
发布时间:2017-10-11 编辑:互联网 手机版

Unit 5 The silver screen

Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision

Grammar revision

Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss

Teaching Crux: 1) SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2) Teacher’s further explanation and supplement

Teaching materials & focuses:

1. While still a student, she played roles in many plays.


While still a student 相当于While she was still a student.在英语中有些表示时间、条件、方式或让步等的从句有时可省略一些成分:如果从句的主语和从句的主语一致(或者是从句的主语是it),而且从句谓语中又包含be,那么这个主语和be动词都可以省略。例如:

Don’t talk while (you are) eating.

When (he was) asked how he gained first place, he suddenly became cheerful.

If (they are)operated by computer in the future, many of the trains will have no drivers.

Although (it was)sold by a German company for the first time in 1899, aspirin has been around much longer than that.

They looked around the room as if (they were) looking for something.

The boys will go out to play football whenever (it is) possible.

2. marry 用法

marry在大多数情况下是及物动词,(常用搭配:get/be married to sb , marry sb)

When did she get married? 她是什么时候结婚的?


She married very early. 她结婚很早。

“和某人结婚”不能说“marry with sb.”, 应该说“marry to sb.”也可以不与介词搭配,将marry用作及物动词。

She married a doctor. or: She was married to a doctor. 她和一个医生结了婚。

3. degree n. 度,级; 程度; 学位

The summer months has an average temperature of more than 30 degrees centigrade.


He has a high degree of ability.他能力很高。

He took his degree in physics at the university last


to a ……degree, to a degree that 到……程度, 在……程度上

I agree with you to some degree.在一定程度上我同意你。

4. speed n. 速度 with great speed以很快速度 /at top (full, low, safe, high, ordinary) speed以顶尖速度/ 以全速/ 以低速/ 以安全的速度/ 以高速/ 以一般的速度

at a speed of 100 kilometers an hour以每小时100公里的速度

如以某个东西的速度为参照, 则为: at the speed of, 用定冠词。如:

at the speed of sound以光的速度

2)v.快速地前进 过去式sped (常用搭配:speed up 加速)

He sped down the street. 他沿街快速前进。 The time sped quickly by.时间飞快地过去。

Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision

Grammar revision

Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process

of the integration between the teacher and the ss

Teaching Crux: 1) SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2) Teacher’s further explanation and supplement

Teaching materials & focuses:

5. keep构成的一些短语

keep(sb.)away(from sth.)(使)离开(某物) , keep sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事

keep sth.in mind记住某事, keep sb./sth. out(of sth.)不让……入内

keep back忍住(眼泪),扣下,隐瞒, keep in touch with 与……保持联系

keep(on)doing sth.继续做某事, keep off远离,避开

keep up 保持(不低落), 振作, (保持同一水平 如:We are having difficulty keeping up

our mortgage payments. 我们难以继续偿还按揭贷款。)

keep up with 跟上,不落在后面

6. afford的用法 及物动词,其主要用法如下:

(1)“担负得起(……的费用、时间)”,常与can, could, be able to连用,表示“有足够的(时间、金钱等)条件(做某事)”。

afford +n./pron, . afford to do sth.

Now many people can’t afford the medical treatment in the country.


I can’t afford the time for it. 这时间我花不起。

We can’t afford to buy this new house. 我们买不起这新房子。

7. 关系副词when/where不能替代“介词+which”的场合归纳。


Tell me the time when/at which the train leaves. 告诉我火车发车的时间。


(1)当since, until, after, before+which时,不能被when代替。

I met Jack in 1980, since which I have never seen him.


He came back at ten, until which we worked. 他十点钟回来的,直到那时我们还在劳动。

He went to school at 8, before which he read English.


(2)当on, behind, in front of, through, from, beside, around


I saw a desk on which was a book. 我看见一张桌子上有本书。

The house, in front of which there is a tree, is my home.


This is the window through which the thief came in. 这就是贼从那进来的那个窗户。

8. by sea, by the sea, in the sea, on the sea

by sea “走海路,乘船”,用来表示交通方式,同by ship同义。

These heavy boxes should be sent by sea. 这些重箱子应由海路运送。

by the sea “在海边”,相当于on the coast。

There are many travelers by the sea. 海边有很多游客。

in the sea “在海里,在海水中”

There are many plants and animals in the sea. 海洋中有很多动植物。

(4)on the sea “在海上”,也有“在海边”的意思。

It was reported that many boats sailing on the sea had been lost.


9. take off 1)脱下(衣服等), 解(除)掉 2)(飞机)起飞 取消,停演, 迅速流行,突然大受欢迎

the new magazine has really taken off. 这份新杂志真是大受欢迎。

He took off his wet shoes.他脱下了湿鞋子。

The show was taken off because of poor audience. 该剧因为不卖座停演了。

The plane took off on time. It was a smooth take-off.飞机准时起飞。起飞非常顺利。

10. be afraid, be afraid to do sth., be afraid of(doing)sth.

(1)be afraid意为“担心,害怕”,多用于口语,常用来表示一种歉意,或遗憾,后可接so或that,也可接that从句。I’m

afraid(that) 其语意相当于I’m sorry, but…。

-Are we on time? 我们准时吗? -I’m afraid not. 恐怕不准时。

-Are we late? 我们迟到了吗?-I’m afraid so. 恐怕迟到了。

(2)be afraid to do常表示“由于胆小而不敢做某事”。

She is afraid to be here alone. 她不敢单独呆在这里。

He is afraid to jump into the river from the bridge. 他不敢从桥上跳进河里。

(3)be afraid of(doing)sth.常表示“担心或害怕某事(发生)”。

He was afraid to walk across the one-logged bridge because he was

afraid of falling into the river. 他不敢过那个独木桥,因为他担心会掉进河水里。

I was afraid of hurting her feelings. 我担心伤害她的感情。

We are not afraid of difficulties. 我们不怕困难。

4) 给人不愉快的信息或不赞同某人意见时,用I’m afraid …

I’m afraid I’ve got bad news for you.

I’m afraid I can’t agree with you.

11. go wrong v. 走错路, 误入岐途, (机器等)发生故障

His friends helped him go wrong. 他的朋友把他带坏了。

Please correct my spelling If I go wrong. 如果我写错了,请纠正我的拼写。

Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision

Grammar revision

Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process

of the integration between the teacher and the ss

Teaching Crux: 1) SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2) Teacher’s further explanation and supplement

Teaching materials & focuses:

12. high与highly


The wall is two metres high. 这堵墙有两米高。

They were climbing a high mountain. 他们在爬一座高山。

Can you jump that high? 你能跳那么高吗?

The kite was flying high in the sky. 风筝在天空中高高地飞翔着。


He is a highly skilled worker. 他是一个高度熟练的技术工人。

The headmaster thought highly of our work. 校长高度评价了我们的工作。

13. owe vt. 1)欠(钱、物、债等),后面通常接直接宾语和间接宾语,即owe sb sth 或owe sth to sb.

例如: I owe $20 to the tailor. 我欠裁缝二十美圆。

I owed John 60 dollars when I was in Paris.我在巴黎时,欠约翰60美圆。


I owe it to you that I’m still alive. 我现在还活着,应该感谢你。

If I have improved in any way, I owe it all to my


I owe you many thanks.我非常感谢你。

We should do the duty which we owe to our country.我们应当对国家尽我们应尽的义务。

同义词:because of, thanks to, due to

14. After that it still took seven years before they finally got

married. 从那以后过了七年他们才结婚。


It was a long time before I got to sleep last night.昨天夜里过了好久我才睡着。

It will be four years before we meet again.四年以后我们才能再见面。



He went out before I had (had) a chance to tell him the good news.



We hadn’t waited long before the bus came.我们没等多久,公共汽车就来了。

It won’t be long before you get well again.不久你就可以恢复健康了。


He will die of hunger before he will steal 他宁愿饿死,也决不行窍。

15. look up 查询(如宾语为代词,则代词放中间)

Look up the word in the dictionary.在字典里查单词。

相关词组:look for 寻找;look after照顾,照料; look forward to期待;look into调查;

look on旁观;look out注意;look out for注意,留心,提防;look over翻阅,查看,检查;look

around环视;look through翻阅,查看。

16. stay away 不上班,不上学

17. run away from 从。。。逃走

18. determine to do , be determined to do 名词:determination

Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision

Grammar revision

Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process

of the integration between the teacher and the ss

Teaching Crux: 1) SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2) Teacher’s further explanation and supplement

Teaching materials & focuses:

Unit 6. good manners

1. manner


I love duck cooked in Chinese manner.   我喜欢吃中国烧法的鸭子。


I don't like his manner. It's too rude.  我不喜欢他的举止,太粗鲁了。


It is bad manners to speak loudly in public.   在公共场合高声讲话是没礼貌的。

Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision

Grammar revision

Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process

of the integration between the teacher and the ss

Teaching Crux: 1) SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2) Teacher’s further explanation and supplement

Teaching materials & focuses:

2. none,no one,nothing


--“How many elephants did you see in the park?”

  --“None.”  -你在公园里看到几头大象? -一头也没看到。

  ②no one只能指人,不能与of连用,用作单数。

No one knows what they fought for.  没有人知道他们为什么发生战争。


Nothing can change the world.  什么也不能改变世界。

3. Custom, culture, habit,hobby 区别




  ②habit habit指个人生活习惯、个人的习惯有好有坏,后接of doing,不可接不定式。“(有)养成……习惯”常用be

in/fall into/get into/form/have the habit of doing

sth.句型;“戒掉……习惯”常用give up/kick/break away from/get out of the habit

of doing sth.句型.


The Spring Festival is a custom in East Asia.  春节是东亚的一个风俗。

  He formed a habit of getting up early.  他养成早起的习惯。

  Reading is his hobby.  看书是他的爱好。

Culture 文化,文明(国家或群体的风俗,信仰,艺术,生活方式及社会组织)

4. impression


  e.g.He made a strong impression on (upon)us.他给我们留下了深刻的印象。

  (2)impression的动词是impress,意思是“留下印象”。常用短语impress sth. on


  e.g.What he did was greatly impressed on(upon)us.他所做的一切给我们留下深深的印象。

The girl impressed her sense of humour on(upon)her


5. at table意思是“就餐,吃饭”。at the(a)table表示“在桌子旁”。

You shouldn't speak loudly at table.  吃饭时你不该高声讲话。

He sat at the table,reading a novel.  他坐在桌子旁,看小说。

6. advice n. 忠告,劝告,建议

ask for one’s advice 征求某人的建议 give/offer sb. advice 给某人建议

take/follow one’s advice 接受某人的建议 some advice on/about… 有关……的建议(忠告)

advise v.劝告,建议(advise doing, advise sb to do )

I advise that he should go at once.

我建议他马上去。 注:advise接从句时,从句中的谓语动词用虚拟语气,形式为“should+动词原形”,should可以省略。

7. When drinking to someone's health,you raise your glasses,but the

glasses should not touch.  在为某人健康干杯时,你举起杯子,但杯子不能碰撞。


Let's drink to the health of my teacher.  让我们为我的老师健康干杯。


  e.g.Let's drink beer together.  让我们一起喝啤酒。

  They drank success to the professor.  他们举杯祝贺那位教授成功。

Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision

Grammar revision

Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process

of the integration between the teacher and the ss

Teaching Crux: 1) SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2) Teacher’s further explanation and supplement

Teaching materials & focuses:

8. raise,rise,lift




Price has been raised up.  价格被提高了。

  Price rises gradually.  价格渐渐地涨上去了。

The young lifted the stone at last.  那个年轻人终于举起那块石头。

9. follow用法归纳


I’m sending the letter today,the packet will follow

later. 今天我先把信寄出,随后寄出包裹。


The villagers still follow the customs that are passed down from

their ancestors.



As a beginner,she cannot follow the English Home Service quite well

on the radio.



He received a note which ran as follows:“ The meeting will be

delayed until next Monday.”


10.  sometimes,sometime,some time


  Sometimes he is late for class.  他有时上课迟到。


It happened sometime 1ast year.  那是去年某一天发生的。

  Will you come and see me sometime?  你哪一天来看看我好吗?

  ③some time名词词组,表示“一段时间”。

  e.g.It will take me some time to read the novel.  读这本小说花了我一些时间。

  There is some time left.  还剩一些时间。

11. leave out 省去,遗漏,不考虑

  e.g.You can leave out their plan.   你们能够不考虑他们的计划。

  You shouldn't leave out this important detail in the


12. at this moment 在这时候; for a moment 片刻,一会儿;(at) any moment

任何时刻;马上;at the last moment 在紧要关头,在最后关头;at the moment 此刻;正当那时;暂时

for the moment 目前,暂时;in a moment 马上,立刻

the moment (that)一……就……

The moment he saw me,he turned pale. 他一看见我就脸色苍白。

Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision

Grammar revision

Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process

of the integration between the teacher and the ss

Teaching Crux: 1) SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2) Teacher’s further explanation and supplement

Teaching materials & focuses:

练习 (unit 5)

19. 单句改错

1.The baby after whom she is looking is my little nephew.

简析:after应置于looking之后,短语动词look after不能拆开。

2.I saw all the apples which were on the table fall off into the


简析:应将which改为that。当先行词被all, any, few, little, no等词修饰时,关系代词应选用that,


3.The speaker raised his voice but still couldn’t make himself


简析:应将hearing改为heard。make oneself heard意为“让别人听到自己的声音”。“make


4.This is the only bus which there is to the village.

简析:将“which”改为“that”。在这个句子中,that there is to the village是定语从句,是there

be句型,修饰其先行词bus。而且先行词bus被the only修饰。bus在定语从句中作主语,to the


20. 高考真题

1.(NMET 1998)Cleaning women in big cities usually get ___________ by

the hour.

A. pay B. paying C. paid D. to pay

简析:选C。“按小时付报酬”与主语是被动关系,应选过去分词paid。类似的表达常见的还有:get burnt, get wounded,

get married等。

2. (NMET 1998)European football is played in 80 countries,

___________it the most popular sport in the world.

A. making B. makes C. made D. to make


3. (2001 上海)He’s got himself into a dangerous situation

___________he is likely to lose control over the plane.

A. where B. which C. while D. why


4. (NMET 2001春招)Would you slow down a bit, please? I can’t


A. keep up with B. put up with C. make up to D. hold on to

简析:选A。此项中的短语keep up with含义为“跟上,赶上”,从上文的提示“让对方慢下来一点”,体会出是“跟不上对方”,故选A。

5. (NMET 2001)The film brought the hours back to me ___________I was

taken good care of in that far-away village.

A. until B. that C. when D. where



Unit 6 能力训练

1. 单句改错

1.It’s time for us to clean the desks. But we can’t find any



2.He prefer swimming to play football in summer.

简析:将play改为playing。prefer A to B 等于like A better than

B,即喜欢A胜过喜欢B,prefer+名词/动名词+to+名词/动名词,to 为介词,故不能接动词原形。

3.The girl students in our school are not allowed wearing high-heel


简析:把wearing改为to wear。allow可接带不定式的复合结构,“allow sb.to do

sth.”表示“允许某人做某事”,其被动式应为“sb.be allowed to do

sth.”。另外,allow可跟动名词作宾语,构成allow doing sth.表示“允许做某事”,此结构不可用于表达该句意义。

4.My house is quite close from the station.

简析:把from改为to。表示“接近于……”,应该是“be close to”,而不用“be close from”。

5.I apologize you that I had been so rude to you.

简析:此句应为I apologize(to you) for being so rude to you.

表示“为某事向某人道歉”用apologize to sb.for sth./doing sth.,不能用that引导从句。

2. 高考真题

1.(2000上海,42)-You’ve given us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Mrs.Wang.


A. Oh,I’m afraid I didn’t cook very well B. I’m glad you enjoyed it

C. Come again when you are free D. It’s not necessary for you to say



2. (2000上海)-I don’t have any change with me. Will you pay the fare

for me?


A. That’s fine B. Nothing serious C. Never mind D. No problem


3. (NMET 2000春)It was an exciting moment for these football fans

this year,___________for the first time in years their team won the

World Cup.

A. that B. while C. when D. which


4. (NMET 2000)Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the

play, _____,of course, made the others unhappy.

A. who B. which C. this D. what

简析:选B。“of course”是插入语,略去不管则可看出,此处是个非限制性定语从句,需添一个关系词,排除this

和what。又因先行词是事情“always speaking highly of her role in the


5. (NMET 2001春)John said he’d been working in the office for an

hour,___________was true.

A. he B. this C. which D. who

简析:选C。此处是非限制性定语从句,需用关系代词,排除A. he和B. this。先行词不是“人”(不是说“约翰是真的”),排除C.

who。先行词是事物(是说“he’d been working in the office for an


6. (NMET 2001春)-Why haven’t you bought any butter?

-I___________to but I forgot about it.

A. liked B. wished C. meant D. expected

简析:选C。“mean to (buy some

butter)”表示“本意是(要买些黄油)”,用了过去式表示“原打算”,此处将不定式省略,只留了不定式符号“to”。“like to

do sth. ”是“喜欢干某事”;“wish to do sth. ”是“希望做某事”;“expect to do sth.


Unit 7 cultural relics

Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision

Grammar revision

Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process

of the integration between the teacher and the ss

Teaching Crux: 1) SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2) Teacher’s further explanation and supplement

Teaching materials & focuses:

Where there is a river, there is a city. 有河流的地方就有城市。

=there is a city at the place where there is a rive.

Where 在这里引导的是地点状语从句,相当于介词in/at/to+ the place +where


Crops grow well where there is a plenty of sunshine. 阳光充足的地方庄稼就长得好。

Where there is oppression ,there is fighting. 哪里有压迫,哪里就有反抗。

Where there is a sound, there must be sound waves. 有声音的地方,一定有声波。

Where there is smoke, there is fire. 有烟的地方就有火。

Where bees are, there is honey. 有蜜蜂的地方就有蜂蜜。

Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。

2. under prep. being in a state of (sth.) 在(某事物)的状况中

under control under study under repair

under examination under construction under discussion

引申:repair用作复数形式,意思是“修理工作,修理工程”。(The shop is closed during the


3. give in 屈服,投降, 提交,呈交 give up 放弃

He has given in to my view. 他已经屈服于我的观点了。

Give in your examination papers when you have finished. 答完卷子后就交卷吧。

You shouldn’t give up hope. 你不该放弃希望。

He gave up his position as a manager. 他放弃了经理的职位。

I give up. Tell me the answer. 我放弃,告诉我答案。


give away 赠送,颁发,泄露 give back 归还,同return

give off 发出(烟、光、热等) give out 筋疲力尽;耗尽,分发,散发;

4. seem后接形容词,名词,不定式,分词或介词短语等作表语

He seems quite pleased with your work.

He seemed to have a high opinion of you.

He seems a foolish boy.

It seems raining.

Everybody seems in high spirits.

注意:(1)seem后接to be 时,注意to be 的省略。

e.g. Tom came to see you this morning. He seemed (to be ) tired.

Yesterday I met a man who seemed to be the boss.(此时的to be


(2)seem 的否定形式。有两种:

e.g. She doesn’t seem to be at home. She seems not to be at home.

(3) There be 句型中

There seems (to be) something wrong with your computer.

(4) It seems 后接that 或as if从句,引导词that 或as if有时可省。

e.g. It seems (as if) there will be an election soon.

It seems to me that he is right.

(5) seem like = look like 看起来好象

They seemed like many little flags.

(6) seem to be doing sth.好像在做某事

They seem to be working in the field.他们好像在地里干活。

(7)seem to have done/been…好像已经……

e.g. The girl seems to have learnt about that sad


Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision

Grammar revision

Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process

of the integration between the teacher and the ss

Teaching Crux: 1) SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2) Teacher’s further explanation and supplement

Teaching materials & focuses:

5. in ruins 成为废墟,严重受损

An earthquake left the whole town in ruins.那次地震过后,全城到处是残垣断壁。

His career is/lies in ruins. 他已前途尽毁。

ruin 用作动词,意思是“毁坏,使毁灭”,常用作及物动词。

The earthquake in 1976 ruined the whole city of



  e.g.The accident brought him to ruin all his life.  这个事故毁灭了他一生。


The visitors were struck by the ruins of Rome.参观者被古罗马的遗迹迷住了。

6. bring...back to life“使……恢复生机”。

The trees and flowers bring the city back to life.树木和鲜花使这座城市恢复了生机。

bring back 意思是“带回来、拿回来、使恢复;使回忆起”,通常用作及物动词。

Remember to bring back the book next time.记住下次把书带回来。

  This medicine can bring him back to health. 这药能让他恢复健康。

引申:bring 其他搭配

Bring down 打垮,击败,使降低 bring in 挣,引进, bring on 使发展,导致(常指坏事),促使提高,促使生长

bring out 使显出,阐明,生产,出版 bring up 抚养,养育(be brought up to do We were

brought up to respect authority. )


(1) include 作及物动词,意思为“包含,包括”

That book includes 3 color pages.

(2) including 作介词,后接名词、代词做宾语。

There were six people in the room, including 3 children.

(3) included 过去分词充当的形容词,前面加名词和代词。

e.g. Ten of us went swimming this afternoon, our teacher included.

Six people, ______ three women, died in the battle.

Six people, three women ______, died in the battle.

The plan _______ most of your suggestions.

8. Strong,proud and united,the people of St Petersburg are the

modern heroes of Russia.

  强壮、自豪而团结的圣彼得堡人民是俄国现代英雄。句中 strong,proud and



Full of anger again,Crusoe returned

home.  克鲁索又满心怒气地回家了。(伴随状语)Thirsty and eager to get a rest,he went

into the tea-house and sat down at a little table by the

window.  由于有些口渴,又想休息一下,他就走进茶馆,在靠窗子的一张小桌旁坐下。(原因状语)

Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision

Grammar revision

Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process

of the integration between the teacher and the ss

Teaching Crux: 1) SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2) Teacher’s further explanation and supplement

Teaching materials & focuses:

9. represent 代表 representative 可数名词,意思为“代表”

represent sth. 代表 represent sth. (to sb.) 向……说明,阐述,表达

represent oneself as / to be自称是,声言

He represents himself as an expert in English. 他自称是英语专家。

He represented China in the conference.  他代表中国参加这个会议。

The dove represents peace.  鸽子象征和平。

The picture represents the battle of Waterloo.这幅画描绘的是滑铁卢战役。

10. Portrait   肖像,画像,通常用作可数名词。

This is a portrait of me.  这是我的肖像。



  ②picture 指广义的“图画,照片”。

  ③painting 指着色的“画”。

④drawing 指“钢笔或铅笔线条画,素描”。

10. hope 意思是“希望”,后面不能直接跟名词作宾语,但可跟 for+名词,表示可实现的“希望”,后面也可跟 that


  e.g.I hope for success.  我希望成功。

  I hope that you will be better soon.  我希望你能很快好起来。

11. Breath 用作名词,意思是“呼吸,气息”。

He ran upstairs out of breath.  他上气不接下气跑上楼来了。

  When he saw the 1ion,he held his breath.  当他看到狮子时,他不出声。

  (2)由 breath 构成的常见短语。

  catch one's breath 屏息,喘息  hold one's breath 不出声,屏息  short of

breath 呼吸短促  lose one's breath 喘不过气来  out of breath 上气不接下气

12. It is said that…. Sb./ sth. is said to be /do

“据说……听说……”, it 为形式主语,代替后面的that 从句和不定式短语。

e.g. It is said that the strange old man is a great artist.

= The strange old man is said to be a great artist.

13. build, set up, found 和put up

(1)build “建造,建立,建设”其后可接具体的或抽象的名词。

e.g. They wanted to build a state of their own.

(2)set up “开办,建立”常和表示组织、机构、团体等意义的名词连用,这时和build的

用法基本相同。但build更注重打基础,set up 表示用基金创立。set up a school/ government

(3) found“兴建,建立,创办”后面可接城市、国家、党派等。还可表示捐资兴办学校/政府。 e.g. found a new


(4) put up着重指建造或搭建起一个具体的物体. e.g. put up a building


in space 在太空,在空间(不要带任何冠词) outer space 外层空间

There are millions of stars in space moving continuously.


He was staring into space.他极目远眺。

Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision

Grammar revision

Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process

of the integration between the teacher and the ss

Teaching Crux: 1) SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2) Teacher’s further explanation and supplement

Teaching materials & focuses:

15. 能力训练


1.Wang Hong is impossible to attend the meeting.

简析:本句应改为It is impossible for Wang Hong to attend the


2.I won’t come without inviting to the meeting.

简析:本句应改为I won’t come without being invited to the

meeting.“invite”为及物动词,有“invite sb. to +n.”与“invite sb. to do

sth.”。此处的“invite”的逻辑宾语是句子的主语“I”,因此,此处的“without”之后该用“being invited to do”。

3.He seemed that he had seen the film several times.

简析:本句应改为It seemed that he had seen the film several


(1)It seems/seemed that…

(2)Sb. seems/seemed (to be)+adj./n.

(3)Sb. seems/seemed to do sth.

(4)It seems/seemed as if…

4.Almost all the buildings were in ruin.

简析:本句中的“ruin”应改为“ruins”。因为“(be) in ruins”为一固定短语,意为“成为废墟”。

5.It was foolish for him to waste his money on such a computer.

简析:应把for改为of。因为这里是“对人的评价”,而不是“对事的评价”。“对人的评价”应用句型“It is+adj.+of sb.

to do sth.”“对事的评价”则是“It is+adj.+for sb. to do sth.”详解见知识归纳1。

6.Having got a driving license,he tried to drive on real road.

简析:“tried to drive”应改为“tired driving”。因为“try doing

sth.”意为“尝试做某事”,而“try to do sth.”则是“尽力去做某事”。

二。 高考真题

1.(2000年上海高考)The ___________ boy was last seen ___________ near the

East Lake.

A. missing; playing B. missing; play C. missed; played D. missed; to


简析:选A。该题译为“那个丢失的小男孩最后一次被看见时正在东湖边玩耍。”“missing”表示“丢失的”,see sb .do

sth.表示“看见某人做了某事”,see sb. doing


2.(NMET 1999)You should make it a rule to leave things ___________

you can find them again.

A. when B. where C. then D. there

简析:选B。本题考查副词when和where的使用,也涉及表示时间的then和表示地点的there。题干中to leave

things和find them


3.(2000年春季高考)All the preparations for the task ___________,and we’re

ready to start.

A. completed B. complete C. had been completed D. have been




4.(2000年春季高考)These wild flowers are so special I would do

___________ I can to save them.

A. whatever B. that C. which D. whichever

简析:选A。全句意为“这些野花如此奇特,我要尽我所能来挽救它们。”宾语从句“whatever I can


save them”作目的状语。故选A。

5.(NMET 2000)-What about having a drink?


A. Good idea B. Help yourself C. Go ahead, please D. Me, too


Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision

Grammar revision

Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process

of the integration between the teacher and the ss

Teaching Crux: 1) SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2) Teacher’s further explanation and supplement

Teaching materials & focuses:

Unit 8 sports

1. stand for 代表

e.g. (1) P.O. stands for Post Office. 字母P.O.代表Post Office.

(2) P.R.C. stands for the People’s Republic of China.


引申: Stand 站立,使直立(如stand the ladder against the wall)位于,矗立(An old oak

tree once stood here.);(用于否定,疑问句)忍受,经受 (I can’t stand his brother.

我受不了他的兄弟。) I can’t stand people interrupting all the


Stand by 袖手旁观,待命, stand out 出色,杰出,显眼,突出

Four points stand out as being more important than the rest .


She is the sort of person who stands out in a crowd. 她是那种在人群中很显眼的人。

2. would rather 宁愿

宁愿做某事  would rather do sth.  prefer to do sth.

宁愿不做某事 would rather not do sth. prefer not to do sth.


       would rather do sth. than do sth. prefer doing sth. to doing


3. every four years每四年

every 与数词或other,few等连用,表示时间或空间的间隔,其几个主要结构如下:


Take the medicine every six hours. 每隔6小时吃一次药。


He comes to see his uncle every third week. 他每三个星期来看望他叔叔一次。

(3)every +other+单数名词,“每隔一……”

Write on every other line.请隔行写。

(4)every +few+复数名词,“每隔几……”

Trees should be planted every few metres.


4. compete v.竞争,比得上;比赛

compete in(a game,a match)参加compete with/against sb.和某人竞争compete

for(a prize,a medal,the first place)角逐

词形变化:competition n.竞争;比赛,竞赛

competitor n.竞争者,竞争对手

5. .in modern times


in ancient times在古代 in modern times在现代

e.g. (1) Times have changed,and we shouldn’t fall behind them.


(2) She didn’t understand the spirit of the times. 她不理解那个时代的精神。


in Shakespeare’s time(在莎士比亚时代)

6. rank vt, vi 1)分类;分等级 2)整齐排列

This town ranks high among beauty spots. 这城市在风景区中享有盛名。

cups ranked neatly on the shelf 杯子整齐地排列在架子上

n 1)等级 the rank of general 将军衔2)社会地位 3)列;排;行列

people of all ranks 各阶层人民

a taxi rank 一列出租车

Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision

Grammar revision

Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process

of the integration between the teacher and the ss

Teaching Crux: 1) SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2) Teacher’s further explanation and supplement

Teaching materials & focuses:

7. 词语辨析

(一)game, match, contest, competition


e. g. Let’s play a game of chess. 咱们来下盘棋吧!

Football is a game that does not interest me. 足球是我不感兴趣的一种运动。

Olympic Games/Asian Games奥运会/亚运会



e. g. They won the match. 他们赢得了比赛。

They played a football match against another school.



e. g. Mary won the speech contest. 玛丽在演讲赛中获胜。

She took the second place in the beauty contest. 她在选美赛中得了第二名。


e. g. They were in competition with each other for the prize.


(二)sports, game, exercise



e. g. He was fond of all kinds of sports, especially badminton.


Hockey, volleyball, football and tennis are all sports.


The school sports were put off. 学校运动会延期了。


Children play games-tag, marbles, hide-and-seek and many others.


We watched the football match/game on TV. 我们在电视上看了足球比赛。

How won the first two games but lost the third.



e. g. Walking, running, rowing and horse riding are all healthy

forms of exercise. 散步、跑步、划船和赛马都是有益健康的运动。

Every morning, we see many old people doing morning exercises.


(三)beat, defeat, win, earn

1)beat, defeat都表示在战斗中或竞赛中“战胜、打败(对手)”,后接竞争对手,可以互换。

e. g. beat the competitor/the country/the team…打败对手/国家/那个队……

I can beat/defeat you at swimming. 我游泳比得过你。

He was defeated/beaten at chess. 他棋下输了。


By her hard work, she won herself a place on the school team.


Our team won the game. 我们队获胜了。

His poem won the first prize of ten dollars. 他的诗获得了10美元的一等奖。


He earned 100 dollars a day. 他一天挣100美元。

He earned the admiration of the world by his working hard for the

world peace. 他为世界和平努力工作,博得了全世界的赞誉。

(四)gold, golden


e. g. All that glitters is not gold. 发光的未必都是金子。

In Barcelona the Chinese team got 16 gold medals. 在巴塞罗那,中国队获得了16块金牌。


e. g. The child has blue eyes and golden hair. 那孩子长着碧眼金发。

Good health can make old age the golden years of your life.


(五)join, take part in, attend, join in, join sb. in sth.


e. g. He joined the Party in 1980. 他是1980年入党的。

Many of them have joined the army. 他们很多人都参军了。

(2)join in表示“参加某种活动”,in可为介词,可为副词。作介词时,此短语可用join代替。

Eight million people joined in the battle against drought.


They danced and danced until a lot of us joined in.


(3)join sb. in sth. /doing sth. 表示“参加某人所从事的活动”。

Come and join us in the game. 来和我们一起做游戏吧。

All the family join me in wishing you a happy future. 全家人和我一道祝你将来幸福。

(4)take part in指“参加群众性活动、会议”等多用于正式场合,比join郑重。

We all take an active part in extracurricular activities.


I took part in the game. 我们参加了比赛。

(5)attend “参加”着重指“到场,出席(会议、典礼、仪式等)”。

She is sure to attend the wedding. 她一定会去参加婚礼。

He decided to attend the meeting himself. 他决定亲自赴会。

Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision

Grammar revision

Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process

of the integration between the teacher and the ss

Teaching Crux: 1) SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2) Teacher’s further explanation and supplement

Teaching materials & focuses:



1. I prefer doing to talk.

简析:talk改为talking。因“prefer+n. /doing to+n. /doing”为固定用法。

2. We often write an English competition every the other week.

简析:去掉the。因every other day(week, month, year…)中,other前不能带the,习惯表达。

3. Sport can keep us healthy.


4. This is the book in which I spent 25 yuan.

简析:in改为on。因spend…on sth. , spend…(in) doing为习惯搭配。

5. Would you like to join us for the game.

简析:for改为in,因join sb. in sth. 为固定搭配。

6. He has won a medal to his great success.

简析:to改为for,因表示“因……而获奖牌”,常用“win a medal for sth. 或receive a medal for

sth. ”。

7. The five rings linked together also mean friendship or peace all

over the world.


8. The Olympic Games is held every four years.

简析:is改为are。因the Olympic Games作主语,谓语动词应用复数。

9. That was a very excited match.



1. (NMET 1998)They ___________ the train until it disappeared in the


A. saw B. watched C. noticed D. observed


2. (上海2000)They’re not very good, but we like ___________.

A. anyway to play basketball with them B. to play basketball with

them anyway

C. to play with them basketball anyway D. with them to play

basketball anyway

简析:本题考查英语句子语序,to play basketball with


3. (上海2003)An accident happened at ___________ crossroads a few

metres away from ___________ bank.

A. a; a B. /; a C. /; the D. the; /


4. (上海2000)The gentleman ___________ you told me yesterday proved to

be a thief.

A. who B. about whom C. whom D. with whom

简析:tell sb. of/about sth. “向某人讲述某事”。本题考查“介词+关系代词”引导定语从句。故选B。

Unit 9 Technology

1. turn …inside out:里面翻到外面。彻底地。一般用作状语

He often wears his sweater inside out 他经常翻穿球衫

The new manager turned the old systems inside out. 经理对旧体制进行了彻底的改革。

2. I should be home in about ten minutes.

should 在本句中用来表示一种可能性,相当于 will probably 一般用于对事实的一种比较有把握的判断(多用在将来时)。

例如: - When will I take my photos? 我什么时候取照片?

  - It should be ready at 12 o'clock. 应该 12 点钟会好的。

  The plane should be late for at least half an hour in such bad

weather. 在这样糟的天气里,飞机应该可能会迟到至少半个小时。

  He has worked on the book for seven days, he should have finished

it now. 他弄这本书已有 7 天了,到现在为止应该已经完成了。

She should be here any minute. 她该马上就到。

Dinner should be ready by now. 此刻晚饭应该做好了。

in about ten minutes [用法]大约十分钟以后,主要用于将来时间

1. throughout,all over,all through 三者都有“遍及,贯穿”之意,但在用法上有所不同。


The news spread throughout the country. 这个消息传遍了全国。

It rained throughout the night. 雨下了整整一夜。


The room is painted throughout. 这屋子全部油漆一新。

The boy remained silent throughout. 那男孩始终保持沉默。

(2)all over意为“在(遍及)……的各部分”,只接表示地点的名词。

Computers will be used more and more in the future all over the

world. 将来全世界要越来越多的使用电脑。

The disease spread all over the country. 疾病在全国蔓延开了。

all over作副词,意思为“到处都是、全部结束”。

He is wet all over. 他浑身湿透了。

The war was all over. 战争彻底结束了。

(3)all through意思为“在整个……期间”,后面接表示时间的名词。

e.g. Some cold-blooded animals hibernate all through the winter.


2. add v.加;增加;加起来;又说,补充

If the tea is too strong,add some more hot water. 如果茶太浓,再加点开水。

May I add a point? 我可以补充一点意见吗?

add to 增加add…to…加,往……添加……

His illness added to the family’s trouble. 他的病给家里增加了负担。

Will you add more sugar to your coffee? 你的咖啡要多加些糖吗?

Three added to four is seven. 3加4等于7。

add up合计,加起来

These figures don’t add up right. 这些数字加起来不对。

add up to总共有,总计达

His whole school education added up to no more than one year.


3. remind v.使(人)想起,使记起,提醒

remind sb.of/ about…使(人)想起……

He reminds me of his father. 看到他使我想起他的父亲。

remind sb.to do…使人想做……,提醒某人做……

I reminded him to work hard.我提醒他要用功。

Remind sb.that…使人想起,提醒,警告

She reminded me that I hadn’t watered the flowers. 她提醒我还没有浇花。

4. in case of…在……情形时,万一……;如果

e.g. (1) In case of fire,call 119. 倘若有火灾,就打119电话。

in case在……的情况下,万一……的话;以防,免得;

in case后接从句时,从句中的谓语动词常用一般现在时态,偶尔也要should+v.

In case anything important happens,please call me up.


Take your umbrella,in case it should rain. 带伞去吧,以防下雨。

in case还可作副词用,意为“以防万一,免得”。

You’d better carry some money in case. 你最好带些钱,以防万一。

in any case无论如何,反正,不管怎样

In any case,do your best. 无论如何,要尽力而为。

in no case绝不,在任何情形下都不

In no case should you give up. 你绝不应该放弃。(放在句首时倒装)

in the case of介词短语,意为“就……来说”“至于……”。

In the case of the forest program, we leave it for further


in all/most/particular cases 在任何/大多数/特殊情况下

in the present/the worst/this/that/possible case


In the present case, what we should do is just waiting.

5. wh-ever的用法归纳

whatever, whichever, whoever,

whomever可以引导名词性从句,也可以引导让步状语从句,引导让步状语从句时,可以换成no matter


Take whatever you want.(宾语从句) 你可以拿你想要的任何东西。

Whoever breaks the law should be punished.(主语从句) 不管谁违反了法律都应受到惩罚。

We will complete the work on time, no matter what happens.(状语从句)

=Whatever happens, we will complete the work on time.


Whenever he goes abroad, he will buy presents for his sister. =No

matter when he goes abroad,… 不论何时出国,他都为她的妹妹买些礼物。


However cold it was, he wanted to go swimming. 不管天气多么冷,他都想去游泳。

6. take over 接管;接受

When he retired, his eldest son took over the farm. 他退休后,他的长子接管了农场.

Take 其他搭配:

took an interest; take action to do, take time, take your time,

take apart 拆开;take down 拆掉,拆除,写下;

take in 收留, 欺骗,蒙骗, (take sth in)吸收,改小,Take out 带某人出去,切除(身体一部分);

He was homeless, so we took him in. 他无家可归,所以我们收留了他。

Don’t be taken in by his charm-he’s ruthless. 别被他迷人的风度骗了,其实他冷酷无情。

Fish take in oxygen through their gills. 鱼用鳃吸入氧气。

Take off 起飞,迅速流行,取消,脱掉

Take on 呈现,承担,接纳(乘客)

The chameleon can take on the colors of its background.


We’re not taking on any new clients at present. 我们目前不接受新客户。

Take up 占用时间,地方等;开始从事,继续(他人未完成的事)

The table takes up too much room. 桌子占太多地方。

I won’t take up any more of your time. 我不想再占用你们的时间了。

They’ve taken up golf.他们学起打高尔夫球来了。

He takes up his duties next week. 他下周就要履行职责。

She took up the story where Tim had left off. 她接着讲Tim 未讲完的故事。

7. They have to repair machines when they break down.

. break down 1) 破坏;拆散 2) 失败;破裂 3) 精神崩溃;失去控制 4)(机器)损坏 5) 起化学变化

Chemicals in the body break our food down into useful substances.


The peace talks are said to have broken down. (喻)据说和谈破裂了。

Our truck broke down outside town. 我们的卡车在城外抛锚了。

The car broke down halfway to the destination.汽车在到达目的地的中途抛锚了。

He broke down and wept. 他不禁失声痛哭。

Food is broken down by chemicals. 化学物质引起食物转化

Break 其他搭配:break in 破门而入, 插话, break into 破门而入;break away from 脱离

break off 断开,折断; 中断,停顿;

The back section of the plane had broken off.飞机尾部脱落了。

He broke off in the middle of the sentence. 他一句话说了一半就不说了。

break out 爆发

break through 突破,冲破,战胜

Scientists think they are beginning to break through in the fight

against cancer.

Demonstrators broke through the police cordon.示威群众冲破了警方的警戒线。

He had finally managed to break through her reserve.他终于设法消除了她的拘谨。

break up 粉碎,破碎,拆开,打散

The ship broke up on the rocks. 船触礁撞碎了。

Sentences can be broken up into clauses. 句子可以分成从句。

break up (with sb)绝交: She’s just broken up with her boyfriend.

7. come up with 提出;提供;想出;赶上

Scientists will have to come up with new methods of increasing the

world s food supply.


He walked so fast that I couldn’ t come up with him.

8. succeedvi. 成功 vt.接续;继承

He succeeded in getting the job. 他谋得了那份工作。

The millionaire s eldest son will succeed to his


The storm was succeeded by calm. 暴风雨后一片宁静。

9. in the future将来:未来 in future以后;今后=for the future

Who knows what will happen in the future?谁知道将来会发生什么?

I will study hard in future.我今后要努力学习

6. (一)单句改错

1.Why not to come to our home for the party?

简析:去掉come前的to。Why not do sth.?是表示建议的常用句型,not后跟动词原形,也可用Why don’t you

do sth.?

2.Swimming is a great fun.


3.Computers can be used to doing a lot of things.

简析:将doing改为do。be used


4.She gave me a lot of valuable advices.


5.The title boy didn’t dare crossing the street by himself.

简析:将crossing改为to cross。dare作行为动词,后接不定式作宾语。

6.Mr Green’s family are going to London on the holiday.

简析:on改为for。因“go to somewhere for the (one’s )



1.The motorbike is so nice.I think it costs ___________ ten thousand


A. in the least B. at most C. no more than D. at least

简析:答案选D。根据题意,应用at least表示“至少值一万元”。

2.___________ we do must be in the interests of the people.

A. However B. No matter how C. Whatever D. No matter what

简析:选C。“No matter…”只能引导让步状语从句而whatever引导名词性从句也可引导让步状语从句。

3.His words remind me ___________ we did during the summer vacation?

A. that B. of that C. of what D. what

简析:选C。remind sb. of


4.He practised speaking English with the teacher and his classmates

___________ possible.

A. where B. whatever C. whenever D. whichever

简析:选C。本题意思是“每当可能的时候,他总会与老师及同学们一起练习讲英语”。whenever“无论何时”=no matter

when,引导让步状语从句。本句中的“whenever possible”是whenever it is possible的省略形式。

5.Sometimes grass ___________ paper.

A. is used to making B. used to make C. is used to make D. used for


简析:选C。因be used to do sth. 意为“被用于做某事”,本句还可写为:Sometimes grass is used

for making paper。

6. There are _____ five people in my family. They are my

grandparents, my parents and I.

A. as many B. more than C. not more than D. no more than

简析:选D。not more than意为“不足、少于”;not more than意为“仅仅,正好”;more



1.(NMET 2000,6)-What about having a drink?


A. Good idea B. Help yourself C. Go ahead, please D. Me, too

简析:选A。对别人的提议表示赞成,为Good idea或That’s a good idea。

2.(2000春招)John may phone tonight. I don’t want to go out ___________

he phones.

A. as long as B. in order that C. in case D. so that


3.(NMET 2000)I don’t think I’ll need any money but I’ll bring some


A. at last B. in case C. once again D. in time


4. (NMET 2001,春招)A new cinema ___________ here. They hope to finish

it next month.

A. will be built B. is built C. has been built D. is being built


Unit 10 The world around us

1. cut down 砍倒,减少,降低,缩短

The little boy cut down the young tree with an axe.

The doctor told me to cut down on drinking.

Cut 其他搭配:

cut off 砍掉,切掉

引申:cut across/through 取捷径;走近路

cut back 剪枝;修剪 减少;缩小;削减

to cut back on industrial production 缩减工业生产

cut in 插嘴, 超车抢挡;(突然)插入

Don't cut in while I'm talking. 我说话时别插嘴。

to cut in on a queue  加塞儿

cut off 中断,切掉,砍掉,使与外界隔绝(be cut off from )

cut out 剪下;删除;

to cut out smoking 戒烟

cut up 切碎 使受苦

Jean was really cut up when her husband left her. 在丈夫抛弃她之后,简痛苦极了。

2. die out 死绝;消失,消灭

That custom died out years ago. 那种风俗许多年前就消失了。

The lights died out suddenly. 灯突然熄灭了。

die of/from 因……而死

She died of cancer/old age. 她死于癌症(终享天年)。

die from overwork/a wound操劳过度(受伤)而死

die away(声音、光线、风等)渐弱,渐息

The sound of their laughter died away. 她们的笑声渐渐消失了。

Die down 逐渐变弱,逐渐平息

The flames finally died down. 火焰越来越小,最后熄灭了。


die young/happy英年早逝(含笑九泉)

be dying for(口语)渴望……,很想……

He was dying for a drink. 他很渴望喝点酒。

3. adapt v. 使……适应,使……适合adapt oneself to适应…… adapt sth. to sth.

使…….适应……. adapted adj.适合……的;改编成……的

He couldn’t adapt his way of life to the company. 他的生活方式无法适应公司(的要求)。

He is quick to adapt(himself)to new circumstances. 他很会适应新环境。

The play is adapted from a novel. 这是一部由小说改编成的戏剧。

4. the other day,some day,one day,another day

(1)the other day“几天前”(a few days ago)指过去,只能用于过去时态。

The other day I met Mary in the street. 几天前,我在街上碰上玛丽了。

(2)some day“总有一天,某一天”指将来,通常只用于一般将来时或过去将来时,可与one day替换。

We are going to visit the museum some day/one day next week.


(3)one day“某一天,有一天”,可指过去的某一天,也可指将来的某一天(指将来的某一天可与some day互换。)

One day you will be punished. 总有一天你会受到惩罚的。

One day I saw a beggar walking along the street. 有一天我看见一个乞丐沿着大街行走。

(4)another day “改天”,指将来的一天。

I will see you again another day. 我改天会再来看你的。

5. devote vt.奉献

devote sth. / oneself to 致力于,把……奉献给

He has devoted his whole life to science.他把一生都奉献给了科学事业。

I don’t think it worthwhile to devote so much time to discussing the



形容词devoted 意思有两种



e.g. a devoted son, mother, father

The newly married couple next door to us are devoted to sports.

The magazine is devoted to science.



1. At the present, we don’t have any trouble in solving the


简析:去掉第一个the, 或在present后加time。

at present是固定短语,意为“现在、目前”。也可用at the present time 来表示。

2. Too much of the deer in the country have been killed.

简析:将much改为many。too much后接的是不可数名词。too many后接可数名词。句中的deer是可数名词,其单复数同形。

3. The sun was disappeared behind the cloud.


4. Some day, I saw some foreign visitors in the park.

简析:把Some改为One。some day和one


5. There used to have an old temple in the village.

简析:把have改为be。used to用于there be结构中,即There used to be…意为“过去有……”。


1. (1999 上海)My parents always let me have my own ______ of living.

A. way B. method C. manner D. fashion

简析:答案为A。have one’s own way of doing sth. 是习惯用法,意为“有自己做某事的方法”。

2. (NMET 1998)-Can you come on Monday or Tuesday?

-I’m afraid ___________day is possible.

A. either B. neither C. some D. any


前句提到Monday or Tuesday, 意为在两者之中选择,故可排除C、D两项。后文用I’m


3. (2002 北京)All the people ___________ at the party were his


A. present B. thankful C. interested D. important



4. (NMET 2000)-Is John coming by train?

-He should, but he___________ not. He likes driving his car.

A. must B. can C. need D. may

简析:答案为D。must not意为“禁止,不许”;need not意为“不必”;can表推测多用于否定、疑问句中,但can

not表“不可能”,与句意不符。只有may not表示“有可能”。

Unit 11 The Sound of The World

Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision

Grammar revision

Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process

of the integration between the teacher and the ss

Teaching Crux: 1) SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2) Teacher’s further explanation and supplement

Teaching materials & focuses:

1. Practice. vi/vt 实践;练习 practise doing sth 练习做某事

practice n. 练习;实践 eg. Practice makes perfect.(熟能生巧)put …into

practice 付诸实践;

practical a. 实际的;实用的

practiced a. 熟练的;精通的

2. What do you have in mind?你心里在想什么?

have sth./sb,in mind意为心中想着(某人/某事)’含 mind的短语有:chang one’s

mind“改变主意”;be in one’s mind有……的想法、想念”;have/there is sth on one’s

mind有……心事”;keep in mind记住:make up one’s mind“打定主意.read one’s

mind“看出……的心事,知道……在想什么”;。out of sight,out of mind “眼不见为净”等.

mind还可作动词,意为“当心,介意,注意,照看”等 例如:

Mind your own business少管闲事

Mind your manners.