

发布时间:2017-07-03    来源:个人简历网


  Name: Ms. S Gender: Female

  Wedlock: Single Nation: Han

  Residence: Hunan-Loudi Age: 30

  Location: Guangdong-Dongguan Height: 155cm

  Target Locations: Guangdong-Dongguan

  Target Positions: Trading-Foreign Trade Commissioner/Assistant

  Trading-Export commissioner

  Target Jobs: customer service、 foreign trade assist

  Desired Salary: Negotiable

  When Can Start: immediately


  2003-09 ~ 2006-06 Blue Sky College international business Junior College

  【you are not full member,please contact us.】 (2012-03 ~ 2013-04)

  Company Type: Foreign Enterprise Company Category: Trading,Commerce,Imports and Exports

  Job Title: Customer service Positions: Foreign Trade Commissioner/Assistant

  Job Description: 1.All leather chair shipment. After received order for leather chair from Sales, key it to ERP and tracking file. Then check tt if it's in stock in ERP and warehouse. If yes, will arrange it shipment as request. If no, we release order to HQ and let hem give us confirmed factory completed date then advise sales ETD. After it's shipped, check the fact shipment Quantity and reply sales.

  2.Take charge of spare parts.Check if this shipped before or not under received sales spare parts order. If shipped, used previous SKU NO# and release order to HQ. At same time, reply sale acknowlege email. If no, check part according to products image then apply BOM from designer and release order to HQ and forward reply emai to sales. And key it to ERP and order tracking. After pats finished, will load it with customer required container.

  3.After received demestic order from customer, key them in ERP and check if have stock. If yes, send acknowlege email to customer and stock status. After finance received payment email from departments, inform logistics company to pick products.

  4.Deal with dialy email.

  Reason for Leaving: Office moved to Lingxian, Shandong

  【you are not full member,please contact us.】 (2007-05 ~ 2011-10)

  Company Type: Foreign Enterprise Company Category: Trading,Commerce,Imports and Exports

  Job Title: customer service Positions: Foreign Trade Commissioner/Assistant

  Job Description: 2011.3-2011.10 customer service

  1.Send information to factories to quote according to drawing paper or other inforation from US's sales. Em-ail to US about quotion after factories quoting in given time.

  2.Send order to factories and let them give a shipping time in our given shipping date. Edit information about order on SAP so that shipping person can book; Check order with factory if they need sample, fabric or finish swatch and make a date on a sample finishing date;Arrange proper container and check if it's a whole container; Inspect sample with QA as order,offered sample, finish or fabric swatch and so on, shot image and deal with them by photoshop then make a documents by excel, powerpoint(point out different with order or fabric or finish swatch or offered sample) to sales confirm. After sample OK, signed name on sample and make formal documents to QC as a main of documents. Follow massproducts finishing status,arrange QC to inspect and get a result in time from QC so that we can inform sales results.

  2007.5-2011.2 Merchandiser on sample (all samples for all customer)

  1. Inform factories to finish 2pcs or more samples after received mass products order and advise they should be finished time and check with factories if they need sample or fabric and finish swatch and if there are some differences betwwen order and they quotion or offered swatch. If need sample, we will iform sale send 1 pc sample or fabric or finish swatch to us. If differences with order or swatch, we will check with sale which one is they need; Follow sample status and arrange inspect time and address is factory or company office. Check samples with factory's worker after prep-aring all information, make a note about difference and quality(point out quality and advise factory they should note and deal with it in mass products for controled issue),shot image and do with them and do documents to point out differences by Excel or powerpoint. After confirmed, advise factory to prepare arranging mass products and sign name on sample then do checklist as standard of inspection to QC.

  Main business is lamp with furniture, oil paint, ornaments and so on. The main material is poly, metal,seagrass,rattan,glass and fabric.

  Reason for Leaving: person reason

  【you are not full member,please contact us.】 (2006-05 ~ 2007-04)

  Company Type: Foreign Enterprise Company Category: Machine-building,Machine,Heavy industry

  Job Title: Business Assistant Positions: International business人才招聘,上聘才网http://www.pincai.com/



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