(牛津版)8B Unit 1 Past and present同步辅导与练习

发布时间:2016-9-2 编辑:互联网 手机版

Unit 1 Past and present (1)

Main task: Write a report on the changes in your home town for a history project.


1. Recognize words with opposite meanings and use them in context.

2. Use the present perfect tense to talk about a past event which is related to the present time.


Comic Strips

Have you seen my food? Yes. I’ve just eaten it. 你见过我的食物吗?是的。我刚刚把它吃掉了。

(1)以上两个句子是现在完成时态,表示一种结果。“食物现在已在我的胃里”。它的构成是“have (has) + 动词的过去分词”。

E.g. You have changed. 你已经变了。

(2)just 表示“刚刚”, 用于现在完成时态。

Eg. She has just arrived. 她刚刚到。

Welcome to the unit

1. Transports at different times. 不同时代的交通工具。

2. Help him write the correct names under the pictures. 帮助他在下面的图片上写上正确的名称。


1. He used to live in the Kowloon Walled city in Hong Kong. 他一度在香港住在九龙城。

used to do sth “过去经常做某事”

eg. I used to read newspapers after supper. 过去我经常饭后看报。

2. In fact, I was born there and have known it since I was very young. 事实上我出生在那里,自从我很小的时候我就知道它了。

since “自从…以来”,后常跟一个时间点或过去时的从句。它的主句常用现在完成时态。

Eg. He has worked at the factory since he came to the city.

I have written to him twice since last month.

3. I miss my old friend. 我想念我的老朋友。

miss 在这里是“ 想念 ”的意思。miss 还有“错过” 的意思。

Eg. He was late today because he missed the bus.

4. Well, in some ways it is. 从有些方面说是这样(生活好些了)。

in some ways “在有些方面”, 类似的短语还有 in many ways; in what way, etc.

5. … and I feel a bit lonely from time to time. 我不时的感到有一点孤独。

(1)a bit “有一点”, 后常跟形容词。如要跟名词要用 a bit of.

Eg. He was a bit tired after the long walk.

I know a bit of Japanese.

(2)lonely “孤独的,孤单的”, alone “独自,单独一个人”.

Eg. He lives alone. 他一个人住。

Smith felt lonely without friends. 没有朋友史密斯感到孤独。


A Present perfect tense 现在完成时态

现在完成时态常用来谈论过去发生的事情对现在产生的影响。也就是说某一个事情虽然发生在过去,但跟现在有关系。它由“have(has) + 动词的过去分词”构成。

Eg. Eddie has lived with Millie since he was born. Eddie自从出生以来就和Millie 住在一起。

We have seen the film already. 我们已经看过这个电影了。

现在完成时态的否定句是“have(has) not +动词的过去分词”。

Eg. He has not visited Hong Kong.

Mr. and Mrs. Li have not come back yet.

现在完成时态的一般疑问句是把 have (has) 调到主语的前面。

Eg. Have you heard the story? Yes, I have. /No, I haven’t. 你听过这个故事吗? 听过/没听过。

Has Daniel talked to his cousin? Yes, he has. / No. he hasn’t. Daniel 和他的堂兄谈过了吗? 谈过/没谈过 。



1. cheap ___________ 2. easy ____________

3. happy ___________ 4. same ___________

5. correct __________ 6. honest __________

7. lucky ___________ 8. healthy __________

9. noisy ___________


1. have ____________ 2. see ____________ 3. eat ____________

4. change __________ 5. know ___________ 6. live ____________

7. turn ____________ 8. become ____________ 9. move ____________

10. be ____________ 11. make ____________ 12. give ____________

三、用for, since 填空:

1. We have been friends ______ we were seven years old.

2. I have known Daniel _________ seven years.

3. We have learned English ______ more than one year.

4. The Green family have lived in this street ______ 1995.

5. Mr. Wang has taught in this school ______ ten years.


1. Look! The children ____________ (plant) flowers in the garden.

2. I ____________ (know) the place for many years.

3. Where is my pen? How strange! It ____________ (be) here just a moment ago.

4. He ____________ (give) the book back to you if he ____________ (finish) reading it tomorrow.

5. Mr Dong often ____________ (meet) up with his friends in the new park.

6. How long __________ you __________ (live) in Nanjing since you were __________ (bear)?

7. They only __________ (meet) once. But they were __________ (like) old friends.

8. Tom with his family __________ (live) in Nanjing now, but they __________ (move) to America soon.

9. They often meet on the playground __________ (play) football.


1. the Kowloon Walled City ____________

2. Chinese medicine shops ____________

3. market stalls ____________

4. Chinese restaurants ____________

5. Chinese chess ____________

6. noise pollution ____________

7. play cards ____________

8. open space and pretty gardens ____________

9. in fact __________

10. move to another flat __________

11. in the past __________

12. miss my old friends __________

13. take off __________

14. feel a bit lonely __________

15. from time to time __________

16. the closing of the old airport __________


1. Tom 时不时地请我帮他自习中文。

Tom ask me ___________________________________________ .

2. 现在学习驾驶变得更困难了。

It becomes ___________________________________________ now.

3. 他们像老朋友一样快乐地交谈。

They are talking happily ____________________________ .

4. 李平还没有擦黑板。看,黑板多脏!

Li Ping _____________________ the blackboard. Look! How dirty it is!

5. ------你打扫过教室了吗?


------ ________ you ________ the classroom?

------ Yes, we ________ it just now.

6. ------做完作业了吗?


------ ________ you ________ your homework?

------ Yes, I ________ it two hours ago.


一、1. expensive 2. difficult 3. sad 4. different

5. incorrect 6. dishonest 7. unlucky 8. unhealthy 9. quiet

二、1. had 2. seen 3. eaten 4. changed 5. known

6. lived 7. turned 8. become 9. moved 10. been

11. made 12. given

三、1. since 2. for 3. for 4. since 5. for

四、1. are planting 2. have known 3. was 4. will give finishes

5. meets 6. have lived born 7. met like 8. is living will move

9. to play

五、1. 九龙城 2. 中药店 3. 市场摊点

4. 中国餐馆 5. 中国象棋 6. 噪声污染

7. 打牌 8. 空地和漂亮的花园 9. 事实上

10. 搬到另一座公寓 11. 在过去 12. 想念我的老朋友

13. 起飞 14. 感到有点孤独 15. 偶而

16. 关闭老机场

六、1. to help him with his Chinese from time to time.

2. more difficult to learn to drive 3. like old friends.

4. has not cleaned 5. Have cleaned cleaned

6. Have finished finished

Unit 1 Past and present (2)

Main Task:

1. Write a report on the changes in your hometown for a history project.


1. Understand the meanings of the adverbs of time and use them with the present perfect tense.

2. Talk about changes over time.

3. Write a report on the changes in your hometown for a history project.

Grammar B

Adverbs of time with the present perfect tense 和现在完成时态连用的时间副词

already “已经”,强调某事已经发生,常用与肯定陈述句中。

e.g. He has seen the film already.

ever “曾经”,强调任何时间,用于疑问句中。

Eg. Have you ever been to Hong Kong?

for 强调时间的长度,后加一段时间,用于肯定句、疑问句和否定句中。

e.g. You have not visited me for a long time.

just “刚刚”,强调某事最近发生,用于肯定陈述句中。

e.g. Eddie has just eaten the food.


e.g. I have never read the story.

since “自从…以来”,用于肯定句、疑问句和否定句中。

e.g. My family has owned a tram since 1992.

Eddie has lived with Millie since he was born.

yet “还未、已经”,用于疑问句和否定句中。

e.g. Mr. Li hasn’t come back yet.

Have you called yet?

Integrated Skills

1. There have been many changes in Hong Kong. 香港已有了很大变化。

2. It has been in use since 1998. 自从1998年以来,就启用了。

3. … it was built to the north of Lantau island. 它(机场)建在大屿山北面。

to the north of… 在……的北面 (以北)

e.g. There will be a strong wind to the south of the Huanghe River. 黄河以南将有大风。

4. I wish you a happy holiday. 我祝你假期愉快。

wish sb. sth. =wish sth to sb.

上句也可以写成: I wish a happy holiday to you.

5. I’ve come to school by bus on my own. 我已经自己乘公交车上学。

on one’s own = by oneself

6. I enjoy chatting with you and my other friends after class. 我喜欢课后与你和其他朋友聊天。

chat with sb. 和某人聊天, chat 的过去式、过去分词和现在分词要双写 t + ed / ing

chat- chatted-chatted –chatting

Main Task

1. It no longer provides a good environment for wildlife. 对野生动物来说这儿不再是个好的生活环境。

no longer = not any longer 不再

上句可写成: It does not provide a good environment for wildlife.

2. In the past, people could only go to Lantau Island by ferry. 过去人们只能乘渡船去大屿山。

by ferry“乘渡船”,不加任何冠词,另一种说法是 take the ferry .

上句可写成:In the past, people could only take the ferry to Lantau island.


1. Things have changed a lot over the years. 这些年,(事情)已发生了许多变化。

change a lot 变化许多;

over the years这些年,over 表示时间时, 意思是“在……期间”

2. It has won many awards. 它已得了许多奖。

3. Let me show you how to get to the train station. 让我来指给你看怎样到达火车站。



I. 听录音,找出合适的答语:

(  )1. A: Sorry, I can’t help you. B: Not at all. C: What is it?

(  )2. A: It’s Sunday. B: It’s June 18th. C: It’s my birthday.

(  )3. A: Good luck. B: I’m sorry to hear that. C: I’m afraid not.

(  )4. A: Thank you. B: It’s a pleasure C: The same to you.

(  )5. A: That’s OK. B: Congratulations C: Thanks

II. 听录音,选择正确答案:

(  )1. Where does Mr. White work? He works _______.

A. in the factory B. in the office C. in the library

(  )2. How old is Mrs. White? She is ______ years old.

A. 48 B. 50 C. over 50

(  )3. After the old man gets up, what does he do?

A. Some reading B. Some cleaning C. Some morning exercises.

(  )4. When does he leave the office? _______.

A. At half past six B At six C. At seven

(  )5. After supper, Mr. White ______.

A. Watches TV B. Read some newspapers C. Either A or B.


1. Look! There comes a _______ (渡船).

2. He has c______ a lot during the past few years.

3. My g______ is over 80, but he still looks young.

4. Can you work out the Maths problem in different w______.

5. When will the plane ______(降落)? Do you know?

6. Lily often ______ (想念) her parents when she is out.

7. What’s your father? He’s a ______(牙科医生).

8. She ______(结婚) him not for love but for money.

9. I’ve lived here ______(自从) I was born.

10. Which country did people use _______(有轨电车) at first?


1. They have had something already. (改为否定句)


2. I haven’t heard from her yet. (改为肯定句)


3. My family has owned a tram for 80 years.(对划线部分提问)


4. John has been to the USA a few times. (改为一般疑问句)


5. She has not seen Daniel for two days. (改为同义句)

________ ________ she ________ her parrot?


1. A worker wrote this song and now it _____ (become) very popular.

2. ______ you ______ (have) your lunch? When and where _____ you _____(have) it?

3. I ______(leave) my pen in the bedroom. I ______(have) to write with a pencil.

4. Where _____ you _____(be)? I didn’t see you just now.

5. _____ the train_____ (arrive)? Yes. It _____(arrive) here just now. It _____ (leave) in a few minutes.

6. He ______ (teach) in the school in the past. But over the past four years he ______(work) on the farm.

7. His parents ______(take) him to Beijing when he _______ (be) a small boy.

8. ______ you ever______(hear) of this man before?

9. What ______ you _____(do) during your stay in New York?

10. He _____(be) to Shanghai several times.


1. 你已经吃过早饭了吗?不,还没有


2. 自从我们七岁以来,我们就是好朋友了。


3. 他在这儿住了多久了?五年了。


4. 这些年香港已经发生了很大的变化。


5. 大屿山过去一度是许多野生动物家园。



Write a report on the changes to your hometown for your history project.








一、I. 1. B 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. B

II. 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C


1. ferry 2. changed 3. grandpa

4. ways 5. land 6. misses

7. dentist 8. marries 9. since 10. trams


1. They have not had anything yet.

2. I have heard from her already.

3. How long has your family owned a tram?

4. Has John ever been to the USA a few times?

5. She has not seen Daniel since two days ago.


1. has become

2. Have had did have

3. have left have

4. have been

5. Has arrived arrived will leave

6. taught has worked

7. took was

8. Have heard

9. did do

10. has been


1. Have you had breakfast yet? No, not yet.

2. We have been good friends since we were seven.

3. How long has he lived here? For five years.

4. There have been many changes in Hong Kong over the years.

5. Lantau Island used to be the home of many wild animals.




I. 听录音,找出合适的答语:

1. I’m sorry to trouble you, Jim.

2. What’s the date today?

3. Tom fell off the bike and hurt himself.

4. Happy New Year!

5. Our school won the volleyball match.

2. 听录音,选择正确答案:

Mr. White works in a office. He is more than 50 years old. Mrs. White is 48 years old. They don’t like noise, so they bought a house outside the city. But it’s far from Mr. White’s office. Every morning the old man has to get up at six. Then he does morning exercises. After breakfast he goes to take a bus. He usually has lunch in the office. At six he leaves the office. He buys something in the shop and then goes to catch a bus. They have supper at half past seven. Then he watches TV or reads some newspapers until ten and goes to bed.