unit 24 Finding a job language points


Unit 24 Finding a Job

一、 教法建议




ability,application,female,human natrue,inform,relationship.suit...to,bored,

open up,receptionist,conceited


Making appointments(约会)

1.Are you free on Monday?/Will you be free on Saturday night?

2.How about tomorrow morning?

3.Shall we meet at 4:30 at the bus stop?

4.All right. See you then.

5.Yes, I'll be free then./Yes,that's all right.

6.No, I won't be free then, but I'll be free at 10 o'clock.

7.There's something I'd like to talk over with you, I wonder if...

8.Would...be convenient for you?/What time would be convenient for you?

9.Any time Thursday or Friday is all right./Any time except Thursday or Friday would be all right.

10.I'm sorry,but Sunday won’t be so convenient for me./I wonder if we could change the time of... to....You see,something unexpected has come up.


A:Mr Zhang,there's something I'd like to talk over with you.Would sometime this week be convenient for you?

B:Let me see.Would Wednesday morning be all right?

A:That'll fine.Suppose I come to your office at about ten.Or would you prefer some other time?

B:No,ten is all right.





Can I join the club,Dad?

You can when you a bit older.

A.get B.will get C.are getting D.will have get 答案:A


We won't climb up the mountain until rain .

A.stopped B.stops C.has stopped D.is stopped 答案:C

2.no sooner...than,hardly...when引导的时间状语从句,从句中的谓语动词常用一般过去时,主句用过去完成时。

No sooner had she seen the news than she fainted.(她一看到这个消息就晕倒了。)

Hardly had they started to work when the trouble began (她们一开始工作,问题就来了。)




My brother while he his bicycle and hurt himself.

A.fell;was B.fell;we riding

C.had fallen;rode D.had fallen;was riding 答案:A

Tom into the house when no one .答案:A

A.slipped;was looking B.had slipped;looked

C.slipped;has looked D.was slipping;looked

As she the newspaper,Granny asleep.

A.read;was falling B.was reading;fell

C.was reading;was falling D.read;fell 答案:B


The students busily when Miss Brown went to get a book she in the office.

A.had written;lift B.were writing;has left

C.has written;had left D.were writing;had left 答案:D



How have you been since I saw you last time?(自从我上次见到你以后,你一向还


It is (has been)just a month since he arrived here.(他来这里已经有一个月了。)

It is five years since I lived in Nanchang.(自从我不住在南昌以来已经5年了。)

It is five years since I began to live Nanchang.(自从我住在南昌以来已经5年了。)

I haven't heard from him since I lived in Nanchang.(自从我离开南昌以来,已经5年了。)


That was long before I came.(那是我来以前很久的事了。)

We had scarcely left our school before it began to rain.(我们刚离开学校时,天就下雨了。)

6.在由by the time 引导的状语从句中,当谓语用一般现在时,主句用将来完成时。

By the time you come home next time.the building will have been finished.(到下次你回来的时候,这栋楼房就建起来了。)




Out rushed the boys.

Then followed three days of heavy rain.

若代词作主语,只把该副词提前主谓语序不变。Here he comes.Here it is.


South of the city lies a big steel factory.

3.以带有否定意义而且修饰全句的词开关的句子,要用“部分倒装”语序(倒装的方法跟变一般疑问句的方法相似)。这类常见词有never,hardly,seldom,not,not,only,not until(引导从句时,主句“部分倒装”),little, rarely, no sooner... than, hardly... when, scarcely... when。

展开全文阅读 Never shall I do this again.

其中no sooner...than,hardly...when,scarcely...when表示“一……就……”的意思。no sooner,hardly,scarcely引出的主句要用“部分倒装”形式的过去完成时,than,when引出的从句用过去时。

No sooner had I got home than it began the to rain.


Scarcely a sound came from among the crowd.


So badly was he injured in the accident that he was sent to the hospital for treatment.

Only in this way can you master English.


Only Wang Lin knows this.


—She went to the cinema last night.

—So did I.


—It is raining.

—So it is.

6.neither,nor或no more评论在句首,作“也不”讲时,所引导的句子用部分倒装语序。He can't answer the question. Neither can I.


Gone are the days when we used foreign oil.






He is man of great ability.他是一个非常有才干的人。

Man has the ability to speak.

该词的复数形式作“才能,技能”讲。to the best of one's ability尽全力。如:

He found a job more suited to his abilities.

I'll carry out your instructions to the best of my ability.


the female sex女性



Can you inform me where he lives?

He informed them of her arrival.

inform sb of/about sth通知某人干……。其名词information是不可数名词。


1.in itself本身;实质上

When yo teach people to draw, you are teaching them to look, which is in itself very worthwhile.

2.end up 结局;结束

The party ended up with the singing of a popular song.

We started with soup, and had fruit to end up with.

How does the story end up?

If you continue to steal, you'll end up in prison.

3.be suited to 适合……;适宜……

He is suited to be an engineer.

4.make a list of 列一张……清单

5.rely on sb for sth=depend on/upon sb for sth依靠某人得到

It's better to rely on her for the money rather than rely on her brother.

Don't rely upon him to finish the work today.

6.fill in a job application form填工作申请表

7.have a disagreement with...与某人在……意见不一致

8.follow one's interests and abilities尊重某人的兴趣和能力

9.remind sb of提醒某人某事

10.take exams for 为得到……参加考试

11.open up打开;张开;开发

The company has decided to open up this area for housing.

The pioneers opened up this land over a hundred years ago.

12.The time comes for sb to do 某人做某事的时候到了

13.apply for a job 申请一份工作

14.be conceited骄傲自满

15。make appointments with sb与某人约会


1.Choosing the right one is a difficult job in itself.挑选一份合适的工作本身


in itself从自身/of oneself自发地;自动地/by oneself单独地;独自地;孤独地/for oneself为自己,代表自己/to oneself默默地;暗自。如:

Tom thought to himsel that he could win.汤姆暗自想他能获胜。

The material in itself feels rough.这种材料本身就给人以粗糙感。

2....for that is part of everyone's human nature.……因为那是每个人性的一部分分。

(1)part of “部分”,可能一半以上,也可指一半以下;当强调所属关系时多用part of;有时用parts of来代替part of;说明“较大的部分”用the greater

(best,better)part of。如:

For the greater part of the voyage we had pleasant weather.在这次航行的大部分时间里,天气都很好。

Part of the building was destroyed in the fire.大楼的一部分被火烧毁了。

We've done the difficult part of the job.我们把困难的那部分工作干了。

(2)a part of 仅指一半以下的“一小部分”如:

We spent a part of our holiday on the Sun Island.一部分假期是在太阳岛度过的。

3.so do not rely on your parents'friends for information.因此,不要靠你父母的朋友提供信息。

rely on/upon=depend on/upon依靠,信任;rely on/upon sb for sth依靠某人得到某物。如:It has been proved that she can be relied on in danger.这证明,在危急关头,她可以信赖。

You may rely upon it that he will be here.你可以放心,他会到这里来的。

Don't rely on her for more help.不要依靠她的帮助。

4....and it sounds as though you have plenty of both of these already,……听起来好像你在这两方面早已具备了许多。

it sounds as though=is slunds as if听起来好像。

plenty of 充足的,大量的”,修饰可数或不可数句词常用于肯定句,疑问句中常用enough,否定句中常用many和much。如:

plenty of rain充足的雨水;plenty of books大量的书。

5.Congratulations on your good news! 对你的好消息表示祝贺!

congratulate,它们的常见搭配有:congratulate sb on/upon sth 为……祝贺某人;send sb one's warmest congratulations on/upon sth.向某人在……致以最热烈的祝贺;convey one's congratulations to sb代某人向某人祝贺;congratulations on/upon……在……祝贺。

6.be concerned about; be concerned with; be concern in

(1)be concerned about“关心,担心,操心”。如:

We are very much concerned about the project.我们都很关心那项工程。

We should be concerned about the education of the younger generation.我们应该关心对年青一代的教育。

(2)be concerned with与……有关;关于。如:

The story is concerned with a famous black singer.故事讲的是一位有名的黑人歌手的事。

(3)be concerned in 参与;与……有关系。如:

He is said to have been concerned in the bribery.据说他与那件贿赂事件有关。

7.by the name of; in the name of

展开余文 (1)by the name of 常用定语,译作“句字叫……的。”如:

An actor by the name of zhang Hua came to see you just now.刚才一个名叫张华的演员来看你。

(2)in the name of在句中作状语,译作“以……的名义”。如:

They donated 3,000,000 yuan to the people in the flooded area in the name of the PLA.他们以解放军的名义给水灾灾区人民捐献了3百万元。

8.for sale;on sale

(1)for sale“供出售”,含任何东西要出售用,for 表目的。如:

That company has imported a lot of goods for sale at home.那家公司进口了许多货物在国内销售。

(2)on sale“正在出售”,on 表销售的进行性。在美国on sale指“减价拍卖”。如:

All kinds of apples are on sale now.各种苹果都上市了。

9.in secret; in the secret

(1)in secret=secretly秘密地。如:

That visit was made in secret.那次访问是秘密进行的。

(2)in the secret知道内情的。如:

I don't know if she is in the secret.我不知道她是否知道内情。

10.result from; result in

(1)result from起因于,是……的结果(含表示事物产生的根源)=be the result of....如:

His success results from hard work.他的成功是他努力工作的结果。

(2)result in 造成……引起……(含由某事物造成的结果)=have...as a result。如:

Lack of population control can result in poverty.不进行人口控制会造成贫穷。


Water! Water!

Smith had to drive across the Sahara Desert.It was a journey across hundreds of miles of empty desert. After he had been driving for a few hours, there was a sandstorm. His car left the road and then broke down. Smith began walking due north across the hot sand under the scorching sun. He hoped he would soon reach the road again. Soon, his tongue was thick with thirst. He needed water, but every wherer he looked there was nothing except sand. Smith kept walking. Then, about an hour later, a man riding a camel came into sight. Smith waved to him. The man on the camel rode up to him and stopped.“I don't want a necktie,”Smith shouted at him furiously,“I need water.”But the man turned away quickly and rode off. Smith continued walking. Two hours later, he met another man riding a camel .This time he asked if he could buy some water, but the man refused, saying,“No, but I'll sell you a necktie.”Angrily, Smith turned away from him and continued walking. Three hours later, by which time he was near death, Smith saw a large luxury hotel in the distance. It stood alone in the middle of the desert, surrounded by palm trees. Smith managed to reach the main entrance. He was about to enter the hotel when the doorman stopped him.“Hey!”he said.“Hey!”he said.“This is a first-class hotel. You can't come in here without a necktie.”

Words and Expressions:The Sahara Desert撒哈拉大沙漠,sandstorm沙暴,break down 抛锚,tongue舌头,thick with thirst干得发麻,necktie领带,furiously愤怒的,luxury奢侈,luxury hotel高级豪华旅馆,palm tree棕榈树,doorman门卫,first-class第一流的


1.Where does Superman do his shopping?

2.What person does every man take his hat off to?

3.What gets bigger when you turn it upside down?

4.What is easy to get in but hard to get out of?

5.What's the difference between a hungry man and a greedy man?

6.Who makes a million a day?

7.What animal can jump as high as a tree?

8.Where does afternoon always come before morning?

9.When the boy fell into the water, what's the first thing he did?

10.Which will burn longer, the candles on the birthday cake of a boy or the candles on the birthday cake of a girl?

答案:1.At the supermarket. 2.A barber. 3.The number 6 4.Trouble. 5.One longs to eat and the other eats too long. 6.Someone who works in a mint(造币厂). 7.Every animal, because a tree can't jump. 8.In the dictionary. 9.He got wet. 10.Neither.No candles burn longer. They all burn shorter.






She wanted very much to go to college.

Hopefully, the cave will be protected and won't be damaged by visitors.

According to the present law, we cannot visit it.

We travelled to France at our own expense.

We were proud to have found the cave carvings.

Look! He stands quite still.

Inspired by their discovery, many people went climbing the hills in search of more cave carvings and paintings.

I know how to light camp fire because I've done it.




When/While/As we were laughing, the teacher came in.


When we got to the cinema, the film had already begun.


He came just as/when I reached the gate.


Strike while the iron is hot.打铁要趁热。

He is doing some washing while I am doing some sewing.


The war lasted four years before the north won in the end.这场战争打了4年,北方才最终获胜。

(6)by the time, each time, every time, immediately, the moment, the day, soon after, shortly after可当连词使用。

You look beautiful every time I see you.

You must show the gentleman is immediately he comes.

I recognized you the moment I saw you.


I worked till/until he came back.我一直工作到他回来。

I didn't go to bed till/until he came back直到他回来我才去睡觉。


(9)hardly...when和no sooner...than的意义同as soon as一样。当hardly及no sooner放在句首时,主句要倒装,即把谓语中的助动词提到主语之前。如:

Hardly had he fallen asleep when he felt a soft touch on his pillow.(主句用过去完成时,从句要用一般过去时)


Where there is a will,there is a way.

Wherever you work,you must try your best.


通常由because,as,since,now that引导。because引导的从句是全句的重心所在,在有上下文的情况下,可以不要主句而单独存在。as与since则不行。在回答why提问的句子时,只能用because而不能用语气较弱的since或as。because通常放在主句之后,特别强调时,也见诸于句首。


since,now that同义,表示一种显然的或已知的理由、原因。如:

It was because he was will that he didn't go with us.

As there was no answer,I had to write again.

Since/Now that all have arrived,let's have dinner.

4.目的状语从句通常由that,so that,in order that,for fear that,lest,in case来引导。



Mr Green is so busy that he can't leave his office.

He made such rapid progress that before long he began to write articles of English newspapers.


通常由if ,unless如果不,除非,as long as=so long as只要,in case如果,万一,等连词引导。注意条件状语从句中用现在时代表将来时。

As long as you come on time,you won't be blamed.


通常由连词as(正、如),as if (as though)等引导。后者引导的方式状语从句多用虚拟语气。

Do it carefully as you are told.

He talks as if he had been there several times.


通常由连词as... as,not so...as等引导。

Can you write as well as my niece?


(1)通常由连词though, although, as, evenif, even though, whoever, whatever, whichever, whenever, wherever, however, no matter who (what, which when, where, how), whether等引导。as引导的让步状语从句多见于书面语,要使用部分倒装语序。如:

Young as he is, he can read and write in several foreign languages.(表语提前)

Child as he was, he had to help support the family.(表语名词提前并省去冠词)

(2)even if,even though与though引导的让步状语从句意义不同,试比较:

He'll keep the secret even if/even though he knew it.

He'll keep the secret though he knows it.


可加no matter。如:

展开余文 You'll have to do it, whether you like it or not.(状语从句)

I don't know whether you like it or not.(宾语从句)

(4)“no matter+疑问词”=“疑问词+ever”,但no matter后边不能再加“疑问词+ever.”可说:Whatever(=No matter what)you say,I won't agree with you.但是不说No matter whatever you say,I won't agree with



In order to succeed, he worked day and night.


He was happy to have been given such an opportunity.

They found the problem difficult to solve.

(3)在“adj./adv.+enough+to do”与“too+adj./adv.+to do”结构中,不定式作程度或结果状语,如:

Is your brother old enough to join the army?

It is too dark(for us)to see anything in it.

(4)通常’too+adh./adv.+to do”表示否定意义,即“太……(以致)不……”,但在以下句式中表达肯定:

a.“only too...to do ”

b.“too+ready,anxious,easy,eager,willing...+to do”

c.“not+nerver too...to do”

d.“too...not to do”四种结构中,并不表示否定。如:

He'll be only (just,but)too glad to help you.他太愿意帮助你了。



I went to see him only to find him out.



Taking off his overcoat,he came over to us and sat down.(分词动作的逻辑主语是分词动作承受者时,用过去分词)


when/while working on a new invention,Edison made more than 8,ooo tests without success.


Being a Party member,he is always ready to help others.

Greatly inspired by the teacher's words, I've made up my mind o work at English even harder.


He stood there,(as if)remembering something.(伴随情况或附加说明)

She won't come(unless)invited.(条件)

The soup is boiling hot.(程度)

They used to go shopping on Sundays.(目的)


Considering when these paintings were done,they are in excellent condition.考虑到做画的年代,这些画要算保存很完好了。

Generally speaking,boys are more interested in football than girls.一般来说,男孩比女孩对足球更感兴趣。

Judging from his appearance,he must be a very healthy boy.从外观上判断,他是个非常健康的男孩。


Her tea finished,she went on with her work.

All the tickets having been sold out,we went away diappointed.

Weather permitting,we'll go to the Great Wall.


Nobody(being)in the room,I didn't go in.

The meeting over, we went abroad.


He sat there thinking,(his)head on (his)hands(=with is head on his hands).




1.—What was the party like?

—Winderful.It's years I enjoyed myself so much.

A.after B.before C.when D.since

2.Mother was worridebecause little Alice was ill,especially Father was away in France.

a.as B.that C.during D.if

3.Why do you want a new job you got such a good one already?

A.that B.where C.which D.when

4.After the war,a new school building was put up there had once been a theatre.

A.that B.where C.which D.when

5.You will be late you leave immediately.

A.unless B.until C.if D.or

6. ,Mother will wait for him to have dinner together.

A.However late is he B.However he is late

C.However is he late D.However late he is

7.If we work with a strong will,we can overcome any difficulty, geratitis.

A.what B.how C.however D.whatever

8.We won't give up we should fail ten times.

A.even if B.since C.whether D.until

9.She doesn't speak her friend,but her written work is excellent.

A.as well as B.so often as C.so much as D.as good as

10.He'll be happy he may be.

A.when B.if C.because D.wherever

11.We'll build a power station water resources are plentiful.

A.where B.in which C.because D.wherever

12.The new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she


A.will arrive B.arrives C.is arriving D.is going to arrive

13.The volleyball match will be put off if it .

A.will rain B.rains C.rained D.is raining

14.Remember to send me a photo of your son next time you to me.

A.write B.will write C.are writing D.would write

15.If city noises from increasing,people shout to be heard even at the dinner table in 20 yearsfrom now.

A.are not kept;will have to B.are not kept;have to

C.do not deep;will have to D.do not deep;have to

16.I need one nore stamp before my collection .

A.has completed B.completes C.has been completed D.is completed

17.As she the newspaper, Granny asleep.

A.read,was falling B.was reading,fell

C.was reading,was falling D.read,fell

18.If it for the snow,we the mountain yesterday.

A.were not;could have climbed B.were not;could climb

C.had not been;could have climbed D.had not been;could climb

19.—If he ,he tat food.

—Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately.

A.was warned;would not take B.had been warned;would not have taken

C.would be warned;had not taken D.had driven;wouldn't have got

21.It worried her a bit her hair was turning grey.

A.while B.that C.if D.for

22.It is 50 years the People's Republic of China was founded.

A.after B.before C.when D.since

23.Carol said the work would be done by October, personally I doubt very much.

A.it B.that C.when D.which

24.Not until I began to work how much time I had wasted.

A.didn't I realize B.did I realize C.I didn't realize D.I realized

25.Not until all the fish died in the river how serious the pollution was.

A.did the villagers realize B.the villagers realized

C.the villagers did realize D.didn't the villagers realize

26.—Why do you drink so much coffee?

—Well, it doesn't keep me awake in the nights,I see no harm in it.

A.although B.if C.unless D.while

27.It was it rained heavily that they didn't come.

A.as B.because C.for D.since

28.Why not buy a cheaper one, you don't have enough money?

A.since B.because C.for D.though

29.It is ten years I left home.

A.when B.after C.since D.as

30.He speaks English he speaks his mother tongue.

A.so good as B.as good as C.so well as D.as well as

31.Try he might,he couldn't get out of difficulty.

A.when B.where C.till D.as

32. I saw the computer,I showed great interest in it.

A.At first B.For the first time C.Until D.The first tome

33.I don't think you'll be able to understand this formula(公式) you finish school.

A.as if B.only when C.even D.even when

34.I often visited Tian An Men Square I was staying in Beijing.

A.until B.during C.while D.throughout

35.He always thinks I'm wrong, I may say.

A.no matter whatever B.whatever C.what D.that

36. the rain has stopped,let's continue to work.

A.For B.Now that C.That D.Because

37. ,I am sure that the boy is honest.

A.Whatever people say B.No matter people say

C.What people say D.It doesn't matter people say

38.I knew Mr Green I knew Mrs Green.

A.long before B.before long C.long ago D.after long

39.They waited it was dark before leaving, they didn't want anyone to see them leave.

A.since;because B.until;as C.culess;for D.so;because

40. often you ring,no one will answer.

A.How B.However C.Whom D.Whenever

41.I will never stop they might like it.

A.no matter how B.how C.what D.though

42.Father was busy in working he often forgot rest or meals.

A.very,that B.so,that C.such,as D.enough,as

43.We made a decision there would be rain,we should stay at home.

A.that B.if C.that if D.whether

44.I usually watch TV in the evening I have to study for an examination.

A.because B.unless C.while D.the moment

45.I had lived there for over thirty years I wanted to return to my motherland again.

A.until B.after C.while D.when

46.It was a long time I went to sleep again.

A.when B.while C.before D.until

47.He must be ill, he looks so pale.

A.since B.because C.as D.for

48.I'll take no steps you arrive.

A.and B.since C.until D.while

49.You will catch cold put on more clothes.

A.if you B.if you will not C.unless you D.until you

50. he woke slept,this subject is always in his mind.

A.If;and B.Both C.Either D.Whether;or

51.We had hardly got to the station it began no rain.

A.until B.since C.while D.when

52.They were surprised that a child should work out the problem they themselves couldn't.

A.once B.then C.while D.if

53.My name is Robert, most of my friends call me Bob for short.

A.then B.instead C.however D.but

54.Why do you want a new job you've got such a good one already?

A.that B.where C.which D.when

55. difficulties are ahead, we are sure to make greater achievements.

A.Although;yet B.Although;still C.不填;yet D.all of the above

56.People don't know the value of health they lose it.

A.till B.before C.after D.Either A or B

57.I didn't help him,not I was unwilling.

A.because B.since C.as D.for

58.I really wonder he has posted me many parcels we worked together.

A.how;after B.why;when C.when;before D.why;since

59. the desert can be called a sea, the camels are the ships in the sea.

A.When;so B.If;then C.Because;so D.If;so

60.One never expects his success to come he decides to take up hard work.

A.while B.when C.until D.since

61. you talk to someone or write a message,you show your skills to others.

A.At times B.Every time C.By the time D.Some times

62.Although he is sonsidered a great writer .

A.his works are not widely read B.but his works are not widely read

C.however his works are not widely read D.still hiss works are not widely read

63. he came to town,he would visit our school.

A.after B.when C.as D.while

64.I hurried I wouldn't be late for class.

A.since B.so that C.as if D.unless

65. he comes,we won't be able to go.

A.Without B.Unless C.Except D.Even

66.It wasn't the city was liberated.

A.long until B.long before C.long after D.longwhen

67.The conductor often tells the passengers not to get off the bus it has stopped.

A.except B.unless C.until D.as

68.Did you apy a visit during the holidays?

A.any place B.anywhere C.where D.wherever

69.It was the second week mother had been in hospital.

A.when B.that C.in which D.which

70.It was I went to college I began to write letters in English.

A.since;that B.that;when C.when;that D.where;did

71.I shall ring you up you should forget it clean.

A.because B.for C.in case D.in order not that

72.I shall ring you up you should forget it clean.

A.Unless B.Since C.While D.Although

73.As as I know,there isn't anything left to eat.

A.soon B.unless C.before D.although

74.They did not get married for a month they quarreled with each other.

A.until B.unless C.before D.although

75.The doctor in charge told the young man he didn't allow him to operate on his wounded arm, he would lose it.

A.that B.if C.whether D.unless

76. ,I'm sure he is honest.

A.Whatever people say B.What people say

C.No matter people say D.It doesn't matter people say

77.You will succeed you keep on working at it.

A.as far as B.as long as C.as good as D.as hard as

78.The machine is so old it can't be used any more some of its parts are changed.

A.as;unless B.that;unless C.that;if D.whether;or

79.—My watch started up again.

—You should take it to repaired it's working now.

A.since B.until C.however D.even though

80.I'm going away she will go is up to her to decide.

A.if or not B.whether or not C.however D.even though

81.It was a rainy day,but he still got up as early .

A.he could B.as he pollible C.as usual D.as usually

82.We couldn't feel air it were moving.

A.as long as B.now that C.if not D.unless

83.We can't afford to buy that flat, It's expensive for us.

A.too much B.far more C.much too D.very too

84.The moon is much closer to us .

A.than any other star B.than any star

C.as any other star D.like other stars

85.What surpised me was that those products were from the township


A.most;most B.most;mostly

C.mostly;mostly D.mostly;most

86.She was too sure of herself about that English speech competition.

A.rather B.fairly C.very D.quite

87. to my surprise.he forgot my birthday at all.

A.Very B.Much C.Most D.Too much

88.His memory is so good his brain were an advanced computer.

A.as if B.that C.even if D.as

89.I don't know he wants to accept the task.

A.what degree B.why not C.how many D.how much

90. you have hidden my umbrella?

A.It is where that B.Where it is

C.Is it where that D.Where is it that

91.Even if ,I won't go to his wedding party.

A.being invited B.inviting C.invited D.I invited

92. little time left,you'd better walk as fast as possible.

A.being B.There being C.It having D.Since there has

93.I can't believe little children can know much knowledge.

A.so;such B.so;so C.such;so D.such;such

94.If you him,be sure to ask him if he for Australia next week.

A.will meet;will sail B.will meet;sail C.meet;sail D.meet;will sail

95. as a pop singer,I don't like him as a man.

A.As I admire him much B.Much as I admire him

C.As I much admire him D.Though I don't admire him

96. had the thief escaped from the spot he was caught.

A.No sooner;that B.Hardly;when C.Not only;but D.Neither;nor

97. she spoke,we recognized her voice.

A.At the moment B.For the moment

C.The moment D.The moment while

98.They had not known each other three days they began to quarrel.

A.after B.until C.when D.before

99.You won't find it difficult you have mastered it.

A.before B.while C.once D.though

100. the sun rises,all the stars in the sky disappear.

A.The moment B.Before C.Till D.For

答案:1—5 DADBA 6—10 DCAAD 11—15 ABBAA 16—20 DBCBD 21—25 BDDBA 26—0 ABACD 31—35 DDDCB 36—40 BAABB 41—45 ABCBD 46—50 CDCCD 51—55 DCDDD 56—60 DADBC 61—65 BAABB 66—70 BCBAC 71—75 CBCCB 76—80ABBDB 81—85 DDCBB 86—90 ABADD 91—95 CBCDB 96—100 BCDCA



Suan Jones, a girl student of Xakiama High School in Washington State, US. She wrote to you. Saying that she wanted to be your pen friend. Please write a reply to her and tell her that you are willing to be her close friend. Your letter must at least include the following information.

Name Li Mei Number of teachers & students

Date of birth Main subjects five or more

Place of birth Your favourite



School Name No.45 Middle

School of

Beijing Your family members


No.45 Middle School

Beijing, China

September 6,2000

Dear Susan,

I am very pleased to have received your letter. And I'd like very much to be your firend. I was born in Beijing on February 15,1981. And I'm studying at No.45

Middle School. There are about 1,300 teachers and students in our school. We study

Chinese, maths, politics, physics, chemistry, English and some other subjects. I like English best, because it is widely used in the world.

There are three people in my family. Both of my father and mother are doctors. I love rsespect them and they are very kind to me. They are strict with me,too.

I hope one day I can go and visit your country.

With best regards.

Sincerely yours,

Li Mei

一、 同步题库



1.The teacher tried to find out how many words the students can read in one

minute average.

A.on B.in C.for D.at

2.The box is made paper while paper is mainly made wood.

A.of;from B.from;of C.from;with D.with;of

3.You should learn English by practising it.

A.speaking;to speak B.speaking;speaking

C.spoken;spoke D.spoken;speaking

4.Each side its own opinion on the question.

A.stuck to B.stuck C.kept on D.kept with

5.—Where is Mr Smith?

—He lives here.

A.not any longer B.no more C.not any more D.no loger

6.The question is it is worthwhile doing the work.

A.that B.whether C.while D.what is

7. more time,I can do the work better.

A.If giving B.If we give C.Given D.Having given

8.—How large is the box?

—It is 3 metes three.

A.with B.to C.for D.by

9.He examined the red rope, lay upon the pillow of the bed.

A.the end of it B.which of the end

C.which end of it D.the end of which

10.He ar a lecture in Beijing University.

A.supposed to be B.supposed

C.was wupposed to be D.was supposed

11.— his father is ?

—He is an engineer,I think.

A.What do you suppose B.Do you suppose what

C.How do you suppose D.Do you suppose how

12.—Get quickly,Kate.Breakfast is ready.

—What should I today,Mum?

A.dressing;have on B.dressed;put on

C.dressed;wear D.dressing;dress

13.How are you all the people in the office?

A.getting well with B.getting on toward

C.getting along D.getting along with

14.—How did they find the well?

— .

A.By an accident B.Quite by accident

C.Quite by a chance D.By a chance

15.— do you the new Changhong VCD?

—It's marvellous.

A.How;are like B.How;think of

C.What;like D.What;think of


Sam Parker was a famous photographer. He traveled all over the world, (1) photographs for magazines and newspapers. His photographs won many prizes and he(2)a lot of money.

“I'll do anything to get a good(3),”he often said.And he spoke the truth. He had photographs of earthquakes,forest fires,floods,(4)wars.If something interesting happened,Sam went to photograph(5).

He was a (6)man and his wife often asked him to take her with him,but he always(7).“I travel for my work,not for(8),”he told her.“You won't(9)yourself,and I won't have time to(10)you.”“Sam,I'm not a (11),”his wife argued.“I can look after myself.Please take me (12)you next time you go overseas.”

Sam didn't (13)anything,but he thought about it,(14)when he was(15)to go to Africa he said.“You can come to Africa with me(16)you want to.I've got to take photographs of the wildlife there.”His wife was very excited,and(17)she had a very enjoyable time.Then Sam went off to(18)some lions to thotograph.His wife went with him,but before long they became(19).She walked down one path(20)he walked down the other.After a while Sam heard her crying.He ran back and (21)her running toward him.A huge lion was (22)after her.Quickly Sam took out his(23)and pointed it(24)and pointed it (24)his wife and the lion.Then he shouted.“(25),woman,I can't get you both in the picture.”

1.A.showing B.taking C.getting D.publishing

2.A.paid B.cost C.won D.earned

3.A.photograph B.price C.prize D.travel

4.A.including B.never C.except D.even

5.A.it B.there C.here D.then

6.A.single B.lazy C.married D.lonely

7.A.accepted B.received C.promised D.refused

8.A.money B.pleasure C.myself D.ourselves

9.A.teach B.be C.enjoy D.care

10.A.take care of B.play with C.argue with D.look for

11.A.photographer B.husband C.child D.wife

12.A.for B.with C.from D.on

13.A.say B.tell C.explain D.announce

14.A.and B.but C.however D.yet

15.A.forced B.permitted C.asked D.decided

16.A.when B.whether C.if D.until

17.A.at first B.all along C.certainly D.at last

18.A.meet B.hunt C.search D.find

19.A.lost B.missing C.reunited D.separated

20.A.where B.while C.therefore D.so

21.A.heard B.watched C.advised D.saw

22.A.walking B.runing C.lying D.climbing

23.A.gun B.stick C.camera D.picture

24.A.to B.over C.at D.on

25.A.get up B.lie down C.slow down D.hurry up


Many people come to big cities without any aims. They often think that they will find work and excitement there. Some of them expect success in arts and in the theatre, but others just want to be in a place where there are always a lot of activities. Many of them end up working as office workers or factory workers. Some end up without any job at all.

Lenny Legge had been in Los Angeles for three years. He was brought up in a small town.he dropped out of school when he was fifteen. The next year he got on a bus to Los Angeles.he had only fifteen dollars in his pocket when he arrived in the city. He had good luck in the beginning. After a few weeks he got a job at a gas station. He kept the job for nearly two years.Then the boss sold the station and Lenny was fired. He has been looking for a job for quite some time but can't find any. Lenny sometimes thinks about going back home, but he stays on because he tells himself his luck will change tomorrow or the day after.

1.A lot of people coming to large cities .

A.cannot tell what they'll do B.can find a place with activity

C.are sure to find jobs D.are to succeed in arts and in the theatre

2.What happens to “some of the people”who come to big cities?

A.Most of the people become factory or office workers.

B.They have succeeded in the theatre and in arts

C.They can not find any kind of work in the end.

D.Some of them have to leave the big city and go back home.

3.Lenny Legge left his native place to Los Angeles .

A.when he was seventeen years old

B.before he had finished school

C.when he had been successful in his hometown

D.after he dropped out of school at the age of sixteen

4.At about 19,Lenny Legge .

A.had a little money with him when he reached the city

B.found a job shortly after he got to Los Angeles

C.was hired by the boss to work at the gas station

D.was out of work in Los Angeles

5.Lenny Legge stays on in the city after he lost for a job because .

A.he is certain that the boss will find him a job

B.he got some dollars and needn't look for a job in a hurry

C.he always hopes he'll soon have good chances

D.he's sure about finding work at any time.


Bob:You would have enjoyed the film if you had come with me last night.

Kate:I'd like to have come but it wasn't possible. 1

Bob:It was about a man who wanted his car repaired so he took it to a garage

Kate: Yes? 2

Bob: well,when he went back to get the car he found that someone had stolen it.It wasn't there any more.

Kate: 3

Bob: He went t o the police.And when he got there he was told that they couldn't help him.

Kate:Oh? 4

Bob: A police officer.The man accused him of being in the gang that had taken the car.

Kate: 5 I wish I had come with you.

A.And what did he do then? B.Who did that?

C.And what happened then? D.It sounds interesting.

E.it sounds terrible. F.What was it about?

G. Was it about a robbery?


1.The great (多数)of the people in the world are against war.

2.We had a party last Friday, (庆祝)Mother's silver wedding.

3.The work was (完美)done and the teacher was pleased.

4.Food here is cheaper but (衣服)is much dearer.

5.They are going to have their son (教育)in their own country.

6.We'll make a suit for you to your own (尺寸)

7.In our school,there are people who want to see the bottom of the (大洋)

8.He likes the sea and wants to be a (水手).

9.Workers and farmers play an important part in our socialist (建设).

10.Those who are (缺席)this morning will have to go to the headmaster's office.


About 70 million American are trying to lose weight. 1.

That's almost one out of each three people in the United 2.

States.Some eat less of certainly foods,especially fat 3.

and sugar.Another exercise,take medicine or even have 4.

operations.Lose weightis not easy,and it can also cost 5.

lots of money.But why many people in the U.S.want to 6.

lose weight?Many people worry about not look young and 7.

pretty.Other people worry about their health.Many doctors 8.

that say putting on too much weight is not healthy,Almost 9.

30 million people weigh at least 20 percent much than their 10.

usual weight.

答案:(一)1.A 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.D 10.C 11.A 12.C 13.D 14.A 15.D

(二)1.B 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.A 11.C 12.B 13.A 14.A 15.C 16.C 17.A 18.D 19.D 20.B 21.D 22.B 23.C 24.C 25.C

(三)1—5 A CB DC

(四)1.F 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D

(五)1.majority 2.celebrating 3.perfectily 4.clothing 5.educated 6.measure 7.ocean 8.sailor 9.construction 10.absent

(六)1.AmericanAmericans 2.eachevery 3.certainlycertain 4.AnotherOthers 5.LoseLosing 6.why 后面添do 7.looklooking 8.√ 9.删去that 10.muchmore

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