牛津英语模块5 词汇复习(译林牛津版高二英语必修五教案教学&

发布时间:2016-7-12 编辑:互联网 手机版

Put the underlined parts into Chinese:

1. How are you getting along with your studies?

2. He is a person easy to get along with

3. He tried to seem angry, but his smile betrayed him.

4. In Britain the academic year runs from October to July.

5. It was stupid of you to turn it upside down without closing the lid.

6. These little details are easily overlooked.

7. He was admitted to hospital suffering from burns.

8. A fuel leak is now admitted to have been the cause of the trouble.

9. She deliberately ignored me when I passed her in the street.

10. The witness swore to tell the truth.

11. It抯 best to forgive and forget.

12. Don抰 take it seriously 瑮 he was only teasing.

13. She was in a dilemma as to whether to stay at school or get a job.

14. The play was a brilliant success.

15. She has one of the most brilliant minds in the class.

16. She always wants to be the focus of attention.

17. When he entered the room, all eyes were focused on him.

18. Don抰 be absent-minded. Focus your attention on your work.

19. Don抰 yell at me like that!

20. He抯 very mean with his money.

21. I felt guilty about not visiting my parents more often,

22. It was cruel of the man to treat the boy like that.

23. I can抰 stand seeing my students smoking.

24. There was a long awkward silence after the talk.

25. We should learn to apologize to others when we have done something wrong.

26. It was a bitter blow when we found out they had been cheating us all along.

27. He抯 a boy of athletic build.

28. Boys and girls should enjoy equal rights.

29. It抯 unlikely that he will pass the exam because he doesn抰 work hard.

30. It is the driver who is to blame for the accident.

31. I抳e always doubted the value of this approach to education.

32. His behavior towards her was becoming more and more aggressive.

33. You should feel ashamed of your bad behavior.

34. She was embarrassed when they kept telling her how clever she was.

35. Nobody likes being made fun of in public.

36. The boy is gifted at football.

37. He does weight-training to build up his (physical) strength.

38. He was too stubborn to admit that he was wrong.

39. You抣l ruin your chances of the job if you wear that shirt to the interview.

40. The long-delayed meeting at last took place on Monday.

41. Despite all my efforts to persuade him, he wouldn抰 agree.

42. Big cities have theatres, films, football matches and many other amusements.

43. The identity of the murdered woman has not yet been established.

44. The bad weather discouraged people from attending the parade.

45. It抯 absurd not to wear a coat in such cold weather.

46. It wasn抰 your fault; stop punishing yourself!

47. I was terribly anxious about the children when they didn抰 come home from school.

48. If you break the law, you must be prepared to suffer the consequences.

49. She lacks practical experience.

50. I抳e been puzzling over all the figures, trying to find what happened to the missing money.

51. So many new ideas! It抯 all rather too much for me to absorb all at once.

52. She seemed totally absorbed in her book.

53. People have different attitudes towards their life and work.

54. The last five years have seen a consistent improvement in the country抯 economy.

55. If you need any help, don抰 hesitate to ask.

56. The disease failed to respond to the drugs.

57. The club welcomes all new members regardless of age.

58. How to solve this problem is still a matter for debate.

59. An unhappy home environment can affect a child抯 behavior.

60. The paintings were in an excellent state of preservation.

61. It was awful to see him in such pain.

62. The medicine is poisonous if taken in large quantities.

63. Ever since their quarrel, there has been an unpleasant atmosphere in the office.

64. The cars flowed in a steady stream along the main road.

65. Immediate action should be taken to reduce levels of environmental pollution.

66. In addition to giving a general introduction to computers, the course also provides practical experience.

67. The cost of the new building will wipe out all the company抯 profits this year.

68. I could see a figure in the far distance, but I couldn抰 make out who it was.

69. He抯 doing exercises to improve his figure.

70. The time is approaching when we will have to leave.

71. The hospital has adopted a new approach to cancer treatment.

72. We oppose any plans to cut back on the education budget.

73. When will the new range of computers go into full production?

74. The fall in prices will be beneficial to small businesses.

75. Water expands when it freezes.

76. There are obvious disadvantages in this plan.

77. With no rain for the last three years, the country is in a desperate situation.

78. Water pipes laid outside easily burst in winter.

79. Now that you抮e 18, you should have more sense of responsibility.

80. The ladder isn抰 very stable.

81. The key to success is preparation.

82. Their efforts to improve the school have been very effective.

83. I gave the car a thorough inspection before buying it.

84. This one抯 slightly better than that, but not much.

85. The government plans to increase taxes by five percent over the next year.

86. The enemy bombs caused widespread destruction.

87. It抯 ridiculous that we should have to queue, when we抳e already got our tickets.

88. Have you nearly finished? Time is running out and I抦 running out of patience.

89. I was shocked to see how my neighbors treated their children.

90. They were bitterly disappointed at the result of the game.

91. It is illegal to park your car here.

92. He was rushed to hospital but was dead on arrival.

93. He sat with his hands folded across his stomach.

94. She sat and watched everyone very closely.

95. It抯 quite apparent that she has no intention of changing her mind.

96. The job called for all my resources of energy and patience.

97. The company has established a new system for dealing with complaints.

98. There抯 a 6% decrease in his income this year.

99. We make sure we抮e always well stocked with candles, just in case.

100. We need a useful piece of equipment for the experiment.

101. The government has promised to take measures to help the unemployed.

102. The room measures 5metres across.

103. The level of your work is not satisfactory.

104. We need to raise public awareness of the issue.

105. He has never been very concerned about what other people think of him.

106. I抣l pass on your comments to the people concerned.

107. There has been a rapid growth in the market for home computers.

108. Untreated sewage deposited directly into rivers is harmful to human beings and natural environment.

109. Hard work often results in success and failure often results from laziness.

110. The discovery of the evidence led to the thief being caught.

111. The destruction of these big forests could have serious ecological consequences.

112. She is highly intelligent but her work lacks organization.

113. It抯 illegal for people under 17 to drive a car in Britain.

114. He spent the weekend job-hunting.

115. You will endanger your health if you work so hard.

116. Our project is now well under way.

117. He is too tired to focus his mind on the work.

118. The conservation of water should be encouraged.

119. It抯 too early to assess the effects of the new policy.

120. He has a diverse range of interests and hobbies.

121. The children抯 ages range from 5to 15.

122. Despite the danger, she remained in complete control.

123. We are prohibited from drinking alcohol during working hours.

124. Police are anxious to hear any information concerning his whereabouts.

125. The company has laid off 150workers in an effort to save money.

126. To finish on time, you need to make joint efforts.

127. His abilities were not appreciated in his job.

128. I抎 appreciate it if you would turn the radio off.

129. The announcement of the trace figures was delayed until after the election.

130. I can抰 go to buy a mobile phone with you. On the one hand, I have no money; on the other hand, I have no time.

131. The sound of the radio upstairs interferes with my work.

132. Train services are now back to normal after last week抯 strike.

133. They went to town with the intention of visiting the library.

134. We waited with great anxiety for more news about the accident.

135. The children are in desperate need of love and attention.

136. All three teams adopted different approaches to the problem.

137. She is due to deliver a lecture on genetic engineering.

138. The local people can enjoy free medical care.

139. It抯 an expensive investment but it will benefit the company in the long run.

140. I totally agree with you.

141. He made several unfavorable comments about their candidate.

142. His comments will do nothing to advance the cause of world peace.

143. One sometimes wonders if there抯 any morality in politics.

144. What do you think of the concept that everyone should have equality of oppotunity.

145. He gave a negative answer to my request.

146. He is a lawyer by profession.

147. It抯 said that there is an escape of low-level radiation from the nuclear power plant.

148. Have you figured out how much the trip will cost?

149. I came across an old friend of my father抯 in the street the other day.

150. My car has been behaving well since it was repaired.

151. She opened the door cautiously so as not to wake the baby.

152. You can be paid in cash weekly to by cheque monthly; those are the two alternatives.

153. I didn抰 realize so much work was involved in putting on a play.

154. The company conducted a survey to find out local reaction to the leisure centre.

155. The majority of doctors agree that smoking is extremely harmful to health.

156. There is a strong advocate of education reform.

157. The inquiry concluded that the accident had been caused by human error.

158. The speaker urged immediate action against their illegal activities.

159. Will the president seek re-election at the end of his term of office?

160. We抳e made our plans, and now we must put them into practice.

161. It is the practice in English law to consider someone innocent until they have been proved guilty.

162. Good nutrition is essential for good health.

163. The invention of air travel caused a revolution in our way of living.

164. 4 people were killed in the explosion, but police have not yet named the victims.

165. That beautiful old building was knocked down last year, a victim of the council抯 desire for modern planning.

166. Our team performed very well in the match yesterday.

167. She performs an important role in our organization.

168. I抳e reached the limit of my patience.

169. Why can抰 you ever take anything seriously?

170. They are seriously concerned about security.

171. It is hoped that this investment will lead to increased tourism in the area.

172. Everybody has a role to play in the constructing a harmonious society.

173. The system tends to operate in favor of the wealthier classes.

174. She argued him into leaving his job.

175. This development could spell disaster for the steel industry.

176. Prices have risen steadily during the past decade.

177. The drug has a high success rate in curing the disease.

178. The party turned out a success.

179. Experiments show that anxiety can greatly interfere with a child抯 performance at school.