人教版高二教学参考Unit 3 Art and architecture

发布时间:2016-7-2 编辑:互联网 手机版

Unit Three Art and architecture


1. taste

【用法一】vt. 尝味

例如:The patient has not tasted food for two days.


【用法二】link v.(连系动词)尝起来(有……味道),吃起来(有……味道)

例1:Good medicine tastes bitter to the mouth. 良药苦口。

例2:This kind of food tastes like beef.这种食品尝起来像是牛肉。


例如:A sick man has little taste for food. 病人吃东西没什么味道。


例如:He has a taste for pop music. 他喜欢流行音乐。


表示五种感官的其它四个词:feel, smell, look, sound

1) feel:①vt. 触,摸,感知;②link v 感觉;③vt. 想;认为 ④n.摸

例1:I failed to feel where the handle was in the dark.


例2:I felt the branch touch my face.


例3:I felt cold that day.


例4:I feel as if it were going to snow.


例5:I feel that we shall win.


例6:I felt the branch touch my face.


2) smell:①n.气味, 臭味, 嗅觉 ②v.嗅, 闻到, 散发(...的)气味, 有(...的)气味

例1:There is a smell of fried chicken in this room.


例2:He smelt the flowers.


例3:They were all hungry and the food smelt good.


例4:I can smell something burning in the kitchen.


3.)look:①n.看, 脸色, 外表 ②vi.看, 好象 ③vt.注视, 用眼神(或脸色)表示, 期待

例1:The teacher told us to look at the blackboard.


例2:That dog looks dangerous.


例3:That looks like an interesting film.


例4:The children were looking for a ball.


例5:Look to it that this doesn't happen again.


4) sound:①n.声音, 听力范围 ②adj.可靠的, 合理的 ③adv.彻底地 ④ vi.听起来

例1:Here in the morning we can often hear the sound of birds singing.


例2:How sweet the music sounds!


例3:This sounds like a fiction.


例4:Your idea sounds a good one.


2. stand


例1:Holding the note in his hand, he stood there still.


例2 : There stands a tall tree. 那里有棵树。


例1:He can’t stand the hot weather. 他不能忍受炎热的天气。

例2:We have stood the test of history. 我们经受住了历史的考验。

【用法三】vi. 处于某种状况或情形

例如:We stand in need of help. 我们需要帮助。


例如:The stands were packed. 看台上座无虚席。


1)stand for 代表;为……而奋斗

例1:CPC stands for the Communist Party of China. CPC表示中国共产党。

例2:We stand for peace. 我们为和平而奋斗。

2)stand up 站起,站立

stand aside 站到一边

stand by sb. 支持某人

stand by袖手旁观

3. construct vt. 建筑,建立,修建,制造

例1:They are constructing a bridge over the river.


例2:Please construct a sentence with the word.



constructor n. 建造者,建设者

例如:They are ship constructors.他们是造船师。

construction. n. [U]施工,建设

例如:The new library is under construction. 新图书馆正在施工。

constructive adj. 建设性的,积极的

例如:He made a constructive suggestion. 他提出了一个建设性有建议。

4. despite pre. (= in spite of) 不管,尽管

例如:Despite what she says, we’ll go there. 不管她说什么, 我们都要去那儿。

易错辨析:though, although, as 区别

despite (in spite of) 是介词,后面只能跟名词、动名词或代词;

though/ although 为从属连词,后面接从句


例1:Though/Although it is raining, we won’t give up our work.


上面的句子也可改写成:Despite/In spite of the rain, we won’t give up our work.

例2:Old as he is, he still works hard. 尽管他年纪大了,但仍然工作努力。

5. work

【用法一】n. [U]工作,事情

例如:Are you fond of hard work? 你喜欢费力的工作吗?


例1:It was rather difficult to find work then. 那时找工作相当难。

例2:His father was out of work.他父亲失业了。

【用法三】n. [U] 制造品,工艺品

例1:What a beautiful piece of work! 多美的一件工艺品!

例2:The villagers sell their work to the tourists. 村民们把他们的工艺品卖给游览的人。


例如:Lu Xun’s works have been translated into many languages.


【用法五】works 工厂

例如:The glass works was set up in 1987.玻璃厂建于1987年。


【用法六】vi 起作用,生效

例1:I was beginning to think that the experiment wouldn’t work.我开始认为实验不灵。

例2:Does animal testing work? 动物实验有效吗?



work (hard) at (努力)学习,从事于

work on 忙于,从事于

(work on 与 work at的区别见本册第一单元)

work out 算出,制定出

be at work 在工作,(机器等)在运转

out of work失业

易错辨析:1) work 与job


例1:It is easy for her to get a job.


例2:It was so hard for him to find work as he was disabled.



1.go against


例如:It goes against my principles. 这与我的主张相反。


例如:She went against her mother’s wishes. 她违背了她母亲的意愿。


例如:The war went against them. 这场战争对他们不利。


例如:WE all go against animal testing. 我们都反对动物试验。


例1:He was leaning against the wall. 他斜靠着墙站。(lean against)

例2:The rain struck against the window. 雨点撞击着窗户。(strike against)

例3:They fought against the enemy.他们抗击着敌人。 (fight against)

例4:What are you against? And what for? 你反对什么?你赞成什么?(be against)

2. act as 担当,担任……(角色);起……作用

例1:A trained dog can act as a guide to a blind man.


例2:He acted as interpreter in the conference.


例3:He used tow light pieces of wood that acted as bones of the skeleton.



1). act as if 假装好象,装作……样子

例如:He acted as if he were smoking. 他装作在抽烟的样子。

2.)act out 表演

例如:Let’s act out the story of the Three Bears once more.


3) act the part of (= play the role of)扮演……角色

例如:In the play he acted the part of the king. 他在剧中扮演国王。

4) act for 代理

例如:AS the chairman is ill, I’m asking Mr Sharp to act for him.


易错辨析:act as 与act like

请比较:He acts as father. 他充当父亲的角色。(担当起了父亲的责任)

He acts like a father. 他表现得象位父亲。(他不是父亲,也没有担当父亲的职责)

3. belong to


例如:The dictionary belongs to me. 词典是我的。


例如:China belongs to the third world. 中国属于三世界。


belongings (个人所有的)财产或东西(常用复数形式)

例如:It didn’t take me long to arrange my belongings. 整理行李没花我多少时间。


判断:The USA and Japan are belongings to the developed countries. (误)


(belong 和to不能分开来用,并且没有被动语态和进行时态。)

4. join…to… 把……和……连接起来 (被动式:be joined to …)

例1:South America is joined to North America and only a narrow strait separates North America from Asia. 南美洲的北美洲是连在一起的,北美洲和亚洲只相隔一条狭窄的海峡。

例2:He completely joined one pipe to the other.



join up 联合,连接好

例如:Where do the two roads join up?两条路在哪交汇?

join in 参加,加入

例如:I would rather not join in the discussion.人宁愿不加入到讨论中。





例如:A good student must connect what he reads with what he sees around him. 我优秀学生必须把他所读到的东西与他所身边见到的东西联系起来。

2)join与join in

两者都有“加入”的意思,但join是表示“成为(某一团体或组织中的)一员”,面join in表示“加入到(某一活动中)”和take part in 相类似。

例如:Look! They are playing football. Lets’ join them.


5. set…aside


例如:She set the magazine aside for reading later. 他把那本杂志放到一边准备以后阅读。


例如:Setting aside my wishes in the matter, what would you really like to do?



例如:The government has set aside those laws. 政府已废除那些法律。


1)set about 着手,开始

例如:They set about solving the problem.


2)set down 使坐下;记录,写下

例1:Set the baby down here. 让小孩坐这儿。

例2:We set down the facts.我们记下事实。

3)set off 开始旅程

We are setting off for Europe next week. 下周我们开始欧洲之旅

4)set out着手,开始

例如:He set out to understand why the plan had failed.


5)set up 创立,成立

例1:They were setting up a new machine.


例2:We’ve decided to set up a charity in our city.


易错辨析:set out 与set about

两者有相同的意思“开始,着手”,但set out后要跟不定式,set about后要跟动名词。

例如:Last night he set out to work on his new novel. 昨晚他开始修改他的新小说。

6. save…from… 保全……(以免损失,伤害等)

例如:The PLA man saved the boy from drowning.



save one’s face 留面子

save one’s life 救命

save one’s breath 不必多说,免开尊口

save up 存钱,储蓄


1)protect…from… 保护……免于/不受……

例如:He wears sunglasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight.


2)keep/ stop/ prevent … from 阻止……做……

例如:Who can keep us from getting married now that you are of age?



过去分词做宾语补足语,常构成句型:“S + Vt + O + V-ed”。这里(“S”表示主语,“Vt”即及物动词做谓语,“O”表示宾语)“V-ed”就是宾语补足语,说明宾语的状态,与宾语一起构成复合宾语。此时它前面的宾语就是它的逻辑主语。


1. 做宾语补足语的动词一般为及物动词。

例1:She can’t make herself understood. 她不能表达清楚自己的意思。

例2: We found the door locked. 我们发现门锁了。

2. 如果把过去分词做宾语补足语的句子改成被动句,原宾语补足语变成主语补足语。

例1:We found the door locked.(宾补)

The door was found locked.(主补)

例2:I saw a boy knocked down by a car.(宾补)

The boy was seen knocked down by a car.(主补)

3. have和got 这两个动词之后的宾语补足语经常是过去分词,用来表示这个动作是由别人发出的。试比较:

例1:He wants to have his hair cut. 他等着理发。

He cuts his hair.他自己理发。

例2:She got her tape recorder repaired.她请人把录音机修好了。

She has repaired her tape recorder.她自己把录音机修好了。