



1. September is the _____ month of the year.

A. ninths B. ninth C. tenth D. eleventh

2. He wrote a _______ letter.

A. five-hundreds-words B. five-hundreds-word

C. five-hundred-word D. five-hundred-words

3. We can see _______ stars at night if it doesn't rain.

A. thousand of B. thousands

C. thousands of D. thousand

4. The computer of this kind can work ______ than the one of that kind.

A. hundred of times faster B. a hundred time faster

C. hundred times faster D. hundreds of times faster

5. About ______ of the workers in that factory are young people.

A. third fifths B. three fifths

C. three fives D. three fifth

6. ________ of the population here are peasants.

A. 20 percents B. 20 percent

C. The 20 percent D. The 20 percents

【解析】 1. 从考题所提供的答案可知应选择序数词,序数词用来表示数目的顺序,September表示9月份,即一年中第九个月,第九应该是ninth,不是ninths。答案为B。

2. 数字用连字符"-"连接作复合定语修饰名词时,连字符连接的名词和数词都必须用单数。故答案为C。

3. 当thousand修饰名词时,其前没有数词或a时,则要在thousand之后加s和of连用,表示"成千上万的"。故答案为C。

4. 表示"数百"、"数千"、"数百万"等不确切数目时,要用hundreds / thousands / millions of结构表示。D中hundreds of times意思是"数百倍"。答案为D。

5. 表示分数时,分子用基数词,分母用序数词。分子大于1时,分母要用复数形式。答案为B。

6.数词 + percent(百分比),前面不加冠词,且percent后不加s。答案为B。

上一篇:高二 unit 9 下一篇:unit 24 Finding a job language points