人教版高一unit22 A world of fun的所有教案

发布时间:2016-1-9 编辑:互联网 手机版

第15周 星 期 六 6 月 4 日 总 第 课 时

课 题 Unit 22 A world of fun

Warming up and listening, speaking

目 的

要 求 Let students know something about amusement park

Enable students to talk about entertainment places.

Enable the students to ask and give directions.

重 点

难 点 How to talk about entertainment places?

How to ask directions in real life?


Step1. Dictation

1. successful 2. disadvantage 3. comfort 4. conduct 5. charge

6. control 7. pick out 8. unnecessary 9. application 10. a number of

11. doubt 12. conclusion 13. experiment 14. sense 15. electric

16. a great deal of 17. cruel 18. shock 19. prove 20. test on

Step2. Warming up

1. Make a brief introduction of amusement park.



主题公园(theme park)--所有的缆车、吸引物、表演和建筑都围绕着一个或一组中心主题的娱乐公园。例如迪斯尼乐园(Disneyland)、六旗公园(Six Flag Parks)。

传统公园(traditional par,)--强调缆车游戏,而且没有给吸引物赋予主题的娱乐公园。

电车公园(Trolley park)--以创建于19世纪末和20世纪初为代表的,由路面电车公司为了招揽周末业务而建造的娱乐公园。

2. Ask some questions.

(1) Could you please describe the pictures in the text?

A. a roller-coaster

B. a person bungee-jumping

C. a free-fall ride

D. an audience watching a scary film

(2). Where can you take these activities?

In amusement parks.

(3). Have you tried any of these things?

(4). Would you like to have a try if you have the chance? Why or why not?

3. Fill the charm

Activity Reasons for like Reasons for dislike

Roller-coaster rides Very fast and thrilling to ride Too fast, scary and maybe unsafe

Bungee jumping Feels like flying and thrilling Too high, scary and maybe dangerous

Free-fall rides Feeling of falling fast, thrilling Feeling of losing control, scary, too high

Scary films Suspenseful, exciting Too scary, have bad dreams later

Step3. Listening

1. Learn some new words in the listening materials.

representatives museums and exhibitions

represent environmental protection


2. Listen to the tape

3. Check the answers

Step4. Speaking

Step5. Homework

1. 复习15,16两单元

2. 完成13-16单元的练习卷

3. 预习22单元阅读

4. 巩固13-16单元的单词

第16周 星 期 五 6 月 10 日 总 第 课 时

课 题 Reading

Theme parks

目 的

要 求 Enable the students to tell theme parks from traditional amusement parks and give the reasons why theme parks are so popular.

重 点

难 点 Help the students further understand the passage and finish the relevant tasks correctly.


Step1. Lead in.

1.Show a short play of Donald Duck.

Before we go into the text, we will enjoy a short play.

And after watching the play, you have to answer one question.

2.Ask some information about the short play.

Are you familiar with the characters in the play?

Who are they?

Donald Duck

Do you know his partner, another famous character?

Mickey Mouse

Where can you see them? In which park?


What kind of park Disneyland is?

Theme park

3. Revision. (Show some pictures)

What can you see in a theme park? We have talked something about it in warming up?

Free fall ride, roller coaster, bungee jumping, rafting, rock climbing, scary film

Do you want to play those games?

Then welcome to theme park, and let’s enjoy it.

Step2. Reading

1. Listen to the tape, and do “ T” or “F” questions.

(1). At the World Park in China, visitors can look at buildings, castles and the statues from more than 100 countries.( )

(2). At the China Ethnic Culture Park, people can learn about the customs, costumes, and the culture of China’s fifty-five minorities.( )

(3). People to Ocean Park will find all the rides and attractions in most parks, but they will also find many opportunities to learn about life in the ocean.( )

(4). Having enjoyed the rides at the Lowland, visitors can take the shuttle to the Headland.( )

(5). Ocean Park has a conservation center that helps protect marine animals and their habitats in the rivers and coastal waters of America.( )

(6). Ocean Park is divided into two sections.( )

(7). Theme parks are becoming more advanced and new technology allows us to experience almost anything without being in danger or risking injury.( )

2. Answer some questions according to the text.

(1). What is a theme park?

(2). How many theme parks are mentioned in the text? What are they?

(3). What do they all have in common?

(4). Why do people come to theme parks?Here is a charm after answering all the questions.

Theme parks

Definition: a collection of rides, exhibitions and other attractions that are based on a common theme.

Para1. World Park buildings, castles and statues

In china

Ethnic Culture Park customs, costumes, culture

Para2. In HK Ocean Park life in the ocean, enjoy the rides

explore the past, examine dinosaur

Para3. Disneyland Mickey and his friends, enjoy rides and game

In the USA

Universal Studios like stepping into your world of your favorite movies

Para4. New theme parks more advanced

4. Summary of the text

Filling the blanks,

Step 3 Homework

(1). Dictation

(2) Word study

(3). Vocabulary

(4). 复习17单元

第17周 星 期 一 6 月 13 日 总 第 课 时

课 题 Unit 22 Reading

目 的

要 求 Learn the important language points in the text.

重 点

难 点 1. be based on 以……为根据

2.what 所…… 引导主语从句,在从句中作宾语

that引导主语从句,没有意义, 引导表语从句,that不能省略,引导宾语从句,


Step1. Dictation

1. attraction 2. collection 3. cartoon 4. thrill 5. minority

6. amusement 7. souvenir 8. castle 9. costume 10. giant

Step2. Explain the language points in the text.

2. be based on 以……为根据

e.g. The play is based on a novel of the same name.

3. What they all have in common is that they combine fun with the opportunity to learn something.

(1) 句子前半部分what they all have in common 是一个以what引导的主语从句,后半部分that they combine fun with the opportunity to learn something是一个以that引导的表语从句。

_________he said/ did is very important. ( What)

_________he will come has been decided. (That/ When)

_________ he will come has not been decided. (Whether / When)

what 所…… 引导主语从句,在从句中作宾语

that引导主语从句,没有意义, 引导表语从句,that不能省略,引导宾语从句,that可以省略。

(2). combine …with… 把……和……结合起来

e.g. We should combine hard-work with methods on study.

4. divide …..into

e.g. We are divided into six groups.

I will divide you into six groups.

Step3 Homework

1. Dictation 2. Grammar

3. review Unit 17

4. 优化学习

第17周 星 期 二 6 月 14 日 总 第 课 时

课 题 Unit 22 check exercise

目 的

要 求 Improve the ability of using words in the sentence.

Review the important words and expressions.

重 点

难 点 Attraction, collection, thrill, educate, risk

Base...on, admire…for, it seems that…


Step1. Dictation

1. divide 2. injury 3. entertainment 4. conservation 5. section

6. butterfly 7. educate 8. coastal 9. shuttle 10. risk


1. How are theme parks different from traditional amusement parks?

Theme parks offer a larger variety of attractions and may teach something. They have special celebrations and kinds of food to eat. The admission charge is also much more expensive.

2. Why are theme parks so popular?

People want more than just fun.

People want to learn something when they visit a park.

Theme parks show us the world and teach us about nature.

3. What do people do at theme parks besides looking at exhibitions?

People go on rides, eat, watch others, and just relax.

Step2. Word study

Check the answer together.

Step3. Vocabulary

Check the answer together.

Step4. Homework

1. Dictation.

2. Grammar

3. review unit 18.

第17周 星 期 三 6 月 15 日 总 第 课 时

课 题 Unit 22 Grammar

目 的

要 求 Learn the usage of the –ing form(3) as Adverbial.

Enable the students to learn –ing form as adverbial in reading and writing.

Help students learn how to use –ing form as adverbial.

重 点

难 点 The –ing Form (3) used as adverbial.

Help students to master the usage of the –ing form used as adverbial.


Step1. Dictation

1. helicopter 2. twist 3. designer 4. endless 5. handbag

6. imagination 7. carve 8. rocket 9. cut off 10. civilization

11. achievement 12. prevent 13. darkness 14. homesick

Step2. Grammar


非 2. 宾语

谓 3. 表语 (1)动词 –ing作表语表示“令人……”(2)表示抽象的习惯性动作

语 4. 定语 后置/前置定语,表示主动关系或正在进行

5. 宾补 某些感官动词

6. 状语

-ing分词不能作谓语 doing having done

-ing分词的形式 not not

being done having been done


状语 原因 句前

伴随 句后,一般用逗号隔开

1. 1) 相当于 as soon as 表示动作紧跟着发生;前后主语必须一致

时间 2) when / while

3) after

e.g. 1) As soon as he heard the news, he cried.

(On) Hearing the news, he cried.

As soon as the bell rang, the students rush out. 主语不一致,不能转换

2) When he played football, he had his left leg broken.

When playing football, he had his left leg broken.

While he was cooking in the kitchen, he heard someone knocking at the door.

While cooking in the kitchen, he heard someone knocking at the door.


3) After he (had) finished his homework, he went swimming.

Having finished his homework, he went swimming.

After finishing his home work, he went swimming.

2. 原因

1). Because he was angry, he couldn’t go to sleep last night.

Being angry, he couldn’t go to sleep.

2) Because he hasn’t received her letter, he write to her again.

Not having received her letter, he write to her again.

3. 伴随

e.g. 1) People go to theme parks, looking for fun.

People go to theme parks to look for fun.

2) The teacher came, laughing and singing.

3) He worked very late, preparing a report.

Step3. Practice

1. Much is done to prevent the failures from ___A__ the environment.

2. Much is done to prevent the environment from ___B____.

A. polluting B. being polluted C. polluted

3. The boy entered the classroom without ____B___ by his teacher.

4. ___A__ from space, the earth looks like a globe.

A. seen B. being seen C. seeing

5. The meeting ____B__ now is very important.

A. holding B. being held C. to be held D. held

6. _____D__ English well, and you’ll find it very important.

7. ____C___ English well is very important to us.

8. ___B____ English well, I bought a dictionary.

9. ____A___ English for three years, he can use it freely.

A. Having learned B. To learn C. Learning D. Learn

Step4. Homework

1. Grammar

2. Dictation Unit 17

3. 优化学习

4. 复习unit 18