

时间:2024-09-08 11:30:28





  一、对原来完整的词进行加工,缩略其中一部分字母,构成新词, 这种词叫做“缩略词”

  1.ad: advertisement ads: advertisements 广告

  2.pop: popular 流行的 3.fridge: refrigerator 冰箱

  4.flu: influenza 流行感冒 5.N-bomb: nuclear bomb 氢弹

  6.E-mail: electrical mail 电子邮件 7.chem: chemistry 化学

  8.med: medical 医学 9.mod: modern 现代的、时髦的

  10.eng: engineering 工程学 11.kilo: kilogram 公斤

  12.myth: mythology 神话 13.tec: detective 侦探

  14.copter: helicopter 直升飞机


  1.EQ: emotional quality 情商

  2.UFO: unidentified flying object 飞碟

  3.WTO: the world trade organization 世界贸易组织

  4.IT: information technology 信息技术

  5.VIP: very important person 重要人物

  6.WC: watercloset 洗手间

  7.GMT: Greenwich Mean Time 格林威治时间

  8.OPEC: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries石油输出国组织

  9.NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北大西洋公约组织

  10.BC: Before Christ 公元前

  11.AD: Anno Domin in the year of our lord 公元后

  12.VOA: Voice of America 美国之音

  13.BBC: British Broadcast Corporation 英国广播公司

  14.UN: the United Nations 联合国

  15.UK: the United Kingdom 联合王国

  16.PLA: the People’s Liberation Army 中国人民解放军

  17 PRC: the People’s Republic of China 中华人民共和国


  1.etc: and the others等等 2.eg: for example 例如

  3.ie: that is to say 意即


  When nasreddin’s wife dies, he was married again.His second 1________

  wife was much younger than he was and they were often quarreled.2________

  One evening he came home late.His wife said, “ I cooked

  your dinner two hours ago.” She was very angry that she gave him a 3________

  push, and as she was very strong, Nasreddin fell down the stairs.4________

  One of his neighbors, who was always eager know what was happening 5_______

  in everybody else’s houses, listening ,and when she heard the 6________

  noise what nasreddin made when he fell down the stairs, she came and 7________

  asked, “What is happened?” “ My coat fell down the stairs,” he answered.8______

  “ But a coat would not make so many noise!” the neighbor said.9_________

  “ Of course it would,” answered nasreddin, “ If I am inside it!”


  accid——accidents 交通事故

  low mi.——low miles 低里程

  a/c——air cared 尾气检测通过

  mpg——miles per gallon 里程/每加仑

  alum——aluminum 铝合金

  mph——miles per hour 里程/每小时

  approx——approximately 大约

  M/roof——moonroof 半月顶

  aux——auxiliary 辅助

  OBO——or best offer 优惠价格

  AWD——all wheel drive 四轮驱动

  opt——Option 选件

  awn——awning 遮阳蓬

  pass——passenger(s) 乘员

  bal——Balance 债务余额

  pb——power brakes 电动剎车

  batt——battery 电池

  pd——power door 电动门

  brks——brakes 剎车

  pdl——power door locks 电动门锁

  cond——condition 状况

  P/roof——power roof 电动天窗

  cyl——Cylinder 汽缸

  priv——private 私人出让

  decs——declarations 申报, 公告

  ps——power sunroof 电动凉篷

  dr——door 门

  PU——Pickup 客货车

  dsl——diesel 柴油车

  pw——power windows 电动窗户

  exh rblt——exhaust rebuilt 重装

  FWD——front wheel drive 前轮驱动

  reg——regular 一般

  gal——gallon 加仑

  reman——remanufactured 改装

  HB——hatchback 可开后厢

  RWD——rear wheel drive 后轮驱动

  HP——horse power 马力

  spd——speed 速度

  HT——hard top 硬顶

  ST——soft top 软顶

  Hwy.——highway 高速公路

  immac——immaculate 整洁

  trans——transmission 传动系统

  int——Interior 内部(装饰)

  V——value 价值

  l——litre 升

  wgn——wagon 四轮送货车

  lthr——leather 真皮的

  warr——warranty 保质期











