人教版Unit3 The land down under-

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Unit3 The land down underReading 1

1. Para1. Modern Australia is made up of six states and two territories.

be made up of=consist of(不用于被动形式) ________________________

A rescue team_____________ doctors, nurses and security experts were sent to Indonesia soon after the Tsunami. 海啸过后,一支由医生、护士和安全人员组成的救援小组被派往印尼。

make up ①_________②________③_________makeup n. ①_________②________③________

make an effort to do…________________________下定决心做_______________________

make a discovery _________________________ 取笑_________________________

make friends with sb. ________________________利用 _________________________

make for ________________________ 做出决定 _________________________

make out _________________________ make sense _________________________

make an attempt to do ________________________make up for______________________

eg. 1.They hurried on to _____________lost time.

2. The old lady was sixty years old and while driving she could hardly_____ the road signs ahead, which made for the severe traffic accident.

A. make up B. make out C. make up for D. make sense

2.Para1. Australia is surrounded by many oceans: the Indian Ocean in the west, the Southern Ocean in the south and the Pacific Ocean in the northeast.

surround vt. ______;_______be surrounded by/with_____________surround…with…_______________

eg. 1). Our village is a beautiful one with green hills ____________it.

2.) __________by the trees, flowers and grass everywhere, our city has taken on a new look.

3). On walking into the classroom, the old man found himself _________by a group of children

3.Para1. Six of the points represent the states and the seventh stands for all the territories. stand for ,represent & on behalf of

⑴ stand for sth (不用于被动语态)

1)为..的缩写形式 PC stands for personal computer.



4)(口语)容允,忍受 =tolerate

⑵ represent vt.

1)represent sb __________________2)represent sth _____,_____,_____=stand for / symbolize

representative n. _____________________________________

⑶ on behalf of sb./ on sb’s behalf=as the representative of or spokesman for sb ____________

eg 我代表我的同事(colleague)以及我自己向你表示谢意.


I will act _____ the director and make the decision in that he is away on business.

A. stands for B. stands out C. on behalf of D .represents

stand out _________________ stand by ___________________

4.Para 2. Some Australia Aborigines still live in a similar way to their ancestors, while others live in cities, towns and the country in the same way as their fellow Australians.

in a similar way ___________in the same way____________与…相似_____________________

While conj.1.当..时候 2.表示转折,对比 3.表示“尽管”, “虽然”(多放在句首)

4.表示“只要” 5.表示“既然”

while n. 一会儿, 时间

1. I’d like to get it settled today while we are at it.

2. Unit 3 is easy, while Unit4 is difficult..while there is life there is hope.“While” can also mean “although” and then is usually placed at the beginning of a sentence.While the parents love the children, they are strict with them.

6. .Never go on or off a bus while it is in motion.

7. .It will be worth your while ,I think, to go and see him.

8. While some of the Aboriginal languages have been lost, people are trying hard to protect and record what is left. Para6.

☆worthwhile值得花时间[精力]的...be worthwhile doing/to do sth.__________________

Para 3. In 1770, Captain James Cook went on a scientific journey and claimed the east coast of the continent for the British Crown. claim vt cf announce make a claim to sth要求得到某物;认领某物

“自称,声称,主张”,后接名词,不定式,从句 claim to do sth.__________________



n. have a claim on sb / have no claim to sth 有(没有)对某人或某物提出要求的权利

lay claim to sth 1)声称对.有所有权 2)(否) lay no claim to自称没有知识,智力,技能等

eg. Her brother_____ to leave her alone in the dark room if she disobeyed his order.

A. declared B. claimed C. threatened D. warned

6. Para3 . As a consequence, the original Australians suffered.

as a consequence_____________

as a consequence of _____________________/as a result of/because of/due to/thanks to/owing to

in consequence _________________ in consequence( of sth )=as a result of _________

He was found guilty and lost her job in consequence.

take /suffer/bear the ~s of one’s action 承担自己行动的后果

consequence-重要性It’s of no consequence. 这无关紧要

7. Para3. .Many Aborigines and Islanders were moved and had their land taken away from them.

have sb do sth._______________ have sb/sth doing____________________

have sth done 1)让别人干某事=get sth done 2)遭受到某种不愉快的事

eg.1) Please have/get your hair____( cut).

2)Last night Mr. Smith had his house______________.(break into, break in)

3)who will the old man have _________(read) the letter to him?

8. Para4. Australia resembleed the USA of the 18th century. 与18世纪的美国很相似

resemble sb/ sth( in sth)(不用进行时)__________________________________

resemblance n. have little/no ~ to the fact 与事实相去甚远/根本不符相似 ,

resemblance between A and B 相象 cf. similarity

9. Para5 After the Second World War, Australia began to transform itself into the modern country as it is today.在第二次世界大战以后,澳大利亚喀什把他自己转变成象今天一样的现代化国家。

⑴transform vt. _________________

transform sth./sb. into________________transform…sth / sb (from A into B)___________________

A fresh coat of paint(房间重新粉刷)can_________ a room.

⑵ transformation n. (外观或性质的)改变,改变或改观

undergo a complete transformation经历或经受(不愉快的或痛苦的事)

⑶ transplant v ~ sth (from A to B ) 移植 n. 组织或器官的移植

transplantation n. (不可数)

⑷ transport 运输⑸ transmit 1.传播(信号,节等)2传达,传染(疾病).⑹ translate

1.Aids is a deadly disease mainly __________ through blood.

2.Last year saw a great change, a complete change of climate which ____________the area from a desert into a swamp(沼泽).

3.The novel, said to __________________ into several languages, sells well.

4.The old man, who had a heart _________operation, is in high spirits.

5.The goods were to ____________________by lorry, but a terrible storm frustrated the plan.

10. Para 6. Australian English differs in pronunciation from British and American English.

differ v.

adj._________ adv._____________ n._______________

A differ (greatly) from B in sth_______________________

A is different from B in sth.________________________

There’s some difference between A and B.________________________

tell the difference between A and B______________________________

eg.The two brothers are like each other in appearance, but differ_____ their tastes.

A. on B. in C. from D. with

reading 2

1. Para 1. Having been separated from other continents for millions of years, Australia has many plants….

☆Having been separated现在分词的完成式作状语,表示动作发生在谓语动作之前,此时分词短语的逻辑主语与主句主语一致。

Eg. ___________________________(经过认真修改后), the composition was handed in.

______________________________(因没完成) the homework assigned by the teacher, he felt nervous when being question.

☆当分词短语与主句的主语 一致时,不能用分词结构作状语,而应用“名词或代词+分词”所构成的独立主格结构图的形式。

_________________________(船严重损坏), the captain decided to abandon it.

2. Para 1.One strange animal lays eggs, yet feeds its young on its milk.

feed… on ___________________feed-back___________________

1) I’m fed up with/bored with/tired of so much work.________________________

2) ____________the lecture given by the professor, some students left the classroom.

A. Tired with B. Fed up with C. Tiring with D. Tiring of

2. Para5The climate is different depending on the area.

depend on/upon ______________

1) 你可以依靠他去做这项工作。_________________________________

2) What waste can be thrown into the sea_______what the matter is .

A. depend on B. depended on C. depends on D. depending on

3)-----Will you come to my son’s wedding?----It______. Maybe I will have something urgent to deal with then.

A. all depends B. all depend C. is all depended D. is all depending

Unit3 The land down underReading 1

1. Para1. Modern Australia is made up of six states and two territories.

be made up of=consist of (不用于被动形式) 由组成

A rescue team made up of doctors, nurses and security experts were sent to Indonesia soon after the Tsunami. 海啸过后,一支由医生、护士和安全人员组成的救援小组被派往印尼。

make up ①组成②化妆 ③编造 makeup n. ①化妆品 ②结构 ③补考

make an effort to do…努力做 下定决心做make up one’s mind to do sth. _

make a discovery做出发现 取笑make fun of

make friends with sb. 与某人交朋友 利用 make use of

make for造成,促成 朝……移动,前进 做出决定 make a decision

make out辨明,看清,理解 make sense 使有意义

make an attempt to do尝试 make up for 弥补

eg. 1.They hurried on to make up for lost time.

2. The old lady was sixty years old and while driving she could hardly_____ the road signs ahead, which made for the severe traffic accident.

A. make up B. make out C. make up for D. make sensePara1. Australia is surrounded by many oceans: the Indian Ocean in the west, the Southern Ocean in the south and the Pacific Ocean in the northeast.

surround vt. 包围,环绕 be surrounded by/with周围都是 surround…with用……把……围住eg. 1). Our village is a beautiful one with green hills surrounding it.

2.)Surrounded by the trees, flowers and grass everywhere, our city has taken on a new look.

3). On walking into the classroom, the old man found himself surroundedby a group of childrenPara1. Six of the points represent the states and the seventh stands for all the territories. stand for ,represent & on behalf of

⑴ stand for sth (不用于被动语态)

1)为..的缩写形式 PC stands for personal computer.



4)(口语)容允,忍受 =tolerate

⑵ represent vt.

1)represent sb作为某人的代表/ 代言人/代理 2)represent sth代表,象征,标志=stand for / symbolize

representative n. 典型,代表,有代表性的人或事

⑶ on behalf of sb./ on sb’s behalf=as the representative of or spokesman for sb 代表某人

eg 我代表我的同事(colleague)以及我自己向你表示谢意.

.On behalf of my colleagues and myself I thank you

I will act _____ the director and make the decision in that he is away on business.

A. stands for B. stands out C. on behalf of D .represents

stand out 明显,醒目,突出,杰出 stand by 支持,袖手旁观

4. Para 2. Some Australia Aborigines still live in a similar way to their ancestors, while others live in cities, towns and the country in the same way as their fellow Australians.

in a similar way 以相类的方式 in the same way以相同的方式 与…相似be similar to

While conj.1.当..时候 2.表示转折,对比 3.表示“尽管”, “虽然”(多放在句首)

4.表示“只要” 5.表示“既然”

while n. 一会儿, 时间

1. I’d like to get it settled today while we are at it.

2. Unit 3 is easy, while Unit4 is difficult..while there is life there is hope.“While” can also mean “although” and then is usually placed at the beginning of a sentence.While the parents love the children, they are strict with them.

6. .Never go on or off a bus while it is in motion.

7. .It will be worth your while ,I think, to go and see him.

8. While some of the Aboriginal languages have been lost, people are trying hard to protect and record what is left. Para6.

☆worthwhile值得花时间[精力]的...be worthwhile doing/to do sth. 值得花时间[精力]

6. Para 3. In 1770, Captain James Cook went on a scientific journey and claimed the east coast of the continent for the British Crown. claim vt cf announce make a claim to sth要求得到某物;认领某物

“自称,声称,主张”,后接名词,不定式,从句 claim to do sth.__________________

他自称在没有帮助的情况下完成了工作。He claimed to have done the work without help.n. have a claim on sb / have no claim to sth 有(没有)对某人或某物提出要求的权利

lay claim to sth 1)声称对.有所有权 2)(否) lay no claim to自称没有知识,智力,技能等

eg. Her brother_____ to leave her alone in the dark room if she disobeyed his order.

A. declared B. claimed C. threatened D. warned

6. Para3 . As a consequence, the original Australians suffered.

as a consequence 因此,结果

as a consequence of 因为……,由于 /as a result of/because of/due to/thanks to/owing to

in consequence 结果 in consequence( of sth )=as a result of _________

He was found guilty and lost her job in consequence.

take /suffer/bear the ~s of one’s action 承担自己行动的后果

consequence-重要性It’s of no consequence. 这无关紧要

7. Para3. .Many Aborigines and Islanders were moved and had their land taken away from them.

have sb do sth._______________ have sb/sth doing____________________

have sth done 1)让别人干某事=get sth done 2)遭受到某种不愉快的事

eg.1) Please have/get your hair cut ( cut).

2)Last night Mr. Smith had his house broken into.(break into, break in)

3)who will the old man have read(read) the letter to him?

8. Para4. Australia resembleed the USA of the 18th century. 与18世纪的美国很相似

resemble sb/ sth( in sth)(不用进行时)与他人或他物(在某方面)相似

resemblance n. have little/no ~ to the fact 与事实相去甚远/根本不符相似 ,

resemblance between A and B 相象 cf. similarity

9. Para5 After the Second World War, Australia began to transform itself into the modern country as it is today.在第二次世界大战以后,澳大利亚喀什把他自己转变成象今天一样的现代化国家。

⑴transform vt. 改变,转变 transform sth./sb. into把.化作/变成

transform…sth / sb (from A into B) 完全改变某事物/某人的外观或特征

A fresh coat of paint(房间重新粉刷)can transform a room.

⑵ transformation n. (外观或性质的)改变,改变或改观

undergo a complete transformation经历或经受(不愉快的或痛苦的事)

⑶ transplant v ~ sth (from A to B ) 移植 n. 组织或器官的移植

transplantation n. (不可数)

⑷ transport 运输⑸ transmit 1.传播(信号,节等)2传达,传染(疾病).⑹ translate

1.Aids is a deadly disease mainly transmitted through blood.

2.Last year saw a great change, a complete change of climate which transformed the area from a desert into a swamp(沼泽).

3.The novel, said to have been translated into several languages, sells well.

4.The old man, who had a heart transplant operation, is in high spirits.

5.The goods were to have been transported_by lorry, but a terrible storm frustrated the plan.

10. Para 6. Australian English differs in pronunciation from British and American English.

differ v.

adj. different adv .differently n.difference

A differ (greatly) from B in sth_______________________

A is different from B in sth.________________________

There’s some difference between A and B.________________________

tell the difference between A and B______________________________

eg.The two brothers are like each other in appearance, but differ_____ their tastes.

A. on B. in C. from D. with

reading 2

2. Para 1. Having been separated from other continents for millions of years, Australia has many plants….

☆Having been separated现在分词的完成式作状语,表示动作发生在谓语动作之前,此时分词短语的逻辑主语与主句主语一致。

Eg. Having been carefully corrected (经过认真修改后), the composition was handed in.

Not having finished (因没完成) the homework assigned by the teacher, he felt nervous when being question.

☆当分词短语与主句的主语 一致时,不能用分词结构作状语,而应用“名词或代词+分词”所构成的独立主格结构图的形式。

The ship badly damaged(船严重损坏), the captain decided to abandon it.

3. Para 1.One strange animal lays eggs, yet feeds its young on its milk.

feed… on 用…喂养 feed-back 反馈

1) I’m fed up with/bored with/tired of so much work.我对这么多工作感到厌烦。

2) ____________the lecture given by the professor, some students left the classroom.

A. Tired with B. Fed up with C. Tiring with D. Tiring of

3. Para5The climate is different depending on the area.

depend on/upon 依赖,依靠,取决于

1) 你可以依靠他去做这项工作。You can depend on him to do the work.

2) What waste can be thrown into the sea_______what the matter is .

A. depend on B. depended on C. depends on D. depending on

3)-----Will you come to my son’s wedding?

----It______. Maybe I will have something urgent to deal with then.

A. all depends B. all depend C. is all depended D. is all depending

Unit3 The land down underReading 1

1. Para1. Modern Australia is made up of six states and two territories.

be made up of=consist of(不用于被动形式) ________________________

A rescue team_____________ doctors, nurses and security experts were sent to Indonesia soon after the Tsunami. 海啸过后,一支由医生、护士和安全人员组成的救援小组被派往印尼。

make up ①_________②________③_________makeup n. ①_________②________③________

make an effort to do…________________________下定决心做_______________________

make a discovery _________________________ 取笑_________________________

make friends with sb. ________________________利用 _________________________

make for ________________________ 做出决定 _________________________

make out _________________________ make sense _________________________

make an attempt to do ________________________make up for______________________

eg. 1.They hurried on to _____________lost time.

2. The old lady was sixty years old and while driving she could hardly_____ the road signs ahead, which made for the severe traffic accident.

A. make up B. make out C. make up for D. make sensePara1. Australia is surrounded by many oceans: the Indian Ocean in the west, the Southern Ocean in the south and the Pacific Ocean in the northeast.

surround vt. ______;_______be surrounded by/with_____________surround…with…_______________

eg. 1). Our village is a beautiful one with green hills ____________it.

2.) __________by the trees, flowers and grass everywhere, our city has taken on a new look.

3). On walking into the classroom, the old man found himself _________by a group of childrenPara1. Six of the points represent the states and the seventh stands for all the territories. stand for ,represent & on behalf of

⑴ stand for sth (不用于被动语态)

1)为..的缩写形式 PC stands for personal computer.



4)(口语)容允,忍受 =tolerate

⑵ represent vt.

1)represent sb __________________2)represent sth _____,_____,_____=stand for / symbolize

representative n. _____________________________________

⑶ on behalf of sb./ on sb’s behalf=as the representative of or spokesman for sb ____________

eg 我代表我的同事(colleague)以及我自己向你表示谢意.


I will act _____ the director and make the decision in that he is away on business.

A. stands for B. stands out C. on behalf of D .represents

stand out _________________ stand by ___________________

5. Para 2. Some Australia Aborigines still live in a similar way to their ancestors, while others live in cities, towns and the country in the same way as their fellow Australians.

in a similar way ___________in the same way____________与…相似_____________________

While conj.1.当..时候 2.表示转折,对比 3.表示“尽管”, “虽然”(多放在句首)

4.表示“只要” 5.表示“既然”

while n. 一会儿, 时间

9. I’d like to get it settled today while we are at it.

10. Unit 3 is easy, while Unit4 is difficult..while there is life there is hope.“While” can also mean “although” and then is usually placed at the beginning of a sentence.While the parents love the children, they are strict with them.

14. .Never go on or off a bus while it is in motion.

15. .It will be worth your while ,I think, to go and see him.

16. While some of the Aboriginal languages have been lost, people are trying hard to protect and record what is left. Para6.

☆worthwhile值得花时间[精力]的...be worthwhile doing/to do sth.__________________

5. Para 3. In 1770, Captain James Cook went on a scientific journey and claimed the east coast of the continent for the British Crown. claim vt cf announce make a claim to sth要求得到某物;认领某物

“自称,声称,主张”,后接名词,不定式,从句 claim to do sth.__________________



n. have a claim on sb / have no claim to sth 有(没有)对某人或某物提出要求的权利

lay claim to sth 1)声称对.有所有权 2)(否) lay no claim to自称没有知识,智力,技能等

eg. Her brother_____ to leave her alone in the dark room if she disobeyed his order.

A. declared B. claimed C. threatened D. warned

6. Para3 . As a consequence, the original Australians suffered.

as a consequence_____________

as a consequence of _____________________/as a result of/because of/due to/thanks to/owing to

in consequence _________________ in consequence( of sth )=as a result of _________

He was found guilty and lost her job in consequence.

take /suffer/bear the ~s of one’s action 承担自己行动的后果

consequence-重要性It’s of no consequence. 这无关紧要

7. Para3. .Many Aborigines and Islanders were moved and had their land taken away from them.

have sb do sth._______________ have sb/sth doing____________________

have sth done 1)让别人干某事=get sth done 2)遭受到某种不愉快的事

eg.1) Please have/get your hair____( cut).

2)Last night Mr. Smith had his house______________.(break into, break in)

3)who will the old man have _________(read) the letter to him?

8. Para4. Australia resembleed the USA of the 18th century. 与18世纪的美国很相似

resemble sb/ sth( in sth)(不用进行时)__________________________________

resemblance n. have little/no ~ to the fact 与事实相去甚远/根本不符相似 ,

resemblance between A and B 相象 cf. similarity

9. Para5 After the Second World War, Australia began to transform itself into the modern country as it is today.在第二次世界大战以后,澳大利亚喀什把他自己转变成象今天一样的现代化国家。

⑴transform vt. _________________

transform sth./sb. into________________transform…sth / sb (from A into B)___________________

A fresh coat of paint(房间重新粉刷)can_________ a room.

⑵ transformation n. (外观或性质的)改变,改变或改观

undergo a complete transformation经历或经受(不愉快的或痛苦的事)

⑶ transplant v ~ sth (from A to B ) 移植 n. 组织或器官的移植

transplantation n. (不可数)

⑷ transport 运输⑸ transmit 1.传播(信号,节等)2传达,传染(疾病).⑹ translate

1.Aids is a deadly disease mainly __________ through blood.

2.Last year saw a great change, a complete change of climate which ____________the area from a desert into a swamp(沼泽).

3.The novel, said to __________________ into several languages, sells well.

4.The old man, who had a heart _________operation, is in high spirits.

5.The goods were to ____________________by lorry, but a terrible storm frustrated the plan.

10. Para 6. Australian English differs in pronunciation from British and American English.

differ v.

adj._________ adv._____________ n._______________

A differ (greatly) from B in sth_______________________

A is different from B in sth.________________________

There’s some difference between A and B.________________________

tell the difference between A and B______________________________

eg.The two brothers are like each other in appearance, but differ_____ their tastes.

A. on B. in C. from D. with

reading 2

3. Para 1. Having been separated from other continents for millions of years, Australia has many plants….

☆Having been separated现在分词的完成式作状语,表示动作发生在谓语动作之前,此时分词短语的逻辑主语与主句主语一致。

Eg. ___________________________(经过认真修改后), the composition was handed in.

______________________________(因没完成) the homework assigned by the teacher, he felt nervous when being question.

☆当分词短语与主句的主语 一致时,不能用分词结构作状语,而应用“名词或代词+分词”所构成的独立主格结构图的形式。

_________________________(船严重损坏), the captain decided to abandon it.

4. Para 1.One strange animal lays eggs, yet feeds its young on its milk.

feed… on ___________________feed-back___________________

1) I’m fed up with/bored with/tired of so much work.________________________

2) ____________the lecture given by the professor, some students left the classroom.

A. Tired with B. Fed up with C. Tiring with D. Tiring of

2. Para5The climate is different depending on the area.

depend on/upon ______________

1) 你可以依靠他去做这项工作。_________________________________

2) What waste can be thrown into the sea_______what the matter is .

A. depend on B. depended on C. depends on D. depending on

3)-----Will you come to my son’s wedding?----It______. Maybe I will have something urgent to deal with then.

A. all depends B. all depend C. is all depended D. is all depending