
发布时间:2016-1-13 编辑:互联网 手机版

Period 1

Step 1 1. Questions:

Warming-up 1) What are cultural relics?

The Great Wall in China; The Pyramids in Egypt; Stonehenge in England

2) What do they have in common?

They are all very old and are all symbols of their countries and their cultures. They are very important to their countries. They once had a practical importance (burial site, defence, magic / superstition). Now people from all over the world go to visit these places.

3) What does the phrase Cultural relics mean?

relic: something that has survived the passage of time, especially an object or a custom whose original culture has disappeared; something cherished for its age or historic interest.

4) Do you know any other cultural relics in China or in the world?

2. Some information about:

1) The Pyramids in Egypt

2) The Great Wall in Chins

3) Stonehenge in England

When they were built

What they were built for

Stonehenge is a circle of large standing stones located near Salisbury, in Wiltshire, England. People began to build the site about 3,100 BC. It is not clear who built it.

Step 2 1. Listen to the description of the three cultural

Listening sites and fill in the table.

2. Go over the listening exercise on Page 121 to make the Ss know what to do as homework.

Step 3 1. Go over listening exercise on Page 121.

Homework 2. Go over Speaking on Page 44 and fill in the


3. Think about cultural sites in Nanjing and what

should be done to protect them.

Period 2

Step 1 1. Check the Listening exercise on Page 121.

Listening 2. Go over Part 2 by discussing in groups. Then check the answers with the whole class.

Step 2 1. Work in Groups to discuss what to be put in the

Speaking culture capsule. And give the reasons why these thing should be put in it.

Things that can be put in the culture capsule:

A Chinese painting, doll, the globe, a tool, a CD/DVD, a letter

2. Report to the whole class.

Step 3 1. Go over Talking on Pages 121 ~ 122.

Talking 2. Check the answer with the whole class.

Step 4 1. Go over the Pre-reading questions on Page 45

Homework and answer them.

2. Read the text and finish Ex 2 in Post-reading on

Page 46.

Period 3

Step 1 1. Discuss the questions in pairs.

Pre-reading 2. Check the answers to the questions with the

whole class.

1) A great city has a long history;

usually the capital of a country;

has a large population;

something important once took place here;

some great people once lived here or are living here

2) the food, the people, the weather;

modern and beautiful;

the place where I was born and grew up

3) They tell us who our ancestors were and what their life was like;

They show the development of human civilization;

They help us better understand who we are and where we are from

3. More questions:

1) Do you know what cultural relics in our city

are under the protection of the country? How

are they protected?

2) How many cultural sites in China have been

listed in the world Heritage List by


3) If you were a UNESCO official and wanted

to add some cultural sites in China onto the

world Heritage List, which relics would you

suggest? Why?

Step 2 1. Explain the title of the text:

Reading What can we know from the title of the text


What is the text mainly about when we read

the title of it? About a city or about the

heroes of the city?

1) What is the name of the city? (St Petersburg)

2) Who are the heroes of the city? (Both Peter the Great and the people of St Petersburg.)

3) What is the difference between A City of

Heroes and Heroes of a City? ( A City of Heroes focuses on a city, where there are many heroes; while Heroes of a City focuses on heroes. Who live in a city. So the text mainly tells about the city of St Petersburg.)

2. Read the text and go over Part 2 in Post-

reading. Ask the Ss to correct the false


3. Listen to the tape of the text and go over Part

1 in Post-reading.

Step 3 1. Read the text and find out useful phrases and

Homework sentence patterns in it.

2. Read the text and find out the topic sentence

in each paragraph.

3. Finish Part 1 and Part 2 in Vocabulary on

Pages 122~123.

Period 4

Step 1 Ask the Ss to read the text paragraph by para-

Revision graph and point out the topic sentence in each


Step 2 Paraphrase some phrases and sentences in the

Reading text.

1. Where there is a river, there is a city.

Where here is used to introduce an adverbial clause of place (= in / at / to + the place + where-clause)

Where there is a will, there is a way.

Where there is smoke, there is fire.

Where bees are, there is honey.

I like to live where the climate is warm.

I found your jacket where you had put it.

They marked the spot where the treasure was buried.

2. It was under attack for 900 days, but the people of the city never give in.

Be under + n.

The road is under repair and is closed to motor traffic.

The woman injured in the car crash is still under treatment in hospital.

As the matter is under discussion, I can’t give you a definite answer now.

The police are under fire from all sides for failing to deal with the problem.

3. Restoring the city and its cultural relics seems impossible, but the people of this great city would not give up.

Seem + adj. / n. / to be / to do / …

It seems that / as if + clause.

He seems quite pleased with your work.

It seems that he is quite pleased with your work.

They seem to have a high opinion of you.

It seems that they have a high opinion of you.

Tom came to see you this morning. He seemed (to be) tired. / It seemed that he was tired.

He seems to have been here before.

It seems that he has been here before.

Yesterday I met a man who seemed (to be) a famous director. / to be a director.

She doesn’t seem / seems not to be at home.

4. “We will not let our history and culture be destroyed, and we will do everything we can to save out city.”

5. Pieces of the palaces that had been hidden before the Nazis came could now be used to rebuild the city and its culture.

6. It was difficult to save the palaces without destroying their old beauty.

7. Old painting, including a portrait of Peter the Great which was found in the snow outside St Petersburg, have been carefully recreated, and the old palaces have been made as wonderful as in the past.

8. Today Peter the Great on his bronze horse can once again look out over the city he built.

9. Strong, proud, and united, the people of St Petersburg are the modern heroes of Russia.

Step 3 1. Read the text again and again.

Homework 2. Go over Language Study on Pages 46~47.

Period 5

Step 1 1. Go over Part 1 in Word Study.

Word Study More words that begin with re-:

replace, redo, recover, redouble, remarry,


2. Go over Part 2 in Word Study.

3. Go over Part 1 and Part 2 on Pages 122~123.

Step 2 1. Go over Part 1 in Grammar on Page 123.

Grammar 2. Go over the Passive Voice on Page 47.

3. Go over Part 2 and art 3 in Grammar on

Pages 123 ~ 124.

Step 3 Preview the text on Pages 124 ~ 125 and

Homework finish the exercises about the text.

Period 6

Step 1