Lesson 13

发布时间:2017-10-18 编辑:互联网 手机版

Junior English for China

Book 3


课时: 一节

Ⅰ Teaching Materials

1. Functional and notional items

A. Make a telephone call

B. Retell other people’s words

2. Language points: Words: headmaster, mount, except

Phrases: as soon as possible

Sentences(grammar): Lin Tao’s teacher told them that Jim was away on a trip.

Ⅱ Teaching Objectives

1. Read the whole lesson and try to make a telephone call in English, then learn to retell others’ words

2. Read the lesson fluently, the pronunciation and intonation should be right.

3. Master the following materials:

Words: headmaster, mount, except

Phrases: as soon as possible

Sentence: Lin Tao’s teacher told them that Jim was away on a trip.

Ⅲ Teaching Points

1. The main points---- (1)&(2) in teaching objectives

2. The difficult points:

Except= but 除……之外

He says that he wants to speak to the headmaster. 宾语从句中,从句为陈述句,连词为that, 可以省略。 在转述别人的话时要注意人称一致。

Ⅳ Teaching Procedure

1. Organization of the class

Talk about travel and the objective clause

2. Revision

When you want to travel, you need a holiday. Then you may ask for a holiday by phone.

Make a telephone call with one student then ask them to make a telephone call themselves. Ask some to act it in class.

Review: A: Hello, *******

B: Hello, this is ***/ *** speaking/ this is *** speaking. May I speak to ****?

A: Yes, speaking.

Sorry, he isn’t here at the moment. Can I take a message?

B: Thank you. Would you please tell him that……?


3 The teaching of the new lesson

A. Lesson 13

Well, here we’ve got a telephone call. Who is call? Who does he want to speak to ? Let’s go on to learn Lesson 13

B. Listen and write down the telephone message






Ask and answer

Why does Mr. Green call the teacher?

C. Read and learn

① headmaster / 校长

② That’s very kind of you. 你真好。

It’s very kind of you to do sth.

③ as soon as possible 尽快 = as soon as one can

④ except = but 除了……之外

如: Nobody can do it except Jim.= Nobody but Jim can do it.

⑤ Leave a message to sb. 留言给某人

⑥ Many thanks. 多谢。

D. Reading practice

Read after the tape and then ask the students to practice in pairs. Ask some to act it.

E. Workbook Exercise 1

F. Part 2

Talk about the dialogue

Well, we know Mr. Green wants to speak to the headmaster. What does the teacher say about the headmaster?

Ss: He says that she is sorry that the headmaster isn’t there.

What does Mr. Green say about his son?

What does Mr. Green say about Friday?

Is Mr. Green free today? What does he say about it?

What does the teacher say about the message?

Read Part 2 together and explain the use of the objective clause.

当宾语从句由陈述句充当时,连词用that , 可以省略,要注意人称须前后一致。

G. Workbook Exercise 2

H. Conclusion

①How to make a telephone call.


4. Homework

A. Workbook Ex. 2

B. Recite Part 1


教具: 录音带, 电话机


Lesson 13

headmaster That’s very kind of you. Could I speak to

mount It’s very kind of you to do sth. take a message for

except as soon as possible= as soon as one can

leave a message to sb.

Many thanks.