

英文简历模板 时间:2017-11-30 我要投稿
【www.ruiwen.com - 英文简历模板】






  Bachelor of Science in Economics & Physics

  May 2014




  Five terms University Honors (GPA higher than 3.5)

  James B. Angell Scholar (Two consecutive Aterms)

  William J. Branstrom Freshman Prize (awarded to top 5% of freshman class/Fall 2011)

  Course Highlights:

  Econometrics, International Finance, Modern Physics, Law and Philosophy



  Ann Arbor, MI

  Summer Analyst, Corporate Rates & FX Derivatives

  Sept. 2012 - present

  Developed over 50 client interest rate and foreign currency exposure profiles from financial statements providing seniormarketers research to develop client-specific hedging strategies.

  Worked with analysts to structure and price various derivative products while creating unique and novel methods to presenthedging recommendations to clients.

  Created real interest rate monitoring tool to study the effect of rate changes on foreign exchange levels. The tool became partof regular research materials and was published in JPMorgan’s FX Markets Weekly.

  Wrote daily and weekly interest rate and foreign exchange market updates, summarizing news and data from various sourcesto inform clients of recent market movements, trends and outlooks.


  Ann Arbor, MI

  Peer Advisor

  Sept. 2011 - present

  Coach clients on career related issues by assessing client needs and connecting with appropriate resources/services.

  Develop and conduct group presentations on career topics to student organizations.

  Create outreach strategies to better market the Career Center and its resources to the campus community and improveoff-site presentations.


  Ann Arbor, MI

  Intern, Economics Department

  June - August 2011


  Streamlined methods to calculate and forecast buying propensities based on data from third party sources. Reducedprocessing time from two weeks down to three hours.

  Studied and explored strengths of accepted industry leading indicators to improve automotive industry trend forecasting.

  Regularly presented results to Chief Economist and other executives.

  Sole undergraduate intern in office.



  Ann Arbor, MI


  2010 - 2011

  Branded organization’s message through website content resulting in increased media usage.

  Redesigned website to improve user experience.

  Lead Actor

  Performed lead roles in dance dramas for audiences of 3000+.

  Collaborated with other actors building trusting relationships to create a strong presentation for the audience.


  Ortonville, MI

  Program Director

  2009 - 2010

  Supervised volunteer and paid staff in program planning and execution for camp population ages 5-16.

  Created policies and implemented new practices to achieve national accreditation.

  Facilitated small group conversations on conflict resolution and group dynamics.


  Donald Jobs

  (+86) 13xxxxxxxxxx

  Objective: Management Trainee


  University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI Focus in Psychology and Human Development May 2014 Current GPA 3.3/4.0

  Relevant Coursework: How to Change the World, General Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Psychology of Music

  Hanover Park High School

  Current GPA 4.2/5.0

  Relevant Coursework: Art of Writing, Language Arts, AP US History I/II East Hanover, NJ

  Community Service

  Amnesty International

  Participated in organization of Free Burma Benefit Concert.

  Presented facts and statistics at events and concerts toeducate audience on issues.

  Developed time management skills by scheduling events throughout the academic year. Honed interpersonal skills by contacting guest speakers. Winter 2012

  Appalachia Service Project Appalachian Area July 2012 - Present Acted as senior representative for six-member team repairing homes.

  Fostered relationships with families byengaging in lunch hour conversations and activities. Organized church service and group projects to enhance 10 daytrip.

  Citihope International Trip to Malawi Africa March 2012 Provided healthy lunch service to orphanages and day care centers.

  Hand- delivered sustaining goods to churches,hospitals, and prisons in surrounding areas. Enhanced interpersonal skills by facilitating cross-cultural conversationswith Malawian teens and community members.

  Taught personal hygiene lessons to incarcerated adults.

  PresentedPowerPoint follow-up presentations for church members and elementary school children. 30 Hour Famine Event Morristown United Methodist Church April 2011 Managed team of four in coordinating youth event. Invited speakers and planned activities to educate participantsabout hunger issues.

  Used Microsoft Word and Excel to organize spreadsheets, calendars and other charts for event. Presented proposal to congregation to gain financial support.

  Center for Student Mission Washington, DC

  Organized vacation bible school in inner-city neighborhood of Anacostia.

  Volunteered at various community foodpantries.

  Taught swim lessons at inner-city day camp.

  Surveyed community members about poverty. August 2011 - 2012


  K-grams (mentoring program for local elementary children), University of Michigan

  Symphonic Band, Hanover Park High School

  Hanover Park Debate Team, Hanover Park High School

  The Forum Newspaper, Features Editor, Hanover Park High School







  Bachelor of Science in Economics & Physics

  May 2014




  Five terms University Honors (GPA higher than 3.5)

  James B. Angell Scholar (Two consecutive Aterms)

  William J. Branstrom Freshman Prize (awarded to top 5% of freshman class/Fall 2011)

  Course Highlights:

  Econometrics, International Finance, Modern Physics, Law and Philosophy



  Ann Arbor, MI

  Summer Analyst, Corporate Rates & FX Derivatives

  Sept. 2012 - present

  Developed over 50 client interest rate and foreign currency exposure profiles from financial statements providing seniormarketers research to develop client-specific hedging strategies.

  Worked with analysts to structure and price various derivative products while creating unique and novel methods to presenthedging recommendations to clients.

  Created real interest rate monitoring tool to study the effect of rate changes on foreign exchange levels. The tool became partof regular research materials and was published in JPMorgan’s FX Markets Weekly.

  Wrote daily and weekly interest rate and foreign exchange market updates, summarizing news and data from various sourcesto inform clients of recent market movements, trends and outlooks.


  Ann Arbor, MI

  Peer Advisor

  Sept. 2011 - present

  Coach clients on career related issues by assessing client needs and connecting with appropriate resources/services.

  Develop and conduct group presentations on career topics to student organizations.

  Create outreach strategies to better market the Career Center and its resources to the campus community and improveoff-site presentations.


  Ann Arbor, MI

  Intern, Economics Department

  June - August 2011


  Streamlined methods to calculate and forecast buying propensities based on data from third party sources. Reducedprocessing time from two weeks down to three hours.

  Studied and explored strengths of accepted industry leading indicators to improve automotive industry trend forecasting.

  Regularly presented results to Chief Economist and other executives.

  Sole undergraduate intern in office.



  Ann Arbor, MI


  2010 - 2011

  Branded organization’s message through website content resulting in increased media usage.

  Redesigned website to improve user experience.

  Lead Actor

  Performed lead roles in dance dramas for audiences of 3000+.

  Collaborated with other actors building trusting relationships to create a strong presentation for the audience.


  Ortonville, MI

  Program Director

  2009 - 2010

  Supervised volunteer and paid staff in program planning and execution for camp population ages 5-16.

  Created policies and implemented new practices to achieve national accreditation.

  Facilitated small group conversations on conflict resolution and group dynamics.


  Donald Jobs

  (+86) 13xxxxxxxxxx

  Objective: Management Trainee


  University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI Focus in Psychology and Human Development May 2014 Current GPA 3.3/4.0

  Relevant Coursework: How to Change the World, General Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Psychology of Music

  Hanover Park High School

  Current GPA 4.2/5.0

  Relevant Coursework: Art of Writing, Language Arts, AP US History I/II East Hanover, NJ

  Community Service

  Amnesty International

  Participated in organization of Free Burma Benefit Concert.

  Presented facts and statistics at events and concerts toeducate audience on issues.

  Developed time management skills by scheduling events throughout the academic year. Honed interpersonal skills by contacting guest speakers. Winter 2012

  Appalachia Service Project Appalachian Area July 2012 - Present Acted as senior representative for six-member team repairing homes.

  Fostered relationships with families byengaging in lunch hour conversations and activities. Organized church service and group projects to enhance 10 daytrip.

  Citihope International Trip to Malawi Africa March 2012 Provided healthy lunch service to orphanages and day care centers.

  Hand- delivered sustaining goods to churches,hospitals, and prisons in surrounding areas. Enhanced interpersonal skills by facilitating cross-cultural conversationswith Malawian teens and community members.

  Taught personal hygiene lessons to incarcerated adults.

  PresentedPowerPoint follow-up presentations for church members and elementary school children. 30 Hour Famine Event Morristown United Methodist Church April 2011 Managed team of four in coordinating youth event. Invited speakers and planned activities to educate participantsabout hunger issues.

  Used Microsoft Word and Excel to organize spreadsheets, calendars and other charts for event. Presented proposal to congregation to gain financial support.

  Center for Student Mission Washington, DC

  Organized vacation bible school in inner-city neighborhood of Anacostia.

  Volunteered at various community foodpantries.

  Taught swim lessons at inner-city day camp.

  Surveyed community members about poverty. August 2011 - 2012


  K-grams (mentoring program for local elementary children), University of Michigan

  Symphonic Band, Hanover Park High School

  Hanover Park Debate Team, Hanover Park High School

  The Forum Newspaper, Features Editor, Hanover Park High School