初二Lesson 80教案

发布时间:2016-2-1 编辑:互联网 手机版

Lesson 80

Period: The Fourth Period

Properties: Recorder

Teaching Aims:


Remember the four skills words: have a cold, once, himself, tooth, kill.

Be able to use the different indefinite pronouns.

Tell the story in English.


Enhance the students’ commmunication ability in English.

Improve the students’ listening comprehention ability and thinking ability.

The moral purpose

After learning the indefinite pronouns to love the public things.

Teach the students how to face trouble after acting the story.

Language Focus:

1. The five kinks of simple sentences;

2. The using of indefinite pronouns: somebody, anybody, anything, nobody…

3. Reading and understanding the whole story.

4.The difference of indefinite pronouns;

5.Act and retell the story;

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Revision

Playing a game: Let the students choose a subject and a predicate, then make a sentence, eg:

cat, sing The cat is singing after having a fish.

Lucy, gave Lucy gave me a piece of paper.

Students finish Lesson 80, Part1.

Step 2. Read and write

Show the students a picture of a classroom, let the students guess:

Is there anything on the blackboard / wall / desk / floor…?

Is there anybody near the door / blackboard / under the desk?

There is somebody near the door/…, isn’t there?

There is something on the blackboard/…, isn’t there?

Is there anything broken in the classroom? Why?

Expected answers: Yes, the window is broken .

Someone is playing football.

Is it good? If we play football in the classroom, what will happen?

Expected answer: Something will be broken.

Somebody will hurt.

If you find someone break something , what will you do?

What mustn’t we do in the classroom?

Step3. Presentation

Show another picture of the classroom, this time, it’s quite a nice classroom:

Is there anything broken in the classroom?

Do you like a classroom like this?

Is there anything on the blackboard?

( Yes, there is a picture.)

There is something in the picture, isn’t there?

Can you see anybody?

(No, I can’t see anybody, but I can see a tiger and a monkey.)

If a tiger and a monkey meet in the forest , what will happen?

Give the students several minutes to prepare to act out their dialogues.

3. Teach the new words: tooth, kill.

Step 4. Reading

Read the passage as quickly and quietly as possible, then answer: What is the fable about?

Listen to the tape, pay attention to the dialogue parts , then answer:

What did the tiger ask the monkey to do?

How did the monkey answer?

Read the fable more carefully, then answer the following questions:

Why didn’t the tiger look for food himself?

Did the tiger bring the monkey any food?

What did he do then?

What did the tiger do when he knew there was another tiger stronger than him?

Is there another tiger?

What happened at last?

Step5. Acting

Students watch the cartoon: The Tiger And The Monkey. Then answer: What do you think of the tiger and the monkey?

Let’s make the dialogue between the tiger and the monkey. Give the students five minutes to prepare to act out the dialogue.

Step 6. Interview

Suppose the students are the reporters in the forest, they want to interview the winner---monkey. He is very famous now in the forest , students make up a dialogue between the monkey and the reporter.

Step7. Word puzzle

Students use their colour pens to draw the words in the puzzle, then get them to read them out.

Step 8.Homework

Listening: (1).Listening to the story, imitate the tiger and the


(2).Listening comprehention: Listen to the material and finish off the workbook exercises.

Written: The workbook exercises.

Oral: Retell the story and act out the story.

4. Prepare the game: Write out the names of animals begin with a,b,c,d…z.( the letters from a to z)

The Arrangement Of The Blackboard

Lesson 80 The Eightieth Lesson

Somebody Something Someone

Anybody anything anyone

Nobody nothing no one