初二(上)U6 L12

发布时间:2017-10-17 编辑:互联网 手机版


   Unit Six Lesson Twelve

学科:英语 年级:初二 主讲教师:赵凤琴



In Beijing there are many telephones. Most people have telephones in their homes. They can call others at home. There are a lot of public telephones in the city too. You can easily find one in the street, a post office, a hotel or a shop. By telephone you can talk to a friend in another city or another country.

telephone 电话,电话机,打电话 = phone

telephone receiver and mouthpiece 电话听筒和话筒

pick up the receiver 拿起电话听筒

put down the receiver 放下电话

put in a coin 投币

answer the telephone 接电话

be on the phone 在打电话

be wanted on the phone 有人找……接电话

telephone lines 电话线

Hold the line. 请不要挂断(电话),请稍候.

I‘m sorry, the line is busy. = The number is engaged.

对不起,线路在讲话中.即:占线 (此句为接线员用语.)

Your party is on the line. 对方已在接(你的)电话.(此句为接线员用语.)


1.to tell sb. sth. 告诉某人某事

Did you tell your parents the news?

I sometimes tell my daughter a story before she goes to sleep.

I’ll tell you a secret.

to tell sb. of / about sth. 向某人讲述某事

He told me of /about his worries.

He told us about his life in Europe.

I‘ll tell you about it later.

to tell sb. +句子 告诉某人+句子(句子必须是陈述语序不能是疑问句)

He told me (that) he would be back in a hour.

He told her what had happened.

She told me (that) you caught a bad cold.

Can you tell me when the party begins?

Tell me how I can get to the post office.

No one can tell what will happen in the future.

Can you tell me who is behind the door?

I can’t tell which bag is hers.

2.to take a message for sb. 给某人捎个口信

Shall I take a message for him?

Would you mind taking a message for John?

留口信用leave a message with sb. 如:Didn‘t the man leave a message with you?


I have a message for you from M. Wells. 韦尔斯先生要我留话给你.

3.begin to do sth. 开始做某事=begin doing sth.

She began to cry.

When did it begin to rain?

Hearing this he began to laugh.

I’m beginning to understand. (此句to understand 不能用understanding替换,必须用beginning to do 形式.)

4.pick up 拿起,拾起(使用代词时必须放中间)

I picked up a coin in the road.

He picked up the phone.

I‘m going to pick up my coat from the cleaner’s. (pick up 取)

Pick me up at the hotel. (pick up 驾车去接)

put down 放下,使(乘客等)下(车)

He put down the receiver.

Put me down at the next corner, please.

5.May I……? 我可以……吗?

回答May I ……?时,用Certainly. , Why not? , Yes, please. , Sure.

如用Yes, you may . 则有对小孩和晚辈给予许可的意味。

否定回答No, you may not. 的说法较粗鲁,所以对平辈以上的人则用No, I‘m sorry. 或I’m afraid you cannot. 例如:

a) ----May I sit down?


b) ----May I come in?

----Yes, please.

c) ----May I use your phone?

----Why not?

d) ----This is Albert speaking. May I speak to Jack?

----Hold on, please.




I hope (that) you have a good time.

I hope (that) she writes to me soon.

She hopes (that) I (will) pass the examination.

hope to do sth. 表示主语希望做某事,而不是希望别人做。如:

We hope to visit this place again.

I hope to go to college.


I think (that) I‘ll go to my uncle’s on Sunday.

I believe (that) she will come tomorrow.

He said (that) she was ill in bed.

They promised (us) (that) they would keep their promise.

keep one‘s promise 遵守诺言

I know (that) the job is difficult.

He remembered (that) he had to finish the homework by the next day.

I forgot (that) you don’t like carrots.

I understand (that) you are planning to go to Japan.

You‘ll find (that) the book is very interesting.

She wrote her parents that she would be home for Christmas.