
时间:2022-03-21 12:17:02 其他类英语作文 我要投稿




  英语作文 篇1

  I like Christmas

  I like Christmas, it is just like our Spring Festival.

  Maybe the Spring Festival is much more important and interesting than Christmas, but I like Christmas Day better. Because we can spend time with our friends and classmates during Christmas. When it is snowy, Christmas becomes much more lovely, just like in fairytales. I can imagine I am in a fairytale, the girl who sold the matches is my friend, the ugly duck becoming more and more beautiful and so on. What a beautiful place! So we can also call Christmas “Snowy Lovely Day.”

  On Christmas Day, shops are red and green. There are so many Christmas cards, Christmas hats, Christmas dolls and many colourful things. So shops look very beautiful. We can give a card or a doll to our friends and say “Merry Christmas.” By the way, I think studying can also become much more interesting.

  Christmas is coming, it also means a new year will come. Let’s study harder to welcome the new year!

  英语作文 篇2

  The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

  The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (commonly known as the United Kingdom, the UK or Britain) is a sovereign state off the north-western coast of continental Europe. The country includes the island of Great Britain, the north-eastern part of the island of Ireland and many smaller islands. Northern Ireland is the only part of the UK that shares a land border with another sovereign state—the Republic of Ireland. Apart from this land border the UK is surrounded by the Atlantic

  Ocean, the North Sea, the English Channel and the Irish Sea.

  The United Kingdom is a unitary state governed under a constitutional

  monarchy and a parliamentary system, with its seat of government in the capital city of London. It is a country in its own right and consists of four countries: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. There are three devolved national administrations, each with varying powers, situated in Belfast, Cardiff and Edinburgh; the capitals of Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland respectively. Associated with the UK, but not constitutionally part of it, are three Crown Dependencies and fourteen overseas territories. These are remnants of the British Empire which, at its height in 1922, encompassed almost a quarter of the worlds land surface and was the largest empire in history. British influence can still be observed in the language, culture and legal systems of many of its former territories.

  The UK is a developed country and has the worlds sixth-largest economy by nominal GDP and seventh-largest economy by purchasing power parity. It was the worlds first industrialized country and the worlds foremost power during the 19th and early 20th centuries although the economic and social cost of two world wars and the decline of its empire in the latter half of the 20th century diminished its leading role in global affairs. The UK nevertheless remains a great power with leading economic, cultural, military, scientific and political influence. It is a member state of the European Union, a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, and is also a member of: the Commonwealth of

  Nations, G8, G20, NATO, the OECD, the Council of Europe and the World Trade Organization.

  The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland uses as its national flag the royal banner known as the Union Flag or, popularly, Union Jack. It consists of the red cross of Saint George (patron saint of England), edged in white, superimposed on the Cross of St Patrick (patron saint of Ireland), which are superimposed on the Saltire of Saint Andrew (patron saint of Scotland). Wales, however, is not represented in the Union Flag by Wales patron saint, Saint David as at the time the flag

  was designed Wales was part of the Kingdom of England.

  "God Save the Queen" (alternatively "God Save the King") is an anthem used in a number of Commonwealth realms and British Crown Dependencies. The words of the song, like its title, are adapted to the gender of the current monarch, with "King" replacing "Queen", "he" replacing "she", and so forth, when a king reigns.

  The official language is English, and other recognised

  regional languages are Irish, Ulster Scots, Scottish Gaelic, Scots, Welsh, Cornish.

  London is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom, the largest metropolitan area in the United Kingdom and the largest urban zone in the European Union by most measures. London is a leading global city, with strengths in the arts, commerce, education, entertainment, fashion, finance, healthcare, media, professional services, research and development, tourism and transport all contributing to its prominence.

  London contains four World Heritage Sites: the Tower of London; Kew Gardens; the site comprising the Palace of Westminster, Westminster Abbey and St Margarets Church; and the historic settlement of Greenwich (in which the Royal Observatory marks the Prime Meridian (0° longitude) and GMT). Other famous landmarks include Buckingham Palace, the London Eye, Piccadilly Circus, 30 St Mary Axe ("The Gherkin"), St Pauls Cathedral, Tower Bridge and Trafalgar Square. London is home to numerous museums, galleries, libraries, sporting events and other cultural institutions including the British Museum, National Gallery, British Library, Wimbledon and 40 theatres.

  英语作文 篇3

  Most people miss their grade school days and think they are the happiest time of their life, but whenever I recall them I cannot help feeling a little sad. In my young days I disliked any dismal atmosphere and could not bear the feeling of loneliness, yet the fact was that I often lived in a dismal home and frequently had the bitter taste of lonesomeness. I was not cheerful even in the company of my classmates at the grade school I attended. When I was alone at home the dismal atmosphere often filled me with fear even though thought here went to work in the morning but always came later than I did. For a young person like me t was too bad. Not until I was about sixteen years old had I outgrown t feeling of fear. Then there was that nagging feeling of loneliness either at home of at school. My father changed his job several times and with each change of his job we had to move and I had to attend a different grade school. Before I finished my elementary education I had attended three grade schools and thus it was difficult for me to cultivate enduring friendships. The feeling of being friendless was a constant source of pain to me. Those unhappy grade school days have of course long been over. I still have an abhorrence for any dismal atmosphere and lonesomeness, but hardened by experience I now find them less disturbing than they were.

  英语作文 篇4

  there are things that you can do to keep your self healthy. for example, brush your teeth well, so your gums will be healthy and you may not get any cavity in your teeth; wash yourself regularly, so your skin will feel more comfortable and you will not get skin diseases so easy; wear clean clothes and shoes; do not eat food which is not clean; keep your house dry and clean, and free from flies, cockroaches, and ; mosquitoes; let your house get enough sunlight and fresh air. all these are part of your personal hygiene.

  even with this minimum level of hygiene you will reduce disease more effectively than a group of doctors.



  英语作文 篇5

  My favourite Giant pandas

  I want to tell you something about my favourite of all the animals, I like giant pandas best.

  Giant pandas are beautiful black and white animal. When a giant panda was born, it looked like a white mouse and when it grows up, it looks like a bear. I think it looks lovely. It usually eats bamboo shoots and leaves. I hear that giant pandas ate meat long long ago but now they never eat meat. It lives in bamboo forests so it can climb trees. I like it because it can make me happy.

  Many people say China is famous for the dragon, but I don't think so. I think China is famous for giant pandas. The Chinese government often sends one or two giant pandas to the other countries as a present. This year, the Chinese government sent two giant pandas-- Tuantuan and Yuanyuan to Taiwan. They live in the zoo now and they are popular and welcome in Taiwan. A lot of tourists to Taiwan would like to go and see them.

  But the number of giant pandas is getting smaller and smaller. Many hunters kill them for their fur and farmers change the nature reserves to make more farmlands. I think giant pandas need our help. We should take actions to protect animals. Encouraging hunters and farmers to leave reserves is the most important. Though I'm still a student, I can write to newspapers and magazines about protecting animals. I hope animals can live a happy life.

  英语作文 篇6

  Learn English not only to international demand, more important is for the sake of our own knowledge expansion. This how do Because western science and technology leading us, progress and there are many good articles, good research books are written in English. In order to further explore the research, the extension of my knowledge and professional skills, first must learn English well, there are ways to not only off the hand of others translation, and can get the most authentic first-hand information. The Olympic Games soon, will certainly to many foreigners. As a world language, everybody! How can we Chinese will be better, not line? At the very least, also want to be spoken. Speaking is the most basic English, be sure to learn oh! Dialogue with foreigners fluently and said, how glorious.

  英语作文 篇7

  My Favourite detective

  In the world of detective novels, Sherlock Holmes is undoubtedly the most famous one. But for me, the greatest detective in novels is Hercule Poirot, a little Belgian who always uses his little grey cells to find the truth.

  I really appreciate him for various reasons, such as his having an insight into other people's psychology, his understanding on hunman nature and his being merciful. But most improtant thing is that he looks more like a real human being, compared with Holmes or other legend detectives. He has such a funny appearance, an egg-shaped head and exaggerated moustache . He enjoys delicious cuisine and focuses on his own dressing. He is always humor and likes to mock himself. he prefers to stay with young peole for being attracted by their vigor and energy. And there are still so many lovely features of him I can list.

  Anyway, I like him and appreciate him. I always get touched by the philosophy of life in his storys. Hercule Poirot is indeed my favourite detective.

  英语作文 篇8

  Everyone has a lot of dreams. Some people want to be rich, dreaming of becoming millionaires overnight. Others want to be famous, dreaming of suddenly jumping to great fame. I have a lot of dreams,too。Now I'll talk about my dream i What is my dream? I often ask myself. When I was a little boy, I wanted to be a soldier with a gun so that I could defend our motherland. Now I am a young boy with a new dream——to be a doc-tor. I want to be a famous doctor, helping the sick and saving their lives. Why has my dream changed? Well, at the age of 11 I was ill, badly ill. I was told that I had cancer. I had to leave both my school and my friends and go to the hospital. Every day I suf-fered the troubles caused by this illness. I also saw some people who were suffering and dying of ill-nesses. I made up my mind to become a doctor, so that I can help the sick people and cure them of their diseases. China is a develop-ing country. She needs good medicine and good doctors, especially in the countryside and lonely villages. I want to try my best to help the poor sick people of our country. I want to let them have an opportunity to receive excel-lent treatments for their illnesses without having to pay much or any money. I'll do every bit to cure the incurable. I hope to see a world where there is no cancer, no Aids, no fatal diseases. I'm confident that through the joint efforts of you and me, man will put an end to his bodily sufferings and this dream of mine will one day be brought into reality.

  英语作文 篇9

  Some people may believe that going to classes should be optional, but I disagree. I don’t understand how university students can expect to learn anything if they don’t attend classes. Personal experience can help people learn about themselves and the world outside the classroom, but when it comes to learning about academic subjects, students need to be in class.

  In class they receive the benefit of the teacher’s knowledge. The best teachers do more than just go over the material in than class textbook. They draw their students into discussion of the material. They present opposing points of view. They schedule guest speakers to come, give the students additional information, or show documentary films on the subject.

  Also, attending classes on any subject teaches more than just facts. It teaches students how to learn, how to absorb information and then apply what they’ve learned to other situations. Their teacher is the best one to help them with these skills. They can’t learn them just by reading the textbook.

  Going to class also teaches students how to work with the other members of the class. Many times students will be given group assignments. This is different from what they did in secondary school. Here they’re with people from different backgrounds and experiences. In this situation, they learn how to handle working with people different from themselves to achieve a common goal. http://www.fww114.com

  Going to class also teaches students responsibility and discipline. Having to be at a particular place at a particular time prepares them for getting a job. Being at a place on time with an assignment completed prepares them for a career.

  In short, by going to class students learn more than just information from the teacher. They also learn how to learn, how to work with others, and how to work responsibly. These are not optional skills in life, so attending classes should not be optional in college.

  英语作文 篇10

  I took a trip to Shanghai with my mother during the seven-day holiday .We stayed in a large hotel on the eighth floor On the second day, my brother and I went to Nanjing Road When we got there, there were lots of people I bought two T-shirts and two pairs of trousers for the coming summer .My brother also bought some clothes. It was full of people I had a good time. I didn’t forget to do my homework in the evening.

  英语作文 篇11

  What we should do? First, finding what the source of the situation is. People have destroyed the environment. People have hunted for meat. Actually, wild animals are endangered by some man’s behavior.What can we do? The first is to make laws to protect endangered species. One other useful thing is to create protective areas. It could create a safe environment for animals to live in.Sending animals to the zoo is not the best choice, but better than have been killed.Basically, we must have the moral character to protect the animals, and we must continue living by sharing the land with the other different animals.

  英语作文 篇12

  My HabbitsI have some habbits, some are good, but some are bad.I like reading very much. From reading science books, I get a lot of knowledge. From reading novels, I lose myself in the stories. I like doing sports, too. It helps me keep healthy. Also I never put today's work till tomorrow. They are all my good habbits. They help me a lot in my daily life.However, I also have some bad habbits. For example, sometimes I do my homework slowly, and stay up till very late. During meals I prefer meat to vegetables. And sometimes I play computer games too long without having a reat. They are all harmful to my health.From now on I'll try to keep my good habbits, and give up the bad ones. Then I'll live better.

  英语作文 篇13

  Today, my mother and I went to the supermarket.

  I saw a lot of items and food. I saw some of the delicious, like in the past, but my mother to buy eggs, I do not think that in the past, otherwise it will get lost. After a while, my mother has bought things.

  So next time myself ...... delicious!

  英语作文 篇14

  Dear Susan,

  I am sorry to hear that you have decided not to go to college. I am writingto trying to persuade you not to do that. The reasons are as follows.

  First, education has a long-lasting influence on our future. No one canignore the fact that well-educated people usually perform better in their careerand enjoy a better life. Second, we all meet certain difficulties in our livesand what we should do is take up the challenges and trying to overcome them.Third, you can apply for a student loan or take part-time jobs to earn somemoney. Of course I will trying my best to help you too.

  In short, I hope you can accept the offer from that college.


  Li Hua

  英语作文 篇15

  We all know a story similar to this: Two Men and a Bear.

  In the forest,when a bear attacked them, the thinner man quickly climbed up to the top of atree and forgot his promise to the fatter guy, who could not climb the tree,about helping each other when in danger. Luckily, the fatter man saved himself.The fatter mat was very disappointed, and when they got together again, he saidto the thinner man, "You are not my real friend. Only a friend in need is afriend indeed". This is a very familiar story. It illustrates to us what afriend should be like. It is, however, just a story.

  英语作文 篇16

  In the summer holiday,I will visit some places of interest in southern China. By visiting these places I can learn a lo In the summer holiday,I will visit some places of interest in southern China.

  By visiting these places I can learn a lot about our brilliant national culture. I will visit the Suzhou Gardens,the West Lake,Lu Xun's former residence and so on. I think I can broaden my horizon of our country's culture during the holiday. It is very helpful and interesting.

  I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays this year. I liked green plants,clear rivers lovely amimals breathed the fresh air on the mountain sometimes i went swimming in the river. I kept a diary every day.

  I liked not the scene of the countryside,the people there. i helped them to do farm work. i also helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons. the children were interested in english. they were good at reading writing,not do well in listening speaking. i helped them improve their listening speaking. their parents thought highly of me. i realized that knowledge is greatly needed in the countryside.

  英语作文 篇17

  Many people like watching TV. TV brings the outside world into people’s homes. People say the world is smaller than before because of TV. What is going on in other countries?How do people live in places far away? What sports do people play in other countries?

  If you want to know the answers to these and other kinds of questions, just turn on the TV. Of course people can also learn through reading books or listening to the radio,but many say they learn more by watching TV. Why? Because they can listen to and watch it.

  TV opens our eyes to the outside world,at the same time also helps to open our minds. TV often gives us new ideas. We learn newer and better ways of doing things.

  英语作文 篇18

  Water is very important to humans. We can’t live without water. The water suitable for drinking is becoming less and less. But some people don’t seem to care about this. They waste a lot

  of water. They pour dirty water into rivers and pollute them. They throw rubbish into them,too. Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted. We must do something to stop the pollution. We must protect the water as well as find ways to reuse it. If we don’t ,the last drop of water will be a teardrop.

  英语作文 篇19

  Taking care of our environment is very important. It is well-known that man,as well as living things,can’t live without water or air. However,many factories pour waste water directly into the rivers or lakes. They also give out a lot of smoke directly into the air. Some people throw rubbish everywhere. So our environment is getting worse and worse. Polluted water or air is harmful to us all.

  It is our duty to keep our environment clean and tidy. We shouldn’t throw about waste things. We must plant many trees,flowers and grass. If everyone protects the environment,the world will become more beautiful.

  英语作文 篇20

  It’s very important for us to keep healthy in our everyday life. Here are some advice for you to follow.

  First you should have a healthy diet. It’s necessary to eat enough fish and vegetables. Because they contain all kinds of vitamin you need ever day. Do not eat too much fat,such as butter or anything too fatty. Too many sweets can do harm to your teeth. So you had better not eat too many sweets or chocolates and keep off coffee.

  Good habits can help you keep fit. Doing regular exercise is certainly a good way to keep healthy. After a day’s work,an eight-hour sleep is needed. And avoid working or studying too hard. Remember smoking can damage your health. So never smoke.

  英语作文 篇21

  Provide a Better Life for Senior Citizens

  Now we have a growing population of senior citizens. To ensure happy lives for them has become a focus of attention. Our traditional respect of the aged needs updating. They deserve respect, understanding, coMPAnion, entertainment and so on.

  There are many things to be done to honor senior citizens. In cities, senior citizens should enjoy some privileges, such as special seats on buses, reduced fares for entertainment and traveling, and other benefits. We should do everything to solve their practical problems, to warm their hearts, and to make them happy. In addition, we should find some ways to piovide affordable medical health care,which is of vital importance to them. Besides, there should be recreation halls and care- centers for the aged. Most important of all, the state should ensure a decent pension for them, peasants in particular. In the vast countryside, most aged people are financially supported by their sons, whose life is aperpetual struggle against poverty. What can they do if they are childless?

  Senior citizens, parents in particular, need our love and deserve the best care. Respecting senior citizens bears vital importance to the family - planning policy in China. If we do our best to honor ourparents and the aged, our children will follow our example.

  Help Children to Be Independent

  Thanks to the “family plan”policy,today in China many families have one

  child.Loving and caring for children is an old Chinese tradition that has remained for thousands of years.But the children are spoilt so much that they have less independence.They rely on their parents in everything.That is bad for a child's growing.Therefore,parents should develop the children's independence instead of doing everything for them.

  There are some ways to help children to be independent.First of all,you should believe your children can do the things well.Second,give them more chances to practise,when they don't know how to do it,just tell them the way.Third,don't be afraid to see them fail.In the beginning,they may do something bad.But don't worry,just let them try again.They can do the work as well as you if given more time.

  To be independent is good for the children.A child who is independent will succeed easily in the future.

  Nowadays fewer and fewer students pay attention to their word-spelling. According to a recent survey, there is a dramatic increase in the number of students who can only imitate the pronunciation of a word but be incapable of spelling it. In this essay I will discuss the factors of this phenomenon and offer my own view on it.

  There are a number of factors can be accountable for this situation. One of the most common factors is that fewer and fewer students need to write English essays. Besides, the goal of most students to learn English is to speak it and pass the examination which means they just need to select the similar words according to the listening materials and passages. Perhaps the most

  contributing factor is the wide use of electronic devices such as e-dictionaries and computers and students no longer need to correct the words by themselves.

  As far as I’m concerned, I firmly argue that we need to attach great

  importance to word-spelling. To the students, they should write English as much as they can. Meanwhile, to the teachers, the dictations should be reinforced in the class.

  英语作文 篇22

  My birthday is on Sunday. My parents are going to have a birthday party at home. I invite my friends to come to the party.

  At the party. They give me many small presents. Such as cards, picture books, pens.

  They sing Happy Birthday to me. My mother makes a big cake for me. I cut the cake into small pieces and give them out. we sing and dance.

  We have a good time at the party.

  It was fine for traveling last Sunday . I showed Ann round the museum . she was surprised to see many old things , and she was interested in the King’s hat . She wanted to buy one. I told her it wasn ’t real . Ann kept asking me some other thinges.

  When she saw a thing with three legs and a strange top , she stopped to point at in and asked me , “ What is that ? ” “ It is a cup . ” I told her .

  We had a good time in the museum .

  I went hiking to a mountain with my friends last summer.

  It was a good trip at the beginning but something unexpected happened on the half way. One of my friends suddenly felt a terrible pain in his stomach and he couldn‘t move any further. Nobody knew what to do.

  One girl tried to call her mum with her mobile phone but there was no signal in the mountain area. Luckily we brought a tent with us. We put it up and let him rest in it. He took some medicine. Then he drank some water, and ate some food. After a while, he felt much better and we walked on. We all enjoyed ourselves on the top of the mountain.

  I had a happy weekend last week.

  On Saturday morning, I watched TV and helped my mother wash clothes. In the afternoon, I cleaned three bedrooms in my house-- mine, my parents’ and my brother’s.

  On Sunday, I played football in the park. Then I went to my grandparents’ house. Grandpa played the piano! The whole family was so happy. Later, we wanted to swim. But it was too cold.

  This was last weekend.

  英语作文 篇23

  Grandpa always like in the afternoon breeze, sunlight, walking through the window on the carpet, put a gentle quiet, with rural atmosphere of music, a cup of heady mist of longjing tea, comfortably lying on an old palace chair, in a room full of tea, lit up a cigarette, then, blow out easily with the mouth one loop, the spread of watching them freely...

  However, although grandpa likes smoking very much, it is harmful after all. Grandpa grandma don't support smoking, but never forced grandfather smoking, always patient and some excerpts from books and magazines about smoking is harmful to one's health in the paragraph, then the nightstand. And grandpa always don't care, will the pages with a double, is back on the bed, grandma is helpless smile, the second day, and have a new a stack of books on the bed.

  To be honest, I hate people for smoking because their smoke is so pungent. I can't imagine grandfather smoking a few years be: because smoking and into black or dark yellow teeth, sickness because of smoking, because smoking its healthy lung smoke escapes into black, but I don't like the suffocating odor.

  I have advised my grandfather to give up smoking several times, but my grandfather is always on smiling without a word and can't hear a word. My father tried to persuade him, but it didn't work. Smoke several times, I was secretly to grandpa's hidden in a corner, watch my grandpa face tense rummaged through all the pockets but I could not bear, put cigarettes in a prominent place, looking at grandpa found cigarettes the expression of the heart.

  Uncle is not in favor of grandpa so fanatical smoking, because he is a bad illness after smoking after a vindication, uncle hate cigarettes made him sick, he deeply understand the smoke is murderous .com fiend, he always said to grandpa, sobbed once in a while, I can't tube. But you smoke so much every day, other people cigarette smoke box to also label "smoking is harmful to health"! Well, I wouldn't advise you... Grandpa began some shaken, how many times, just picked up a cigarette and put down, eyes reveal how much hesitation, several times, when lit cigarette lighter, grandpa will be lighter down... I can understand the feeling of smoking.

  Mom and dad to let grandpa to quit smoking, each time you visit grandpa always bring a parcel from the supermarket to buy snacks, is for grandpa to smoke when eating; Uncle somehow from the factory for a couple of small plastic stick, said to give up smoking to quit addiction "" the hand, in many people's efforts, grandpa expectations, gave the smoke all to the colleague, threw the cigarette lighter on one side, it seems that he is really made up his mind to.

  Now, every day in the afternoon, grandpa still lying in a plush chair, drink a mouthful of strong tea, just missing a cigarette in her hand, the less at the top of the loop of one by one.

  英语作文 篇24

  A dream is to a man what wings are to a bird. With a dream in the deep heart's core, a man is spontaneously driven to hitch his wagon to a star. A dream is an inexhaustible source of energy that keeps our enthusiasm burning, and kindles our desire to enhance our spiritual cultivation, refine our character, and upgrade our quality of life. A life without a dream is like a bird with broken wings, confined to a cage and oblivious of what lies beyond the range of its vision. On the contrary, a man with a dream is like a warrior armed with ambition, foresight and gallantry, daring to step into an unknown domain to make a journey of adventure. It is dream that adds fullness, variety, and spice to our life and makes it worth living.

  I have a dream. It is a dream that is deeply rooted in human nature. I dream that one day people of all origins can live in harmony and peace without being discriminated against or persecuted. The bounty of the earth can be shared by every single human being. Mutual respect will guarantee the existence and continuation of the diversity of customs and cultures. Love, sympathy, and cooperation will alleviate the sufferings and disasters inflicted upon our fellow men. Respect for basic human rights will put an end to social injustices and evils.

  英语作文 篇25

  The Road to Grow Up

  Before I was five years old, my parents gave me what I wanted, but as I became bigger, they changed their attitude towards me. My parents no longer satisfy me with all I want. When I want to buy a new dress, my mother won’t buy for me directly, she asks me to do something to exchange for it. Such as doing the housework or making progress in the study. What’s more, when I meet the difficulties, my parents won’t solve them for me immediately, instead, they will leave me to think about them and help me to solve them. What my parents do to me is right, it is my road to grow up.

  英语作文 篇26

  My school life is busy and interesting.

  We usually have four classes in themorning and three in the afternoon. Class begins at eight in the morning and onethirty in the afternoon. We have ten minutes rest between two classes. I oftenhave my lunch at school. After school I have after-school activities. I likeplaying basketball very much so I often play basketball for about an hour withmy friends. In spring and autumn we have sports meeting and sometimes we haveother activities, such as English compation. My school life is so fantastic thatI like it very much.

  英语作文 篇27

  With the development of technology, today we live in the world with hightechnology.

  People seem to can’t live without computer and smart phone, oncethey don’t have smart phone at hand for a while, the seem to be lost and feelsomething miss in their life. When I talk to my friends at table, I find themalways play smart phones or check on the text all the time. Though we sit faceto face, the distance between us is so far. The high technology brings isolationbetween people. Some people don’t often visit their parents and friends, forthey believe that a call can solve all the things. Communication in face to faceis far more important than a call. It is time for some people to put down theirsmart phones for a while when they are communicating to others.

  英语作文 篇28

  The Mid-Autumn is a very important Chinese festival. It falls on the 15th day of Aucgust. A few days before the festival,everyone in the family will help to make the house clean and beautiful. Lanterns will be hung in front of the house. On the evening there will be a big family dinner. People who work far away from their homes will try to come back for the union. After dinner,people will light the lanterns which are usually red and round. Children will play with their own toy lanterns happily. At night the moon is usually round and bright. People can enjoy the moon while eating moon-cakes which are the special food for this festival. They can look back on the past and look forward to the future together. It is said that there was a dragon in the sky. The dragon wanted to swallow up the moon. To protect the frighten the dragon away.

  英语作文 篇29

  Mid-autumn Festival Plan

  Tomorrow is Mid-autumn festival, since I don’t have go to school, so I want to take a break and have fun. Mid-autumn festival is a big day, in the tradition, the families will get together and have a big dinner. For me, I have made some plans. In the morning, I will go shopping with my sister, we will buy some delicious food, so as to prepare for the dinner. In the evening, after finishing the supper, I want to play some games with my family, since it is the precious moment for us get together, we must enjoy the moment. At last, we will watch the TV show, what a wonder night.

  英语作文 篇30

  The Way of Thinking Between Boys and Girls

  Last night, I saw an interesting movie, it told about a boy and a girl who were at the same age, but the way they thought was so different. The boy was skin-deep, he judged the person by their faces, while the girl could think much further, she found the beauty of life. During their process of growing, finally the boy became mature and started to have the real talk with the girl. I learn that boys and girls indeed think in a very different way, so misunderstanding always happens. It is important to have the communication, so that they can know each other’s thoughts.

  英语作文 篇31

  About David Beckham

  David Beckham is the only football player I can recognize. It is said that he is famous for his great skills of playing soccer and also his handsome outlook. I first know him from my big brother who is a crazy fan. In his bedroom one of wall is covered with Beckham’s pictures. And my deskmate is a crazy fan of Beckham but she pay more attention to the gossip and news about this famous football player. Considering these people, who like David, around me, so it is too hard to know him.

  英语作文 篇32

  Love makes the world go around.

  Love to us human is what water to fish.Love shines the most beautiful light of humanity,we born in it,we live by it.Too often we take it as granted,but we should know love is a priceless gift we should cherish.But how to cherish the love?I have heard a saying :the quickest way to receive love is to give it; the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly the best way to keep love is to give it wings.

  It is important for us to learn to love as the first class in our life.Only when you know how to love than you will be a real man in this world.Love brings us warmth in the fearful coldness,love brings us bright when life gets hard and dark.Love brings us confidence toward life when we are tired out and want to give up.

  Love deserves all the admiring words,and love is even beyond the life and death.That is what love is all about in my eyes.

  英语作文 篇33

  In accordance to the definition in Oxford Dictionary, creation refers to the act or process of making something that is new, or of causing something to exist that did not exist before.In fact, today it is impossibly difficult for us to image a 21st century without creation .


  We should place a high value on creationfirstly because creativespirit can enable an individual to ameliorate himself, so he can be equipped with capacity to see what others cannot see, be qualified for future career promotion, and be ready for meeting the forthcoming challenges. What's more, we ought to attach importance to the role played by creationin economic advancement. Put it another way, in this ever-changing world, creationto economic growth is what water is to fish. To sum up, if creationmisses our attention in any possible way, we will suffer a great loss beyond imagination.


  In order to encourage creation, it is wise for us to take some feasible measures. For example, mass media should greatly publicize the significance of creativity and encourage the public to cultivate awareness of creation. Besides, those who manage to create should be awarded generous prize. Though there is a long way ahead to go, I am firmly certain that the shared efforts will be paid off.


  英语作文 篇34

  In todays society idealism seems to become an ideology that is marginalized and practicality is our great idol, thus, the speaker asserts that anything that is not practical bears little value. I admit that being practical is the wide-accepted dogma in order to survive in this world, but by going too far to claim that anything that is not practical has little value is against the empirical observation as well as the general stimulus that push the human society forward.

  Admittedly, practicality has become a cult in todays society. Too often do we hear people talk about being practical whenever they come to make important decisions or choose between several alternatives. The deep-rooted cause underlying this phenomenon is that with the development of modern society, the emphasis is placed more on financial gaining, quick fame, sensible choice and so forth. Our society is rather stable compared with that of the last century when war, violence, human right movements has become the symbol of that period. People are enjoying this peaceful environment with less crucial missions rested upon them and as a result, they shift from idealism to struggle for the common well being of mankind to the practical concept of individual achievement.










