
时间:2023-02-12 16:05:10 英语作文 我要投稿




英文作文 篇1

  A few days ago, the teacher taught the text of "the voice of a Chinese child". After I saw it, I could not be calm for a long time.

  This text mainly describes the hero's father is a military observer of the United Nations in the implementation and maintenance of the peace act of heroic sacrifice, he called on the world to peace not war story.

  In recent years, world wars have been continuous, such as the United States and Afghanistan. Islam。 The war between the United States and Iraq, the war between Israel and Palestine, and so on. A few people are almost family, broken up, visible, the war damage to human or great. A bomb fell on the busy street, and the city immediately became a pile of ruins.

  Fifty-one years ago, the people of the world won the victory against fascism with blood and life, but the God of peace did not live forever. Many areas are still filled with the smoke of the war, and the evil bullets also threaten the delicate flowers of peace. Save the children, want peace not war, not to the mother in the lost son, wife to not lose her husband, the children do not lose in the father, the world should act together, the sea land, are in the hand of friendship, a laugh, devoid of old resentment. I hope that there is no roar of the looters, no roar of the rebels, and peace everywhere. Sunshine。 Flowers and love.

英文作文 篇2

  中国菜举世闻名,而菜名更是诙谐有趣,妙趣横生,充满中国人的智慧。很多菜名用字典雅瑰丽,充满吉祥喜庆之气,诸如把豆苗(bean seedling)比作“龙须”,鸡蛋美名“芙蓉(Confederate rose)”或“凤凰”,鸡爪称“凤爪”,豆腐(tofu)叫成“白玉”,等。不少菜名豪华气派,美不可言,有种汤叫“珍珠玛瑙(agate)翡翠汤”,只是豆腐、番茄加青菜。一些含有祝贺或象征吉祥的菜名,如竹笋炒排骨是 “步步高升”。有些菜名采用的`是成语,萝卜丝上放根红辣椒表示“踏雪寻梅”。参考译文:Chinese dishes are world-famous,and the dish names are humorous, interesting and full of wits,fully embodying the wisdom of Chinese people.Many dishes are named with elegant and magnificent characters and are full of auspicious and festive atmosphere.For example,the bean seedling is called “dragon beard”,egg is called “Confederate rose” or “phoenix”,chicken claw is called “phoenix talon”,tofu is called“white jade” and so on.Many dish names are in luxurious style and their beauty is beyond words.For example,there is a soup called “soup of pearl,agate and jade”,but its ingredients are only tofu, tomatoes and vegetables.Some dish names express congratulation or symbolize auspiciousness,such as pork ribs fried with bamboo shoots is called “higher and higher' Some dish names are idioms,such as turnip strips with a red pepper is called “looking for plum flowers while treading on the snow”.

英文作文 篇3


  假如我是班长,首先要和同学交往好,如果某同学不舒服,我会马上给这位同学送去医 院或吃药。如果同学生病了,我会给他补课。如果 同学有困难,我能帮的尽量帮。这样,我和同学 的友谊,像松柏一样常青。

  我还要管好卫生,如果教室里有人用水把地搞脏了,我要马上告诉这个同学,下次不要 再搞了。我要一看见纸屑就马上扔入垃圾桶。

  我自己也要好好学习,每次下课跟同学 交流交流,讲一讲故事,或相互之间学习。

  我还要帮老师搬运东西。发作业,当老师 的.小助手。

  如果同学不会做题目,我可以教他,但我 不会直接告诉他答案。如果上课时有人大声喧 哗,就让他小声点。

英文作文 篇4

  My school is very beautiful. It is in Guicheng, near the Qiandeng Lake. Do you know it? It is Nanhai Experimental Primary School. I like my school very much.

  There is a big playground in my school. We have P.E. class on the playground and we often play sports on it , too. Our teaching building has five floors. My classroom is on the fifth floor. It is big and clean. The computer rooms are on the third floor. There is a library on the second floor. There are many books in the library. I often read books here. There are some music rooms and art rooms in the teaching building, too.

  The teachers in my school are very kind . The students are very polite and smart. I am happy in my school.

  我的学校很漂亮。正是在桂城,靠近千灯湖。 你知道吗?这是南海实验小学。我喜欢我的学校非常多。



英文作文 篇5

  Sometimes, people say, "this kid is as smart as a monkey", but people may not notice that cats are smarter than monkeys, especially when they are catching food.

  The other is to rely on domestic animal owners to send food, and a big cat is my grandma feeds and they are not the same, it is not good to eat, not to eat food to capture. Is the best cat stole the fish, when it is in the night, with its feet to soundless and stirless action, it unnoticed to others, that night the glowing eyes and the nose to find the target, with the sudden speed, catch, immediately cautiously without any noise. Run away, then, find a quiet place to enjoy.

  Stole the fish just a small cat to catch mice is the ability, its strengths, cats carefully came to the place where the mouse it feels, quietly, still waiting, as long as the sight of a mouse, the cat will immediately and quickly flee in the past, sometimes just a mouse caught a tail, sometimes only catch mice, regardless of the outcome, there will still be waiting for the cat and mouse.

  Sometimes the cat is really very boring, it will eat the wheat to attack the sparrow, saw the cat still like that stole the fish to go cautiously without any noise and small sparrow sparrow side, not the danger around it, then, all of a sudden forward toward a cat, a small sparrow is caught, in short, cat every time is 100% in the catch".

  Ha ha, when capturing food, the cat is a "mysterious little Superman."".

英文作文 篇6

  Every day of your life, it is important to take the time to “smell the roses” — to appreciate the experiences that lead to happiness。 This is part of being truly happy。

  Happiness is a state of mind。 It starts with accepting where you are, knowing where you are going and planning to enjoy every moment along the way。 You know how to be happy, and feel that you have enough time or money or love or whatever you need to achieve your goals。 And just feeling that you have enough of everything means that you do indeed have enough。

  You have to choose to be happy, and focus upon being happy, in order to be happy。 If you instead focus upon knowing that you will be happy if you achieve something, you will never be happy, as you have not learned to “smell the roses”。 The irony is that when you are happy, you are inevitably more productive, and far more likely to achieve what everything-seekers are seeking。


  在你生活中的每一天,花些时光“闻闻身边的玫瑰”是十分重要的 —— 停下脚步,品味那些带给你幸福的经历。这是真正欢乐的一部分。



英文作文 篇7

  Today, I came back from the street when I saw a cat on the side of the road.

  The cat has a pair of sharp ears, black eyes, a small nose is black, four little short legs, I just want to take it home, suddenly saw a red rope on his neck, it has the original owner.

英文作文 篇8

  With the development of economy, there are more and more vehicles on the streets. Governments at all levels have to do something to solve the problem of heavy traffic in the city.

  I would like to share with you some ideas about this problem: firstly, the government should build more roads. This action can decrease the degree of street congestion and make it possible for cars to run faster than ever before. But each coin has two sides. If a city builds too many roads, the streets will occupy much land. We will have little space used for other purposes. So secondly, more special bus lines for public transportation should be added. Thus people can go conveniently everywhere they like; they will not ride bikes or drive cars. In this way, the number of cars and bikes on the road will be greatly cut down.

  As far as I am concerned, if we want to solve this problem, we should set up an idea of public transportation first and give a priority to this idea in our traffic work.

英文作文 篇9

  The saying "Knowledge is power" becomes universally accepted in that it reveals a simple yet brutal fact: It is the brain rather than sword that makes an individual or a nation strong.

  The truth the saying speaks has been proven in man's civilization, which is, to the greatest extent, accelerated by man's knowledge in the form of science and technology. A century ago, it took many-years to send a message to the other end of the world. Nevertheless, we can have it done in seconds today with just touches on computer keyboard.

  "Knowledge is power" means something particular to us Chinese since China remains backward. We must sweat over knowledge so as to build China into one of the world's economic giants.

英文作文 篇10

  Obama: Economy May Be a Job for More than One President

  Problems with the economy have been building for decades, President Barack Obama told CBS program "60 Minutes" in an interview set to air Sunday, Dec. 11.

  "I've always believed that this was a long-term project," the president said. "Reversing structural problems in our economy that had been building up for two decades, that was going to take time."

  Obama was asked whether he understood the difficulties of improving the economy when he took office in 20xx.

  "It was going to take more than a year. It was going to take more than two years. It was going to take more than one term. Probably takes more than one president," Obama told his interviewer.

  Obama said he understood the frustrations of Americans struggling in today's economy, but compared himself to a captain of a ship in a bad storm.

  "No matter how well we're steering the ship, if the boat's rocking back and forth and people are getting sick and...they're being buffeted by the winds and the rain," Obama said.

  "People are going to say, 'You know whatA good captain would have had us in some smooth waters and sunny skies, at this point.' And I don't control the weather," the president added.

  Chinese sovereign debt bonds that tie:

  Japan wants to buy Chinese government bonds

  IN THE autumn of 20xx, when he was Japan‘s finance minister, Yoshihiko Noda decried it as ―strange‖ that China had bought up as much as ¥2.3 trillion (then $25.5 billion) in Japanese government bonds while its own debt was off-limits to outsiders. Now prime minister, Mr Noda is redressing the balance. At a summit in Beijing on December 25th the two countries announced an agreement to let Japan buy Chinese sovereign debt. No sum or timetable was disclosed, though Japanese news media reported the amount will reach $10 billion once China approves Japan‘s application.

  Both countries say the agreement symbolises the growing importance of their economic ties, which have long been warmer than their diplomatic ones. China is Japan‘s largest trading partner; Japan counts as China‘s biggest after America. But the deal may also be a signal. Officials in Tokyo fret that China‘s purchases of Japanese bonds fuel the yen‘s appreciation. By negotiating for approval to own Chinese debt, Japan can register its discomfort with China‘s

  actions and gain some influence of its own.

  Japan will not simply be able to buy whatever it likes, however. China seems happy for foreign central banks to hold limited amounts of its bonds as another step in the internationalisation of the yuan. Malaysia reportedly already enjoys the privilege, among others; Japan is set to be the first G7 country to do so. But China will not do anything to compromise its control of the exchange rate. Fred Bergsten at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, a think-tank in Washington, DC, once argued that America should dispense with the niceties and exert upward pressure on the Chinese currency via the offshore market instead. He advised America to buy instruments such as the yuan-denominated ―dim sum‖ bonds now on offer in Hong Kong. Quite what effect that would have on the exchange rate is unclear, but the message would be unmistakable.

  The Great Wall of Debt

  That's the word out of China this morning, according to ratings agency Moody's.

  Local government debt could be 3.5 trillion renminbi ($540 billion) larger than first thought, a troubling number that could expose Chinese banks to deeper losses that could eventually threaten their credit ratings, Moody's says.

  It points to Bank of China and China Citic Bank as two banks that pursued particularly aggressive lending strategies in 20xx, when Chinese banks went on a lending tear.

  ―Banks‘ exposure to local government borrowers is greater than we anticipated,‖ Yvonne Zhang, a Moody‘s analyst, said in a statement published by Reuters.

  The biggest worry

  Slower economic growth in the world‘s second-largest economy could trigger a round of loan defaults, hobbling China's banking system and unnerving global markets and, of course, adding more problems to the fragile global economy. Moody's is urging Beijing to come up with a "clear master plan" to fix the problem.

  This isn't the first warning about China's banking system.

  As reported by GlobalPost's David Case back in January, Fitch Ratings late last year issued a troubling report on the sector.

  Here's how Case put it:

  Experts are warning that China‘s red-hot economy is catching a contagion of its own. The country is increasingly awash in runaway loans, a development that could have serious implications for China and the global economy.

  The situation has become so precarious that Fitch Ratings, a global credit

  analysis firm, issued a report last month revealing a litany of messy banking practices associated with aggressive Chinese loan making. The report stated that these practices — involving transferring loans off of banks‘ books — constitute ―the most disconcerting trend Fitch has observed in China‘s banking sector in recent years.‖

  The problem is complicated by China's socialist-market approach to tweaking its economy.

  Instead of using interest rates as the brake and gas pedal of economic growth, Beijing regulates its economy by upping or decreasing the amount of loans that banks can issue.

  That's fine when it works. But it's also a risky strategy, particularly when transparency is difficult to come by, as is often the case in China.

  So, clearly, the situation bears close watching as both Moody's and Fitch indicate.

  Top Ten Best-Selling Biographies

  Some of the best recent biographies are listed on this page. These were found on the top biographies list at Amazon. Their list is mixed with autobiographies and a few histories. I have separated those out and list only the best biographies.

  Biographies tell the intimate, personal life story of someone - most often a famous person, but not always. Biographies are usually written by a non-involved third person. On this list you'll find biographies about George Washington, Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, and Karen Carpenter, as well as the owner of the New York Yankees. There's a lot of variety. 1. Three Cups of Tea

  by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin

  1. Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace . . . One School at a Time

  by: Greg Mortenson, David Oliver Relin

  Greg Mortenson, ill after a failed mountain climbing attempt in the Karakoram Mountains, rested and recovered in a small Pakistani village. So moved was he by the kindness of villagers there, he vowed to return to build a school. This is the paperback version. Also available in hardcover, Kindle, and audiobook versions, and as an Audible download. [#22 in Books at Amazon in July 20xx.] Amazon Price: $10.88 (as of 10/24/20xx)

  2. The Immortal Life of Heietta Lacks

  by Rebecca Skloot

  This amazing biography teaches us about Heietta Lacks, who died at the age of 31 of cervical cancer in 1951. Her cancer cells were harvested, unknown to her or her family, and used in important scientific and medical research projects to this day. This book details Heietta's life, and those lives of her progeny. This is the hardcover version. Also available in paperback, Kindle, audiobook format and as an Audible download. [#44 in Books at Amazon in July 20xx.]

  Amazon Price: $15.54 (as of 10/24/20xx)

  3. Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy

  by Eric Metaxas

  Inspired by the light of God to return to Germany and defeat Hitler, Dietrich Bonhoeffer was imprisoned and executed in a concentration camp at the age of 39. His inspiring example of steadfast faith and resolute action against evil make this a riveting and beloved biography. This is the hardcover edition; also available in Kindle and audiobook versions. [#150 in Books at Amazon in July 20xx.]

  Amazon Price: $16.62 (as of 10/24/20xx)

  4. Zeitoun

  by Dave Eggars

  Abdulrahman Zeitoun, a Syrian immigrant, stayed in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina to help rescue people, using a canoe. Despite his humanitarian effort he's accused of being a member of Al Qaeda and arrested, leading to a bureaucratic nightmare. This lends credence to the saying that 'no good deed will go unpunished.' This is the paperback edition; also available in hardcover, Kindle, audiobook, and Audible download versions. [#187 in Books at Amazon in July 20xx.]

  Amazon Price: $10.85 (as of 10/24/20xx)

  5. George Washington's Sacred Fire

  by Peter A. Lillback

  George Washington was not just a great politician; he was a man of ethical inspiration, and a true Christian, not just a Deist. The rumors about Washington's beliefs are rampant, but this in-depth examination of his life and writings brings the truth of his philosophies to light. This is the paperback edition; also available in hardcover and Kindle versions. [#297 in Books at Amazon in July 20xx.]

  Amazon Price: $13.60 (as of 10/24/20xx)

  6. Into The Wild

  by Jon Krakauer

  This has been in the top 100 best-selling biographies list at Amazon for more than 1000 days! (Much longer than most!) It tells the heart-wrenching story of

  Christopher McCandless, who graduated with honors from Emory University in Atlanta in 1992. He renounced the world and hitchhiked to Alaska to live in the wilderness. Perhaps you've seen the movieGreat biography! This is the paperback edition; also available in hardcover, Kindle, audiobook, and Audible download versions. [#260 in Books at Amazon in July 20xx.]

  Amazon Price: $10.17 (as of 10/24/20xx)

  7. Furious Love: Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, and the Marriage of the Century

  by Sam Kashner and Nancy Schoenberger

  Fame, movies, and marriage. These celebrities were known during the sixties and seventies for their breakups as much as for their marriages and reunions. They couldn't make a move without everyone knowing, but this book bares all with inside information from Elizabeth Taylor and the Burton family. This is the hardcover edition; also available in Kindle and Audible download versions.

  [#305 in Books at Amazon in July 20xx.]

  Amazon Price: $17.46 (as of 10/24/20xx)

  9. Blind Descent: The Quest to Discover the Deepest Place on Earth by: James M. Tabor

  Those of us who are satisfied living out life on the surface of the planet may wonder why some people are dedicated to exploring deep inside the deepest caves in the world. This biographical account of deep descent by cavers Bill Stone and Alexander Klimchouk will let us understand the experience without actually having to do it ourselves. This is the Kindle edition; also available in hardcover, audiobook, and Audible download versions. [#521 in Kindle at Amazon in July 20xx.]

  Amazon Price: (as of 10/24/20xx)

  10. Steinbrenner: The Last Lion of Baseball

  by Bill Madden

  A controversial and conflicted man, owner of the New York Yankees, is exposed as what most knew him to be, an angry, impulsive bully... but there are more positive aspects to his life and personality. The biographer makes Steinbrenner three dimensional as he opens a more intimate side of his life to scrutiny. This is the hardcover edition; also available in paperback, Kindle, and Audible download versions. [#798 in Books at Amazon in July 20xx.] Amazon Price: $17.81 (as of 10/24/20xx)

  Steve Jobs biography to be released on 24 October




节约作文 英文08-15






