Unit14 重点、难点

发布时间:2016-5-1 编辑:互联网 手机版


Unit14 重点、难点

1.feel like,would like,look like,like

feel like的意思是“想要”、“希望”,用于表达一种客气的请求。其中like是介词,因此后跟动名词或名词作宾语,不可以接不定式。如:

I don't feel like doing it today.What about tomorrow?我不想今天做此事,明天怎么样?

I feel like a cup oftea.请给我一杯茶。

would like也是表达客气的请求,意思与feel like相同,但would like中like是动词,后面跟名词或不定式作宾语。如:

What would you like to do today?你今天想干什么?

I'd like a word with you.我想跟你谈一下。

would like也可跟“宾语+不定式”的形式,这一点也有别于feel like。

I'd like you to go there today.我希望你今天能去一趟。

look like的意思是“看上去像”,like是介词,后跟名词或代词。

The two brothers look like each other very much.这兄弟两人长得很像。

It looks like a rope.它看上去像一根绳子。


I like swimming very m uch.

Ordinary people,like you and me,can't afford to buy such an expensive house.像你我这样的平常人是买不起这么贵的房子的。


这三个词都有“或许”、“可能”的意思,但用法略有不同。m aybe和perhaps的意思基本相同。但


Maybe(Perhaps)the weather will get better.可能天气会变得好一些。


He will probably succeed.他很可能会成功。

He will perhaps(maybe)succeed.他也许会成功。

另外,也要注意maybe与may be的区别:前者是副词,在句中作状语;后者是情态动词加系动词be,在句中作谓语。

3.carry out,carry on,carry up,carryoff

carry out的意思是“实行”,“进行”,“执行”,“完成”。如:

We intend to carry out our new policy.我们打算实行新政策。

We are carrying out some scientific experiments.我们正在进行一些科学实验。

They decided to carry out the order at once.他们决定立即执行命令。

By the end of last month,our factory had carried out its production plan for this year.到上月底,我们厂已完成了今年的生产计划。

carry on的意思是“继续下去”,“坚持下去”,“进行下去”。如:

They carried on in spite of the difficult conditions.尽管条件很差,他们仍然坚持下去。

carry up意思是“送上”,“供养”。如:

This lake can carry up to 2,000 fish.这个湖可以养2,000条鱼。

Now man-made satellites can be easily carried up into space.现在人造卫星可以很容易地被送到太空。

carry off意思是“诱拐”、“绑架”。如:

It is against the law to carry off women and children in our country.在我国拐卖妇女儿童是违法的。

4.send,send up,send for


They all agreed to send Xiao Lin to the south.他们都同意派小林到南方去。

Let's send him a telegram .我们给他发个电报吧。

send up的意思是“发出”、“射出”、“长出”。如:

They sent up a rocket last week.上个星期他们发射了一枚火箭。

Young shoots will send up from the oldones.新芽就会从旧的地方长出。

send for的意思是“派人去醛薄ⅰ芭扇巳ソ小薄H纾

Have you sent for a doctor?你派人去请医生了吗?

I'll send for a taxi.我去派人叫辆出租车。




The door remained(stayed)open.门一直开着。


W hen the others had gone,here mained and put back the furniture.别人离去后,他留下来把家具放回原处。

I'm staying in Guangzhou just for the weekend.我仅在广州呆这个周末。

6.[问]在第54课中有这样一句话:A satellite is an object,either natural or man-made,which travels in an orbit round another object in space.这里space可换成sky吗? space与sky,heaven有何区别?


space意为“太空”时,指地球大气层以外的空间。常用单数形式,且不加冠词,但如在space或outer space之前有形容词修饰时,则要用定冠词。如:

in space在太空

in the airless outer space在没有空气的外层空间里

put /send up /look into space发送入/观察太空


in the space of a moment一瞬间

Put this chair in the space between the two tables.请把这把椅子放在两张桌子中间。


There are some planes,clouds and birds in the sky.天空中有些飞机、云彩和鸟。

We can see many stars in the sky at night from the earth.我们夜间从地球上可以看见天空中有许多星星。


It was the will of Heaven.是天意。

Thank Heaven,you were not killed.感谢苍天,你未被杀死。

[教材]First,it must be very light,the lighter the better...

[考题]If we had followed his plan,we could have done the job better with ____ money and_____ people.(MET 90)



[教材]A satellite is an object, either natural or man-made,which travels in an orbit round another object in space.

[考题]Beyond ____ stars,the astronauts saw nothing but ______ space.(NMET90)


[简析]答案A。该题主要考查冠词的用法,在世界上独一无二的事物前应使用定冠词,如the earth, the sun,the sea,the sky。但在space前习惯不用冠词。

[教材]The dusty air makes it difficult to get a clear picture of space.

[考题]I don't think _______ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.(MET90)



[教材]There were three people from whom we attempted to find out information.

[考题]He ____ to escape from the prison,but he couldn't find anybody to help.


[简析]该题主要考查动词适用的句型。succeed和advise不能后接不定式作宾语,它们适用的句型为:1、succeed in(doing)sth.;2、advisedoing sth.或advise sb.to do sth.。

而offer to do sth.表示“主动帮助做某事”,attempt to do sth.表示“尽力去做某事,但不一定能成功”,故答案为B。

[教材]The problem with looking into space from the earth is that there is a lot of dust in the earth's air.

[考题]The government will _______the working conditions of the workers.

鶤.look for鶥.look up鶦.look into鶧.look out

[简析]该题主要考查对look构成的词组的辨析。look for“寻找”; look up“查阅”;look out“当心”,都不合题意。look into“调查”,符合题意,故选C。

Unit14词语辨析:invent,discover,find,find out




find out是针对“发现一种无形而隐藏的东西,有意识地去查明,弄清楚一种事实”而言。

如: Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876.亚历山大格雷姆贝尔于1876年发明了电话。

We discovered her to be a good cook.我们发现她是个烹饪好手。

He has not found the missing child yet.他还没有找到那个失踪的小孩。

You'd better go and find out when the train is leaving.你最好去弄清楚火车什么时候离开。


1.1)I feel like going to a museum.我想去博物馆。2)Which museum would you like to visit?你想参观哪个博物馆呢?

[问]上述两句中的feel like和would like都可作“想要,愿意”解,为什么一个后接V-ing形式,而另一个要接不定式呢?

[答]因为feel like中的like是介词,后应跟名词、代词或V-ing形式;而would like中的like是动词,其后须接不定式。如:

Do you feel like having a walk with me?=Would you like to have a walk with me?跟我一道去散散步怎么样?

2.So far as I know,it's free.据我所知,那个博物馆是不收门票的。

[问]如何理解和使用so far as?

[答]so/as far as用以引导程度状语从句,常可译为“在……范围(程度,限度)内”。本句中So far as I know作“据我所知”解,常看作是一个插入语,常用逗号与主句分开使用。如:

So/As far as I know,he will be away for three months.据我所知,他将离开三个月。

He will help you as far as he can.他会尽力帮助你。

此外,so/as far as也可表示“到达某一地点”的意思。如:

He walked as far as the post office.他走到了邮局。

I can't go as /so far as you.我不能跟你走那么远。

3.First,it must be very light,the lighter the better,because it has to be sent up into space by a rocket.首先,它必须很轻,越轻越好,因为卫星须得用火箭把它送入太空。

[问]请分析句中the lighter the better的结构和意义。


The more you practise,the better you'll play.你会愈练愈精。

The more(there is),the better(it is).越多越好。

4.They can tell the difference between healthy plants and plants that are diseased.它们(摄像机)还可以识别健康植物和患病植物之间的差异。


[答]tell作上述意义解时,常搭配成“tell the difference between A and B”和“tell A from B”来使用,二者都可表示“辨别A B”或“分清A B的区别”的意思。如:

Can you tell the difference between Tom and his twin brother?=Can you tell Tom from his twin brother?你能分清汤姆和他的孪生兄弟吗?


在定语从句中,有时引导定语从句的既可以是where或when,也可以是介词+which/whom。其中,介词+ which/whom引导的定语从句的现象常令同学们无所适从,不知道该用哪个介词。那么,介词从何而来呢?下面我们就此问题分析讲解一下。


She is the very girl with whom I went to the conference last week.她就是我上周一同去开会的那个女孩。

He made a telescope through which he could observe the stars .他做了个望远镜,用其观察星座。

但是,若该介词与其前的动词是一固定词组,则通常不拆散该词组,该介词仍位于定语从句的句中或句末。此时,指人时,可用who或whom;指物时,可用 which或that,且多可省略。例如:

This is the girl(who/whom) they have taken good care of for over a year .这是他们已精心照料一年多的那个女孩。(take care of为固定词组,不可拆开)

Skating is the sport(which /that) people go in for in winter .滑冰是人们冬季喜欢从事的运动。(go in for为固定词组,不可拆开)


She is telling a story about Lei Lei ,of whom every one of our class is proud.她在讲述雷雷的故事,雷雷是我们全班同学都为之感到自豪的人。

二、先行词(短语)在定语从句中作时间、地点状语时,定语从句可用关系副词 when,where引导,也可使用介词+which引导。例如:

Do you still remember the day when(on which)we met for the first time?你还记得我们初次相见的那一天吗?

This is the factory where(in which)my uncle works .这是我叔叔工作的那家工厂。

但是,表示原因的the reason why,the reason(that)不可换用the reason for which。例如:

He has broken his leg.That's the reason why/that(不可用for which)he isn't here today.他摔断了腿,那就是他今天没来的原因。

另外,表示方式的the way(in which /that)不可换成the way how。例如:

I don't like the way(that/in which)she speaks .我不喜欢她说话的方式。(该句不可说成:I don't like the way how she speaks .)




He has two sons ,both of whom are working in Bei jing now.

He has two sons ;both of them are working in Bei jing now.(注意句中是分号,而非逗号)

He has two sons ,and/but both of them are working in Bei jing now.



1.He was praised for what he had done.(what引导的为宾语从句)

He was praised for the things(deeds)which /that he had done.(which/that引导的为定语从句,宾语从句换为定语从句时,需要加一先行词,故不可说:He was praised for which he had done.)


本单元的语法项目是定语从句。本期第一面对介词 +which/whom结构的用法进行了讲解。你是否掌握了呢?仔细分析以下定语从句,然后选择最佳答案。

1.The temperature point is the temperature______ water changes into ice.

A.at which鶥.on that鶦.in which鶧.of what

2.The two things ______ they felt very proud were Jim's gold watch and Della's hair.

A.about what B.of which鶦.in which鶧.for what

3.We admired him for the way______鷋e faced his difficulties.

A.in which鶥.in that鶦.which鶧.how

4.A telephone directory is a book ____ you can look up a person's telephone number.

A.which鶥.with which鶦.by which鶧.in which

5.He was the man______鶰aster of the Gamewas translated.

A.by whom鶥.by who鶦.by whose鶧.by him

6.The old man ____ yesterday is a scientist.

A.I spoke鶥.I spoke to鶦.whom I spoke鶧.that I spoke to him

7.Could you tell me______鷜ou have bought this fur coat for?

A.whom鶥.for whom鶦.for which鶧.where

8.Is this the book ____ she was looking for?

A.which鶥.where鶦.when鶧.the one

9.The babies ____ the nurse is looking after are very healthy.

A.which鶥.whom鶦.after which D.whoever

10.I'll always remember the day______ I visited Professor Wang.

A.on which B.that鶦.which D.in which

11.I have never been to the house______鷐y uncle lives.

A.on which鶥.in which鶦.that鶧.in that

12.The reason ____ he refused to go to the party was that they had not invited him to.

A.which B.that鶦.to which D.for which


1.A。“在……温度下”用介词at。 2.B。“为……感到自豪”为feel proud of sth.。 3.A。in the way,“在……方式下”。 4.D。据题意为在电话本中查找号码。 5.A。be translated by...,“被……翻译”。 6.B。关系代词省略。 7.A。 8.A。look for短语不能拆开。 9.B。10.A。on which = when。 11.B。in which = where。 12.D。for which =why。