

英文简历模板 时间:2018-02-16 我要投稿
【www.ruiwen.com - 英文简历模板】



(+86) 13xxxxxxxxx
June 2013
MIT, Department of Urban Studies and Planning
Cambridge, MA

Candidate for Master in City Planning, specializationin Environmental Policy and Planning

Relevant coursework: Energy Policyfor a Sustainable Future, Sustainabilityin Action, Negotiation and PublicDispute Resolution, Transportation and Environmental Limits, and Operations Management, Environmental Law

Master’s thesis: “Making Energy Efficiency Desirable: Lessons from a Cutting-Edge Programin Minneapolis”

Participated in the MIT Energy Efficiency Strategy Project, lead by Harvey Michaels, to scale up efficiency retrofits

Switzer Foundation Environmental Fellow 2010
May 2010 
Wellesley College
Wellesley, MA

Relevant coursework: Terrestrial, Marine, Freshwater Ecology, Environmental Policy, Printmaking and Drawing 

1st year distinction award, elected to Phi Beta Kappa as a junior
Sept 2011- Present   
MIT, Department of Urban Studies and Planning
 Research Assistant
Cambridge, MA

Researched city sustainability initiativesfor Urban Sustainability Assessment

Conducted aliterature review andinterviews with 12 city staff to assess which city energy efficiency programdesigns led to significant results; presented results at American Planning Association conference April 2012

Collaborated with ProfessorJudy Layzer on conference paperforthe American Political Science Associationentitled “What Works and Why? Evaluating the Effectiveness of Cities’ SustainabilityInitiatives.”
Energy Solutions
Project ManagerII, promoted from Project Managerin 2010
Oakland, CA

Consulted with clients on a variety of energy efficiency programs, including:

Client: Cool Roof Rating Council

Acted asthe director of a non-profit organization, the Cool Roof Rating Council, which maintains aninternational rating system for the energy efficiency of roofing products

Managed 8 staff and a $700,000 budget to rate products and develop new technical and marketing initiatives

Facilitated the Board and Technical Committee meetings; created meeting agendas, drafted technical and policyproposals, and developed industry supportfor the organization

Presented at 6 industry association events, wrote and edited 4 articles for industry publications

Client: Pacific Gas and Electric Company(PG&E)

Developed a program to increase compliance with state appliance standards (Title 20)

Managed IT infrastructure projects, including the development of a web application and database for PG&E’sconsumer electronics rebate program that wentlive andis still in use
Strategic Energy Innovations
 Project Coordinator   
San Rafael, CA

Managed energy education and efficiency projects, including the Green Schools program for the Alliance to SaveEnergyto reduce energy use in public schools

Developed energy curriculum and audited 10 participating schoolsfor energy efficiencyimprovements

Conducted small business energy auditing trainingfor 5 high school students, managed 3interns and coordinatedaudits to help local small businesses save energy
Summer 2012
The Clinton Foundation, Climate Positive Development Program
Boston, MA

Wrote white paper on rationale for the Climate Positive goal to go beyond net zero carbon emissions

Researched and wrote 2 case studies: LED street lighting in Brazil and California transit-oriented development

Drafted articles and created an htmltemplate for theirfirst electronic newsletter
Fall 2005
Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs, State Sustainability Program
Boston, MA

Drafted the Massachusetts State Facilities Greenhouse GasInventory

Researched and wrote proposals on distributed generation and solar panels as highway sound barriers
Strong knowledge of Microsoft Office, Access, Visio, AdobeIllustrator,InDesign, Photoshop and Dreamweaver, HTML, CSS, weband graphic design.Intermediate statistics with Stata. Completed Massachusetts-accredited 30-hour mediation training


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