- 相关推荐
neat clear: resume must write neat clear, reflect your true, accurate image, so that you can be at the employing units to ask.
simple and clear: your resume is usually short, generally no more than a page, in the relevant job target key to highlight, but for other irrelevant some situation, to a slightly, the brief is the best.
accurate: no matter in words and terms and write in accurate.
honest: honest describe themselves, and not to boast, also not too modest.
your resume should answer the following questions: whether it is clear and be able to let the employer know as soon as possible your abilities? whether written clear your ability? if you write clear requirements of the job based? something can be d?
and the resume self assessment is very important also ah, here for example:
his temperament, open-minded, active work really careful, exist good affinity, good at communication, and be fond of common, the love of singing, writing, interest has been refurbished, seek new things. graduated from september of XX. to enter the society at present, a part-time to two years of full-time work, must work can and language communication ability. work also compare pay obligation seriously. work with the boss and received recognition. nothing is still hoping to find a more suitable for my job to temper themselves, is himself in the continuous improvement.
1. 基本信息(Contact Information):
置于简历顶部,包括姓名(Full Name)、联系方式(Phone Number)、电子邮箱(Email Address),确保信息准确无误且专业,例如使用学校或常用的正式邮箱,避免使用过于随意或带有昵称的邮箱。姓名要大写且突出显示,电话需包含国际区号(若有跨国求职需求),格式规范,如 +86 138xxxxxxxx。
2. 求职目标(Objective):
简要清晰地阐述求职意向,如“To obtain a challenging position as a Marketing Assistant, where I can utilize my knowledge and skills to contribute to the companys growth and gain practical experience in the field.”(寻求市场助理一职,期望运用所学知识与技能助力公司发展,并在该领域积累实践经验。)要根据应聘岗位量身定制,突出自身渴望与岗位的契合度。
3. 教育背景(Education):
按倒序排列学历,从最高学历开始。需包含学校名称(School Name)、学位(Degree)、专业(Major)、入学时间(Enrollment Date)与毕业时间(Graduation Date)。例如:“[University Name], Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing, Sep 2019 - Jun 2023”。还可列举相关课程(Relevant Courses),选取与目标岗位紧密相关、成绩优异的课程,如应聘软件工程师,列出数据结构、算法分析等课程,体现专业知识储备。
4. 工作经历(Work Experience):
应届毕业生若实习经历丰富,可单独列出;若实习少,可将兼职、项目经历等归为此类。包括公司名称(Company Name)、职位(Position)、工作时间(Employment Period)。采用“PAR”法则(Problem - Action - Result)描述工作内容,例如:“Identified the low conversion rate issue of the companys website (Problem). Conducted user surveys and competitor analysis, then proposed and implemented targeted optimization strategies (Action). Resulted in a 30% increase in website conversion rate within three months.”(发现公司网站转化率低的问题。进行用户调研与竞品分析,提出并实施针对性优化策略。使网站转化率在三个月内提升 30%。)突出解决问题与取得成果的能力。
5. 项目经历(Project Experience):
详细介绍参与的学术、社团或个人项目,项目名称(Project Name)、担任角色(Role)、项目时间(Project Duration)以及项目成果(Project Achievements)。如:“Led a team of 5 members to develop a mobile application for campus event management (Role). The app was successfully launched and adopted by over 500 students within two months after its release (Achievements).”(带领 5 人团队开发校园活动管理手机应用。该应用发布两个月内被 500 多名学生成功使用。)展现团队协作、项目推进与创新能力。
6. 技能清单(Skills):
分为硬技能(Hard Skills)与软技能(Soft Skills)。硬技能如编程语言(Python, Java 等)、软件应用(Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Office),注明熟练程度(Proficient, Intermediate, Beginner);软技能涵盖沟通、团队合作、领导力等,用简洁短语描述,如“Excellent communication skills demonstrated through successful client presentations.”(通过多次成功的客户演示展现出出色的沟通能力。)确保技能与求职目标匹配。
7. 荣誉与奖励(Honors and Awards):
列举在校期间获得的奖学金(Scholarships)、竞赛奖项(Competition Awards)、荣誉称号(Honorary Titles)等,注明获奖时间与奖项名称,如“First Prize in the National English Speech Contest, 2022”(2022 年全国英语演讲比赛一等奖),突显个人优秀表现。
8. 社团活动与课外活动(Extracurricular Activities):
描述参与的学生会、社团、志愿者活动等,重点突出担任职务、组织活动及从中获得的能力提升,如“As the president of the Marketing Club, organized and coordinated 5 marketing seminars, attracting over 200 participants and enhancing my leadership and event planning skills.”(作为营销社团社长,组织协调 5 场营销研讨会,吸引 200 多名参与者,提升了领导力与活动策划能力。)展现综合素质与团队融入能力。
1. 词汇选择:
使用专业、精准的职场词汇,避免口语化或过于简单的表达。如用“accomplish”代替“finish”,“initiate”代替“start”,“collaborate”代替“work together”;描述成果时,用“substantially”“significantly”“remarkably”等副词增强程度,如“significantly improved customer satisfaction rate”(显著提高客户满意度)。
2. 时态运用:
教育背景用一般过去时;工作经历、项目经历若已结束,多用一般过去时强调完成动作与成果,如“Managed a social media marketing campaign last summer...”;若仍在进行,用现在进行时或现在完成进行时,如“I have been working on an AI research project since last semester...”,突出持续学习与实践过程。
3. 句子结构:
以简洁明了为主,避免冗长复杂句式。多采用主动语态,突出主体作为,如“I developed a new marketing strategy...”,让招聘者快速聚焦你的贡献;但在强调客观成果或团队协作时,可适当用被动语态,如“The website was redesigned by our team...”。
1. 格式规范:
统一字体(如 Arial、Calibri 等,10 - 12 号)、行距(1.5 倍行距较适宜)、页边距(适中,上下左右各 1 英寸左右),使用项目符号(如圆点、方块)区分不同板块,使简历整洁美观、易于阅读。可转换为 PDF 格式,防止格式错乱。
2. 内容定制:
3. 校对审核:
Nationality: China
The current location: Guangzhou National: Han
Residence: Guangdong Province is: 167 cm kg
Marital status: single age: 27
Job search intention and work experience
The type of talent: ordinary job
Job: Business / management / Planning: Engineering Manager / Supervisor, equipment manager / Supervisor industrial / factory QC Manager / Supervisor
Work experience: 3 Title: primary
Job type: full-time date available: at any time
Salary: Negotiable hope work area requirements: Guangdong Province
Personal experience: 20xx.4- Shenzhen south too Shicheng Electronic Quality Engineer
Shicheng electronic for Hong Kong enterprises, in 20xx, Shenzhen export 5 strong enterprises, concrete products are mobile phone, LCD, BACKIGHT, FPC as the QA engineer see specific skills.
20xx.7-20xx.7 Foshan pulihua Technology Quality Engineer
Foshan pulihua camera camera factory city -- the world\s largest, land area of xxx square meters. As QA engineer, see the specific skills.
Education background
University one is graduated from: Guangdong University of Technology
The highest degree: bachelor graduation date: 20xx-07-01
Specialty: automation professional school two:
Education training experience: 1999.9-20xx.7 automation of Guangdong University of Technology undergraduate
ISO9xx014xx0 certificate and Enlightenment of 20xx.9-20xx.9 company
20xx.11-20xx.11 Guangdong Institute of Metrology general measuring tools, multimeter, qualification certificate
20xx.9-20xx.6 is now the Ministry of information industry electronic measurement MSAA \"measurement system analysis, write\" qualification certificate Lab Manual
Language ability
Foreign language: good English
Chinese: good Cantonese level: General
A self assessment
Computer hardware is serious.
Skilled use of OFFICE tools to deal with office affairs;
Familiar with the operation and maintenance of WINDOWS operating system.