The car is easily _____from the rest;it has some ads on it .

A.got out B.found out C.picked up D.picked out

7. He appeared ______with our team’s performance.

A.satisfying B.to be satisfying

C.to satisfy D.satisfied

8. With all the worries and trouble gone ,he now feels very_____.

A.simple B.free C.easy D.quiet

9. I can hardly ______my eyes ; a lovely pet dog is sleeping in my room.

A.believe B.believe in C.trust D.trust in

10.He succeeded ______himself understood in broken English by the foreigners .

A.to make B.making C.in making D.by making

11. In France it is the ______ to shake hands with people in the office every morning.

A.custom B.behaviour C.habit D. act

12. Chairman Mao called on the people to ____Lei Feng .

A.learn from B.study from C.study D.learn

13. He never comes except when he is _____.

A. in a trouble B.in troubles

C.in trouble D.in the trouble

14._____is the most important at present is ____to stop the SARS virus from spreading.

A.What;how B.What ;that C.Which ;how D.Which ;that

15.-How do you think we can keep fit?

-Oh, I _______doing morning exercises every day.

A.believe in B.believe C.consider D.think

16.John was there again yesterday ,I wonder ______.

A.what B.how C.why D.think


1-4 BBCC 5-8 DDDC 9-12 ACAA 13-16 CAAC

Step.IV. Fill in the blanks.

1.There is ____ _____ _____music out there!

2.Hip-hop and rap have ___in common with blues and rock ,but they also here___ _____ ______.

3. Harry is very happy,and does not know____ ____ ____about his life.

4. Harry also learns ___ ______ _____and to do things he used to _____ ______ ______.

5. _____ _____his friends,Harry learns that it is not always easy to do what is right.


1.a world of

2.much ;their own characteristics

3.what to do

4.to be brave ;be afraid of

5.Together with


1. The Passive Voice in Different Tenses

2. Review the Attributive Clause

1) Restrictive Attributive Clause

2) Non-restrictive Attributive Clause

StepVII Homework