高二 unit 9



Lesson 33 is made up of the dialog and the structure of the if-clause. The lesson will be focused on the topic of the problems of the earth and the functional items of Agreement and Supposition. Workbook Ex. 1 is for the comprehension of the dialog, Ex. 2 is for consolidating Agreement and Ex. 3 is for the use of "if". The new vocabulary items are to be emphasized as they constitute the basis of the understanding of the whole lesson.


Ss will increase their familiarity with a few communication skills and get to know a little more about the problems with our Earth.


Terminal objectives:

1. Ss will develop their inner "expectancy rules" that enable them to develop their schemata regarding the topic of pollution.

2. Ss will increase their understanding about problems with the earth in part.

3. Ss will develop their skills in the functional items of agreement and supposition.

Enabling objectives:

1. Ss will learn 12 vocabulary items.

2. Ss will comprehend the dialogue.

3. In the dialogue, Ss will build up the semantic map as well as the functional items under the guidance of the teacher.

4. Ss will retell the problems with our Earth, and see what they can do about them.

5. Ideologically, Ss will understand more about the pollution problems of the earth and will try to do their bit to stop pollution.


1. Reading skills.

2. Talking about problems of the Earth.


1. Talking about problems of the Earth.

2. Acting.


A set of multi-media equipment.




Terminal objective 1 and enabling objectives 1, 3 and 5 are evaluated as the activities unfold without a formal testing component. Activities 6 and 7 will test terminal objective 3 and enabling objective 3. Activity 8 is the evaluative component of terminal objective 2 and enabling objective 4. And terminal objective 2 will also be evaluated by the comprehension task of part 2 of the lesson.


Step One Introduction

Step Two Revision

Activity 1: Imagination.

Purpose: Revision and cognitive training.

I. Suppose a bottle of ink is turned over and goes onto someone's white handkerchief, what is to be done? (Wash it? Or throw it away?)

II. Suppose you had your bike broken, what's to be done? (To be thrown away and then buy a new one? To be repaired?)

III. Suppose someone catches a bad cold, what's to be done? (Medicine? Or Doctors?--To be repaired by Medicine or the doctor? --First Aid.)

IV. Suppose you find that someone is bitten by a snake, what's to be done? (Wash the wound under cold running water. Then see a doctor. --First aid!)

V. Suppose you find someone who has drunken poison by mistake (unlike those who do that on purpose and want to kill themselves, of course), what's to be done? (Take the poison and the poison container to the hospital at once! --First Aid again.)

VI. And suppose the earth, on which we all live, is made bad--damaged, what's to be done? (To be "repaired"? Uhh...! Stop damaging the earth! Save the EARTH!)

Step Three Presentation

Activity 2: Schema facilitation. Brainstorming.

Purpose: Introducing the students to the new vocabulary items and more about the topic today.

I. T: What do you think damages the earth? Is it a machine that makes holes in the earth?

S: (No.)

T: What are they, then?

S: (...)

[Pictures: agriculture; nuclear waste; radiation; pollution and so on.]

II. T: (AVI show: village and smoke.) Look! This is a beautiful mountain village. It's not polluted. But now there's a chemical factory there. Look! What's happened?

S: (Cloud? Smoke. Pollution.)

T: Yes. If the village is so polluted, they have to live in such heavy smoke and breathe such bad air; they should not live there any longer. The village will no longer be good enough for them to live in. The village won't be fit for them to live in.

III. T: If people don't stop polluting the earth--the land, the seas and rivers and lakes, and the air, what will happen?

S: (...)

T: Yes. In rivers and lakes and seas, there will be no fish left. More land will be too dry to grow anything on. More land will become dry land where almost nothing will grow. It will become desert. Yes. It's much easier to turn land into desert than to turn desert into land that can be farmed, isn't it? If either the world's desert or the population keeps growing quickly, there will be less and less room for people to live in. Perhaps there won't be enough room for us to sleep or sit in. We can only stand! There will be only standing room only!

IV. T: Fortunately, people are coming to understand how serious a problem pollution is. So what do people do to stop pollution?

展开全文阅读S: (...)

T: People have realized that they've got to do something to stop pollution. They have been doing all kinds of things: to protect wild animals, to cut down fewer trees and to grow more of them, and even to close some factories (such as paper factories)... But at the same time, it might be as important to call people to the attention to the problem. So how do people do that? They hold conferences to talk about and to study it. They also give lessons, talks or lectures on the problem.

Now Jack has just been back from such a conference...

Step Four Dialogue (SBII P.33, Part 1)

I. Pre-reading

Activity 3: Prediction.

Purpose: Help the students to get some general background information about the text.

T: So what do you think is discussed at the conference Jackie has just been to?

(Collect answers. Possible answers: damage, pollution, agriculture, nuclear waste, radiation, the world's population problem, habits, ways to stop wars...)

Activity 4: Reading. Read the dialogue and tell how many kinds of damage are mentioned in the dialogue.

Purpose: By way of scanning, try to get the general idea of the dialogue and to testify what they have just mentioned.

II. While-reading

Activity 4: Read and answer.

Purpose: Read for more detailed information.

Instruction: Read the part of the dialogue that you haven't carefully read. Get yourselves prepared to answer my questions after you have finished reading.

III. Post-reading

Activity 5: Listening and Language Points.

Purpose: Help Ss get the correct pronunciation and get the students ready for the discussion and acting, and learn some new language items.

1. Listen. 2. Reading practice.

#Language points.

1. is being caused 2. and so on 3. go on doing

4. be fit 5. what else 6. standing room 7. If...

Step Five Practice

Activity 6: Drill--Supposition.

Purpose: Practise the functional item of Supposition.

(SB2 P.33 Part 2; SB2 P113, Wb Ex. 3.)

Activity 7: Drill--Agreement.

Purpose: Practise the functional item of Agreement.

(SB2 P113, Wb Ex. 2.)

(The teacher says a sentence, students give response by choosing a correct choice.)

Step Six Production

Activity 8: Acting out.

Purpose: Practise the vocabulary and functional items by representing today's topic (Group work for consolidation).

(The teacher deposits a scene by showing an AVI scene. Divide the students into groups of 4. Make up a conversation, and then ask 1 or 2 groups for demonstration.)

(The 4 Ss in a group will act as head of a village, scientist, journalist and villager. The head of the village is planing to build/has already built a factory...)

(The Ss are encouraged to use the words and expressions like pollution, damage, be fit for, turn into, the if-clause and expressions of agreement, etc.)

Step Seven Summary

In this class, we've covered:

(1) Vocabulary.

(2) Comprehension (Ex. 1).

(3) Functional items (a. Agreement; b. Supposition).

Step Eight Assignment

I. Revise the vocabulary items.

II. Oral composition: Suppose pollution goes on and on, what damage will be caused to the earth, the air or the water?

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