导学案:Unit 7 Section A ( 1a ~ 2c)(新目标版 初三(九年级)上册)

发布时间:2016-4-23 编辑:互联网 手机版

简介: ppt制作 学习目标:
1. 掌握定语从句中关系副词where、when、why的用法。
2. Learn to talk about places we would like to visit
3.Understand the following key sentences:
① Where would you like to visit?
② Where would you like to go on vacation?
③ I’d like to go somewhere relaxing.
④ I hope to go to France some day.
⑤ I’d love to visit Mexico.
⑥ I love places where the people are really friendly.
Grasp the important words and phrases:
① tiring, educational, peaceful, relaxing,
fascinating, fantastic, thrilling, dangerous
beautiful, boring, Mexico, France
② through the jungle/ forest/ tunnel,
go on vacation, hope to do sth. one day,
some day, go trekking/ riding/ shopping
be stressed out, relax oneself, on a beach,
get together, be interested in, pay for. 上传者:smzxxshh2011

相关课件导学案:Unit 5 Section B (1~ 2c)

   简介: ppt制作 1.掌握对正在发生的动作的推测。



chase, run, sky, creature, catch, helicopter

alien, camera, suit, land, strange, write

■ 重点短语

look at, in the sky, run for exercise,

play tennis for fun , catch the bus, make a movie

wear a suit, catch up with sb. ; a woman with a camera

be late for work, look kind of scared, call the police


① He could be running for exercise.

② They must be making a movie.

. 上传者:smzxxshh2011 「下载次数:256」

导学案:Unit 5 Section A 3a ~ 4

   简介: ppt制作 学习目标:

语法: 情态动词表示推测的用法。


① It’s crucial that I study for it because it makes up 30% of the final exam.

② What do you think “anxious” mean?

③ The earrings might be a present for his mother.

④ She’s worried because of her test.


① drop,symphony, anxious, final

optometrist, worried, appointment

crucial, owner, need, backpack

② call sb. have an idea, because of

in the symphony hall, make up

at one’s appointment, look nice

. 上传者:smzxxshh2011 「下载次数:360」

导学案:Unit 5 Section A (1a ~ 2c )

   简介: ppt制作 学习目标:

1.Learn to make inference.

2.Understand the following key sentences:

① It must belong to Carla.

② He was the only little kid at the picnic

③ It could be Mei’s hair band.

④ A: Whose T-shirt is this?

B: It can’t be John’s. It’s much too small for him.

Grasp the new words and phrases:

① belong, become, author, visitor,

picnic, possibly

② belong to, how about, two toy cars,

her favorite author, hair band,

listen to classical music,

at the picnic, on the tennis team . 上传者:smzxxshh2011 「下载次数:291」

导学案:Unit 4, Section A ( 1a ~ 2c )

   简介: ppt制作 学习目标:

Learn to use “ if 引导的虚拟条件状语语气”

Understand the following key sentences:

① What would you do if had a million dollars?

② If I were you, I’d wear a shirt and tie.

③ What if everyone else bring a present?

④ I don’t know what to do.

Grasp the new words and phrases:

① million , number ,medical ,research ,tie,

worry, charity, give, present, late

nervous, anyone

② give it to charity, medical research,

be late for, what if, buy snacks,

put in the blank, worry about,

take medicine, wear a shirt and tie

a little late, bring a little present, at the party

. 上传者:smzxxshh2011 「下载次数:333」

导学案:Unit 3 Self check ~ Reading

   简介: ppt制作 学习目标:

Do you agree with Li Yu’s decision?

Improve the reading skills.

Grasp the key sentences below:

① But we do think that our son needs to be realistic.

② Only then will I have a chance of achieving my dreams.

Grasp the key words and phrases:

(1) reply obey succeed achieve sleepy importance

(2) care about , be serious about, worry about,

in the way, eight hours’ sleep, old people’s home. 上传者:smzxxshh2011 「下载次数:358」

导学案:Unit 3 Section B ( 3a ~ 4 )

   简介: ppt制作 Talk about the school rules.

Improve the reading skills.

Review “ be allowed to + v.”

Grasp the usage of “ keep”.

Grasp the key words and phrases:

(1) concentrate design experience

member opportunity volunteer

(2) concentrate on, at present,

learn from, wear one’s own clothes,

both…and…, study in groups . 上传者:smzxxshh2011 「下载次数:351」

导学案:Unit 3 Section B ( 1a ~ 2c )

   简介: ppt制作 学习目标:

Learn to use “ Do you ever…?”.

Review “ how often”.

Review “ be allowed to + v.”

Grasp the key words and phrases:

(1) finish strict fail late need pass

(2) fail a test, pass a test,

get to class late, take the test,

walk to school, be strict with/in…, . 上传者:smzxxshh2011 「下载次数:313」

导学案:Unit 3 Section A ( 3a ~ 4 )

   简介: ppt制作 Improve reading skills about making conversations. Learn to use “ be allowed to + p.p.” Grasp the key words and phrases: (1) by so neither with (2) stay up, clean up, on school nights, choose one’s own clothes, get one’s ears pierced . 上传者:smzxxshh2011 「下载次数:254」